Sales Information for Lakewood Cove
Lakewood Cove is the name for the 70 new townhomes being built between Tivoli Court and Lake Worth Rd at the Lake Worth gate.
According to the builder (Lennar), they will be selling in the $400’s.
Link to the Lennar brochure with pictures and floor plans:
Some pictures of the construction as of Nov 2022

New Construction as seen between Tivoli Court buildings, construction is along Lake Worth Rd

Entrance next to Lk Worth Rd gate to 70 townhouses between Tivoli and Lk Worth road

Developer website for 375 new rentals along Jog, with their floor plans

70 New Townhouses along Lk Worth Rd

Right turn entrance off Lake Worth Rd into “Lakewood Cove, a Lennar community”. Tivoli Court buildings can be seen on the right, Lennar buildings on the left

The first new building going up on Jog Rd, south of the post office and behind The Townhouses
Saved Comments:
If you are a resident of Tivoli Court and you attended the many Tivoli Court board meetings where the roof replacement bids and options were presented to the residents were discussed, the time for you to make such unfounded assertions has long since passed.
The “people starting to look for answers” that you refer to would have received all of the answers to their questions at the many Tivoli Court board meetings that they most likely failed to attend.
I attended a few of those board meetings when I was in Florida and in my opinion the Tivoli Court Board did an excellent job regarding the roof replacement.
Perhaps you should run for a unpaid position on the board to raise your concerns?
Thank you all for your nice reply. I feel much better now knowing that you all were on top of things. You know how rumors start. I will take your advice and attend more meetings. Thanks again its nice to know people are looking out for our Tivoli ct money.
I know how rumors start and it is usually by uninformed people. As an owner of more than fifteen years on Tivoli Court, the many board meetings that I have attended while in Florida have always been sparsely attended.
Many Tivoli Court residents are constantly complaining yet fail to attend board meetings.
My suggestion to you is when you do attend the next board meeting, ask the board to start to do the board meetings on Zoom so those of us that are still unable to travel to Florida can view the meetings remotely and have an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the meetings.
Thank you for your intention to attend the meetings.
Why did our president post that we can’t shower before we enter the pool? ACCORDING TO THE CDC #1 you can not get covid in a chlorinated pool. #2 a shower is mandatory for the following reasons. It washes off dirt grime FECES and most important it washes off illnesses. OUR president of Tivoli Ct. who I see in the pool often doesn’t shower before she enters the pool. What if she has an illness or maybe feces from her personal hygene. I guess too bad for the rest off us we can swim in filth. I don’t feel safe and other residents don ’t feel safe swimming in our pool when people don’t shower.
Why don’t you ask that question in person at the next Tivoli Court Board meeting prior to posting that question here?
After you receive an answer to your question you can then let the rest of us know the answer to your question.
Howard…I’m glad Peter asked his question on this website. The question, while specifically citing a specific court, is of general interest throughout our community because we all have pools.
Also, I would think the question is somewhat time sensitive and any delay in addressing the issue doesn’t seem to serve any useful purpose. I would rather address safety and health issues as soon as possible.
I would ask you the same sort of question you ask Peter, “Why not post the question here and then have it addressed at the next Trivoli Court meeting?”
I personally prefer that health and safety issues be addressed quickly. Any delay in confronting such issues does a disservice to impacted residents and potentially causes harm. Waiting for future scheduled or not yet scheduled Board meetings can only postpone quick action on “urgent” matters.
Thank you Bill and Howard for you imput and your suggestioins.
Has anyone heard the results of the meeting with the corps of engineers regarding the planned changes to the lake ?
Fred…I hope someone has and shares the information you requested.
After reading the comments about Trivoli Court and its Board, I wanted to comment about the Luxemburg Court Board of Directors.
One comment I should have made earlier is to recognize the great job Cathy, et al did improving the entrance signs as you enter the Court. The changes were a major improvement.
Yesterday I saw a few photos of the renovations to the pool area. As with the entrance, the renovations are a major improvement.
Kudos to the Luxemburg Court Board of Directors, especially those living in the Court year round who most of the work probably falls on.
I would like to offer kudos to Concert Golf Partners for turning the Fountains Of Palm Beach, a once pristine and prestigious community, into a garbage dump, figuratively and literally. The community is known as THE FOUNTAINS, yet three fountains that I know of do not work. The fountain in the lake near the North gate as well as the one in the lake opposite the FCO have not been working for approximately 3 years.The latest victim being the one in the pond just South of the Melaleuca Gate. The swale near the same area is filled with debris probably thrown from walkers and autos and just not cleaned up. I don’t care if it’s PBCs responsibility bite the bullet and clean it out once every 2 months and eliminate an eyesore.
The road surface is a mess and I am sure the reason for that is the commercial vehicle activity during the planned real estate development.
Give me a reason why the algae and other vegetation has not been cleared from most of the lakes.
Why is there dumping of yard waste, etc. on the abandoned North Course, creating an eyesore as well as a potential health hazard?
I have been coming to The Fountains since 1972 and have never seen it in such despicable condition. In my opinion Concert is not making any “real” money and will not do so until all 3 golf courses are shut down making way for residential real estate development.
Just sayin’.
Kudos to you–could you just explain where the lake enlargement will be and where exactly they are building
Any update on what’s going on with the mess at the Lake Worth entrance, last I heard months ago was soil remediation was complete. Is anyone responsible to conceal the poor appearance? They should have never taken down the high fencing its embarrassing to have visitors come through that entrance. Hope they start building soon….
Over the course of the past several months I have received several emails that contain information from Scott Harris, President, Fountains Condominium Operations (FCO) about Coronavirus at the Fountains. The information has provided data about residents that tested positive for the virus, information about the precautions residents can and should take to prevent getting or spreading the virus, and about testing on August 1 that is available onsite to residents. Thanks for the updates and for keeping me and all residents informed.
I especially want to thank Amy and Larry Levane, and Ricky and Irv Hartman for willingly sharing their names so others with whom they may have interacted with could take immediate action to obtain tests and self-quarantine to reduce possible spreading the virus. I pray they are doing well and have fully recovered. I am also thankful for others that have tested positive for making the FCO aware of their situation. Likewise, I pray you have fully recovered.
While we are not in Florida and have not been for several months, I hope everyone is heeding the advice the FCO has shared and are maintaining social distancing, wearing face masks, etc. We are planning to return to the Fountains in the Fall, and nothing would make us happier than knowing our community is safe and that no other residents catch the virus. Zero new cases is probably unrealistic, but one can wish.
I applaud Scott and the FCO Officers for taking the initiative and scheduling the onsite testing. I’ve heard stories from people about how horrible the test is for the virus. My wife and I recently had the test for the virus (in another state) and I can assure you that the test is not bad. Anyone who has the opportunity should take the test. Don’t allow the efforts of the FCO be for naught.
I too would applaud Scott and the FCO Officers for their initiative in onsite testing but would only like to add that every Florida resident email Governor DeSantis. and call his office 850) 488-7146 to urge him to issue a state-wide mask order.The virus is currently out of control in Florida and thus far the Florida governor has done little to stop it.
Ask the governor to take a look at the curve for the Northeast and compare that curve to Florida.
We are not coming back to the Fountains anytime soon until the curve flattens.
I fully support the wearing of masks to help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. However, I don’t agree that the Governor should mandate the wearing of masks for all of Florida.
The infection rate is drastically different in the various Florida counties and I think different controls are probably appropriate. It is not as if the Governor mandated that counties be precluded from making the wearing of masks mandatory. Each county should establish controls it believes are appropriate. I also fully support those businesses that require patrons wear masks. They have every right to establish rules that protect the health of their employees and managers.
I personally wear a mask wherever I go regardless of what the state, county or other governing body requires. There is something to be said about people making smart personal choices.
I would very much appreciate confirmation or correction of my understanding regarding face mask and the Covid-19 pandemic.
1.) General face mask or face coverings primarily protect the wearer’s surrounding public from biological airborne particles exhaled by the person wearing the face mask. The theory is if everybody wore face mask exhaled Covid –19 particles would be contained by that person’s mask and spread of Covid-19 would be drastically reduced/curtailed.
2.) Certified face mask, having approved filtration qualities, claim to protect the person wearing this type of mask by filtering/trapping airborne particles in the mask before they can be inhaled by wearer. Such is the certified N95 face mask, NIOSH-approved for at least 95 percent filtration efficiency against solid and liquid airborne particles to 0.5 microns in size.
3.) All face mask/coverings should be discarded or washed after being worn.
Great reminder about face coverings/masks. Your post is accurate based on everything I’ve read that was written by people/institutions I think are credible and experts on the topic.
It has been several months since I’ve been on location at the Fountains. While I was there, I would walk through the community and I frequently observed residents walking in the wrong direction (i.e., not on the side of the street the FCO has designated for walkers). Therefore, whenever I walked past them it was difficult to maintain the suggested 6 feet social distance that is recommended.
I also observed residents walking together who were maintaining the 6 feet social distancing that is recommended. Unfortunately, they were walking side-by-side and not in front and behind each other. Thus I had to walk between them when I was walking faster and therefore unable to keep 6 feet between me and one or both of the walkers.
Does anyone know if walkers in the community are still walking the wrong way or side-by-side?
The last time I confronted someone walking the wrong way I politely explained that she wasn’t following the arrows. She got very angry with me and told me where I could stick the arrows. (Since the arrows are painted and embedded in the ground I couldn’t fulfill her wishes). Any way I just proceeded on an left her yelling, which I could hear from some distance. (and I walk at a very good pace).
Life couldn’t be that bad. People should smile more and greet people, just like they did when we lived in Alabama.
I applaud you for saying something. I’m not surprised by the reaction you received because the person already demonstrated that rules and regulations only apply to others.
I have found that most people I pass on my walks usually smile, wave, or say hello.
Stay healthy!
Regarding the article in todays Palm Beach Post. Sadly there was nothing about Tivoli Court since the board apparently did not respond to Trevi Court’s request to be on a video call concerning this article.
Enclosed is the email that I sent to the Tivoli Court Board:
Tivoli Court Board
As you are aware there are a number of on going problems with the construction, including excess ground trembling, poisoned ground and sand (arsenic) and other issues.. The Trevi Court Board has taken an active measure in contacting Health (Dept. of Environmental Protection) and County government (Code Enforcement) authorities about some of the dangers. Interesting it seems that when they tried to solicit cooperation to attend a video chat from the Tivoli Court board, they received no response.
We now have even greater concerns. Behind our building a small lake has formed. We are entering a heavy part of the traditional hurricane season. The potential for flooding because of this lake is now a reality, along with the potential of mosquito infestation, which along with current health dangers make this an urgent matter. Also a hurricane could potentially blow the existing fencing into our buildings. If a hurricane warning is issued, the fences MUST be removed.
The FCO and the board must answer and address these issues to ALL of the residents of Tivoli Court as quickly as possible.
Bill & Sylvia Morgenstein
Bill & Sylvia,
It is a sad situation when leaders of the community choose not to address the concerns of the people they represent. There may be a good reason and I hope someone from the Tivoli Court Board of Directors contacts you on this website or privately to explain not getting involved.
We know it is too late to prevent the construction projects, but it would at least be nice if the developer(s) would abide by requirements or agreements made with the community.
It is NOT too late to halt construction. The problem is that The Fountains internal managerial systems (the HOAs, the passive Presidents of the courts, the FCO secretive manipulations of these passive Courts using the owners funding) have failed to protect the owners from external harm. The Florida Department of Environmental Regulation has allowed illegal remediation activity to proceed, and they have known about this (including Secretary Valenstein) for over a month. Yet our political representatives support this project, which tells you something about their ignorance in making decision for their constituents. The President of the FCO, Scott Harris, using the owners funds, hired an environmental consultant, so why does this project continue? Nobody represents the owners, who are funding all the background noise of no consequence.
Esedra Court looks like section 8 housing. This observation was conveyed by potential Country Club members / Fountains home buyers standing on the West – 2 tee box ( across from the FCO office ). The offending view for months has been a row of Esedra houses with patch work of new paint and although badly needed, half painted and unpainted buildings. This scene seem to suggest some forgot to pay their maintenance fees. Should Concert Golf look into this blight on the community environment?
I take exception to the Concert people liking Esedra court to a government housing project. The Concert golfers need to know Esedra management have implemented a very extensive and successful beatification program. The view from the golf course is only the rear of several townhouse buildings in the final stage of an ongoing repainting program that includes repainting of the entire rear screen porch which has been the same proper treatment of all townhouse repainting in the FPB courts, Tivoli, Trevi, Luxemburg, D’Este and The Townhouses. Interested parties should include Esedra in their walk-abouts or drive through to view the new look of repainted buildings, repaved parking lots, new flower gardens and more complete with a tropical island and reconfigured entrance to the renovated pool.
The reconstituted Esedra BOD led by Rafael Gonzalez has been hard at work developing and implementing these projects. I hope this information brings clarity to the here-to-for uniformed Concert golfer observations.
Leon Reid
4823 Esedra
I completely agree with your reply to Allen’s comment! You have responded gentlemanly and handled the content of the comment wonderfully.
However, I’m apparently not as much of a gentleman and I’d like to tell Allen to shove his comment (where I won’t say). Who cares what “potential” country club members think. I sure don’t.
It is funny (sad actually) to think anyone cares what Concert thinks after it has continuously stuck it to the residents of the community.
Also to Allen,
If you are so worried about the view golfers have of Esedra Court, why aren’t you worried about the view Esedra Court residents have of the overgrown “golf course” when they look out the back of their houses?
I noticed the terrible view when I was driving on Fountains Drive. I guess the potential country club members were somehow blocked from seeing what Esedra Court residents see daily.
Allen, if you are concerned about what Concert should do to reduce the blight potential golf members see in the community I suggest Concert begin by cutting the grass by the putting green. Talk about blight!
Today I entered the Fountains from the North entrance and drove past the construction on my right. I noticed that the developers had constructed a fence with a mesh barrier. I guess the mesh barrier is intended to control dust from traveling to the residents. I wonder how effective the barriers are when the contaminated dirt is stacked significantly higher than the fencing.
My concern is flooding caused by improper grading, elevation, storm water management of the new development that could cause severe damage to our ground floor condos . Is the FCO using any fully licensed, qualified engineer to check over the builder’s engineering specifications? It would be grossly negligent to leave it up to the County
That is an interesting concern because you are the first person I’ve heard raise it. I hope that you or nobody else experience flooding.
The point that I’m trying to make is the FCO monitoring this aspect of the approval process. once they complete grading, it’s to late!
What happened to those dirt piles? They disappeared shortly after the PBP article was published… were Environmental Reports provided to the residents of Trevi Court? No doubt the arsenic levels were quite high.
Asking for a friend.
My wife and I witnessed workers decorating the palm trees with seasonal lights when we entered The Fountains south gate today. We both commented how much the lighting improves the appearance of the entrances to our community. Further, we wondered why the lights are not a permanent fixture as they are with some other local communities. It seems that we should always strive to present the best possible ambience to ourselves and outsiders.
The only reasons I can think to not leave the lighting on year-round is cost and preference. I am not sure whether the reason for not leaving the lights on year-round is because the FCO Board of Directors never considered that as an option, or whether the FCO voted not to. If it did vote not to, I do not know why.
If I understand the FCO Detailed Income and Expense Summary for the periods ending December 31 of 2018 and 2019, the seasonal lighting expenses were $5,432.40 and $5,742.70, respectively. I am not sure, but I think the seasonal lighting covers a minimum 3 months period. I think the costs are mostly, if not all, for the labor involved in putting up and removing the lights.
Given the likely minimal additional cost I would love to see the FCO Board consider or reconsider having the seasonal lighting be year-round.
So would I. The white lights are lovely.
Would like to share a “find” for any displaced Marylanders who miss Baltimore steamed crabs:True Restaurant/a Maryland Bistro in Boca. Had delicious real Maryland steamed blue crabs last nite. Very small place, nothing fancy, but REAL Md crab cakes (not Eagle Grill), great Md crab soup. Must call ahead. Place was loaded w/ other Marylanders, a good sign. Highly recommend
Ellen B.,
Thanks for your comment and recommendation for True Restaurant-A Maryland Bistro. My wife and I ate lunch there today based on your post and we were pleasantly surprised. We each had a crab cake sandwich and a cup of soup (she had Maryland Crab Soup and I the cream of crab). We will eat there again when we happen to be in the Boca Raton area. However, we like Riggins as well and it is less of a drive.
If you are ever in the Jupiter area there is a restaurant named Kirby’s and its crab cakes and crab soups are very good as well.
Glad you enjoyed and yes it is a bit of a drive. Will try your recommendation when in Jupiter, Thanks!
The following questions were asked by one of our readers. Please reply if you know the answers. What is the status of the new construction? I heard the contractor failed the soil tests Is this true? How long before they start construction
Thank you
and, if it is true, what happens?
Any relation to the Long Island Strums?
Strums in Far Rockaway up to the 70s
I don’t know if the soil test failed, but there must be a reason that no construction work has been done for at least a week or two.
FYI, there’s an upcoming FCO meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, November 11th at 3:30pm. Email Lisa in the FCO office for call-in info. Scott Harris, FCO President, usually provides project updates in the meetings.
Thanks Miriam. I wonder how many residents will actually attend the Zoom meeting? It is one way for those who attend to get information a month earlier than residents that wait for the meeting minutes to be published on the FCO website.
I attended but not too many others. About the only good thing resulting from this pandemic is the ability of non residents now having the ability to attend the FCO and their court meetings remotely.
I also attended the Zoom meeting and was disappointed more residents did not. I think it’s great that the FCO Board is holding the Zoom meetings. It certainly allows me to learn about issues more timely than waiting for minutes to be posted on the FCO website. I also thought it was nice to put names with faces since I hardly know any of the FCO Board.
would someone please tell me how I can access a zoom meeting
If you contact the FCO office for FCO Board meetings someone there should be able to explain the process. Any resident that contacts the FCO designee will be sent an email with a link to the Zoom meeting.
You probably should contact the secretary for your court or one of the board members to learn how to join a Court’s Zoom meeting.
Hope this helps.
Contact Lisa Dawn for Zoom invites for both FCO and your court meetings.
Lisa Dawn
Does anyone know what’s happening with the construction at the North Courts? Everyday I drive down the Fountains Drive and it’s a real eyesore. I am sure there must be real health concerns but I heard there is a lawsuit in Pennsylvania against Concert Ridgewood for questionable business practices. I am concerned this could be a similar to what’s going on here. Does anyone know anything about this?
I would suggest that you contact Lisa Dawn at the FCO to be added to the distribution FCO meeting list so that you can either ask your question or perhaps it will be answered at the next FCO meeting.
Lisa Dawn Wax
Secretary, Courts 1-7
Office – 561-964-3600
Next FCO meeting is tomorrow Wed on zoom!
Nikko, I think these links refer to the matters that concern you regarding possible lawsuits:
Thank you Steve, I will look into it.
Is the Philmont situation sufficiently similar to that of the Fountains of Palm Beach to warrant a lawsuit by the Fountains Country Club, its members, the Fountains Condominium Operations, or any Fountains owner either at the time of the sale or subsequently? My understanding of legal issues is almost non-existent and followed closely by my knowledge of the sales process/contract between the FCC and Concert Golf.
Hopefully, there are concerned and wise people looking into the situation at the Fountains to assess the impact of he deal and to ascertain whether any legal action should be brought against Concert Golf and/or Ridgewood.
So sad that this entire community and members of the FCC were sold out. It looks as though Concert came in and purchased the property and is about to change the quality of life of people that have lived in the Fountains for over 40 years. What is happening in Pennsylvania is a mirror image of what is happening here in the Fountains. Arsenic laden soil being pushed around the community. Irrigation lines cut and not restored on Fountains Drive North. The result of irrigation lines being cut is that no flowers are able to be planted up-and-down Fountains Drive North. Also at great risk are the palm trees on Fountains Drive to the Lake Worth gate.
Without water the trees are in danger of dying. The trees cost approximately $5000 each to replace. What I would like to know is whatever happened to the closed golf courses being maintained in park like conditions? Promises made and promises broken. My hope is that Philmont Country Club in Pennsylvania has great success with their lawsuit against Concert Golf and Ridgewood. It appears that our quality of life and our community is worth less to Concert and Ridgewood than the ALL MIGHTY DOLLAR. So so sad…
I am shocked (not really) and disappointed that Concert hasn’t done anything to repair the broken water pipe. Is the FCO looking into options to provide water to the beautiful palm tress to keep them from dying? I hope so. While I don’t like having to spend our money, I like the alternative of allowing the trees to die even less.
I don’t know whether the FCO maintenance department has a truck, but if so, I found a 240 gallon water bladder that fits on the back of a truck that could be used to water the trees however frequently is needed. If this solution isn’t possible there have to be other solutions (e.g., 5 gallon water jugs that will fit in the back of FCO’s utility vehicles).
Bill the Country Club owns the roads, medians and the Lake Worth gate. I think this community and the residents here have paid enough to maintain property that we do not own. We pay to plant the flowers, we maintain the fountains, we pay for the security all of which benefits Concert and the developers. We have done this for years when the FCC owned The Country Club.
Not sure if you know how common expenses are shared throughout this community. The North has 1255 homes the South has 510 I believe? Everyone pays the exact same amount per unit toward common expenses. Residence in the North have been being screwed for years and years. It’s my feeling flowers should not have been planted in the South until we had water in the North and could have flowers in the entire community.
Your view about expenditures is shared by many residents whose comments I have read on this site. I don’t entirely agree. I posted a comment a couple or three years ago that reflected my view that the common expenses are fairly shared among each residence.
However, I did also comment that I think the voting and representation on the FCO Board of Directors is unfair because it provides a minority of residents a greater say on issues within the community. I think that is where a disparity exists and not with the funds spent by an owner.
I also don’t agree that the flowers should not have been planted in the “South” until we had water in the “North” because I don’t think any subset of the Fountains of Palm Beach is to blame for Concert or Ridgewood’s misdeed. If I recall correctly Suzi Poll stated at one of the FCO Board meetings that the flowers for the Concert owned roadways were purchased and to be planted when the water problem was resolved. The only “bad guys” in the water problem are Concert Golf and Ridgewood.
To that end, if I were the FCO Board of Directors I would spend whatever is reasonable and necessary to keep the landscaping equal to historical levels and deduct the amount from payments we pay to Concert for rental, etc. If Concert thinks that is unfair let it take us to court or arbitration (I don’t have a clue which is required since the sale to Concert).
Concert would spend more in legal fees than it would if it just fixed the damn pipe. Sometimes people/companies are so busy arguing about the small stuff they forget the big picture.
Bill, I’m not sure if you or others in the community know but the POA ” residents in the South ” own the roads South of the bridge and the Jog road gate. The residents in the North have been gracious enough to not only gift the country club the Lake Worth gate, but are about to gift the POA a new $550000-$600000 new gate. This is all happening when there is so much uncertainty happening in this community. People need to understand and pay attention to what’s going on. I can’t stress enough the importance on everybody in this community to tune in to the FCO Board of President’s meetings on Zoom. Meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 3:30 p.m. Tune in and you will see how things are voted on and how your money is being spent.
And you’ll also get accurate information about what is happening with the construction.
There is a meeting tomorrow at 3:30.
Email Lisa in the FCO office to obtain the Zoom link.
Her email is
Bill, I don’t think people in this community would disagree it’s important to keep our community looking beautiful. I don’t believe residents here have concerns paying for flowers or maintaining the landscaping as we have always done. I think it is unfortunate that concert has come here and changed the landscape that we are accustomed to. Concert has every right to come in here and develop property. I don’t think they have the right to not help preserve the landscape residents pay for up-and-down Fountains Drive. Beautiful landscaping benefits residents as well as Concert in selling memberships. I just wonder if we did not plant flowers in the entire community until Concert restored the water to the North would they have restored the water? The entire community pays for the flowers the entire community should benefit. I do agree with you that the only bad guys here are Concert and Ridgewood for not honouring what they promised when they came in to our community. You may be on to something when you say perhaps we should explore legal options following in the footsteps of the Philmont Country Club in Pennsylvania.
HI good idea regarding a possible law suit against concert golf. Those interested respond.
What would I be responding to? What’s the basis for a lawsuit?
not living up to their contract
Do you have any details that support a conclusion that Concert is not living up to the contract? I read Marc’s comment and was hoping someone would provide specifics about what was in the contract and what provisions are not being met.
I would like to think your conclusion is accurate and that I or others in the community would have some standing that allow us to participate in a lawsuit for breach of contract, etc. However, I neither have enough information or deep enough pockets to buy in to something that may be frivolous.
Thank you for your replies. I am hoping to get the type of information in Bill’s reply.
Many topics were discussed at yesterdays afternoon almost two and a half hour FCO Zoom meeting. Surprised that there were so few Fountain residents attending so that they would be aware of the numerous issues regarding the on going construction taking place in the different parcels.
I find it hard to understand why they come on this blog to complain that they don’t understand what is going on, yet they fail to remotely attend the FCO Zoom meetings?
I attended the Zoom meeting too and found the discussions interesting and informative. Many moons ago I was critical of the FCO Board for not offering remote access to the Board’s meetings. First, because I think anyone not physically at the Fountains should be able to participate. Especially with the large number of snowbirds. Second, I thought a significant number of other residents were also interested in knowing what is happening in the community in a timely fashion.
I say timely because it is/was my opinion that some issues and possible future actions discussed at the meeting would allow residents to provide timely input before decisions were reached or opinions of the decision-makers already hardened.
Again, I applaud the FCO Board of Directors for offering the opportunity for me to participate and I plan to take advantage of the opportunity whenever possible.
Bill and Howard, you are both so right on the benefits and ability of all community residents to have access to President’s FCO board meetings. It is so important for people to be involved and understand how their money is being spent. It’s interesting but I don’t think residents here understand?
Also, the community pays for the Country Club to have channel 15 on Hotwire to announce what they have going on yet we don’t have a channel to announce what is happening in our community. It is very simple to allow all residents in this community access to FCO board meetings. Without a doubt there should be a Hotwire channel for the community. I think if people had easy access to board meetings they might become more proactive.
Speaking of the Hotwire Country Club Channel 15, I am able to access and view that channel on my Slingbox while awaiting a forecast blizzard here in New Jersey. Please tell me that I am not crazy but all of the slides currently being displayed of all upcoming events and dinners are on the 2019 calendar.
So no one appears to update this community channel so we need a volunteer to update the information on that community channel.
Who is currently in charge of Channel 15?
I guess that the page is managed/updated by the FCC – Concert Golf and probably only provides content related to the club. Not too useful to me because I am not a member. I heard Slingbox was phasing out and will stop service in Nov 2022.
Susan and Bill
The only good thing as a result of the ongoing pandemic has been Zoom.
The ability to attend both the court and FCO meetings has been a big plus for those that do not live full-time at the Fountains, but also many do not want to schlep over to Fountains Hall anyway?
Being able to attend meetings from home is a godsend. I hope the Zoom meetings continue long after the pandemic ends, if it ever ends.
From listening/watching the recent FCO meeting there are so many issues.
Some can be addressed by court presidents and the individual court board and some are issues to be addressed by the FCO that are forwarded by an individual court board.
I wish everyone on the Zoom calls displayed their full name and if a court president, displayed the court identity as well.
As far as a Hotwire additional channel, there may be cost and technical issues, but it is an idea that could be raised at the next meeting.
Howard I’m not sure how much transparency will be shown from the FCO presidents? It’s so important that the FCO board meetings be shown on ZOOM however it’s unfortunate that the FCO will not allow residents to view those board meetings if they should miss them? A lot of residents here are working people and cannot attend board meetings at 3:30. Where are our leaders?
I believe the technology exists to record the FCO Zoom meetings on Youtube for viewing at a later date and time?
A few nights ago three adults were trying to figure out how to do a three way face time call.
My 7 year old grand son took the IPhone out of my daughters hand and viola, all three of us were connected. Perhaps we need some 7 year olds to assist with viewing FCO meetings?
Howard what you are saying has been available since the 1980s. It is sad to say that the FCO Board of Presidents and our FCO management company Is not transparent on how our money is being spent. Open the books and put it on line for every single resident in this community to know how their money is spent and by whom. FCO Board meetings should be open and available to every owner in this Community. We have a website How is this information not shared by our FCO management company and the FCO board? It is interesting to look at how the FCC utilizes the Hotwire channel. It’s curious that the residents don’t have a channel but we pay for the Country Club to have a channel?
I noticed on my way home this afternoon that Ridgewood Concert was finally beginning to water Trevi Ct and doing some work on the fences that they slashed over there. It seems the more we communicate with each other, we present a more united front and the more gets done. What other concerns are out there?
The biggest worry for me is that I don’t trust Concert/Ridgewood to comply with the requirements. My concern is that no one in the county or state hold them accountable and penalize them if they repeat the same violations.
I just read the editorial and an email you sent. FYI, I copied the letters and pasted into emails that I sent to the people listed as contacts. I will send hardcopies through the mail tomorrow.
I have the feeling that this blog is not reaching enough Fountain’s residents. It might be a good idea to email (weekly) or even snail mail a monthly copy of it.
Thanks for your suggestion. Emails are sent when an editorial is published. The cost of sending snail mail is prohibitive.
How about bulk mail rate?
The blog has no income source since it does not accept advertising. Snail mail of any class is not feasible.
The originators of the Blog actually did a postcard by snail mail to introduce the blog in 2015:
The cost and process option – Engage an A to Z mail order service company – very costly $$$$$$$$$ – minimize cost and take on these task in house:
1 Acquire a current property address mailing list for the known/targeted FPB property. Note – County records may include a second out of state
address for Snow Birds – this address is not as reliable and only the known WPB address source were targeted
2 Design and print the notice $$$ – outside print service
3 Acquire bulk mail stamps $ 0.187 each today
4 Apply peel labels and stamps
5 Acquire a PO Box to handle return mail
6 Deliver sorted bulk mail to the Post Office
7 Monitor PO Box for returned mail
8 Attempt to find a better address and re-mail
Although the returned mail rate was extensive, primarily because out of state Snow Bird mail was not forwarded, it was believed to announce the inception of the blog, the overall cost and effort was justified.
It is my understanding, this and all costs to create/maintain the blog continue to be absorbed by the creators of the blog.
Wow, I just read the health and safety report from the county. Without a doubt that goes to the FCO Board of Directors. Obviously all the president’s And representatives of the FCO management company should be held accountable? Just my thoughts! Dispute if you disagree, I’d love to hear your thoughts
What report are you referring to and how can residents get a copy? Maybe something that the Administrator can post on the blog for us?
Thank you!
Why does a watering truck just sit outside Tivoli/Trevi Courts and not do any watering to contain the dust? Are there penalties for anything Ridgewood does do, or in this case does not do?
I think they are here for show. If someone come asking they can just start the engine. It still does not change the fact that a big company is gambling with our health and lives so that their profit margin won’t shrink. Unfortunately doing the right thing these days is the hardest thing.
What are our officials are doing? Isn’t there any punishment for bad business practice like a fine or citation? We get a traffic ticket when do not stop properly at the stop sign but this people are killing us with their Arsenic and other poisons and they get away with it. shouldn’t they need to be held accountable? I am sure they deserve a punishment.
As we have learned at The Fountains of Palm Beach, the elected officials and administrators at the county and state level are not your friends. They will say the things meant to assure you that they are doing all they can to protect your interests and to deflect their culpability with the development in your community. However, behind all the positive talk you will learn that your concerns are never truly satisfied. They will talk about their working with the developer to address your concerns; they will inform you of positive things the developer has agreed to do; and they will even tell you that the contractor has taken action to correct the problems after the official confronted the developer. Problems solved, right? Wrong! My experience is that the fix is often temporary and that bad behavior and non-compliance with requirements tends to repeat.
The problems that residents raise and which the officials almost always show sympathy or empathy are never the officials’ fault. They respond by citing laws, regulations, ordinances, etc., that allow the developer to do as they plan. Or they deny being culpable because if they are a county official, they say it is a state requirement for which they have no control, and vice versa if they are a state official. Truly a catch-22 situation for residents.
It would be one thing if the non-compliance had minimal potential permanent consequences on residents. That is not the case when the problems involve arsenic and other contaminants being airborne and breathed in by residents, visitors, golfers, workers, etc., in the community. Frankly, with wind speeds in south Florida, the arsenic and contaminants are probably carried to retail outlets in and outside shopping centers and to other adjacent developments.
Frankly, I am tired and disappointed in the hands-off reaction I receive from my elected officials. There are several actions that each official could take to improve the situations for residents. First, they could bring forth legislative proposals to change the laws or ordinances that are the reason the residents are having problems. Or, they could simply be honest and tell residents that they support the current legislation or ordinance. Second, they could submit legislative proposals that amend the existing laws and regulations to provide for adequate penalties that would encourage developers and contractors to comply with laws and ordinances. Third, they could submit letters to their elected counterparts in state or county offices when the issue is out of their control.
In conclusion, it is easier and safer for ones political career to sidestep issues and blame others for our problems. So sad.
Perhaps the local politicians are sidestepping issues because of what they are up against regarding the Florida State leadership in Tallahassee? No one wants to keep banging their head against a wall because eventually it hurts.
Elections have consequences!
Unfortunately one cannot expect much help from government officials whose real interest is their self preservation and in many cases control. It is rare nowadays to find truly dedicated officials who have the public interests on their minds.
Reply from PBCC
Dear Adam,
Thank you for taking the time to write to Commissioner Weiss’s office.
We appreciate it when people take the time to share their concerns.
Our office has been in regular contact with residents and representatives at the Fountains throughout the approval process, even predating pre-construction activities.
Our staff has been very responsive to requests from Fountains residents. We have assisted in obtaining numerous records, participated in meetings and answered a wide variety of questions.
Furthermore, we have engaged county professional staff at Planning, Zoning and Building, Code Enforcement and Environmental Resources Management, who have been involved in providing answers, records and information, all in an effort to assist Fountains residents.
Note that our building department has been sending out an inspector to monitor the building site at the Fountains.
Our inspector has been out there most every day for several weeks. And he’s not just showing up, for example two weeks ago, when the watering truck was off site, our inspector ordered the work to stop until the watering truck was back on the site.
It appears that the main source of concerns among Fountains residents have to do with the Soil Remediation Plan that the contractor has to follow. It’s important to note that Palm Beach County is not overseeing these aspects of the construction. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is the agency that is tasked with monitoring the soil remediation plan and the contractor adhering to the plan.
On our end, county staff has notified DEP about the residents’ concerns on several occasions.
Our office and county staff will stay engaged and will continue to work with the residents and representatives to assist in whichever way we can to make sure that your concerns are addressed.
Our office is actually working with representatives of Trevi Court who are working to make sure that the contractor follows its obligations and the DEP is doing its job. The point person of this group is Rob Jacobs, who is copied on this email.
If you believe the contractor is violating the soil remediation plan, or if there are other construction related activities that are concerning to you, please contact
DEP Jon Moore:
State Senator Lori Berman:
State Representative David Silvers:
Trevi Court representative overseeing Soil Remediation, Rob Jacobs:
And feel free to copy me on this too.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if the need arises.
Best regards,
Niels Heimeriks
Palm Beach County Commission District 2
Office of Commissioner Gregg K. Weiss
561-355-4966 (desk)
561-371-1089 (cell)
Sign up for the Weiss Words e-newsletter by emailing
Follow us on social media:
Facebook: @CountyCommissionerGreggWeiss
From: Gregg Weiss
Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2020 6:16 AM
To: Niels Heimeriks
Subject: Fwd: 1 Fountains Residents Network Blog, December 11, 2020 – Your Health and Safety are
This raises great questions about whether the Governor and the Secretary for FDEP really care about our health. I understand why a politician would be pro-development, but for the life of me I can’t understand why he/she doesn’t require a developer to at least comply with requirements meant to ensure the health and safety of his/her constituents. Further, I can’t understand why a developer doesn’t support the officials that enabled him/her to earn a living. Unfortunately, these types of actions by Concert and Ridgewood are indicative of their lack of responsibility and concern for people affected by the development and for the politicians approving and overseeing their work. Wow, selfish, self absorbed, irresponsible, etc. are just a few of the adjectives that describe Concert and Ridgewood. Hey Gov, how do you like us turning your constituents against you. I’m sure our actions are furthering your next election chances.
The editorial also reminds me of how little I know about FDEP enforcement. Frankly, I’ve tried to read the information on the FDEP website and am having a difficult time absorbing all the information available.
I’d like to suggest that the FCO invite someone from the Department of Environmental Protection to a Zoom meeting and explain Chapter 3 of its Enforcement Manual and the situation at The Fountains. Hopefully and expert could explain it in a level that an average resident could understand. When I was working that would be for someone at the 9th grade level.
Some of the questions that I would like answered or addressed are:
1. Is enforcement project oriented or offender oriented. In other words, there are at least three projects in the Fountains of Palm Beach by Concert Golf, Inc., and Ridgewood Real Estate Partners. If it violates a DEP requirement on Parcel A and repeats the violation on Parcel B, is the violation on Parcel B a second offence and treated as such for enforcement purposes? What about earlier violations on projects in Florida?
2. How does DEP determine whether to issue which enforcement option?
3. Has DEP identified any violations by Concert Golf Inc., and/or Ridgewood Real Estate Partners for projects at the Fountains and projects at other Florida locations? What violations were identified?
4. What enforcement actions has DEP taken against Concert Golf Inc., and/or Ridgewood Real Estate Partners for projects at the Fountains and projects at other Florida locations?
5. How does DEP monitor compliance by developers and contractors? Are onsite inspections performed and how frequently? Is the developer or contractor given advance notice of an inspection?
6. How much time does each enforcement option take to complete (an average if specificity is not possible)?
7. Does DEP have the option to issue a “cease and desist” (or equivalent) order preventing a developer or contractor from further work at a worksite until a violation is corrected?
8. Does DEP have the option to preclude a developer or contractor from performing other projects in Florida if the violator is a repeat offender?
9. Is the DEP Enforcement Manual content legislatively mandated or is it under the purview of the Governor?
10. Which official has the delegated authority to issue each enforcement option?
11. Has DEP ever conducted a survey of Florida residents asking if the enforcement requirements and DEP’s enforcement actions make them feel safer? (This is a tongue in cheek question.)
Will this happen, who knows and does anyone even care? My own sarcasm shows!
Insensitive acts of leadership appear to be the new normal.
There are numerous newspapers in Florida that would probably publish a letter to the editor about the lack of good faith effort by Concert/Ridgewood’s work at the Fountains. In fact, many of us have homes and therefore hometown newspapers elsewhere that also might publish a letter to the editor about our situation. Almost certainly the newspaper serving the Philmont Country Club locale. Concert/Ridgewood may be looking to develop properties in other locations and those neighborhoods should be aware too.
I live at Tivoli Court and people are complaining about the work behind their condo buildings . It’s a mess and the older residents are complaining about their breathing . The question I ask has anyone in Tivoli Court or Trevi Court ever read the soil phase two report from the developer. This is required and must pass before any permits are given by the County to the developer??
If their data said no watering, it seems weird that they claim they were watering.
What I find more weird is that the FDEP concludes it is a he/she said issue when faced with this type of inconsistency coming from Concert/Ridgewood.
I walk daily and was so overcome with the fumes by Trevi construction area that I had the worst headache of my life. It is a totally toxic area and enveloping the entire Fountains community. I’m in the process of sending my letters to our representatives. Please everyone do the same.
Maria- there are many residents living in the North area of the Fountains and there are older citizens who have health problems.If they keep breathing in the toxic poison and the dust as well as the arsenic from both Trevi Court and Tivoli Court construction areas— some can die…..there are 2 residents in Tivoli Court who have been instructed by their doctor to take a blood test to see if arsenic or poison is in their blood system. One person has respiratory problems and the other person has COPD. Both ladies are in their early 80’s…The residents and the FCO along with our elected officials and the DEP have to step up to investigate and get tougher to protect the lives of our citizens …Remember the land has been a golf course for 50 years…
I know there is a lot of interest in the community about the construction projects in the Fountains, especially how it is affecting our health. The FCO hired David Levy, Principal, NFA Solutions Group (and a geologist) as a consultant. At his suggestion the FCO leased for 6 months three monitors for dust and wind monitoring. This was announced in the Minutes of the FCO Regular Board Meeting, held Wednesday, September 9, 2020.
Since that time there has been no reporting about the results captured by the monitoring devices at the FCO Board Meetings, nor are they posted on the FCO website. I think these data should be posted weekly on the FCO website to allow interested and concerned residents to keep abreast of the situation that impacts their health. In addition, I recommend that the FCO state at each Board meeting whether or not the data exceeded the safe levels established/used by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
If implemented, these recommendations should provide residents with information that will help allay the fear many have about the construction projects. Or, maybe the information will confirm their fears and enable them to take as much safety precautions as practical. Maybe the requirement to wear facemasks because of COVID-19 are providing an unforeseen benefit.
The following comment/question was made by a reader.
Friends at Century Village in Boca Raton (CV in Boca) have informed us that ALL Residents will have vaccination thru the Club by end of next week.
What is happening here at The Fountains Country Club???
Does any one know?..
Another comment/question from a concerned reader.
Message Body:
Good Afternoon,
I am inquiring about the availability of the Covid-19 vaccines for Fountains residents over the age of 80. We are a significant proportion of the Fountains population and have been informed many such communities within Palm Beach County are ramping up robust vaccine distribution starting January 4, 2021.
Thank you,
The question should be why are not all registered voters in Florida not calling and writing the governor and all other Florida elected officials and asking all of them:
What is the plan?
I received an email Thursday from the FCO that was addressed to all residents with an update about COVID-19 at the Fountains. The note said the FCO formed a COVID-19 Vaccine Committee, with Bill Morgenstein as the chairperson. The following is a quote from that email. The “he” mentioned is Bill Morgenstein.
“He is working diligently in trying to get a plan in place but is having trouble making meaningful contact with the proper people. He is now reaching out to have others join the committee. He would love to have any concerned resident who might have a medical background, access to the administration of one of our local hospitals, or just a desire to offer their services in contacting the Palm Beach County Health Department. If you are willing to help in this life-saving effort, please contact Bill Morgenstein at right away. He will give you the details necessary to help get this plan implemented.”
I have seen several comments from Bill Morgenstein on this blog. I hope he uses it to give us updates on his committees work.
I believe he’ll give updates because it takes too long to get updates otherwise.
The Covid-19 Vaccine committee is working diligently in their attempt to obtain the vaccinations (2 will be needed) at Fountains Hall. So far we have one pharmacy group that has expressed interest and they are checking with their corporate HQ this week for approval. Currently they estimate vaccine availability sometime in February but they will keep me posted.
In the meantime be careful about rumors, scams and possible bad actors out there. Good luck if you try to reach anyone by phone. A possible COVID-19 appointment sign up via email is: or
Note: to reach me, you can leave a message at 800-753-7840
Thanks for the quick reply and your work on behalf of the community.
Thanks. Please keep us posted.
Dr. Scott Gottlieb says Covid vaccine eligibility should be expanded now to deliver more shots – Washington Sources
Dr. G was the Commissioner of Food and Drug Admin 2017-19 and is currently a director of Pfizer. Interestingly on the negative side we may not have a vaccine until spring, but on the positive side CVS and Walgreens might be the key and the February outlook my be promising.
The sooner the better.
Bill Morgenstein
Vaccine Committee
I understand that the Kings point community and several others were able to organize a Covid vaccine for their residents.
Thanks so much. Happy Birthday and wishes for many many more. I will be glad to help when time comes to give vaccine. Ronnie Greenberg
Thank you .
I just received word that CVS has approved coming to the Fountains to administer the Covid-19 Vaccine, as soon as they receive a supply of it. As soon as I get word when it will be available I will inform. Also next Fall CVS will set up a Flu clinic at the Fountains. My birthday is on Monday & I consider this the best birthday present that I could receive.
A survey will soon be sent out by the FCO, along with procedures.
Happy birthday Bill. Thanks for your good work.
Thanks for the good wishes.
Thank you for your work to make this happen
Thanks and Happy Birthday Bill
Thanks & happy birthday.
Thank you so much. And Happy Birthday. We will all celebrate with you.
Happy Birthday, thank you for your outstanding efforts
Bill, Kudos to you for your effort on our behalf. I am sure you have thought of the following possible distribution options but here goes anyway.
–BIRTH DATES (my opinion, too labor intensive for Fountains personnel)
Thank you. We will have to coordinate with CVS once we know when the vaccine arrives. Remember that most vaccine have to be frozen. Those that are working may have to take a few hours off. As far as FCO office people, maybe thay can assist along with Security or PB County policy with crowd control, [arking but they cannot administer vaccine ude to insurance and liability issues.
You have done a wonderful job -Just shows what determination can do
Thank you very much WELL DONE
Hope that you have a very happy and Healthy Birthday
That is absolutely great news
Thank you for the update and your wonderful efforts!
Based on what you heard and your understanding of the vaccine landscape in our county, what is your best estimate of when CVS will set up shop to begin?
Also, who/how is the determination of distribution being made? What parameters will be used to decide the orderly vaccination process? Owners before renters? Members before non-members? Or (best method) persons over 90 and those with severe high risk chronic conditions first? Anyone who knows how to do a V-Look up on Xcel can easily determine the age order and persons can submit based on their medical conditions with some sort of proof.
Thank you,
Marilyn Nurik
That “IS” great news. Thanks for your work and Happy Birthday a couple days early!
Thank you Bill!! Joan & Shelly Weinstein
That is fabulous news !!! Thanks for all your hard work on our behalf
We deeply appreciate your effort in coordinating the CV-19 vaccine delivery here at the Fountains.
Happy and Healthy Birthday!
Rich & Lauren Ward
When you are ready to start vaccinations, i hope it will be possible to establish a process that avoids the free-for-all I’ve seen at Kings Pointe and other locations where the whole community lined up at once and most wait in line for many hours even with appointments. If it’s to be limited to the authorized priorities and residents with appointments only, it needs to be emphasized over again. Many people try anyway. Every location has had different rules and Kings Pointe changed its rules from day to day with lots of misinformation. Even the rules for entry onto the property at King’s Pointe varied from gate to gate. I personally experienced all these difficulties while many friends who were not residents did manage to get vaccinated if they persevered. Please work out an appointment schedule for residents and try to honor it. You also may need to establish rules for stand-bys for those willing to wait with no guarantee. since we don’t want to have to dump expired doses at the end of the day (which has also happened).
Thank you. I totally agree with Leslie as I personally know of people who were able to access Kings Point for the vaccine. Let’s us all show our appreciation for your hard work by having this run smoothly.
it occurs to me that the best strategy would be to assign each court in alphabetical order 2 days to come in for the vaccine shots. Proof of residence in your Court provided by each resident, provided by each person must be a driver’s license, with current photograph. NO EXCEPTIONS. Records and proof of vaccine shot give must be maintained. After ALL courts are given the opportunity for their shots, those remaining may get an appointment or “line up” – NO EXCEPTIONS. NO NON RESIDENTS PERIOD. NO EXCEPTIONS AND NO SPECIAL TREATMENT.
Hello Bill, I am new on the site and apologize if I missed this info somewhere, Will the shot be available for all residents or only select few who fit criteria of age or health conditions. Many thank.
Hi Bill,
Thanks from Plaza Court for your hard work.
Stan Schoenfeld-President
Great news, thank you Bill & Happy birthday!
I think a good way to manage the vaccines would be to arrange by Association. Only people who live in the designated Association would be vaccinated on the given day. That should eliminate very long lines and a estimate as to how many people would be arriving on that date
Thank you.
Please email us as soon as you know anything further.
Thank you for this positive information.
Great job Bill
I knew if anyone could do it, it would be you. We are not there to reap
the rewards of your efforts, but lucky those, who are there.
Happy birthday Monday,Jan 11.
Go Alabama.
I have been inundated with calls and have tried to answer all of them in the order that they have been received. As far as the comments above. Many of the suggestions are cogent and I will go over them next week with the FCO Obviously we would like to make this as smooth as possible. A lot depends on how many CVS personnel will be available. All will have to exercise a degree of patience.
Your kind comments are greatly appreciated but please remember that I have an extraordinary committee and the kudos should be given to them, along with Scott Harris and the FCO staff.
I only hope that the scheduling isn’t first come first served which will ensure long lines, long wait times and frustration if residents are denied the vaccine after long waits because CVS runs out.
I wholeheartedly agree. The biggest problem is not having scheduled times for residents. I base my opinion on what I have read about the problems at Kings Pointe and other communities that have organized on-site vaccinations.
The goodwill and plaudits to the FCO and the committee will disappear if people have to wait for an extraordinarily long time or not get a vaccine after waiting.
Thank you Bill. Would residents over 90 receive priority?
Certainly over 75
Thank you so much for your caring. Might I suggest they give the vaccine court by court. If I’m contributing to much just forget it and stick with thank you for taking care of the residents of the Fountains. When you know for sure will you also confirm by mail as not all residents have a computer. Again–Thank you.
You can never contribute too much. The over-riding purpose of the blog is to give everyone a voice about community issues.
Happy Birthday Bill Morgenstein!
Thank you for your good wishes. Even at 88 I am lucky to be healthy with a loving wife of 68 years, a surviving son, loving grandchildren and great friends. The vaccine is important, along with conference calls, blogs and book promotions so bear with me if I don’t get bck to you fast enough.
Also Sonny Bilkus gave me an update on the vaccinations at the Hard Rock and I’ve informed the FCO accordingly.
I don’t understand what certainly over 75 means. Could you explain? And what about the Hard Rock? Is a gambling night or something being setup? Thanks
Happy birthday Bill and thank you for all that you do
If it is by court or by last name. The order should be determined by lot.
Bill Morgenstein wants to acknowledge the others that make-up the FCO Vaccine Committee and congratulate them for their work and commitment to the Committee. They certainly are congratulated by this blog for their work. The committee members are:
Bill Morgenstein
Barbara Raskin
Larry Handelsman
Dave Hillsberg
Elaine Levy
Doug Hillman
Gernie Moorhead
Joe Spitz
Karen Gabriel
Dr. Lois Tannenbaum
Lorin Romay
Susan Storch
Michael Diamond
Sonny Bilkus
Every FCO Board meeting there is a discussion about the construction of a new South Gatehouse. Because it is privately owned by the POA I have heard many residents’ opinions about the construction. The opinions run the gamut from do not fund the construction to fund it at whatever cost.
It seems to me that it is time to provide residents with answers to some basic questions. This seems necessary because there are many new homeowners since the initial discussions that has led us to the precipice of committing a sizeable amount of money. Especially when that money is to build something for a “private” owner that is not the entire FCO. Secondly, the FCO already took the step of building the North gatehouse for a “private” owner, i.e., the FCC, who then turned around and profited from it by selling it to Concert Golf. Who is to stop the POA (owner of the South Gatehouse) from doing the same thing? I think it is time to revisit and bring residents up to speed before committing more funds or spending funds that have been already budgeted.
It would be great if the answers were given at a FCO Board Meeting so that they would be published in the meeting minutes for all residents to read. If the South Gatehouse project is funded at the $538,000 amount discussed at the last few FCO Board meetings, it will cost each household in the Fountains $304.47. I am sure most residents would prefer to keep the $304.47 for their own use rather than giving it to a private party. Also, there are likely things that the entire community owns that residents would rather see funded.
The questions I would like answered are:
1. Why upgrade the South Gatehouse at all?
2. If because of safety issues, i.e., back-ups onto Jog Road, why not simply add a 2nd lane for visitors?
3. If cheaper yet, why not direct visitor traffic to the exit lane closest to the Gatehouse?
4. When did the FCO Board approve funding for the North and South gatehouses upgrades?
5. When the FCO Board approved and agreed to fund the upgrades did it budget or allocate by project or a total amount?
6. Did the FCO Board intend for an equal amount of funds be spent on each upgrade?
7. When the FCO Board approved and agreed to fund the upgrades, how much was allocated to each project?
8. How much money was spent on the North gatehouse upgrade?
9. Did the Committee to redesign the South gatehouse provide the architect a dollar limit that the architect should target? Or was the architect given carte blanche to offer any proposal it desired?
10. If given a budget to work within, did the architect ignore the limit and submit a design that was way over budget?
11. If the Committee did not provide a budget for the architect to work within, what reason is it giving the FCO (all courts North and South) to cover the additional costs?
12. Why has it taken this long for the South gatehouse to be upgraded?
13. Has the owner of the South gatehouse offered to deed it to the entire Fountains community so that it is equally owned and therefore, upkeep and costs are equally shared?
14. If so, did the other courts choose to accept the offer?
Interesting questions. After reading your comments and questions I vote that the POA be required to deed the roadway from Jog Road to Fountains Drive and the South gatehouse to all courts in return for us paying for the upgrade. If the POA has no plans to sell the property it costs the Southern courts nothing.
The following is a link to an article in the Palm Beach Post that leaves me with the impression that only a hospital or doctors in a hospital have the authority to sub-divide seniors (65 and older) into age groups. Brighter minds than mine may have a different interpretation. Could this impact whether we can assign a higher priority for older seniors, e.g., 75 and older)?
Regarding the South gate, the project seems to be a solution in search of a problem. The South gate is fully functional and has a Key West vibe which has served the Fountains well for almost 50 years.
So what is the motivation?
– Is it a problem of traffic backups onto Jog Rd, due to tournaments? Then the business running the tournaments should pay for it.
– Is the problem an occasional backup due to normal traffic fluctuation? Then that must be almost non-existent now, due to the reduced usage of the gate during the coronavirus slowdown.
– Is the problem being anticipated that the developer is going to cause so much traffic that the gate must be redesigned, in which case who should pay for it? Us or the developer?
– Or is the problem that the people in the South who are the most frequent users of the gate would like a glorious, magnificent gate to impress their visitors (and themselves)? And they deserve it, because the North gate was replaced due to mold, septic issues, and other intolerable structural issues, so then the POA wanted their gate replaced too. Why not, if you can use other people’s money?
Bill, your questions are very intelligent and should all be answered by the gatehouse committee. At the very least, the community at-large that is paying for the gatehouse should own it, not the Property Owner’s Association in the South side of the Fountains.
HI Everyone: Not sure if you have seen this response from my request for an appointment to get a vaccine at that email address, just sending this along for your information. Many thanks for everyone’s earnest efforts, looks like we will just have to wait. Best! Jill Leone
Florida Department of Health in Palm Beach County
COVID-19 Vaccine Appointment Update For Palm Beach County
**Everyone who wants a vaccine will be able to get one, however at our current rate, this process will take months, not weeks. We appreciate your continued patience.**
Please note: This email message was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming email. Please do not reply to this message.
If you have already received your appointment, or wish to be removed from these mailings, please use the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom.
If CVS, Helix or whoever ends up doing the vaccinations at the Fountains I am sure that they know the guidelines and legal parameters involved. In the meantime I would encourage anyone who has the means and desire to get their vaccinations wherever possible, should not hesitate to do so. Veteran’s can go to the VA where their process is very smooth, (Call for an appointment).
In speaking to Medical people it seems that one of the pluses in this awful Covid situation is that there will be fewer Flu cases this year and they attribute that to the fact that people are wearing masks indoors, social distancing and proper and constant washing of hands.
I just returned from my meeting with John Tyldsley at CVS, and he now anticipates that the Vaccine for Covid-19 should be available by the end of this month. He will forward an email to me by 6:00 PM this afternoon with any requirements that we would have to fulfill. John is also pleased that we will have the Club parking lot and the rooms.
John is also aware of the fact that outside people can also be vaccinated, so he suggests “appointments only”.
I thank all for their input and help.
How do we make an appointment?
Thank you for your efforts.
Happy Birthday
How can an appointment be made?
We are working on that. Waiting for a follow up email from CVS. We will inform probably via Survey Monkey or regular email + billboard notice.
How will we be informed when the vaccine is available here? TIA
I think you will likely be notified by multiple sources. The sources, not in any particular order, are the FCO through whatever means it chooses, this blog will post an editorial and notify the people on our email list, the Palm Beach County/Florida Department of Health should notify you of the location, date and time of your appointment if you asked for one, and possibly the Palm Beach Post.
I learned today that Scott Harris announced he is stepping down as the FCO President. I have had disagreements with Scott over the years (though not nearly as many as with my friends and family), but I have always found him to be a gentleman that did what he thought was right for his constituents. Unfortunately, things done rarely make everyone happy and disagreements abound. I for one will be sorry to see him go. I wish him nothing but the best and thank him for his service to me and our community.
I would like to be included in the Fountains Blog email list.
Thank you for all the important information you share.
An update about development projects was given at the FCO Board of Directors Meeting held January 13, 2021. I think the following information is accurate, but it was received second-hand and corrections or affirmations are appreciated.
The development at this time primarily has been the remediation of the soil due to the high levels of arsenic found in the soil. The remediation of the soil for the parcel nearest Tivoli Court has been completed and Concert expects to begin laying pipes, creating roads, etc., in the next few weeks.
The remediation of the soil at the parcel next to Trevi Court is 90% completed and is awaiting approval from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
Concert expects to start remediation of the soil at the parcel closest to D’este Court in a few weeks. The parcel nearest D’este Court required approval from Palm Beach County and it is expected that the protections from arsenic dust, etc., are to be greater than at the other locations.
No update was provided about the property owned by GL Homes.
I have noticed that many editorials and comments refer to the courts in the Fountains. Can I get a map of the Fountains that has the boundaries of the courts from the FCO. I have tried looking at road maps but it seems some court addresses have nothing to do with the name of the court. If not the FCO, does anyone know where such a map might be gotten?
I have never seen such a map. If the FCO doesn’t have or create one, the blog will try to create it and make it available to all readers.
Click the link below to see the map of the Fountains, as provided by the FCO some years ago.
Map of the Fountains
Thanks for the map.
I just read your email and I want to be sure I understand a comment. Are you saying that the 10 smallest courts could vote to approve a capital improvement that is less than $35k over the objection of the 9 other courts? Is this true for decisions not involving capital improvement? That would mean that fewer than 21% of the people could force over 79% of the people to do or not do something! That’s insane.
Your interpretation is correct. I don’t know that there has ever been a decision where the 10 smallest courts have voted for or against something and the remaining 9 courts voted the opposite. I am inclined to believe it hasn’t and probably never will happen. However, that is the voting process in place at the Fountains.
I can only remember a handful of times that the south gate had traffic back to Jog Road. I don’t know if it will or won’t happen again. I just can’t see spending a large amount of money on such a small problem whether it continues with the same frequency or not.
Do not put a dime into the construction of a new South gate. It should never have been done with the North gate. Traffic never backed up into Lake Worth Rd. and surely doesn’t onto Jog Rd. If there are mold problems then bring in a mold remediation company to correct the problem don’t spend $1/2M to do it.
Interestingly, why does the proposed South gate rendering look like an architectural masterpiece but the North gate is so “ho hum”?
Who in their right mind spends all that money on something and doesn’t own it? This is just plain lunacy.
It’s nice to see so many new names taking interest in what has been going on in this community for the past 40 years. 1767 residents in this community, 509 POA residents with 10 FCO presidents. 1258 residents with 9 FCO presidents. Any time there is a vote for monies collected and expenditures the 509 residents win. Expenses and money put into reserves are split equally. How is 1258 to 509 fair? How did they get away with this for so long? Much of what has been going on here for all these years has been hidden and kept secret. The FCO board of directors meetings were not opened up to the community. What has been going on here for all these years has been hidden and kept secret. They are open now, however they are not publicized by the FCO. Board of president’s meetings are held every 2nd Wednesday of each month at 3:30 p.m. The board meetings are currently conducted on Zoom. It’s important that every resident in this community contact Lisa at the FCO office Tuesday before the meeting to get the zoom Meeting number and
password. You can read the board meeting minutes on the FCO condo website a month after the meeting. The problem with that is you are relying on the person taking the board meeting minutes. A lot of what is discussed is not sometimes included in those minutes. It’s most important that you attend the Zoom meeting and view the entire meeting yourself. It makes no sense to me that the Zoom meetings cannot be viewed at the residents leisure online. With technology available today it is very simple for the FCO to make that available to the community. The question of the day is why do they not make that happen?
As for the guard gates being built and funded equally by the community 1258/509 That was voted on by the FCO board of presidents. The presidents voted to gift the Country Club the Lake worth gate as the Country Club owns it. At that time the presidents also voted to gift the POA an equal amount toward the South Gate. The POA (509 residents) own the South gate. Keep in mind there are 10 president’s/509 to 9 President’s/1258 residents. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see how 1258 people are paying the majority of the gifts that are given here in the community.
It’s interesting and incredibly frustrating to read the October FCO board of presidents board minutes. I hope all of you do that. When the agreement to gift the Country Club and the POA the guard gate the agreement was UP to $400,000. That agreement was made and it was not one penny more. The presidents agreed to this although it was a lopsided vote as you can see because they wanted to help the FCC survive. All the president’s accomplished by gifting the Lake Worth gate was to give the ability to the FCC to sell to Concert Golf at a greater profit.
Looking now at what these presidents agreed to and the position they put the entire community in, they should vote to hold off on building the South gate if at all. Concert golf turned out to not be our friend. Are these presidents really going to ignore their fiduciary duty to ALL the residents of this community? Are these president’s really expecting that 1258 residents continue to pay for capital improvements on PROPERTY OWNED by Concert Golf and the POA. My guess is that 1258 people would prefer to see their HOA fees reduced. You can also read in October’s board meeting minutes that the FCO has collected $486000 for road resurfacing. It’s important to note that the roads in the North are owned by Concert Golf and the roads in the South by the POA.
For years and years the residents here have been paying all the expenses for maintaining the roads, landscaping, the medians, fountains etc. All on property we do not own. The POA and concert golf should not be looking to the entire community to pay for what they own. This needs to stop it has gone on to long. I hope that this entire community looks at this with eyes wide open. Attend the FCO board of directors meetings via Zoom. Better yet contact your court president and insist that the Zoom meetings can be viewable for those of you who may work and are unable to view at 3:30 pm. Don’t take NO for an answer this is totally possible.
Kudos Susan, great commentary and oh so accurate. I have been told by my court Pres. multiple times, when I questioned about an issue, that they were not at liberty to disseminate that information. TIME FOR A CHANGE!
I received an email from a resident asking if anyone has had their front door replaced. If so, please reply with the name of the person/company that you would recommend. Thanks!
Please give us a Covid 19 vaccine update here at the fountains. Thank you.
A heartfelt “Thank You” for sharing this very informative (and enlightening) information! As a bicyclist, I am very familiar with the traffic and traffic flow at the South Gate location. From my own experience, I can say that the traffic at that site is rarely backed up. Having said this, I am not sure that we need a new improved gate at that location. I would also like to express my thanks to you for keeping us informed.
Starting tomorrow morning at 6:00 am Publix pharmacies in Palm Beach County will start registration for the Covid-19 vaccine. Registration needs to be done online at the link below and appointments will start on Thursday, January 21st. Good luck.
All Publix appointments filled. Try same site on Friday morning at 6am. What ‘s happening with the fountains and the vaccine?
I received distressing news upon my visit and to CVS and CVS management. They apologized for the “pre-approval” of coming on site to the Fountains. When CVS management studies the situation further they found 2 overriding issues which they couldn’t overcome. One is the mandate of the county government that the vaccine must be made available to ALL residents of Palm Beach county that are 65 and over. (Even though being done by appointment I felt that we could alleviate this fear) and 2 CVS didn’t want to take any chances on waste and the easy spoilage of the vaccine. (Here again I felt that we could have a smooth and organized process overcoming this problem.. to no avail)
They did say that they would notify me as soon as the vaccine would be made available in store so that we could set up appointments.
Our only alternatives now are to making appointments at Publix, those who are veterans going to the V.A., waiting for CVS, Walgreens, Walmart or some other credible company to receive the vaccine.
This has been very disappointing to me, as I am used to large organizations and company being true to their word. I can write a nasty letter to management but I don’t know if this would help things and may even cause a delay, which obviously no one wants.
Again, I know many of you were exciting about the prospects of having them come to the Fountains and I am upset and truly sorry that the result has not been more positive.
Thanks for giving it your best effort. At least you stepped-up to try and help our community. Again, good job and thanks.
Are there any insurance professionals out there? The FCO board of president’s are considering purchasing an additional supplemental insurance policy recommended by our agent. The policy is called Bold Legal Defence. Is this additional supplemental coverage necessary? Any information on if this policy will be beneficial to the community or not? Purchasing this additional policy was covered at the last board of directors meeting. Some presidents are in support of it. I don’t know that enough information was shared? I’m confused as to why this additional policy would be necessary after 40 years? Do we have cases to support the need for this additional coverage? If anyone out there has any information please share.
Thanks for all your help Bill.
I have said it before, I am not an attorney and my knowledge of the law is extremely limited. So, my opinion Is just that, and is based on what I think is common sense. I believe that my court President and Board of Directors DOES NOT have the authority or power to approve funding for the South Gatehouse project because it exceeds $10,000.00. That power is reserved to a majority of owners. I have read the by-laws for my court and it expressly limits the authority of the Board of Directors to approve spending. The specific language in its by-laws is as follows:
“The Board of Directors shall have the power to affirmatively vote on all spending over the sum of $500.00 and up to $10,000.00 for any one capital item. Any amount in excess of $10,000.00 must be voted on by the members of the Association for approval.”
Because access to court documents is limited to owners (and maybe renters) of the court in which they are an owner, I cannot affirm that the language quoted above is in all courts by-laws.
Frankly, I do not recall that I was ever offered an opportunity to vote for or against funding the South Gatehouse capital expenditure. If I was, then my bad for forgetting. Worse, if I did and voted for or against the expenditure without fully understanding the issue, e.g., shame on me. If residents have not been, or, are not given the right to vote on spending more than $10,000.00 on the South Gatehouse and the funds are subsequently spent, I believe a lawsuit is likely.
I am all for funding capital improvements at the Fountains. There are times and situations that such an expenditure makes a lot of sense. I just do not think that it makes sense to spend that amount of money to pay for something I do not own. If the POA wants my vote, add my court to the deed for the gatehouse and roadway. The POA could sign a contract or agreement, whichever is legally binding, deeding the gatehouse and roadway to all Fountains associations (I find that in all the by-laws, master agreements, etc., the term association is used in lieu of court). They could even include a clause that the document becomes legally binding only if funding for the South Gatehouse is approved.
Bill excellent job
Below is an email that I sent to Gov. De Santis:
Honorable Governor Desantis,
You are obviously overwhelmed with emails and phone calls (I have been calling and emailing you numerous times). You mentioned in a speech today about using King’s Point and the Villages as alternate venues for the Covid-19 immunizations. Our community is the Fountains, located in Palm Beach County, 33467. It is a fairly large community with 19 courts and the management has given us permission to use their large parking lot and their club house with its reception area + 2 large rooms. One can be used for the shots and the other for a recovery room. Initially CVS had approved us for on site shots, but for some reason Publix became a substitute venue. The Publix venue has not been particularly helpful because the public was mislead, thinking that going on the site would put them in line for an appointment. Recently it was discovered that this was done on a “lottery” basis. (Someone should be held accountable for this misleading tactic).
Obviously your task is not an easy one but I would ask that you add the Fountains to King’s Point and The Villages as a go to venue.Your response to this email will be greatly appreciated.
Bill Morgenstein
Fountains Vaccine Committee
Fax: 561-433-0893
Kudos for all that you do but I would like to offer some constructive criticism.
Do you really believe the Florida Republican governor is going to offer any assistance to residents of congressional district 22 which has voted heavily Democratic for many election cycles?
I think you might be able to achieve better results by reaching out to Ted Deutch recently reelected in 2020 in district 22.
We recently had success in obtaining our first dose of the Moderna vaccine by reaching out and showing up in person to local urgent care Med Express locations. They took our name and phone number on a post it note as the waiting lists were full and no more could be added to the computerized waiting lists.
Sunday evening during a raging NJ snowstorm we received a telephone call asking if we could come right over as many were cancelling appointments. We did and we received out first shots with the second scheduled for Feb 28th.
You might want to consider visiting a few of the urgent care centers to see if they can provide assistance in obtaining the vaccine?
Maybe one would think that the governor would try to bring the vaccines to that area to try to convert some of the Dems. to the other side, if indeed he was playing politics with a life saving drug.
Frankly, I don’t think this blog should be the forum for political discussions. As the president is the president for all of the people in the country, whether you agree with him or not. The governor is the governor of all of the people of Florida and is involved with vaccine distribution. I reached out to the Governor because he apparently had influence in getting the vaccine into certain communities. I can reach out to Ted Deutch and thank you for the idea. Also it seems to be starting to get easier for seniors to get their shots. For veterans, the VA is an excellent option. Publix has revised their procedures and it it now easier to make an appointment. (My wife get her 1st inoculation last week). Anyone who needs help obtaining the vaccine feel free to reach out to me either by email or leave a message 800-753-7840.
This blog is not intended for political discussions except when the comments directly impact our community. The more local the political issue is the more likely a political comment will be approved. It is extremely unlikely any national or statewide political issue comment will be approved. Bill’s comments were not pro or con any political party and was simply an appeal to help us get vaccines faster to our community.
Just an FYI, our representative in Congress is Lois Frankel (21st District), not Ted Deutsch (22nd District).
Fountains South Entrance gate replacement
I am responding to several well written blog postings questioning the merits and approval of replacing the Fountains South entrance gate owned by Fountains South Property Owners Association, Inc. ( FSPOA ).
If you know the song “WHAT EVER LOLA WANT’S – LOLA GETS”, no further explanation is needed.
However, to be clear I will expand on Susan Shea’s comment “ the Fountains Jog Road gate , Fountains Circle and Fountains South roadway are owned controlled and managed by “THE 509 HOME OWNERS in Fountains South” operating under the name of Fountains South Property Owners Association, Inc. ( FSPOA ).
FSPOA is designated by the Fountains South land Declaration filed with PBC as the Fountains South Master Home owners Association controlled and managed by majority vote of its mandatory membership and officers elected annually by the 509 Fountains South home owner members.
Accordingly, when a matter like “Replacement of the Jog Road gate” comes before the FCO requiring a majority up or down vote of FCO Directors, the reality is you have the 10 Fountains South Presidents, equity owners of the Jog road gate (representing the 509 FS home/gate owner/members ) voting against the 9 North Presidents, non-equity gate users ( representing 1,757 Fountains North condominium home owners) . POA occupies a nonvoting seat at all FCO Board meetings and select committees. CONFLICT-OF-INTEREST, what’s your opinion?
Although, FCO quietly collected $400K in 2012 and 2013 assessments for the then FCC owned and POA owned gate replacements, the $1.0 million gate replacement project was not announced until February 12, 2014 with disclosure of the 6 NAY, 12 YEA and 1 abstention approval vote for renewal of the FCO/FCC contract.
Remember, by virtue of the FCO HOA/CONDO assessment system, Fountains North non-equity gate users paid 72% ( $720 K ) of the $1.0 million dollar assessment while Fountains South equity owners paid 28% ( $280 k ).
Owing to the GL Homes redevelopment plans, the South gate replacement was placed on hold while the north gate replacement was completed November 2018 after an inordinate 18 month construction period. Also In November 2018, the three year FCO contract and 2019 budget requiring unanimous ratification by FCO was signed by all 19 FPB Associations ( with profound – intimidation tactics aimed at Esedra and Gefion ) and included an additional $72,000 to renovate the south gate instead of replacing it.
1. The November 2018 $72,000 budget vote was considered a weighted vote because approval was by a majority of votes cast in both fashions, weighted and Director majority.
2. The theme has changed again in 2020 from renovation to full replacement of the South gate and another $88,000 was assessed to FPB unit owners in the FCO 2020 Budget.
3. It’s my understanding POA has requested another $50,000 to be included in the 2021 FCO budget which will bring the total amount collected by FCO and on deposit since November 2018 to $538,000.
4. As of the latest FCO Specific Reserve financial report dated November 30, 2020, the Fountains South gate replacement funds on hand amount to $394,000.
5. Also included in the total Specific Reserve funds of $1,101,208 collected from FPB home owners and held by FCO is $80,195 for fencing – Concert and/or GL Homes property and $486,362 for POA and Concert road resurfacing. Both were accumulated in 2017 and 2018 respectfully.
AS long as the north pays 72% of the cost – what’s next – “The wall along Lantana Road”. Why not, we replaced the FCC owned Lake Worth north wall around 2004 – 05.
Great comment. I still cannot figure out how the Presidents had the authority to vote – weighted or not – without first obtaining a vote from their respective court owners. Clearly the gatehouse projects exceed/exceeded $10,000 which is the level at which the courts’ by-laws require a vote by owners.
I guess the by-laws don’t apply except when it is convenient.
I would love to have the FCO Board of Directors legal counsel explain how he interprets the by-laws and the legality of spending such an amount.
Also, just to be nit picky, I never realized that a gate was the equivalent of a gatehouse. The funds supposedly set aside were for a gate, not a gatehouse.
Eric, the meeting they voted to continue to collect and raise an additional $88000 from the residents was basically done under the guise of what the residents don’t know won’t hurt them. Continuing to collect maintenance fees as reserves, and to vote to put toward the guard gate at a later time. The discussion was it would not require an increase in maintenance fees. The maintenance fees of all residents rather than be reduced would remain the same. In keeping maintenance fees the same, it would not raise any eyebrows.
I just drove through the Lake Worth gate and was appalled at what it looks like. I hadn’t noticed it before maybe it’s because it’s so overcast today that it was visible. Next time you drive-through take note at how filthy it is because of the construction. It almost had a look of being run down. To even consider funding the Southgate at this time is outrageous! It is my opinion that any new projects funded by the FCO should wait until all construction and redevelopment is completed in this community.
Bill, I to thank you for all the hard work you have been doing trying to bring the vaccine into our community. Your letter to Governor DeSantis Letting him know the Country Club is offering their parking lot, clubhouse and reception area to administer the vaccine. I am confused about how this will logistically workout should he allow that to happen. It’s my understanding from an earlier post in order for the vaccine to come into our community it must be open to ALL Palm Beach County residents. What is the plan since the Fountains of Palm Beach is a gated community? How will the guard gate handle people coming in from outside of our community? How will they be called in, vetted and monitored to make sure they leave the community after getting the vaccine?
I hate to see National politics discussed on this blog, The only politics that should be shared here is what is directly affecting the residents within our gates. Transparency of the FCO board of directors, Concert golf partners on the development happening. What residents were promised and what is happening are 2 different things. Many residents here have been kept in the dark for many years. I’m amazed how many people are unaware that fees they are paying are going toward the guard gates which 1530 people do not own. I’ve been asked by residents how 19 presidents can decide to pick the pockets of residents and vote how to spend their money. People want to know how the president’s have gotten away with keeping all of this information private? Sending out letters any time there is a huge capital expenditure like $450,000 for a gift to the FCC for the Lake worth gate and another gift to the POA? How and when did the 19 president’s gain power to make huge and expensive decisions without community involvement or knowledge? My answer is simply I have no clue? I find it very nice that Concert is offering to let us use their clubhouse but I find suspect their motives. The FCO asked them to contribute to building the Southgate and they are not willing to put a dime towards it. They will certainly benefit from it since they are moving the clubhouse to the South for their private boutique style country club. Concert expressed to the FCO when asked to contribute toward security that they own the Lake Worth gate and don’t care about a gated community. They will not pay anything toward security and they could take the gate down at any time they choose.. Why is this information not shared by the FCO? Of course as a resident, if you ask your president why the information is not shared they are going to tell you the board meetings are open. Of course board meetings happening at 3:30 p.m. the 2nd Wednesday of the month eliminates half of the community being able to attend, next excuse is going to be you can read the board meeting minutes on the FCO website. It’s February 5th minutes not available yet. Minutes are posted a month or more after the meeting. Residents should DEMAND video access via zoom to all meetings, FCO board of directors, FCO Executive committee meetings as well as security meetings. All meetings where discussions and votes take place on how your money is being spent. You don’t have a voice in this community unless you demand it. This is the politics that I hope will be discussed and shared on this blog.
Demand that the South Gate construction project be put on hold until we know what the footprint of this entire community Is going to look like. If the majority of the people here will benefit from the money put aside for the gate to hire legal counsel to represent the residents here that might be a better use of the money collected to date. Concert has to step up to the plate and help the community thrive – ALL not just members of the club. It’s been going on too long that the bulk of the financial burden lands on the 1255 people that live in the North. Concert, the Northern courts the Southern courts should all be contributing fairly to make this a beautiful community for all. All capital improvements and large expenses should be discussed with the 1750 people in this community and everybody should have a vote, not just the president’s.
I’m new to this website having lived here 10 years . I face the South golf course and it is in fabulous condition.
No one has been playing on it. I do understand someone is leasing it for a year or two?
I’ve never seen a letter informing us to what actually is going on since there is no play on it except once a month?
Could someone explain to me what is the real story about the South golf course?
Thank you Susan for your cogent comments. at this time I don’t believe we will be able to, and may not even need to open up the Fountains for the process. If it was opened, it will be done by appointment, and an outside person would have to show a valid appointment slip to the gate.
I agree with your comment about National politics, or even local ones being discussed on this blog. I have strong political feelings but I would not discuss them on this forum. Your concerns about the South gate and money spent is well taken. It’s about time that the welfare of all of the Fountains residents be seriously taken and protected.
One further comment regard the Fountains Blog. I find it a little difficult to navigate. Maybe current comment could be move to the top.
Note that I like the “What is the Fountains?” addition and I would encourage more residents to start reading the blog.
I am personally DEEPLY concerned about the way OUR money is being spent, as a resident and as a new president. I say it is time that we the people pay attention!! I think this gate issue is ridiculous. We have been lied to enough! I remember it being said that CONCERT GOLF was going to do things like repair our roads, and do everything possible to keep our community happy. HOWEVER, all they are doing is making people ill and poisoning us all. The arsenic levels are SEVERE here in the north ! AND NOT ONE THING IS BEING DONE ABOUT IT. THIS IS LUDICROUS!
We were pushed into spending over budget for the north gate only to find out NOW that we not only don’t own that gate, but CONCERT can tear it down any time they wish. And now the south wants to spend an exorbitant amount on a South Gate that can and should be put on the back burner until our roads are redone. The roots are growing into them causing them to buckle and crack. This place is beginning to look like an old run down ghetto.
Laurie, I too have concerns about speeding up-and-down Fountains Drive. I went out the Southgate this weekend and noticed the speed monitors all the way to the South Gate. Where are they in the North? I believe all residents are paying for those monitors. I would like to know what the cost of each of those monitors are and why monitors are not provided In the North?
This is another example of how presidents’ vote for residents’ monies to be spent in this community and it is totally unequal and unfair. The FCO Board of Presidents have gotten away with this for close to 40 years. Board of Presidents meetings were always private until about 5 or 6 years ago. Residents were never allowed to attend because they were private. This is how they got away with not being transparent and had freedom to vote and spend money collected from residents’ maintenance fees for whatever projects they deemed fit. Unfortunately, many of the presidents’ votes were self-serving. In self-serving I mean to benefit the Southern communities and the FCC Country Club.
It’s so clear to see that in the fact that they voted to spend over a million dollars to build two guard gates not owned by 1255 people in this community. They had the power to spend those people’s money. A number of years ago we got new signage for the courts that were paid for by the entire community. While we were having that done, they voted to purchase new signage for the Fountains Country Club and new stop signs for their cart paths. I wonder how many people here would have voted to approve spending money to enhance the Country Club?
I’m all for everyone contributing money to make this community beautiful but only if it is going to benefit ALL. How many people here would vote to spend money on their individual courts that they own as opposed to spending money gifted to the Country Club?
Would you like to see the FCO send out a monthly or quarterly newsletter to the residents keeping them informed? This can be done very easily and inexpensively via email. Sadly, many residents are unable to attend the FCO board meetings to be informed. Any residents that wants to be informed can check the FCO website however the minutes are posted a month or more after the meeting. Still waiting for December 2020 minutes to be posted. By not being informed a vote to spend your money can happen and you never know it until it’s done. There is absolutely no excuse for the FCO to not make meetings available via zoom taping. People in this community that work have a right to be informed and have a voice.
I understand your frustration about the seeming difference between treatment between North and South courts. However, I think it is important to community unity that criticisms be as accurate as possible.
I arrived at the Fountains today and paid particular attention to the location of the speed monitors. I counted three monitors, two monitoring traffic headed northbound and one monitoring traffic headed southbound. While all monitors are on Fountains Drive South, only two were south of the bridge.
In fact, the one that has been in place for the last couple or three years is located in the North. The two recent additions are on the South. Also, I heard at the last FCO Board of Directors meeting held February 10, 2021 that at least one more was to be purchased. I don’t know where the new speed monitor will be placed, but I would be surprised if it is not put on Fountains Drive, i.e., the North.
I find it difficult to take issue with the placement of the speed monitors for three reasons. One, we have an odd number of monitors which means that it is inevitable that either the North or the South might feel slighted. Two, I never heard any owner from the South complain that the only speed monitor previously onsite was located in the North. Three, I think one of the primary reasons that the monitors are on Fountains Drive South is that is where most of the traffic by non-residents occurs, i.e., outsiders driving to and from the Fountains Country Club to play golf. I am not sure my third point is accurate because I have not heard anyone on the Board offer an explanation.
It is unfortunate that I rarely, if ever, read a comment from an FCO Board member or resident in a South court speak up to offer answers, opinions, comments, etc., that defends, explains, or clarifies derogatory or unfair comments by North court residents. Up until a few years ago that was not the case. Such responses are necessary if people that profess to desire improved relations are serious. It will take action and not passiveness to bring us together.
Unchallenged criticisms take on a life of their own and allow readers to believe that those comments are valid and accurate. If we are going to bridge our differences we cannot allow the actual bridge between the North and South courts define us.
As I said once before, ‘Okay, I’m off – high horse go!!!
Thanx for the correction.
Bravo, Laurie!!! Welcome and good luck as a new President … I’m with you 100%! It’s so ridiculous, it doesn’t have to be this way and frankly I’m sick of my pockets being picked. I believe the next FCO meeting is on Wednesday at 3:30 and no doubt these issues will come up for discussion at that meeting.
I agree with Susan especially with regards to the south gate. Didn’t the leaders of the community lay out terms and conditions to concert golf when selling? They put people through the wringer purchasing homes in here
Just received from a vigilant reader!
15 minutes ago, I just got an appt for Thursday
Appointments now open for COVID-19 vaccine at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens
We just got our second shot today prepare to wait 3 hours
Please send invitations for the Zoom meetings at the FCO to all owners. It doesn’t seem efficient for each of us to request one. Another benefit is that it serves notice that a meeting is scheduled.
Lisa, I asked why the Zoom meetings are not being emailed to every person in this community. I was told anybody that wants to attend needs to call the office to get the meeting number and password In order to keep it just members in the community. That makes no sense to me as the FCO office has everybody’s email address and can simply send it and keep people informed in case a meetings is changed or canceled. The FCO is our management company and they work for the residents, not the other way around.. Why tell 1750 people they have to call to get the information? Do you really want to employ clerical staff to answer potentially 1750 phone calls? Is it just me? How many of you think that is a good use of time and your money? Is there some kind of ulterior motive behind insisting we have to call and jump hoops to get the information? Its important that if you and your neighbors want change and transparency get the Zoom information and attend all board meetings. Too much is going on right now in this community for people not to be informed and involved.
Lisa and Susan,
I agree with each of your comments. I am not sure why the FCO thinks sending one email to owners will result in non-owners attending the meetings. Hopefully, there is some other explanation of which we are not aware.
I am not sure what element of a mass emailing the FCO thinks would result in non-owners attending. Is it because the FCO is not keeping addresses current by deleting email addresses of prior owners when they sell their house? Is it a lack of trust in owners and the FCO thinks they will share the invitation with a non-owner?
It cannot be to protect owners’ email addresses because the mass emails from the FCO make use of the bcc option. Nor can it be because ex-owners that received prior notices could refer to the old email and join a meeting because each Zoom meeting has a different passcode and meeting address.
I cannot believe the FCO office staff would decide against mass emailing without first obtaining approval of the FCO Board of Directors (i.e., the President or another officer). The FCO Board needs to take ownership for the decision and reverse it or explain its necessity during the next scheduled FCO Board of Directors meeting. Openness should be at the forefront of the FCO Board of Directors dealings with and representation of the owners.
I think the FCO Board of Directors should reverse the decision regardless of who it was that made the decision. The change would serve two purposes. First, it would serve as an advance notice or reminder that a board meeting is scheduled. I know the response may be that the notice is already posted on the website. That is a specious argument at best. Many sponsors of meetings or scheduled events provide alerts to prospective participants and a mass email would serve that purpose and not replace the meeting notice on the FCO website. It is an opportunity for the FCO Board to be proactive. Second, I would think that encouraging and facilitating participation by owners would be a priority of the FCO Board of Directors. If it is not, one would wonder who is best served by such a decision and what is the motive behind such a decision. Everything discussed at the meetings is ultimately shared with owners via postings on the FCO website anyway.
Frankly, I doubt that attendance and participation in the FCO Board of Directors meetings will show a significant increase. I think a HUGE majority of owners do not care about what is discussed, cannot devote the time to attend for a variety of reasons, etc. There was a saying I once read when I was working (retired 14 years ago). I still have the quotes but failed to save the information about who said it or where I read it. It was something like, “people that attend community meetings are usually the curious, the fearful, and the available” and “people that don’t attend meetings are the uninformed, the indifferent, the occupied, and the disaffected.”
FCO Board of Directors, don’t let the incompetence of staff that cannot maintain a current email list or fear of something that is not likely to happen get in the way of treating the owners you represent with respect and openness. (I AM NOT SAYING THE STAFF IS INCOMPETENT – ONLY THE PERSON OR PEOPLE THAT CHOOSE NOT TO SEND A MASS EMAIL FOR SUCH A REASON ARE OF THAT OPINION)
Is it possible to share the zoom dial in details on this page when they become available?
It is possible, but sharing that information on the blog would violate the trust the FCO gives when sending the information out to me. I receive the information as a resident and not the editor of this blog. If a reader of the blog submits a comment with that information there would be no reason not to approve and post that comment because the ethical choice to violate the FCO trust is theirs and not mine.
A reader sent an email stating that GL Homes has begun working on its parcel. The reader asked if GL Homes has received a permit to begin clearing trees, etc. Can anyone provide the answer?
If the reader is referring to the tree clearing currently in progress as observed from Jog across from the post office, that is not the GL parcel. It’s the Concert/Ridgwood project originally referred to as “The Lofts of Lake Worth” consisting of 318 apartment units … no doubt they have obtained all the necessary permits to do their thing …
They have begun working on the GL site on Jog Rd, behind the Esedra Ct pool.
Good to know, thanks very much for the updated info.
The FCO Board of Directors indicated at their February 10, 2021 Zoom meeting that they are contemplating whether to require all owners and tenants to have a bar code on their vehicles. The reason given is to expedite processing of vehicles entering the Fountains. The thinking is that if fewer people had to be processed through the gates by the security guards the lines waiting for entry would be shorter.
There was significant discussion about the proposal, and everyone realized that the proposal had to be tabled to allow time to gather more input about the proposal before bringing it to the FCO Board of Directors for a vote. Some of the comments included:
• This requirement would ensure that all owners and tenants have insurance and a valid drivers’ license.
• Entry into the Fountains would be expedited at the guard raised gate.
• The bar code is considered a privilege for owners and tenants. Requiring that they must have a bar code makes having a bar code a right.
• Because having a bar code is a privilege some courts and the FCO use the option of suspending its use by an owner or tenant as a penalty for non-compliance with FCO and Court requirements. They could not continue that practice and they have found it useful in obtaining compliance with the requirements.
• The proposal seemed primarily directed towards snowbirds that fly in and use a rental car for one or two weeks. This group was specifically mentioned.
• Some owners and tenants drive company vehicles and are not allowed to affix bar codes, decals, etc.
• Some owners are driving a rental vehicle and are not allowed to affix decals.
• Some owners and tenants simply choose not to affix any decal to their vehicle.
There may have been other comments that I did not hear or that I have forgotten.
I had thoughts about the proposal but did not speak up because I am an observer and not a member of the FCO Board of Directors. Ergo I am offering my comments on the blog. My comments are about both the proposal to require bar codes and about the requirements the FCO Board of Directors has for considering any proposal.
First, it would be nice if anyone making a proposal be required to clearly present the reasons why a proposal is being made. By clearly, I mean explaining the problem being solved or improvement offered in sufficient detail so that the FCO Board of Directors knows exactly why they are being asked to act. The proposer does an injustice to the other members by not providing complete information and frankly leads to unnecessary discussions and comments and generally wasting everyone’s time. For example, if I were a Board member, I would have liked to know the answers to the following questions before I even bothered to entertain the proposal for bar codes:
• What is the entry process used by owners and tenants that do not have bar codes?
• How many owners and tenants do not have bar codes?
• How frequently do owners and tenants use the guard-raised-gate?
• Who is it that is being inconvenienced? Owners or visitors?
• How does the proposal benefit the community?
• How much time does it take to process an owner without a bar code through the gate?
• How will the requirement be policed if it is implemented?
Second, it would be beneficial if anyone proffering a proposal were required to include a list of other options that were considered, rejected and why. Some other options for the mandatory bar code proposal might have included:
• Reinstituting the issuance of portable bar codes to owners and tenants. Options would include issuance only to owners and not tenants, issuance only to non-year-round owners, i.e., snowbirds. Possibly include an annual renewal process requiring that the owner physically present the bar code, a driver’s license, and insurance documents. Retain the $10 fee
• Issuing temporary portable bar codes maintained at the FCO office to owners, year-round or snowbirds, for “short” periods when they are using a vehicle they do not own. This would include such situations when a rental vehicle is used, or other “loaned” vehicle while their vehicle is being repaired, etc. Owner would be required to return the temporary bar code at the end of the period its use was authorized. No fee charged unless the bar code not returned as required. Penalty could be $10 or more.
Third, any proposal should be submitted to the other FCO Board of Directors members and allow written comments, concerns or questions to be returned to the member making the proposal (directly or through the FCO Manager). All questions and concerns should be addressed by the proposing official at the FCO Board of Directors meeting prior to asking for a vote. This should minimize discussion and allow for a more orderly process.
My comments about the proposal that was presented to the FCO Board of Directors follow. Once again residents are being asked to give up something to solve a problem that is not their doing and which may not be a substantial problem. Additionally, the solution is going to cost owners money. Amazing how solutions to perceived problems always appear to come at the cost of owners and tenants. The costs are either money or convenience. Isn’t it time to ask the FCO Board of Directors to focus on solutions that reduce the costs?
The two problems I actually heard leading to the proposal for mandatory bar codes are to reduce traffic at the guard-raised-gate and to increase the probability that all drivers within the Fountains have a current license and insurance. The current license and insurance issues were raised at the meeting and not as a basis for the proposal’s submission.
Absent anything but anecdotal information that delays at the guard-raised-gate are significantly caused by non-bar code holding owners and tenants, I am against imposing new burdens on owners. There are two types of situations that occur when anyone entering the Fountains without a bar code engage the security guards. One occurs when first arriving. This is when the security guard has to look-up the owner’s information and issue a temporary pass. The other occurs after a temporary pass is issued and the owner has it displayed in the front windshield. The first situation will occur whether the proposed bar code requirement is approved or not. The second situation takes significantly less time than the first and I do not think enough time would be saved to warrant a mandatory bar code. Also, how many people pass through the guard-raised-gates daily and what percent are visitors requiring owner approval confirmation and visitors, including owners and tenants, already issued temporary passes?
To improve the situation at the Fountains with drivers not having valid licenses or current insurance, if indeed there is a situation, (again no information was provided to support that assertion though it may be accurate) I think the bar code proposal offers minimal impact for the community. This “problem” needs a much broader solution than dealing with the few numbers of owners and tenants that do not have a bar code. Most solutions should include more frequent physical review of drivers licenses and automobile insurance.
The current requirements only require proof when a driver’s license expires (8 years for individuals under 80 and 6 years if over 79 in Florida) or when a new bar code is requested by the owner or tenant because of a new car purchase, etc. The only solution would be to require annual, biannual or some other period less than the 8 or 6 years. Also, I may be giving owners and tenants more credit than we deserve, but I am more concerned about visitors having automobile insurance. Are we going to require visitors to show proof of insurance? Probably not.
Although I have no vote about this proposal, I encourage my Court’s president and the other FCO Board members to vote against the proposed mandatory bar code. I do not think the problem is great enough to warrant this requirement and I think maintaining the bar code as a privilege and not a requirement has more benefits to more people at the Fountains. Furthermore, the most people impacted, cost wise, are snowbirds ($10 each bar code). We already have a divide between owners in the North and the South, we do not need another between year-round owners and snowbirds. To be fair, several of my reasons for not supporting the mandatory bar code are also based on anecdotal information.
If giving bar codes is truly of benefit, I would recommend the FCO office maintain a supply of portable bar codes that can be issued for temporary use to an owner upon said owner presenting proof of need, e.g., rental car agreement, etc. Owner would be required to return the portable bar code to the FCO office upon expiration of the authorized use period.
Requiring mandatory bar codes seems to me to be a solution seeking a reason for implementing rather than a problem seeking a solution.
If you are not aware, the FCO Board of Directors voted at the February 10, 2021 board meeting to hold owners harmless when damage is caused by a vendor entering the property. It was not expressly identified during the meeting, but I presume that the change would be made to items 5 and 42 of the FCO Security Rules and Regulations. Owners may read the FCO Security Rules and Regulations by logging onto
Keeping with the theme I raised in a comment about mandatory bar codes, the proposal should have been presented as a rewrite of the governing rule and regulation. Enough about that!
Item 5 reads as follows:
5. DAMAGE TO GATE ARMS There will be a minimum $150 charge imposed on anyone hitting, breaking or knocking off any of the gate arms, sliding gates, etc. at the entrances and exits. As stated elsewhere, residents are responsible for the actions of their guests. You must wait for the reader to read your barcode or the arm will come down on your car. Non-resident violators will be turned over to the Sheriff’s Office for trespassing and resulting hit and run damages unless they immediately inform an officer at one of the manned gatehouses of their action. They will also be charged a minimum of $150.
Item 42 reads as follows:
42. TAILGATERS/TRESPASSERS A resident will be charged for tailgating and striking the gate or gate arm a minimum $150 and a minimum 2 week bar code deletion. (However, the two (2) week bar code deletion will be eliminated if the charge is paid within 14 days of the date of the notice.) Note: You must wait for your bar code to activate the gate arm before proceeding. Non-resident violators will be turned over to the sheriff’s office for trespassing and resulting hit and run damages unless they immediately inform an officer at one of the manned gatehouses of their action. They will also be charged a minimum $150.
In addition to Damage to Gate Arms”, items 5 and 42 also include damage to the sliding gate at the Jog Road and Melaleuca Lane unmanned entrance, and a description about what may cause a gate arm to come down on your vehicle. I am also unsure about the description of non-resident violators and how they are treated. How do you determine that someone granted authorized entry by an owner or tenant is a trespasser?
I would recommend item 5 and item 42 be combined in a revised item 5. I would revise item 5 as follows or with similar language to incorporate the change made at the FCO Board meeting and to remove some ambiguity. Part of my wording may be inappropriate because I am not intimately aware of how our gate arms and sliding gate function. Specifically, I do not know whether a gate arm stays up indefinitely until a vehicle passes or if it automatically lowers after a set amount of time passes. The language I suggest is based on the gate arm staying up until a vehicle passes. A rewrite should be made if the gate arm or sliding gate also lowers or closes on a timer.
5. DAMAGE TO ENTRY GATES Gate arms and the sliding gate will rise and open when the bar code reader has recognized your bar code. Drivers should wait until a gate arm has risen or the sliding gate fully opens before proceeding past the gate arm and sliding gate. You must not presume the gate arm has risen or the sliding gate opened solely because you have a bar code.
There will be a minimum $150 charge imposed on anyone hitting, breaking, knocking off, or otherwise damaging any of the gate arms, sliding gates, etc. at the entrances and exits. In addition to the minimum $150 fee for damages, owners and tenants will have their bar code suspended for two weeks unless the charge for damages is paid within 14 days after being billed for the damages.
Because owners and tenants are responsible for damages caused by their guests, they are accountable for paying for damages if their guest refuses. Owners and tenants will not be accountable for damages caused by vendors. The Fountains Board of Directors will make every effort to collect damages from the vendor driver or his/her employer. When reparations by vendors are not made, the driver and the business that employs the driver may be penalized by no longer having access into the Fountains.
Owners, tenants, guests, and vendors must immediately inform a security guard at one of the manned gatehouses when damage has occurred. If an owner or tenant is informed by their guest or vendor that they have damaged a gate, it is your responsibility to inform them that they are required to notify a security guard. Unless you are certain that a security guard has been notified, you must notify a security guard.
A person causing the damage who is not authorized to enter the Fountains property may be referred to the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office (PBSO). The PBSO will only be notified if the person who caused the damage does not provide restitution for damages.
The FCO Board of Directors is working to protect the community from unauthorized access by vehicles entering through the unmanned gate at Jog Road and Melaleuca Lane. The options for improving security can be relatively inexpensive to the rather costly. Making the gate a guarded entrance, ala Jog Road and Lake Worth entrances, is the most expensive and least likely to be adopted. The least expensive is to keep the status quo after a reevaluation of the need for any change and a conclusion that the actual impact of persons gaining unauthorized access is non-existent or minimal in terms of monetary costs, crime, personal safety, and harm to residents. This issue also dovetails with the destruction of the gate arms at this entrance and how to prevent the damages from occurring.
The problem appears largely to be the result of people without bar codes tailgating those that do to avoid perceived delays at the manned North and South gate entrances. Obviously, these drivers do not have bar codes and are specifically violating the Residents Only requirement. However, I have been told that there are also situations where people with authorized bar codes damage the sliding gate or the gate arms at this location.
As far as tailgating goes the problem is that the slide gate does not close quick enough to prevent a tailgating vehicle from entering behind a resident. The tailgating vehicle then strikes the gate arm as it is closing causing damage.
A solution could probably eliminate tailgaters from entering the Fountains and lessen the times when a resident accidentally strikes the gate arm. One option that may be under consideration or previously considered is to relocate the automated gate arm. The current configuration with the sliding gate in front of the gate arm is likely the reason tailgaters are successful at entering the Fountains illegally.
If the gate arm were relocated at least one vehicle length before the sliding gate the following would occur. The residents bar code opens the gate arm, and the driver proceeds through. One of two options could then occur. One, the sliding gate would open only after the gate arm returns to a lowered position. Two, a second bar code reader would be used to open the sliding gate, which would not happen until the gate arm returned to its lowered position.
This modification to the unmanned gate would effectively prevent entry by drivers in vehicles that do not have a legal bar code.
I have not followed the Security Committee or the FCO Board of Directors discussions and deliberations on this matter closely, which is why I do not know if the solution I describe has been addressed. Also, I am not in position to address costs or other issues required to propose it as a solution. Rather, I am proposing that the Security Committee or the FCO Board of Directors explore this solution. If it has already been considered, then the suggestion is a moot point.
I see those gates all the time I have never been tailgated. Maybe we are making a mountain out of a molehill. The security we have is just fine the way it is. Don’t fix if it ain’t broke
This comment is unlike most, if not every, other comment I have submitted for comment on the Fountains Residents Network blog. It is different because I want to focus on the many things I find wonderful about our community. I hope it in some way provides a balance to my other posts and puts my other comments in perspective.
First, our community is always pristine looking and a place I am proud to have friends and guests from outside the Fountains visit. The property maintained by the FCO and within the individual courts is always immaculate. This only happens because residents and our leadership make it so. It is not by accident.
Second, the crime within our perimeter walls is almost non-existent and far less than the surrounding area. There are occasional problems, but where can you live that has none? Certainly not in a community with the population density that we have here.
Third, I have found almost everyone I meet to be friendly. I walk and bike frequently and almost everyone will smile and wave to say hello. This includes the security guards and the maintenance workers. The FCO office staff are always friendly and helpful, but most important – patient.
Fourth, there are numerous people that volunteer to make our lives easy. Especially, owners that volunteer and serve on their respective court’s board of directors, court captains, etc. And let us not forget the double duty served by court presidents that also serve on the FCO Board of Directors. It is rather easy for me to focus on the few issues I find of interest, but these people deal every day with issues they are confronted with regardless of their interest in the issues. Just imagine if you had to deal with budgets, disgruntled residents, everyone second guessing your every decision, handling calls and emails asking for assistance, scheduling and holding meetings, and on and on and on. All of those things and more are done without any compensation. THANK YOU!!!
Fifth, having three separate automated gates makes entering and exiting the Fountains quick and convenient for residents.
Sixth, the swimming pools are not usually overly crowded and serve as peaceful places to swim, sunbathe, read, and rest. If company is your thing, that is also usually available at the pool.
Seventh, I find it wonderful to have onsite access to Hotwire. I have to drive 20 miles to physically interact with my cable provider at my other residence.
Eighth, I like having access to Craft Hall for the many amenities it provides. I do not personally use Craft Hall very often, but I know it is there. I know it is currently unavailable due to COVID-19 precautions.
Some of the positives are certainly characteristics of many Florida neighborhoods, however, it does not alter the fact that we should be grateful that they are present here.
Could things be better? Yes, but often the improvement would require higher HOA or condo fees. There needs to be a balance, and funds available to owners is not unlimited. Do I wish that land development and construction projects were not happening? Yes. However, I am basically an optimist and I hope the community is better and stronger when the projects are completed.
Well written Bill. It’s always good to “accent the positive”. Of course it doesn’t mean that we should ignore costs, especially wasteful ones.
Maybe you can give us an update on all of the building projects, and how long before these ugly green fences will come down?
One issue mentioned at the FCO Board of Directors meeting that was held February 10, 2021 was about the past cost and potential for possibly renewing services to monitor the development on Parcel B. I cannot support spending our money to renew a rental agreement or to purchase monitors to monitor Parcel B.
I was surprised, but not shocked, to learn that $40,000 was the cost for the monitors for Parcels C & D. I had heard that the amount was projected to be around $15,000. If it is true that the FCO was planning for a $15,000 expenditure and is required to pay $40,000, someone should be held accountable. I am not suggesting anyone lose their job. I am suggesting the responsible party at least be informed of their mistake, coached about how to prevent a recurrence, and informed of the consequences if the lapse in performance is repeated.
Much time at that meeting was spent discussing holding owners who authorize a vendor entry to the Fountains accountable for damage they make to gates, etc. Those damage costs pale in comparison to a $25,000 cost to the FCO because of mismanagement.
However, that is the past and I am equally concerned about funding monitors for Parcel B, irrespective of the cost estimate, i.e., $15,000 or $40,000. The primary question I always ask myself when making a purchase for goods or services is “What will I gain by spending the money?”. That is a different question than “What am I paying for?”. The difference can be surprising. If I decide to buy a motorcycle and ask, what am I paying for, I know that I am buying a motorcycle (heck yeah, I may have even gotten a tremendous deal too). The answer to, what will I gain, is entirely different. I gain a motorcycle that will be of no use because I personally will not ride a motorcycle. In other words, I have no use for the motorcycle. If I buy something that I have no use for, tangible or intangible, I have not made a wise purchase. Wisdom is needed here, not knee-jerk reactions possibly based on fear of the unknown.
So, what do we gain by purchasing monitoring services or monitors for Parcel B? My answer is nothing. The original decision to purchase monitoring services had a different answer. The answer then may have been that we would gain assurance that the data being captured and reported by Concert/Ridgewood was accurate.
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) requires Concert/Ridgewood to maintain monitors onsite and to provide periodic reports about the data collected to the FDEP. The FDEP evaluates the reports and data to ensure Concert/Ridgewood is not placing the community in danger from the soil remediation.
What we have learned is that our independent monitoring uncovered no data or information that indicates that the Concert/Ridgewood data was inaccurate. In fact, our monitoring corroborated the data that was submitted.
I think think the results from our independent contractor confirm that the reporting by Concert/Ridgewood and its oversight by FDEP provides sufficient assurances that we are not in danger from the land development. There are other issues related to Concert/Ridgewood’s land developing projects that are worrisome, but monitoring the monitors is not one of them.
Last thought about the FCO Board of Directors meeting held February 10, 2021. It sounded as if the FCO is ready and willing to proceed with construction of a new South Gatehouse. This could get interesting because I was told by an owner that he consulted with his attorney and will file a lawsuit after the contract is signed. The lawsuit will allege that the FCO Board acted without authority in approving a capital improvement project exceeding $10,000.
The birdie also mentioned that in addition to the FCO, the FCO Manager and individual board members will be named in the lawsuit. What is more interesting is the birdie thinks that the individuals may not be covered by their liability insurance because they will have committed owners’ funds outside the authority of their official duties.
I have no idea how this will end, but it will sure be fun to watch. Actually, it will not be fun to watch especially if all it took to prevent the lawsuit was the court presidents asking their owners to vote for or against the expenditure. I am told that approving a budget for a court is not the same as approving a specific capital improvement project.
All should become clear after a judge or jury make a verdict or ruling (I don’t know the correct legal terminology).
The presidents probably voted to approve the south gate, but did they get the authority to vote on this from their owners. Did your hear an answer from any presidents?
I have not heard one way or the other from any FCO Board of Directors member. It seems strange that no one has said anything. You would think they would be interested in clarifying this situation.
Today I had an interesting conversation with Ben Geller, President of the FCO Board of Directors. The topics discussed are not the reason for this comment. Rather, I want to thank him for his time and for what I truly believe is a willingness to listen and address the issues confronting our community. I believe he is sincere when he says that bringing the Fountains community together is one of his goals. As a current resident in a South court and previously a long-time resident of a North court, Ben has a unique understanding of the concerns and issues from both sides in the ongoing North/South divide.
Also, I believe him to be realistic about what can be done to improve relationships and resolve long-standing and new issues that contribute to the divide between the North and South courts. He knows that many of the issues are deep rooted and that he, or anyone for that matter, will not satisfy everybody. Although, I think he will try.
Ben also grasps the feelings and emotions of residents who are still bitter over the sale of the FCC to Concert Golf. He realizes that many of us wish he could wave a magic wand and undo the sale of the FCC to Concert Golf, eliminate all development and construction projects at the Fountains, return the golf courses to the previous 54 holes, and stop any future development that Concert/Ridgewood may be considering or that may be considered in the future.
But Ben has to live in the reality of our current situation. Regardless of the desire of some or all of us, Concert/Ridgewood owns the land and has every right to do as it sees fit within the confines of Federal, State and Local laws and regulations. There is a limit to what the FCO can do. It operates under the same constraints many of us do, e.g., budget, authority, etc.
I hope every resident at the Fountains will work with him to achieve harmony. Also, I hope all of us realize that none of us will get everything we want and that not every decision will favor our wants and needs. The Fountains, like any other family, will have disagreements and even arguments. But let us not forget that in some form, we are a family.
Updated edited comment
My wife and I have been condo owners on Tivoli Court since 2004.
At the time that we made our purchase, The Fountains was a wonderful country club. As I was employed full time we rented our condo in the winter and spent as much time as we could with my limited vacation time.
The downfall of The Fountains Country Club began at the end of 2012 when the Charter Social Membership was eliminated by an arbitration agreement that we knew nothing about until after we purchased our condo.
There was a long standing rift between the golfers and the Charter Social Members that felt the Charter members were not paying their fair share.
The golfers felt that others should pay for their lavish and expensive lifestyle even if they were not full time residents or too old to no longer play golf.
As golf memberships began to decline and money became a problem, a lot of money was unnecessarily spent on renovating the dining room, a new cart barn, a new driving range, a Pub, a new fitness center,a poorly designed new North Gate House, and an attempt to enforce mandatory membership.
The famous wonderful weekly Sunday brunch was eliminated in an attempt to save money for the poor decisions of previous board members.
So many Fountain residents quit the club, became incensed and forced the club into bankruptcy.
Achieving harmony is going to be a tough sell as so many Fountain residents are still pi$$ed over what has transpired over the past few years.
I just want to go on record that we are opposed to spending any money on a new south gate house.
The technology certainly exists for tournament golfers to be issued a one time bar or QR code to enter on the automatic gate for residents to eliminate backups to Jog Road.
Terminal Readers can be installed replacing the old infrared beam to allow a scan of a smart phone containing a QR code to grant one time or multiple day access.
In my opinion, before any money is allocated for a new gate house all options should be investigated and considered by the present board.
Thank you board members for all that you do.
Some additional thoughts that I left out in my previous post.
“Terminal readers can be installed replacing the old outdated infrared beam to allow a scan of a QR Code on a smart phone to grant either a one time or multiple day access using the resident automatic gates to prevent backups to Jog Road” QR codes could also be issued to vendors and their drivers to speed up access. A small convenience fee could be charged to the vendors to eliminate their wait time for access.”
It is my understanding that a new South gate house would be owned by Concert Golf. Therefore, if this is a fact, why should all residents have to pay for it? Other country clubs in the area have kept a mandatory social membership category and are not facing the same monetary issues that The Fountains does.
I would like to echo Howard’s comments, as it would really be difficult to argue with what he has said. On the other hand much of what Bill, in his 2/19 comments said was also valid, especially the part of giving Ben Geller full support. Observing Ben many a Saturday during ‘stickball’, and on one occasion in our home I have found Ben to be a very caring individual, who carefully looks out for peoples’ welfare. He also has good organizing abilities. We are all in a situation that we are stuck with. Maybe collectively we can find solutions to moderate and alleviate some of the pain.
As to spending $400-$500,000 on a new gate, it would be, in my view a dereliction of financial duty and management.
I agree with you that spending $400 to $500 thousand dollars on a replacement South Gate would be a dereliction of duty by the present board. While sitting on my couch looking at the foot of snow beginning to melt as the temperature here in New Jersey rose into the mid forties, I have some additional thoughts in regards to safety, speeders, and Fountains Security.
In a previous post I mentioned what I believed to be poorly made decisions by previous FCO board members. I would like to mention in this post one of the best decisions in my opinion by a previous FCO Board member. Way back in 2014 I had a conversation with Bernard Ciancanelli, a previous FCO board member who was instrumental in approving and bringing in Hotwire to replace Comcast.
Some may disagree but we have fiber optic cable installed throughout The Fountains Country Club. The problem is the club is not utilizing this technology to its fullest. Cameras could be installed to photograph every driver, vehicle, plate number of every vehicle entering and leaving The Fountains Gates.
Digital speed readers could be installed along Fountains Drive with bright red flashing lights when the 25 MPH speed limit is being exceeded with cameras taking photos of the face of the driver and the license plate.
Higher Speed bumps could be installed.
Cameras could detect those tossing butts, soda cans and other garbage out the vehicle windows.
Loudspeakers, cameras and large signs could be installed at the Melaleuca Gate to warn commercial vehicles not to attempt an entry.
Flat screen TV’s could be installed in both the North and South Gate houses and in the FCO office to monitor everything that is going on within the entire community.
Cameras could also be installed to monitor the coming and goings of every court.
I don’t think any of the use of this technology will cost anywhere near $400 to $500 thousand dollars?
Ok, I’m done!
Backing to watching the NJ snow slowly melt
The following comment was sent to our email address.
Hi. My biggest complaint is that what ever is built the owners need to be responsible for the roads upkeep, the gates and any increase in traffic. The new units should be gated off and have their own access roads. Our extremely high HOA money should not be used for any of this.
Another reply to our email sent by a reader.
Thank you for this letter . It is time to work together to make the Fountains succeed . Ben is doing a “thankless “ job and deserves our congratulations and appreciation .
Just a quick question, I noticed our Holiday lights are still up on the Lake Worth Road entrance, shouldn’t they have been taken down by now. I do like the much earlier comments about permanent solid white lighting, but the green and red got to go?
It seems to me that the major roadblocks to removing the North/South divide fall into four categories. These issues need to be addressed, resolved, and then put behind so that we can become the community many remember or hope it will be.
The four categories that require rethinking and a communitywide consensus include:
• Inappropriate cost sharing for common expenses.
• Unfair Voting Process by the FCO Board of Directors
• Paying for maintenance and improvements to property owned by someone else, i.e., the POA and Concert.
• Letting go of the anger with the existing FCO Board of Directors based on prior FCO leadership, who were FCC members and lived in South courts, for their seeming complicity in the FCC sale, fomenting disharmony between FCC members and non-members, etc.
One of my first observations is that the divide is mostly coming from owners living in the North courts. I rarely hear or read complaints from owners that live in the South courts except to defend themselves against the complaints from owners in the North courts. This observation is difficult for me to swallow because I have been one of the complainers and I live in a North court. However, I need to abide by the adage “to thine own self be true”.
Category 1 – Inappropriate cost sharing for common expenses.
This perception is primarily shared by homeowners in North courts. The reason appears to be because projects that are perceived as benefiting only South courts are 72 percent funded by North courts. This is often accepted as a true statement. However, there are three problems with that conclusion.
First, it is highly unlikely that any project funded by FCO common expense funds solely benefit the South courts. Every owner in the Fountains uses the South gate entrance/exit; every owner in the Fountains drives on the roads south of the bridge; every owner sees the landscaping along the roads south of the bridge, etc.
Second, does anyone really think that the people criticizing the equal sharing of common expenses will be happy if the North/South share changes from 72/28 to 60/40 if their individual HOA or condo fees remain the same or higher? There are three-bedroom townhouses and condos in the North and maybe villas too.
The third reason often given by those people that think it is unfair is that the roads and gate house south of the bridge are owned by the POA. Their conclusion is why should the North courts pay for something the South owns. I will address this concern when I address the third category.
Beside those three direct concerns, there is another reason that could be related, but that I will provide information about in another comment on another day. The other reason is the high cost of HOA and Condo fees. This does not directly impact the North/South divide, but it could partially explain why owners are looking for cost saving options.
My conclusion is that the cost sharing between the North and South courts is fair when based on each household equally sharing the expenses. If a problem with the existing assessment process exists, it is between owners wherever they reside regardless of whether the “larger” house is in the North or South. The only relationship it has with the North/South divide is how the concern is expressed and not the concern itself.
Category 2 – Unfair Voting Process by the FCO Board of Directors
The dynamics that appear to block the FCO from reaching an agreement on a revised voting process are complex. Before we can move forward, we need to understand what may motivate owners in North courts to think a change in the voting process is necessary, and why there may be resistance from the South to support any change.
The concerns of owners in the North:
• South includes 28% of the Fountains’ households, but, has 52.6% of the votes. NOTE: If the Project D development by Concert/Ridgewood becomes a 20th court, this percentage could be considered worse because the South would include 26% of the Fountains’ households and have 50% of the votes.
• South courts vote as a bloc and not as independent courts.
• South courts use the inequity and take advantage of the North by funding projects that solely benefit owners in the South.
• Regardless of the veracity of these perceptions (the first is factual) the current process lends itself to the possibility they could occur.
The South courts having the majority say on FCO votes is a fact and easily verified by someone dividing the number of South courts, i.e., 10 by the total number of courts, i.e., 19 and converting the answer to a fraction. This is simple math and not conjecture.
It is unclear to me whether South courts voting as a bloc is based on fact, or fear that it may have happened. This answer could be made clear if votes taken by the FCO are recorded and specify how each court voted on each issue. I have not ever seen that level of detail about decisions. I have only heard that a motion was approved or disapproved by a majority. Is it possible that one or more of the North courts voted with the South courts and a motion was approved or disapproved without regard to the South courts’ actions?
It is unclear to me whether the South courts have taken advantage of the North courts by voting for projects, etc. that only benefit South courts. I have a few anecdotal examples why I believe this may not be true. First, I know that a classy looking perimeter wall was built along the Lake Worth Road boundary. That project could easily be argued as only benefiting the North courts. How was it funded if not for the support of the South courts and why wasn’t a similar wall constructed along Lantana Road in the South? Second, the North gatehouse was rebuilt, and it could also be argued that it benefited only North courts. Again, how was it funded if not for the support of South courts? Third, technical and legal support and monitors have been procured to protect residents from development and construction by Concert/Ridgewood. It could be argued that these services only or mostly benefited North courts. How were these services funded if not for the support by the South courts? One thing is certain, the first two examples were for expenditures for property that is not owned by South courts, i.e., the POA. So, I ask, is the South being selfish a myth?
Whether any of these expenditures should have occurred is not the issue. The issue is whether the South courts are taking advantage of North courts, and I am beginning to think the answer is no. Foolish spending, if that is what you think about any, or all, of the expenditures listed above is a topic for another discussion. Right now, I am addressing the North/South thingy. (I apologize for using such a technical word as “thingy”.)
It is clear to me that the voting advantage held by the South could lead to the concerns expressed by owners in the North. This is the primary reason I think the voting process needs to change. The voting process should provide every owner the assurance that every owner is equally important. The voting process needs to change to accommodate everyone.
So much for the reasons to change the voting process.
What are the reasons members of the FCO Board of Directors that represent South courts may be resisting a change in the voting process? The concerns I can think of are:
• Fear of being mistreated by North courts.
• Perception that as the leader of a court, their views and votes should equal any other court leader.
• Perception that there is no problem and that North owners are acting out of fear and not reality, i.e., “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”.
The fear of being mistreated is the flip side of the fear North court owners are expressing. I do not think this would happen for two reasons. First, the concerns and fears by the North courts are primarily from owners and not their representatives on the FCO Board of Directors. Second, the North courts have no common financial interests as exists in the South, i.e., ownership of roads and the gate house. This almost assures that a North voting bloc would have no viable reason to form.
It is difficult to argue that any court president should have more, or less, authority than another. A good comparison is that every state has two senators regardless of the state’s population. Each senator has a vote. However, one could counter that argument by pointing out that the number of congressional representatives in each state are apportioned based on the state’s population. In essence, this dichotomy is representative of the stance that North and South courts are taking.
The perception that there is no real problem may be valid except that it is looking backward and not what may or could happen as we go forward. Also, this perception may be wrong unless they are knowledgeable about past votes and know which court voted for what.
So much for the reasons not to change the voting process.
Now, the difficult part is to find a solution that MOSTLY satisfies owners, FCO Board members from both the North and the South. I say mostly because I cannot think of any solution that gives everyone exactly what they would like. The solution I will propose requires each side to give a little in order that the aggregate gains a lot. The prize may be a healing community that begins to become united and think of itself as one.
The proposal requires the FCO Board of Directors to eliminate the simple majority rules concept in favor of a substantial majority rules concept. I recommend that the FCO Board require 15 court representatives vote in favor or yes to approve a motion by one of its members. This proposal satisfies most of the concerns I listed above.
Why did I choose 15 and not another number, e.g., 13, 14, 16, etc.? It means that the smallest courts cannot by themselves dictate to the majority. Likewise, the larger courts cannot dictate to the smaller courts simply because they are larger. A codependency is created whereby only some combination of North and South courts must support a proposal for it to pass. It is also the first number that reaches or exceeds 50 percent households represented if only the smallest courts are in favor of the proposal. In other words, it assures that almost always most residents are in favor of the proposal, or at least that their representatives are.
Why did I choose a substantial majority? I think it helps ensure that decisions are in the entire Fountains community’s best interest. How could someone think it does not when approximately 75 percent of the FCO Board agree? It does not reduce the role and authority of any individual board member, regardless of the size of the households represented. It prevents a few members that may be dissatisfied or rebellious, i.e., malcontents, from subverting or stopping the will of a much larger majority. Of course, I do not think that any of the current members are malcontents, but you never know about the future. Finally, a substantial majority process will accommodate Parcel D owners and the additional FCO member should the owners choose to become the twentieth court. I understand that the smallest 15 courts will only be 48.9 percent of the new total of 1,959 households. The addition of a Parcel D court will make the existing situation worse if the South has only 26 percent of the households and can effectively block any proposal.
Category 3 – Paying for maintenance and improvements to property
owned by someone else, i.e., the POA and Concert.
This is a classic example of how I have changed my opinion. Until recently I thought that it was unfair that my fees were paying for private property that I, through the FCO, did not own. I now better understand the reasons why I should pay for maintenance and improvements. I am also surprised I did not comprehend why earlier.
First, any maintenance and improvements are to benefit the users of the property and not the owners. Who do you know that will purchase a road or gate house? No one! There is no financial gain to the POA or Concert when we maintain or improve these properties. The only people that benefit by the maintenance and the improvements are the users. We, all of us that are owners in the Fountains are the beneficiaries of the money we spend.
Second, the funds we are assessed are essentially the equivalent of paying a lease or rent for the use of someone else’s property. Does anyone think that owners would maintain and improve their property and not pass those costs on to a renter? The only difference is that we pay for the maintenance and improvement directly. Furthermore, we decide what maintenance and improvement we make within the limits of any agreement we have with the owner.
Third, does anyone think Concert would have paid less if the roads and gate house were not included in the purchase of the FCC? I do not. I think Concert would have purchased the FCC even if the county owned the roads and gate house that were part of the purchase. The profits Concert is earning are from development of the land surrounding the roads. Concert has made it clear that it could care less about gate houses or whether the community remains gated.
Essentially, the South courts are not profiting from the fees we pay for maintenance and improvements. Furthermore, I cannot be angry if they want to improve the appearance of the property south of the bridge. Also, I do not think the South courts are selfish when I take into consideration that the South courts supported improving the fence in the North by building a wall on the perimeter along the Lake Worth Road boundary, improving the North gatehouse, and supporting technical and legal support and monitors procured to protect residents from development and construction by Concert/Ridgewood. So, I ask again, is the South being selfish a myth?
Category 4 – Letting go of the anger with the existing FCO Board of Directors based on prior FCO leadership, who were FCC members and lived in South courts, for their seeming complicity in the FCC sale, fomenting disharmony between FCC members and non-members, etc.
I think that ascribing the behavior of prior leadership on the FCO is a disservice to the current members. The FCO Board of Directors as constituted is not the same one that apparently placed their allegiance to the FCC over their allegiance to owners of Fountains households. There is no one serving on the FCO Board that is also serving on an FCC board. This Board did not impose mandatory membership on purchasers of homes in the Fountains.
It is time to let the actions of past FCO Board members be forgotten. No one is suggesting that North court owners forget the mistreatment they received by Presidents of South courts (who also happened to belong on the FCC Board) or the acolytes on the Board that blindly followed them. It is not healthy for those holding onto the anger because of possible negative health consequences with no hope of changing what happened. The offending parties are gone and good riddance.
I realize that not everyone will agree with the above comments. However, I sincerely hope that a majority do and that everyone understands that the North/South divide is not as great as some may think. Further, I hope the FCO Board of Directors seriously consider revising the voting process. I believe it is the only roadblock to the community coming together as one.
Many homeowners are upset with the fees they pay to the FCO for common expenses. However, I think most of these complaints relate equally or more to the total cost of their HOA or condo fees. It may not matter, but I think it would be good if everyone understands what constitutes their HOA and condo fees. Most owners know the answer and this comment will only serve as a reminder. Others may learn something of which they were not aware.
Every owner in the Fountains pays for three categories of expenses for that privilege. Starting with the expenses each owner personally incurs to maintain, improve, modify, furnish, etc., their home. Another is the fees paid to your court for the general welfare of its owners, maintaining and improving the property it owns, furnishings for common areas of the court, etc. The last are fees paid to the FCO for the general welfare of all Fountains owners, maintaining and improving the property it owns or by agreement has responsibility, furnishings for that property, etc.
Each court and the FCO are legal entities that are incorporated by the State of Florida. As such, they each have Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws that they must follow. Every owner that registers on the FCO website, has access to a link that will take them to their respective court’s area. It is easy to access. You need to click on the Associations tab and then select the court (association) to which you belong. This area is protected, and you can only access the court(s) that you are a member. I do not know whether renters may join. These areas have court documents that may be of interest (board meeting notices and minutes, contact information, financial documents, articles of incorporation and by-laws, etc.) The site is informative and everyone that wants information about the FCO, or their court should register. You can also use the site to pay your HOA fees.
Obviously, I do not need to explain the expenses each owner personally incurs to maintain, improve, modify, furnish, etc., their home. The expenses are whatever you choose.
The court expenses that are covered by the HOA or condo fees you pay may differ from other court’s expenses. For illustration I am listing the expenses covered by my HOA fees. Included expenses are:
• FCO Shared Expenses
• General & Administrative
• Cleaning
• Exterminating & Termite Control
• Pool Maintenance
• Repair & Maintenance
• Security Fire Protection
• Landscaping
• Irrigation
• Trash Removal
• Electricity
• Elevators
• Water & Sewer
• Professional Fees
• Miscellaneous
• Emergency Phones
• Contingency Funds
• Anticipated Uncollectible Maintenance
• Roofing Bank Loan Assessment
• Cable TV
• Entertainment
• Insurance Appraisal
• Reserves (e.g., roofing, paving, painting, etc.)
You might have noticed that the first expense item listed was FCO Shared Expenses. That is the amount paid per household to fund the FCO common expenses. If you are in doubt about your HOA or condo fees you can learn about them by registering, if you have not already done so, and going to the FCO website.
The FCO expenses covered by your FCO Shared Expenses are identified as Community Services under the Property Management agreement each court has with the FCO. The Community Services include:
• Security services with guards;
• Maintaining all north and south access roads with landscaping and street lighting (not roads on Association common areas);
• Managers office (we know as the FCO Office) space rent, insurance, and expenses, including administrative employees’ salaries and benefits;
• Maintenance of entrance guard gates at Lake Worth Road and Jog Road;
• Construct entrance gate at Jog Road.
• Property Insurance for the entire Fountains Community;
• Professional fees for Manager (FCO Office) operations;
• Reserves for all the above including capital expenditures and contingency.
• Use, rents, insurance, maintenance and other costs for Craft Hall and Fountains Hall;
• All costs to maintain, repair and improve the roads and Street lights on all common roads which shall exclude the roads and streetlights contained within the property boundaries of the various Fountains Associations (courts).
• All costs to maintain, repair and improve all landscaping on Fountains Drive, Fountains Drive South and Fountains Circle, except those areas located within the property boundaries of the various Fountains Associations which are the responsibility of the applicable Association (court).
• All costs and rents to lease and maintain the portion of the maintenance barn and specified exterior apron areas and to provide the proper maintenance, repairs and other costs associated with the space leased by FCO.
• All costs to maintain, repair and improve the golf cart paths that are part of
the roads which are the maintenance responsibility of the FCO. With respect to the golf cart paths that are not part of the FCO maintained roads, the FCO agrees to share equally on a fifty-fifty (50/50) basis with Concert, the costs of repairing any damage to said golf cart paths by tree roots from adjacent properties. Cart path damage expense caused by tree roots from the various Fountains Association property will be charged to the applicable Association that owns the adjacent property.
• All costs and expense, to maintain, repair and improve and replace when necessary the entrance water fountains not located on Concert Club Facilities real property.
• Reserves for all the above including capital expenditures and contingency.
Each court establishes what its HOA or condo fees will cover and how it will allocate the costs to homeowners. For illustrative purposes only, I am using the decisions made in my court as an example. Please note that the fees all include the same amount for FCO Shared Expenses.
The expenses covered in my court are listed above. I will be using the HOA and condo fees charged for calendar year 2021 for comparison. The total budget for 2021 is $1,076,692. The HOA monthly rates are:
• 2 bedroom apartment and townhouse $462.77 ($293.93 for court use and $168.84 for FCO)
• 3 bedroom convertible $535.17 ($366.33 for court use and $168.84 for FCO)
• 3 bedroom townhouse $587.16 ($418.32 for court use and $168.84 for FCO)
Each of the rates include $168.84 per month for FCO Shared Expenses. This Shared Expenses amount may be slightly off because I computed it by dividing the total the court owes for FCO Shared Expenses by the number of households in my court in lieu of knowing the exact amount.
The conclusion is that the court charges each household the same for FCO Shared Expenses and a different amount based on size to accommodate differences in costs for support. As an owner you receive exactly the same benefits and opportunity to avail yourself of the goods and services covered by the FCO Shared Expenses fund as any other owner. It is your choice when and how often you use the included services. There is no difference that the size or value of your house creates. The difference in the court portion of your HOA or condo fees relates directly to the varying goods and services you receive. For example: larger roof – higher cost to replace; larger house – higher cost to paint; elevator in building – costs for repair, maintenance, and replacement; condo versus single house – costs for cleaning services of common hallways and stairwells as opposed to none for single houses, etc.
There will be expenses that individually or as a group we think are unnecessary. There will always be differing opinions about what is and is not necessary. One item that continually creates disagreements throughout private communities is the difference between owners with intentions of remaining for many years and those planning to sell or stay for only a short term. The general disagreement is over reserves for future repairs and replacements. Short term owners prefer no reserves because they know they will not be there when the repair or replacement occurs. Owners staying for the long term generally prefer reserves to prevent being assessed a large amount when the repair or replacement occurs.
Likewise, there are always disagreements about whether to repair or replace an item, e.g., South gate house. Additionally, when agreement about replacing an item is reached there is often disagreement about what to replace it with or how much should be spent. There are no easy answers. There will always be owners that continually spend money to upgrade and improve their house, while others are content to only spend for repairs and not invest in improvements.
The only thing I am sure of is that there are procedures in place and levels of authority assigned that must be used when making decisions. If these controls are followed, we must abide by the decisions reached regardless of the impact on our HOA and condo fees. Thus, is the bane of communal living. Communal living reminds me of the Rolling Stones song “You Can’t Always Get What You Want”.
After reading some comments and talking with others in the community I started thinking about ways to illustrate that the fees for FCO common expenses is not a North/South issue. Although, that is how the people that are stirring the controversy depict it. Also, I have become more convinced that the current allocation is the best option available to the FCO.
Following are a few examples, questions, and comments that I hope illustrate that it is not a North/South issue and that the “every household pays the same” cost sharing process in place is equitable and fair to all.
Example 1.
Gefion Court is a court in the North. It has 18 households and all North courts combined have 1,258 households. Stated differently, Gefion Court constitutes 1.4% of all North courts, and the other 8 courts constitute 98.6%. Why do the critics of the split between the North and South stay quiet about the fact that 1 of 9 courts only pays 1.4% of the North’s FCO common expenses, but it is 11.1% of all North courts? Shouldn’t Gefion Court pay more? If you substitute Gefion with South, and all North courts with all FCO courts, the interpretation about fair/unfair should apply equally. Unfortunately, raising the Gefion Court situation does not play into the blame the South cry from a relatively few owners in North courts.
The South courts are courts in the Fountains. It has 509 households and all Fountains courts combined have 1,767 households. Stated differently, the South constitutes 28% of all courts, and the other 9 courts constitute 72%. Why do the critics of the split between the North and South criticize the fact that 10 of 19 courts only pays 28% of the FCO common expenses, but it is 52.6% of all courts? This perceived imbalance is often cited because it is consistent with the blame the South cry from a relatively few owns in the North.
Example 2.
Other than quoting statistics, which we all know can be misleading, what specifically are the reasons some owners in North courts think the owners in South courts are not paying their share of FCO common expenses? I am patiently waiting. Oh, and if the answer has to do with what is included in the FCO Common Expenses it is the voting process that creates the liability. Which has nothing to do with the amount. Call for a change in the FCO Board of Directors voting process. Sticking it to other owners is NOT the answer. Other than the statistics, the only reason I have heard is “because it is unfair.” Which is sort of like “because I said so.”
Example 3.
If an owner in a North court has a 3-bedroom house should the owner pay the same amount as an owner in a South court with a 3-bedroom house? If an owner in a North court has a 2-bedroom house should the owner pay the same amount as an owner in a South court with a 2-bedroom house? If the answer is yes, then the issue is not between North and South. If the answer is no, please explain.
Example 4.
I think it is highly obnoxious for anyone to demand from others something for which they are not entitled. What right do owners in North courts think they have that would have others subsidize their costs of living? If someone cannot afford to pay their share, then why did they buy into the Fountains? There are many other communities they could have chosen. In fact, it is not too late for them to relocate to a public housing development that is cheaper or subsidized by the government and not their neighbors. Providing subsidies is a role for governments and not private citizens. When done by private citizens it is best known as contributing or donating and is voluntary. If the FCO thinks offsetting the costs for FCO common expenses for owners of North courts is a good idea, it should create a GoFundMe account. The GoFundMe account could ask for donations from South court owners or generous North court owners who feel it is a good idea to support other North court owners. The FCO should not get in the business of providing housing assistance for some owners, especially at the expense of other owners.
For anyone having difficulty booking a COVID-19 vaccine appointment: I had my 1st shot today, courtesy of the Healthcare District of Palm Beach County. It was super easy to register on their website: There are two nearby sites, the Fairgrounds on Southern Blvd. and the Civic Center on Jog near the Morikami Gardens. A day or two after I registered, I got an email offering me an appointment on the day & time of my choosing. It was a very easy process. And a great experience – the volunteers are awesome and they really have their act together! I was in & out in about an hour’s time.
I would like to know when is our contract over from Hotwire Cable
Are you having a problem?
I have the entire Hotwire contract in front of me. The contract was signed by Bernard Ciancanelli President of the FCO on April 29, 2014 and the President of Hotwire Kristin Johnson.
The Hotwire contract began on January 1, 2015. The entire contract is 51 pages but to answer your question, the initial contract runs for eleven years from the start date and will automatically renew for two year periods.
I was very skeptical when the previous Comcast contract ended on December 31st 2014 and waited one year before I retired my AT&T Pots telephone line.
Hotwire ran their fiber exactly where I wanted their ONA (Optical Network Adapter) in our front bedroom where my router, TV splitters, and telephone wiring connection was located.
Since the initial installation we have had zero problems.
I am happy that Hotwire provides both analog and digital TV channels. Hotwire’s telephone service allows us to call nationwide and provides additional features that our previous AT&T Service did not. With AT&T we were charged extra for making a call to Boynton Beach.
If you have old telephone and cable TV wiring in your residence and are having issues, trying to replace Hotwire will not solve your problem.
Be aware that having FTTP (Fiber to the premises) is the latest technology that many in this world can only wish for. AT&T, Comcast, and even Verizon do not provide fiber to all that request it.
I am a retired Senior Network Analyst after working 52 years so I am reasonably sure that any technical issues that you may be having can be easily resolved?
OK, back to watching the last of the pile of snow melt in my NJ backyard.
Thank you for the reply I am not happy with Hotwire never was and not alone .How do I get out of it ?I would like to receive Comcast .
Hotwire service is included in your monthly maintenance.
Comcast is available but you will have to pay for the installation and monthly service and you will not get a reduction in your monthly maintenance.
You are responsible for all the cable, Internet, and telephone wiring in your residence.
If any of that wiring is causing technical issues nothing will change by moving to Comcast.
Hotwire includes your TV, Internet, and Telephone Service.
Why are you not happy with Hotwire?
Are you having technical issues?
You can check your Internet speed by going to www.
If your router is more than a few years old and no longer able to receive firmware updates you need to replace it. Be aware that if you go with Comcast, in addition to a suitable router, you are going to need a cable modem that you can either purchase or Comcast will be happy to charge you a monthly rental fee.
Why are you not happy with Hotwire?
When Comcast was first replaced by Hotwire I felt the same as Nancy. For me, it was probably the hassle of learning a new provider.
After several years of using Hotwire I am comfortable with using it. I also love having the WiFi service that was not part of the Comcast service.
I still dislike that Hotwire does not offer CBS with its OnDemand service. Unfortunately, most of the shows I watch are CBS.
I do have Comcast at my other house “up north” and other than the CBS situation, I am equally happy with both providers.
I also had reservations with the change to Hotwire and took it upon myself to reach out to the FCO president at that time to ask questions and read the entire contract. After one year of Hotwire I became satisfied with their service.
I have a slingbox both in Florida and NJ so if there is something that I absolutely want to watch I can utilize my slingbox and watch the program on my laptop.
I am curious to know why Nancy would want to replace Hotwire? She has not elaborated her reason why.
One question that I do have regarding television in Florida that has nothing to do with Hotwire is why is Face the Nation on CBS on Sunday mornings on two different television stations for the first and second half hour?
In NY it is on CBS channel 2 for the entire hour.
Perhaps someone knows?
The following invitation is from Bill Morgenstein.
If anyone in the Fountains has served in Korea I am inviting you to join the Korean War Veterans Assoc,. (Chapter 17) in Del ray Beach. We meet the 2nd Sunday of each month, with an impressive brief ceremony and usually an interesting guest speaker.
For further information call me 561-714-7970 or email me:
(I can help with transportation if necessary)
There were some very interesting discussions about construction of a new South Gate house. First there is some consideration about adding a third inbound lane to ease traffic. The thought is that maybe the new gatehouse could be built on the footprint of the current gatehouse, thus saving costs. I heard at least one person voice their non-concurrence, but I am not sure why because no reason was given. I am not sure why anyone would reject adding a third lane in advance of the issue being evaluated and a proposal submitted for consideration. Good staff work has prevented many a company/organization from making hasty and often costly errors. In fact, I am of the opinion that the lengthy delays in constructing a new gatehouse are in large part due to a desire by the proponents of the new gatehouse to move quickly instead of cautiously. The issues and options being raised today should have already been considered at the start of the project. I am glad that FCO President Ben Geller is proceeding cautiously, regardless of the final FCO decisions about the gatehouse.
Secondly, comments were made that brings into question about the costs that some Presidents think should or should not be considered in the costs of the North gate house construction. This issue is important because of the Board’s commitment to equal funding. Basically the issue is whether funds spent to repair broken water mains, etc. should be attributed to new construction or as maintenance of existing infrastructure.
Also, I understand that there were substantial problems with the North gatehouse that the FCO should have performed maintenance funds to correct, e.g., mold. It was decided to scrap the repairs in favor of replacing the building. One could easily posit that only the difference between the repair costs and the new construction is the actual amount spent for the North gatehouse.
Third, Ben rightfully mentioned that inflation might influence the final amount that will be allocated. It is only fair that the comparisons consider all cost factors whether they reduce or increase obligations.
During the FCO Board of Directors meeting held March 10, 2021, I made a suggestion that consideration be given to purchasing additional microphones (or using ones already owned) for use in Fountains Hall during meetings using Zoom. I have attended several of the FCO Board Zoom meetings and invariably people present in Fountains Hall are speaking too far from the available microphone and are not heard by people attending via Zoom.
Whether additional microphones are made available or not, there is really only one solution to this issue. Attendees that wish to speak MUST first ensure that they are speaking into a microphone. It does not matter if 1, 2, 3 or more microphones are in Fountains Hall if the speakers do not use them.
I may be wrong, as I frequently am, but if someone has something they think is worth communicating they should take the small step of approaching or requesting a microphone. Frankly, it is discourteous to Zoom attendees and wastes meeting time because comments are often not heard, misheard, or unnecessarily repeated.
Please ladies and gentlemen, a little courtesy to your cohorts and observers.
Not only should everyone in Fountains Hall have their own microphone, but everyone on the Zoom calls should be clearly identified with their full name and the Court that they represent.
Using a name such as “ipad” might be okay for family zoom calls but in my opinion it is not acceptable on FCO,court, or any other business type zoom calls.
I think another requirement should be proper attire. Bare chested is classless at best.
When I had Comcast I never had an issue with Internet service. When we changed over to Hotwire I need to have 2 routers and still Internet is slow .I guess we are stuck with Hotwire
There are two things you can do that should significantly increase the speed of your internet service. First, Hotwire is running a special offer to double your internet speed for $10 per month for 12 months (regular cost would be $19.99 per month). This is based on an email I received from Hotwire today. It did not provide a date when the offer ends.
Second, you can purchase a WiFi extender for less than $100. This will increase the signal strength and range in your house.
The combination of these two options should resolve your problems and at a much lower cost than switching to Comcast (that is if you are obligated to continue paying for Hotwire in your HOA).
thank you. I am not going to pay more for a service Why should i pay more should have a decent internet from the beginning .I wanted to get AMC channel and that cost 35.00 per month
Hi Nancy I don’t know if you’re still reading this feed but I have done that test that I think the guys name was Bill said that we should have and I looked into cable networks more with a couple of friends who actually work for them and you’re right hotwire is probably one of the worst companies around so if somebody did not do their homework and you will notice when you check your speeds when you do your MGBS and your gigs even our pings are too small when we had Comcast even if I had to pay more for it it was much better now with what we have we can’t even stream unless I get an extra router and why should we have to keep paying for extra routers if we have to pay for extra routers we might as well have stayed with Comcast who has Xfinity which is a much better plan with hot water I can’t even stream my videos I have to watch them On my iPad Pro which I have a service for because at least it doesn’t pixelate while I’m watching it and with hotwire there’s always slow streaming and pixelation!!
FOUND. A light for a bicycle has been found. Anyone missing a light should reply to this comment or send a email to the editor. Please describe the light.
This week we lost a good friend, Leon Reid. Leon was a longtime resident of Esedra Court. He was kind, bright, friendly and most of all a gentleman. The Fountains community has lost a good man. Rest in Peace Leon. My condolences to his sister and many friends.
I would like to suggest the FCO and all courts that have speed bumps provide “bicycle” lanes to allow bicyclists to avoid the bumps. I don’t know whether a speed bump is dangerous to bicyclists, but I do know my butt hurts every time I ride across one.
Trevi Court has about a one foot wide break in the center of its speed bumps and some space on either end. Riding through these spaces makes for a much more comfortable bike ride and does not interfere with the intention of slowing vehicle traffic.
I do not expect the FCO or any court to take on the added expense of making the modifications immediately. I only hope that these options are considered when repaving.
Bill, 4-1/2 years ago when I was in charge of repaving Trevi Ct. I realized that as a bike rider, the guys in the orange shirts in the AM,we needed speed bumps in the court to keep auto speeds down, as well as an easy passage for bikes but also spacing for water runoff when the rain squalls got severe. Thanks for recognizing the benefits of what we did.
You did a great job! It strikes a perfect balance between all traffic types and provides your court with a safe and effective way to control speed.
Thank you!
For the sake of consistency can you begin to use the following in describing parcels that will be develped within the Fountains
Below is a short description of the Parcels currently under development in the Fountains Community.
Parcel A – GL Land Banked: This parcel fronts on Jog Road lying north of the Water Management Canal. GL in banking the property has not provided any publicly available information as to when it will be developed. The impact on the Fountains is undetermined at this time. Parcel A is adjacent to Esedra and Versailles Courts.
Parcel B – The Oasis at the Palm Beaches, formerly known as The Lofts at Lake Worth (The County is now referring to as Altis Lake): Is slated to become 318 residential rental units, backing up to the Fountains on the west side of Jog road. Traffic exiting from the Altis Lake will be funneled south on Jog Road. Parcel B is adjacent to Tivoli, D’Este, The Townhouses, Gefion, and Esedra Courts.
Parcel C – Lakewood Cove, formerly known as Lake Worth Crossing: This parcel lies between Tivoli Court and Lake Worth Road and will consist of 70 residential Townhouse Units.
Parcel D – Lakeshore at the Fountains: This parcel lies between Trevi Court and Lake Worth Road and will consist of 192 residential units.
To view site plans of Parcels B, C, and D, click FCO Information then click on Parcels B, C, D site plans.
Thank you!
That is a good suggestion and I will try to use those titles in future posts. However, you should know that the use of “POD” was because that is how the FDEP letters refer to the projects.
Can anyone tell me why they took the green barrier off on parcel D… I hope they have
a plan because what I’m looking at now is horrible… and it butts right up to my patio… I thought the green fence was bad but this is worse… all I’m left with are dirt and weeds…
Barbara Perugini 4349 Trevi court … I’m trying to be patient but just would like an explanation of
The developers plan?
The soil testing is completed so that company that did that work removed the fences.. Once construction begins, new fences will be installed where applicable.
Is there a builder for parcel d? Or is it just going out for bids?
Construction in the Fountains is a joke. Broken fences, piles of sand blowing everywhere, holes DUG IN THE GROUND with orange fences around them everywhere. Coming in the north gate all Grass and PLANTS JUST ABOUT DEAD. Drive down Fountains Drive no sprinklers working again, most foliage and grass dead. Fountains Drive road is a mess, pot holes starting to develop all over the road. Fountains looking like CRAP. Who is in charge of this mess and when will they fix everything they have destroyed. We as residents are limited to information about the projects. What are the finished projects going to look like? Again, no information. I guess as a condo owner we have no say. Who in the Fountains is keeping tabs on what’s going on – sure looks like no one. Are they really developers or shoe salesmen trying to build these developments? Sure seems like a lot of money tied up in these projects. I guess when you have all the money you can do what you want when you want to do it. How about some feed back. People bi*ch about speeding but not this building disaster. Guess the developers didn’t do their homework and the Fountains gets an an F.
Save your breath. I have been voicing this same complaint for years. Concert Golf doesn’t give a rat’s ass about the residents of the Fountains. They bought the community to sell off the golf courses for development and nothing more. Wait until the clubhouse is demolished and it and the area around Luxemburg is developed. Maybe it’s time that the North Courts hire a competent attorney and take Concert to court questioning the legality of a “quality of life” suit.
As if taking down the fence along Fountains Drive wasn’t bad enough ! They left the grassy shoulder from the Lake Worth gatehouse to Trevi Ct. full of trenches, exposed piping and wiring, trash and weeds [everywhere] !! And yes no sprinklers watering the plants/trees/shubbery and everything dying !!! Such an eyesore.
Shame on Concert Golf and Ridgeway.
Court/Association Presidents do something please !
Janet, I understand your frustration and the frustrations of all that live in the North. It is sad to see the poor conditions and destruction of the beautiful community we were proud to live in.
As a former President of Gefion Court I can assure you that many of the Presidents are left in the dark as are residents. There is an Executive Committee of the FCO derived of several Presidents who have important meetings discussing Community issues, and dealings and negotiations with Concert Golf. Debbie Poulette the Executive Director of our management company attends all of these meetings to take the minutes. Debbie also attends all board of directors President’s meetings to take minutes. All Board of Presidents meeting minutes can be found and viewed on the FCO web site. The only minutes unavailable to both Presidents and residents are those taken at the Executive Committee meetings?
Information is not shared with the board of Presidents until the next monthly meeting. Its unfortunate that your President is not provided with information from the Executive Committee to share with residents as it becomes available. An example of this is that I recently became aware of information regarding why all work has ceased and fences removed surrounding the construction areas in the North. Apparently, Concert was on the hunt for a NEW builder to sell the property to construct the new communities behind Trevi and Tivioli. Through the grapevine I discovered that they are under contract with a new company Zuckerman Homes. A letter from the President of the FCO, Ben Gellar to Presidents and all residents of the Fountains of Palm Beach keeping ALL informed would go a long way.
Janet, in short it is not necessarily your Presidents fault that you are kept in the dark. Information cannot be shared if they do not have it. I believe the information should be shared by the President of the FCO board of director’s as SOON as he is aware. Information can easily be shared via a newsletter sent by email to all residents.
Keeping important information from the people one represents is not in short supply at the Fountains. It appears to exist with many court leaders. If that is the practice at the court leadership level, why would you expect more from the FCO which is made up of those very same people.
People rarely change just because the “hat they wear” does.
Wow, did anyone else join the FCO Board of Directors Zoom meeting today? It was an amazing and difficult meeting to watch.
Questions asked and answered. Same questions asked again and answered. Same questions asked again and answered. Are you getting the idea?
Statements made giving a view not shared by all. View considered okay. Different view expressed and not okay because it is biased. Some obviously think a view is valid only when they agree with the statement. Other’s views are biased, their own not. Who knew?
Expecting one party to act timely is inappropriate. Asking another party to act timely is okay. Vigorous defense for not acting timely (dare I say responsibly) and vigorous defense for not acting timely (dare I say responsibly). Both wrong?
Offers extended a couple or more weeks ago hoping to resolve some concerns. Offer deemed offensive and received less than warmly. Offer withdrawn and offeror criticized for not discussing at meeting.
Hypocrisy abounds. Criticism directed at the FCO for not sharing important information or not sharing important information timely. How many of you have been informed that your Court’s Board of Directors is considering hiring a new property management company instead of the FCO? If you were told, how frequently are you receiving reports on the progress of that effort by that Board of Directors? Way too much of the kettle calling the pot black. Lead by example folks!
Sense of community questionable. Sense of me, me, me loud and clear. What are you doing for me? Why are you treating me like that? Don’t you understand?
Unfortunately, I was not any better. In trying to have the participants act responsibly and with a decorum befitting a group of adults representing 1,767 homeowners, I was just as wrong. I berated someone for behavior I found unacceptable and in a moment of losing my mind I behaved “exactly the same”. I should not have accused anyone of acting like a spoiled 5 year old. I apologize to the Board and others on the Zoom call, especially the person whom I was addressing.
The comments above make sense to me, but probably not so for many of the readers of the comments. You needed to be there to understand. If you were there, you probably will not understand either because we rarely recognize our own foibles as we do those of others. Everything I said that is negative will be viewed as directed at the “other guy”.
One comment did resonate well with me. Someone, whose name I won’t mention, but he will know I am referring to him, made a comment that owners and residents would be best served if they were able to benefit from knowing what is said and the flow of the conversations. I agree and therein lies part of the problem. Why are not more of you signing-up for and participating in the FCO Board of Directors Zoom meetings? You don’t have to say a word, you can just listen. Your lack of gaining important and timely information falls directly on your shoulders. I was way more critical of the FCO information sharing before it opened up the Board meetings to all owners, near and far, through Zoom.
I attended almost that entire FCO meeting until I had to leave for a grandson’s basketball game.
It was disgusting to listen to and probably the worst FCO Board meeting that I ever heard.
One of the only good things to come out of this pandemic is Zoom and the ability of Fountain owners not on site to attend these meetings remotely.
It is too bad that so few attend not only the monthly FCO meetings but the monthly court meetings as well.
In my opinion Fountain owners should not be complaining about anything unless they attend both Court and FCO meetings on Zoom so they are better informed.
Disingenuous certain board members attacking another board member for asking some tough questions and not getting answers is not ok. Attacking female board members for asking some tough questions is not ok in my opinion.
Answers such as “that is the way this has always been done” is not a proper answer in my opinion.
FCO board members on Zoom not properly identifying themselves with names such as “ipad or a nickname” may be ok for a family Zoom call but not in a business type of call in my opinion.
I don’t have enough information to make a decision on whether a new property management company should replace the present FCO maintenance department but it is certainly something that should be investigated in my opinion.
It was mentioned on the recent call that FCO maintenance sends out two individuals on a call.
When a resident in our building below us complained about water dripping from above the FCO came out and determined that a clogged condensate drain was the cause of the problem, billed us for the visit, and told us we needed to call a plumber. We did, but why couldn’t FCO maintenance clear such a simple problem?
Perhaps another property maintenance company can perform simple repairs at a lower cost that we are presently paying.
Hopefully we can get some answers in a timely manner?
I was also glad to hear that the topic of a new South Gatehouse is on hold.
Hopefully the subject will never come up again to waste a half million dollars that could be better spent on other matters.
For those that have a problem using Zoom, there are you tube videos that will show you how. Just use your Google machine.
I have been in charge of maintenance in Trevi Ct. for 5 years and have called our maint. dept. every time there was a condensation line blockage. NEVER have they failed to correct the problem. Possibly there was something else involved other than the cond. line and there is more to the story than what you are aware of.
Additionally, if your court cleaner pours 2-3 cups of Clorox in the cond. line from the 3rd floor it will help destroy the mold that’s causing the blockage.
I think it is great that you presented your experience with FCO maintenance. Too often we only hear the negatives and usually the positives remain unspoken/unwritten. More often than not comments are made that highlight a negative.
I wish more people, especially those being criticized would defend themselves and share good news. I would love to read a weekly compilation of the number and types of maintenance and repair requests the FCO performed that week and the number and type of requests that required referrals to outside contractors.
Without positive information readers and residents only hear the negative and are left with false impressions. This contributes to a possible false sense of dissatisfaction.
I keep a detailed record of every maint. request made by me pertaining to Trevi Ct. Our maintenance dept. has never failed me in getting repairs made in timely fashion with the utmost degree of professionalism. If you would like to see what several typical monthly repair requests look like I would be happy to email them to you. In my opinion our maintenance dept. does an outstanding job.
I attended almost all of that disgusting meeting yesterday until I had to leave for a grandchild’s basketball game. FCO Board members attacking a court president for asking some hard questions regarding how funds are being proposed and spent is not OK. Giving answers such as “that is the way we’ve always done certain things” is not OK for an acceptable answer.
Court Board members and others not displaying their full first and last name and the Court that they represent is not OK. That may be ok for a zoom meeting with family members, but it is not OK for a business type meeting. A Zoom monthly meeting that is attended by residents and or FCO members that display identification such as “Ipad or a nickname” is not OK for a business type of meeting. For those that do not know how to correctly display their first and last name on Zoom you can just Google it to learn how?
Not using a close microphone so that others on a Zoom call cannot clearly hear what one is speaking is also not OK.
Just listening to FCO Board members state that they do not have everything in writing between them and Concert Golf is distressing to me. What kind of lawyers are they using? Very cheap ones no doubt? You usually get what you pay for just like the architects that designed the Lake Worth Gatehouse.
All negotiations between the FCO and Concert Golf on any topic should be in writing and posted publicly for all residents to stay informed.
Perhaps there are some Fountain residents that do not know how to attend a Zoom meeting to become better informed?
Perhaps a flyer can be made up and distributed with some free social distanced classes?
Desantis opened up the State..why do we still have to be on zoom .. why can’t we have our meetings at the fountains hall..enough is enough with zoom
I think it was said at the last FCO Board of Directors meeting that owners that want to attend the meeting in person at Fountains Hall are welcome. However, there are many, including me, that are not physically in Florida when meetings are held and I hope the Zoom option stays available in perpetuity.
So your governor “opened up the state” and that is exactly why we have not been to Florida in over a year. Up here in NJ almost everyone wears a mask and entering most stores require that a mask be worn before entering.
If you want to attend FCO meetings in person please do so at your own risk.
Many others would prefer to attend the FCO meetings on Zoom as well as court meetings and I hope the Zoom access to both court and FCO meetings continue long after this pandemic ends.
Even the CDC does not yet know all the answers related to Covid and we continue to learn, but what has been learned is transmission is more likely to occur in indoor poorly vented locations.
We’ll continue to attend meetings on Zoom.
I like the idea of having all Association meetings attendance available via Zoom, i.e., FCO and Courts. Also, I like Susan’s idea to record the Zoom meetings to allow residents to access same via Facebook. That too I would like the Courts to follow.
Technology has come a long way and it would be great if better use was made of it.
If you are not in Florida and not in the Fountains I understand..
Lowell, Ben Geller did say at Wednesdays BOD meeting that meetings are now open. It is Unfortunate that he did not send out a news letter to ALL Fountains residents in the community that the meetings are now open. Board meetings should certainly continue to be available via zoom as well. What would be even better if the zoom meetings could be viewed on the FCO Condo Website to be at residences convenience. The website is paid for by your HOA fees, and is a requirement by law. The site should be utilised an updated by FCO staff. You can view Concert Golfs town Hall meeting February 27 on the site yet you can’t view our own board meetings? Is it me? Or is there something wrong with that picture?It’s important that residents can actually view for themselves Board meetings and not have to rely on reading minutes a month after the meetings. A lot is missed or not included in the written minutes. ResiWe should have the choice to attend in person or view in real time via zoom. Zoom meetings should also be posted on the website, it is easy,free and convenient for all residents. The FCO office staff would not spend more than 5 minutes pushing a button and making those meetings available on the website. If you agree contact the FCO (Fountains Condominium Operations) That is your management company for your community. They work and are paid through your HOA fees. I’ve requested transparency before that ALL board meetings, Board of Directors and Executive Committee meetings be viewable on the site. At those meetings it is decided and voted on how YOUR money is spent. Contracts are decided,negotiations with Concert Golf are discussed and voted on. Currently we don’t find out what’s going on until after the fact. It’s difficult to be informed,involved or have a voice when you’re kept in the dark.
Well said and your response to Lowell was well written. All meetings should not only continue on Zoom but should be recorded and posted on you tube for later viewing for those that may have missed the meeting.
Thank you Howard for understanding the obvious!
I have independently been thinking about the possibility that my Court could choose to begin using a property management company other than the FCO starting January 1, 2022. That is the date when all current Court agreements will cease to be in effect unless the Court enters into a new agreement with the FCO. My primary interest is selfish and is “How does my Court’s decision impact me?”. This means I am concerned about me personally as a homeowner, my Court because I pay HOA fees to maintain the common property and support leadership decisions, and the FCO because I pay a share of the common expenses. I am more of an interested observer as it pertains to other Courts contemplating property management companies, although I frankly do not care what decision they make because I do not think it will personally affect me in any meaningful way.
I sent my Court president a series of 39 questions I think should be answered before any decision is made. I did not expect an answer because they were really meant to be a list of things that I would like to know when/if I am asked to vote for or against using the FCO or another property management company. My President did reply and gave me answers to some of the questions that she had the answers. That was unnecessary but appreciated.
It is possible that someone will think that I am for or against using a new property management company based on my comments and questions. Not so! In order of importance, I want what is best for me, my Court and the FCO. Some will say including the FCO in this list is proof that I am leaning towards staying with the FCO. That is not the case. The reason the FCO is in this list is because I do not know whether my Court will stay or not, and if it stays, I do not want to harm, financially or with extra unnecessary work an organization of which I am associated. The FCO might not be on my list if I knew my Court was going with a new property management company.
I have many questions and very few answers. My biggest concerns and questions are much broader than specific questions about what services the new property management company will provide and how the cost for those services compares to what services and costs are paid to the FCO. Below are listed the issues I would like addressed as soon as possible, especially the first. By focusing primarily on property management companies and their costs I am concerned that everyone is missing the elephant in the room for looking down at the mice.
I am providing both the question(s) and the reason it is being asked. I will use the name Concert to reflect whatever name the owner of the North roadways, etc., is now known by. I hope that answers are provided as they become available and that they inspire other homeowners in potentially affected Courts to also seek the answers.
Once these questions are answered, along with many others I hope to be positioned to vote, if I am afforded that option, with knowledge and in my best interest.
Issue/Question 1
How will the decision to stay or leave the FCO be made? Will homeowners be asked to vote for or against a decision? If so, will the vote be binding on the Court’s Board of Directors? Will the Court’s Board of Directors act independently of the homeowners?
One reason I ask these questions is that I have not found anything in my Court’s documents that explicitly answers these questions. Broadly read, the documents appear to allow the Board of Directors to act independent of any vote by homeowners. Another interpretation could be that the Board of Directors will have to seek a vote for approval of the Fiscal Year 2022 budget for the Court’s common expenses. One could presume that the property management company fees will be included.
Another reason is that I have the strong opinion that any decision by my Court’s Board of Directors that has substantial and significant changes to me as a homeowner should be presented to homeowners and minimally seek their input, and preferably seek their approval. Readers probably will not remember (and why should you), but I publicly applauded Karen Kelly three years ago in a comment on this blog for having the decency to allow the homeowners she represented in Esedra Court to vote on exactly this matter. She placed her constituents wishes above her own. Also, there is a quote I have long considered useful and that helps influence my decisions and actions. Sadly, in the heat of the moment I sometimes forget and act inappropriately. The quote is from Potter Stewart, Supreme Court Justice and it reads, “Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do.”.
Issue/Question 2
How will a Court independently or in association with other like-minded Courts impact the fees I will be obligated to pay the owners of the property within the Fountains, i.e., POA for its gate, roadways, and landscaping and Concert for its gates, roadways, and landscaping. Who will negotiate the fees? Will the negotiator engage an attorney for legal advice? Will the owners bill the fees directly to property owners or will it bill the Court? Are the fees we currently pay likely to stay the same, decrease, or increase? What is the basis for your projection about the cost impact?
One reason I ask these questions is because I cannot fathom that Florida and/or Palm Beach County statutes, regulations, etc., would allow any household or association (which I understand is the legal term for Court) to not contribute a fair share towards property that is privately owned but must, by law, be open to use by said person or association. The other reason is that the FCO does not own any of the common access areas and I assume (yes, I know what some think the word assume means) that the assessment of fees is that of the property owners, i.e., POA and Concert.
Another reason is that the FCO negotiated those fees on behalf of all Courts and homeowners and will probably continue that role for the Courts that stay with the FCO as their property management company. I do not know whether the Courts that use another property management company will do so individually or under some other association (like, but not the FCO). Also, I know that the FCO thought that the agreements were too complex to enter into without legal representation and opinions. Unless they were wrong, I guess the Court’s leadership would think they also would need legal counsel. Secondly, I again assume that the time an attorney needed to review the agreements will be the same except that the costs will be borne by fewer households for both FCO Courts and for the departing Courts.
Issue/Question 3
Can a lien be placed on my house if the Court or I do not pay the fees charged for common expenses related to property I own, individually and collectively for common Court property? If so, will I be able to sell or refinance my house? Will the Court pay for attorneys’ fees to represent me if a lien is filed or will I be personally bear any legal costs?
The reason I ask these questions is because I know that property owners are usually concerned about their ability and legal rights for ensuring they are compensated fairly and timely for others use of their property. One option typically available is the use of liens. Also, I think that a lien against the common access property owned by a Court would serve no real purpose. Therefore, I would be surprised if they did not take some action to hold the homeowners responsible.
Another reason is if I were in a situation where my Court’s Board of Directors chose not to pay the POA or Concert for whatever reason I would have no control over that decision and I could possibly suffer. This same concern could exist within my Court while under the FCO. However, I find that possibility less likely since the relationship between the POA and the FCO and the FCO and Concert is well established. My concern may be irrational, but it is nevertheless a concern.
Finally, attorney fees are extremely high ($450 an hour or more I am told). I would like to know my need for one is minimal or that my Court would absorb the costs under some insurance policy or some other conveyance.
Issue/Question 4
How will security work under an arrangement where the FCO represents some courts and not others? Will the Fountains continue to be a gated community? If the North gatehouse becomes unmanned or ungated entry is permitted would the POA add a gate crossing the bridge where its property begins? Will the Melaleuca Lane gate be dismantled or permanently left open? What about the gatehouse access system? Will the FCO system be used? Will the new property management company have the responsibility? Who will pay for the access system and its maintenance? What happens if two or more calls to security were made while only one guard is available? Where would the guard respond first? Who makes that decision?
The reason I ask these questions is because I would find any solution to shared security awkward. I suppose the FCO, or a departing Court could take the lead for procuring a security service and the other (FCO or Courts) could contract with the that party to pay a percentage of the amount for security and the administrative fees for administering the contract. I am not sure how well that arrangement will work because it maintains the cost sharing arrangement that I hear many of the Courts potentially leaving rail against. Likewise, the call-in service for guest access. I have heard several comments that lead me to believe the Courts considering an alternate property management company are functioning as if the FCO will still contract for security and they would pay their share.
Another reason I ask these questions is that both the FCO and departing Courts will have separate agreements. If more than one Court has a new property management company the number of negotiations and agreements with Concert and the POA could be greater than two. More attorney fees could accrue to all.
WOW! That’s a lot of information, And personal Concerns. what is good for the COMMUNITY is what we should be focused on. FCO board of directors should be focusing on what is going to benefit the COMMUNITY as a whole. The residents in this community are entitled to transparency by their leaders and decision makers.
Yes, it is a lot of information. Also, I agree to a certain extent that the community is what should be focused on. Unfortunately, that cannot happen until there is a clearer focus on what is the community.
At present the community is 19 associations operating under an umbrella corporation known as the FCO. This definition of community is possibly going to change as of January 1, 2022. It is this uncertainty that prevents a focus on community.
Until the courts decide whether to enter into an agreement with the FCO the focus will have to be on the process the courts will use to make a decision and on the factors they are considering to make their decision.
I am unsure why you think the FCO Board of Directors are not collectively focusing on the community as a whole. Where is there a lack of transparency? I only ask about where you think a lack of transparency exists because I see it at every level of leadership within the Fountains.
I quoted Potter Stewart in my last comment and there is another comment he made that I believe is equally appropriate. It is “Censorship reflects a society’s lack of confidence in itself”. If we define censorship as the suppression of public communication and/or information, and if we replace society with FCO Board of Directors or Court Board of Directors I see confidence lacking at all levels.
Meetings are taking place behind closed doors or without substantial notice to owners about the meetings. Little or nothing is being communicated about the information discussed or decisions made.
Does your comment extend to all levels of leadership or is focused on just one group?
Bill, I re-read your post, Thinking I might need to do that several more times? I did stop and take a break when you were discussing attorney fees. I am not sure that you are aware of who represents the FCO? My understanding is he is “cheap” as to his hourly rate. He represents the FCO, but is he any good? Not sure? I have heard he is a kitchen table attorney? Call the FCO office, they can provide to you his qualifications and give you his office number, and business address if there is one? You can ask him when and for how long he represented the FCO and FCC at the same time? Interesting? Debbie should be able to provide that information to any owner upon request. Remember the FCO is simply the “Fountains Condominium Operations. They are our management company, are they doing a good job? The FCO management company is non profit. Just for your information you might want to look into the tax returns. Non profit tax returns have to be shared. You might want to call the office and ask them to email you a copy of those returns. By law they have to provide that.
Thanks for the information about the attorney representing the FCO. I think his name is Tennyson and is the son of the attorney that used to represent the FCO (and possibly the FCC). I looked him up a while ago to see if he specialized in environmental issues. He is with a law firm and his experience was listed.
I do want to clarify that my comments and questions about attorney fees was not about the quality of the legal representation, but due to my assumption that the total billable hours for the review and advice on agreements between the FCO and Concert will likely double or triple if one or more courts use a new property manager. Stated simply, the number of negotiations and agreements will increase as will the number of sides requiring representation.
For example, if no break-up of the FCO occurs the FCO will negotiate an agreement with Concert for all 19 courts and the POA. This requires one negotiation and one side requiring legal representation. If one court leaves the FCO for a different property manager, the number of negotiations will likely be three and the number of legal representations rises from one to five. FCO will negotiate with Concert for the 18 remaining courts (one legal representative), the departing court will have to negotiate with Concert (one legal representative) and negotiate with the FCO representing the POA (one legal representative for each). The legal fees for one negotiation and one legal fee will be borne by 1767 households as will the legal fees for three negotiations and five legal representations. Although the total costs of legal representation will not be shared equally by all 1767 households.
For simplicity, let’s say that each negotiation requires 5 billable hours at $500 per hour for a total cost of $2500 per legal representation. With five legal representations the total legal representation cost rises by $10,000 to $12,500. The main difference is that the FCO costs will be divided among more households and the cost to each homeowner will be less per representation than the households in a single or even several courts. Not to become too much more confusing I think the costs for negotiations on behalf of the POA could be added to the fees charged the non-FCO courts further skewing the costs towards non-FCO households. Lastly, I think the billable hours will likely be much greater than 5 per negotiation per side.
Let me be clear, I do not know that any of the above will happen. That is why I posed the questions. Someone should know the answer before opting to stay or leave the FCO. If the decision impacts the amount I pay for my HOA, I want to know before and not after a decision. So too should anyone that is representing me and making the comparisons of services and costs.
I trust that they will consider these issues, but I don’t want to later find out they did not think about this and I missed the chance to bring it to their attention.
Bill, KNOCK KNOCK! I respectably have to strongly disagree with your perspective of how things go down here in the fountains. Our executive committee has been negotiating with concert golf where has that gotten us? Is information shared with the community? I think not! The paradise that many fountaineers retired to no longer exists. The residence here in this community paid for the Lake Worth guard gate To benefit the community and the FCC. Where did that get us we increased the value of the property the FCC owned so they could sell to concert golf. Smart move? Our powers that Be again,looking to spend your money building a guard house on jog road. Does that benefit “everybody” in the community? How does that increase your property values? Your quality of life? 509 people will reap the benefits, 1250 Will pay for it. We need to stop blindly following the leader. CLearly they do not have the best interest of ALL that live in the fountains of Palm Beach community.
Who’s there?
Please enlighten me about what it is I have said about the “way things go down here at the fountains”.
My only recent comment about communications is that the FCO “and” the courts leadership are both negligent in timely communicating with the people they represent. I do find it interesting that you and others only focus on the FCO communications and not the courts.
Herb has indicated that the problem with communications is widespread and at both levels – I agree.
I hear your complaints about certain expenditures and your perception that everybody does not benefit from certain decisions and expenditures. You are probably right that not “everyone” benefits equally or that everyone is not in favor of some decisions. However, good luck finding a community where “everybody” agrees with every decision and “everybody” shares equally in the results of decisions made.
What I do know is that all of the decisions of which you refer were made by a majority of the FCO Board of Directors that represented courts whose total households exceeded 50% of all Fountains households. It is obvious that the decisions are not between North and South, but between some courts/owners and other courts/owners that feel differently. There is no way to achieve that result if it weren’t for a sufficient number of North courts having a different view than you. It is always difficult being on the losing side of any decision.
The good thing about describing anything in absolutes, e.g., everybody, all, etc. is that you will most often be correct. The bad thing is that the higher the number of people in the “everybody or all” reflects a lack of consideration for the real world.
I live north of the canal and use the south gate regularly. I will benefit by a new and more attractive gate. Your numbers are wrong.
Good point about using the South gate. I live in a court much closer to the North gate than the South gate and I too use the South gate.
Actually, I may use the South gate more than the North gate because I shop and/or eat regularly at the Publix, Home Depot, Dollar Tree, Home Goods, Walgreens, Eggscetera, Chris’ Taverna, Coldstone Creamery, Jupiter Donuts, Walmart, Walgreens, NYPD II Pizza and other vendors located at Jog & Lantana roads.
Not to mention that I routinely walk and ride my bike throughout the entire Fountains property.
It is very late but I feel that I have to let the community know what’s going on here. I just took my trash out because it gets picked up tomorrow morning. Our parking lot lights are out,and lights behind our building that are for security. A work order was put in to our maintenance department by our president on Wednesday. It is a simple fix. People need to be aware that they are paying for an
maintenance department! Why are we paying them? This needs to be addressed & corrected.
I hear your complaint and I am sympathetic to a point. However, I think the situation should be put into perspective.
First, the work order was made by your court president on Wednesday.
Second, your observation that the work was not completed was on Sunday.
Third, the maintenance department is closed on Saturday and Sunday.
Fourth, how many work orders from all courts and the FCO were submitted before yours?
Fifth, how many employees are employed by the maintenance department?
Sixth, will your court vote yes to hire more maintenance workers?
Seventh, your court is not required to use FCO maintenance.
Eighth, why didn’t your president contact a private contractor for the work?
When someone has unrealistic expectations they will often find they are not met.
Wow! Bill, You are explaining 1 through 8 that’s crazy ? too much information?
You may be right. I do have a tendency to give a 10,000 word comment when a 200 word comment would probably do the trick. I know that is my way. It is just that I believe that the “devil is in the details” and my writing and discussions reflect that belief. The good news is that I don’t rape, pillage or steal!
A letter was just sent out by FCO President Ben Geller regarding some of the courts looking into obtaining a replacement property maintenance company instead of continuing to us the FCO Maintenance personnel.
My response to his letter.
Dear Ben Geller
Thank you for the update and letter and thank you for all that you and the other FCO Board members do in your highly paid positions in The Fountains Country Club. At least what is left of it.
My wife and I have been owners in The Fountains for almost seventeen years. We’ve seen a lot but we do not know everything. What we do know is there are a myriad of issues and problems presently within The Fountains.
About the only positive thing to arise out of the still ongoing pandemic is Zoom. The ability to attend both FCO and individual Court meetings remotely is a big plus not only for us but many others as well. We hope Zoom meeting access will continue.
My first question is why do owners have to specifically make a Zoom Access request to the FCO secretary? Why is there not a distribution owners list for each court and meeting and a combined larger distribution list combining all of the residents of every court to be notified of every FCO meeting?
Our experience with the FCO maintenance occurred almost a year and a half ago. Our condo is on the third floor and was occupied by a renter for the winter. Water began dripping down to the second floor and FCO maintenance was notified. I assume that two men responded as that fact was just mentioned in the recent FCO meeting which by the way the minutes of that meeting have still not been posted on the FCO website. We were charged $40.00 for that FCO Maintenance visit but the maintenance did absolutely nothing to clear a clogged Air Conditioner condensate drain. We were told we needed to call a plumber which we did at our expense.
The question that we and many others have is why can’t FCO Maintenance complete simple repairs? This is the reason some of the courts are looking into another property maintenance company where a single telephone call will result in a qualified response and resolution to simple problems.
As a owner living very close to the North Gate we’ve seen what a cluster that project turned out to be. Very costly, over budget, and poorly designed by two architects and now owned by Concert Golf.
Now there are discussions (presently on hold) to possibly waste another $400 to $500 thousand dollars to rebuild the Jog Road Gate House that would end up being owned by Concert Golf. If there are traffic issues during golf tournaments wouldn’t it be cheaper and simpler to hire a traffic control person for such a brief period? What a bizarre idea to waste money to replace a perfectly functioning gate house! Kind of reminds me of the rebuilding and redesign of the kitchen in the main dining room and the construction of The Pub. Neither one is open all the time and the famous weekly Sunday Brunch with the remodeled kitchen is a forgotten memory. These costly projects were supposed to attract new members. Has anyone checked lately on the decline of golf memberships within the United States?
The recent FCO meeting was in my opinion the most disgusting board meeting that I ever heard. Without the minutes in front of me I do not know specifically which FCO Board member was attacking my female court president for asking questions regarding finances and how the FCO was spending money, but this was not the first time FCO Board members were quite condescending to not only Northern Court Presidents but especially the female ones. You sir as FCO President need to not only put a stop to this childish behavior by other FCO Board members but speak out forcefully on this topic at the next FCO Board meeting.
Thank you.
I have been thinking about the questions I asked about changing property management companies. I decided that a comparable list should exist for the FCO to consider and hopefully provide the answers. The following is the result.
The following suggestions, criticism, comments, and questions address some reasons some courts are considering a new property manager. The compilation is from comments on the Blog, emails from readers, comments during FCO Board of Directors meetings, and other communications with owners. No attempt has been made to amend the substance of the communications I have read or heard, nor have I tried to answer the questions. This compilation is intended for the officers of the FCO Board of Directors in the hope that they will address or respond to the suggestions, criticisms, comments, and questions with an email to the residents in the North as was done with the email about North courts considering a new property management company. If I learn the answers I will share on the Blog.
I have grouped the responses into broad categories. Some of the remarks could have appeared in more than one category.
Cost Sharing
1. Why is square footage not a fair way to assess FCO fees charged for common expenses?
2. Why are FCO common expenses the same for each unit?
3. Why are the purchasers of houses in the Parcel D lot being charged substantially less for FCO common expenses than other Fountain’s owners?
4. Is the FCO requiring Concert to pay for the use of FCO common expenses for property owned by the POA?
5. Are members of Concert that are not Fountains residents charged a fee for use of FCO common expense roadways, especially those in the South?
Communications to Owners
1. It takes entirely too long for owners to receive minutes of FCO Board of Directors meetings.
2. What actions are the FCO Officers taking, if any, to abbreviate the timeframe it takes to publish and communicate meeting minutes?
3. Are FCO Board of Directors meetings recorded? If so, why are the recordings of FCO meetings, regularly scheduled or special meetings, not made available to all owners? If not, why not?
4. Are Executive Board meetings recorded? Are minutes of Executive Board meetings taken and shared with owners? If not, why not?
5. Are there any FCO meetings that do not require minutes be shared with owners? If so, what are the reasons and what excludes sharing?
1. Why is FCO maintenance unable to perform simple maintenance and repairs?
2. Why doesn’t FCO maintenance prepare a menu of services and repairs it is equipped to perform and the cost it will charge?
3. Why does FCO maintenance send more than one person to respond to a maintenance request knowing that a significant aspect of the costs for maintenance is labor? Could response times be shortened if one maintenance person responded to service requests?
4. How long does it take for FCO maintenance to respond to a request for service? Both to schedule the service and to provide the service?
5. Does FCO maintenance prioritize service requests? If so, how?
6. Precisely how are maintenance costs distributed among the Courts and to the FCO common expenses accounts?
7. Are there maintenance services and repairs that FCO maintenance does not perform? If so, what are they?
8. Is the FCO maintenance department staffed to respond to repairs and improvements to the common areas under the FCO, property owned by the courts, and homes owned by residents? If not all, which?
9. Maintenance issues are one of the primary reasons some courts are considering a different property management company.
1. The replacement of the North gate house was poorly designed, very costly, and over budget.
2. The replacement was funded by Fountain’s owners to the benefit of the FCC and not owners. It is now owned by Concert.
3. Now there are discussions, and money already held in reserve, to waste another $500,000 plus to replace the South gate house that like the North gate house will not be owned by all Fountain’s owners.
4. Why, specifically, is the South gate house being replaced?
5. Why are the solutions to traffic problems not the responsibility of Concert if the reason is traffic issues because of golf tournaments or other events sponsored or scheduled by Concert?
6. Who benefits from replacement of the South gate house? Is the benefit worth the cost to homeowners?
7. Wouldn’t it be cheaper, simpler, and just as effective to hire a traffic control person for such a brief period and charge the costs back to Concert?
8. Replacing a perfectly working gate house is a waste of money and a bizarre idea.
9. Why does the weight or value of a Director’s vote not reflect the number of owners he/she represents, i.e., not just capital expenditures of $35,000 or more?
Convenience and Respect
1. The FCO should announce its intention to either hold or not hold Zoom meetings for all future FCO Board of Directors meetings.
2. Why is there no email notice sent to all Fountains owners to announce each upcoming FCO Board of Directors meeting?
3. Why do owners have to submit a Zoom access request to the FCO for each Zoom meeting?
4. Why won’t the FCO compile a distribution list of owners that ask for Zoom access to all future FCO Board of Directors meetings and automatically send the access code to those owners?
5. Why won’t the FCO compile a distribution list of owners in each court and send an email notice to announce each upcoming Court Board of Directors meeting?
6. Why are there no FCO Board of Directors meetings scheduled for June, July, and August? Zoom meetings allow Directors to participate from anywhere.
7. One or more Directors was disrespectful to another Director for asking questions regarding FCO finances and how the FCO is spending money. This was not the first time some Directors were condescending to a North court Director, especially female Directors.
8. The FCO Officers, especially the President must stop this poor behavior by any Director.
9. Expectations for the behavior of Directors should be scheduled as the first agenda item on the next FCO Board of Directors meeting.
10. Directors are still speaking without benefit of a microphone resulting in Zoom attendees not hearing what is said. This is disrespectful and someone must be given the role of ensuring that each speaker is talking into a microphone.
11. It is often unclear who is speaking. It would be helpful if the Zoom access email included a list of the FCO Board of Directors and Committee Chairpersons. Further, each speaker should state his/her full name.
12. Some Directors ask a question and when he/she does not like the answer asks the same question again. Why doesn’t the responder or the meeting Chair simply say “asked and answered” like in court?
Thank you Bill for your compilation list of questions for the present FCO Board to answer.
Another suggestion that I have is, in addition to the use of individual microphones by board members, the person speaking should be clearly identified by a name plate and the court that they represent.
Any resident owner or anyone else attending either a Court or FCO call on Zoom should be required to display their name or be dropped from the call after a brief warning. Just displaying “ipad” is not acceptable on a business type call in my opinion.
Many Tivoli Court residents have not forgotten previous FCO Board member positions that Tivoli Court residents pay for tree plantings along a new Lake Worth Road Wall along the perimeter of The Fountains on land that was not part of Tivoli Court.
So much wasted money in the past and a recent answer by one FCO Board member at the last FCO Board meeting was “that was the way things have always been done.”
Doing the same thing over and over, wasting money, and expecting a different result is insanity.
I am a retired financial professional who was involved in expense allocation for a large organization. I fail to see any basis for allocating FCO expenses by square footage of the units.
Analyzing the financial reports of the FCO, expenditures are for Fountains and Craft Halls, Common road maintenance, common area landscaping, security, legal fees spent for the benefit of the entire community, and the administration staffs. Maintenance costs are for the common areas, with any work done on individual units charged back to the Court/Unit owner. Clearly, a per unit charge is appropriate for all of these expenses, with one minor exception: if security costs could be broken down between the gates, the roads, the outside of units, responding to emergencies and the protection of the individual units, the unit protection costs could be allocated based on appraised value. (Assessed value would not be appropriate as it is affected by the operations of homestead exemptions.) This is not a significant portion of the FCO expenses and would involve a lot of effort to obtain the correct values.
Bottom line — per unit is perfectly reasonable. The 72% argument is spurious and unfounded. And, I live in a northern court. Votes on the budget and any cost over $35,000 are weighted by the number of units, which takes away the argument of “taxation without representation.”
The share of expenses to be borne by Concert is a matter involved in the current contract negotiations between Concert and the FCO (the resolution will benefit all units).
If any Court feels that the administration costs incurred by the FCO are too high, that, in my opinion, would be the only basis for withdrawal.
Makes sense to me!
This is the letter that was received earlier today from FCO President Ben Geller that I copied below. His signature at the bottom of the letter did not copy.
4615 Fountains Drive, Suite B Lake Worth, Florida 33467
Tel: (561) 964-3600 Fax: (561) 641-5631 Email:
May 18, 2021
Dear Fountains Residents in the North,
Several northern Courts have expressed for quite some time that they are unhappy with the current level of services and fees being charged with regards to the FCO shared expenses. These Courts feel that they may be able to save money and obtain additional services at the same time by using an outside property management company. While this may or may not be true, as they continue their research the answers will become clear. If your Court is considering leaving the FCO, there will more than likely be some significant changes without the proximity and convenience of having a full office staff and maintenance deparånent on-site. It may or may not save you money, or it may save only a small percent. Either way, this will be a major change for all involved, North and South.
The FCO will continue to work on a resolution with these Courts, but each Court will be making an individual decision on what they think is best for their Court. We hope to keep our system intact and keep all of our Courts and community united. We hope that individuals are not guided by anger over the current issues with Concert Golf, which are out of the FCO’s confrol. Much effort was put into protecting the residents the best way we could within our legal rights and authority. It has been costly, to say the least, between legal fees and equipment rentals. The South and the North have shared this expense throughout the process.
Now is the time to be involved in this vital decision that will affect your Court. You are encouraged to contact your Board, attend the meetings, ask the tough questions, and be sure you have all your facts before the final decisions are made by your Board members to make this significant change. The rumor mill is not the place to get information, and the Blog, although informative, does not always have all the accurate information either. Voice your opinions and preferences while you can, not after a decision has been made that may or may not upset you.
Do the readers that describe problems at the Fountains really believe that at the heart of everything is the split between North and South courts? If so, why is that your opinion? Is that an opinion based on reality or conjecture? Is it used as a matter of convenience, albeit inaccurate?
I have lived at the Fountains for 20 years and I am unaware of any decision that pitted all South courts against all North courts. I recall issues, especially mandatory membership, with the Fountains Country Club (FCC) whereby all the South courts were held hostage by the POA that supported the FCC. But that only existed as an internal issue for the POA and the courts that it represented.
The mandatory membership issue was never an internal FCO squabble. The courts independently chose to require mandatory membership and when a court realized the impact of sales, rentals, home values, etc. chose to opt out of mandatory membership. Courts that opted out were sued by the FCO as were individual homeowners. Fortunately, the courts and homeowners won the court battles. Likewise, the owners in the South courts joined together to oust the POA leaders and eventually gained their freedom from mandatory membership.
Some may say the reason courts voted for mandatory membership is because they were lied to or misled by the FCC. This is true and borne out by court testimony. However, let’s not be gullible a second time and believe everything a prospective property management company may say to obtain our business. Know the facts and not the hype.
I raise this issue for two reasons. First, the decisions and expenditures of the FCO Board of Directors has never been made based on all South courts (10) and all North courts (9) opposing each other. Every vote or decision has had several or more North courts vote the same way as the South courts. What this proves is that the split is not between North and South, but between some North courts and some other North courts. Blaming the South is a matter of convenience and not accurate. It appears to be used to incite disharmony.
The second reason is to caution owners that allowing their Court’s Board of Directors to make rash and not well thought out decisions can hurt both financially and otherwise. Owners should demand that any Board considering leaving the FCO community does so with extreme caution and only after consideration of all the issues. Further, owners should demand that their Board’s not act without a vote by owners to opt for a new property management company. If it is best to use a new property management company, let’s do it. If not, let’s not.
Some will tell you that my issuing this caution is unfair and irrational. They may say that I am raising alarm that is unfounded. I disagree. Asking people to act rationally and in their best interests is never unfair or irrational. Please let me know if what I have said is incorrect. I will gladly recant and correct any inaccuracies or misstatements.
Perhaps one solution would be to make improvements to the current FCO Maintenance instead of replacing them?
If security refers a resident problem to the FCO, then the FCO should be able to take charge of the problem from beginning to end?
If its an irrigation problem just take care of it.
If its an electrical problem notify a qualified licensed electrician to take care of the problem.
If its a plumbing problem just notify a qualified licensed plumber to take care of the problem.
Just stop jerking owners/residents around by doing nothing but billing for doing nothing.
Isn’t that what we are paying for?
Improvements to Fountains maintenance service would help all residents. It doesn’t matter if the changes are improved communications, response times, services provided, or costs.
Susan Shea offered her belief that the Fountains community should be the focus for everyone that lives in the Fountains. I responded that it is hard to do if we do not know who the Fountains will be. I was partially wrong in my response. There are actions that each side of the “stay or go” debate could take that would bring the focus back to the entire community. I am not privy to what the FCO or the Presidents are doing related to interacting with each about some Courts potentially using a new property management company. The following suggestions could have already been considered, underway, or rejected.
Let us start with what actions the “stay” contingent could take. First, the entire FCO Officers should seek a meeting with the Presidents of all courts contemplating leaving for another property management company. The meeting should have only two agenda items. One is for the Presidents to tell the FCO Officers specifically what they are hoping to gain by leaving. Two, is for the Presidents to tell the FCO Officers what specific changes they would make to improve FCO services or reduce costs. The meeting should include only the Officers and the Presidents because adding others could hinder open discussions. The discussions should only be to gain understanding about the Presidents input and not to debate whether the concerns or improvements are worthy of resolving or implementing. This will keep the meeting on target, civil, and prevent it from becoming unproductive. It should include all FCO Officers because together they represent the FCO. Also, it would signal the interests of more than one official, i.e., FCO President Ben Geller.
Second, the FCO Officers should convene immediately, or shortly thereafter, i.e., days, not weeks and have serious discussions about whether they will or will not support changes that would wholly or partially meet the expectations or wishes presented by the Presidents. The FCO Officers should immediately implement any actions they support and that do not require approval by the entire FCO Board of Directors. The FCO Officers should call a special meeting of the Board of Directors and include all other changes they support on the agenda for the Directors to vote for, or against. It would help if the FCO Officers lobbied other Directors to gain their support. The proposals should not be dependent upon any potential action by one or more Courts deciding to use a new property management company. Why would they if the FCO Officers think the proposals are in the best interests of the Fountains community?
Third, the FCO Officers should seek a follow-up meeting to reconvene with the Presidents that they met with originally. This meeting should be convened as soon as possible after the original meeting and after the FCO Officers have made decisions about what they will and will not support. This meeting should be like the first meeting except in reverse. The meeting should have only two agenda items. One is for the FCO Officers to tell the Presidents specifically what actions they are taking in response to the first meeting. This description should explain their rationale for referring, if applicable, certain decisions to the FCO Board of Directors. Two, is for the FCO Officers to tell the Presidents what specific changes they do not support and why. The Presidents should be reminded that as Directors on the FCO Board of Directors they have the right to propose agenda items whether the FCO Officers do or do not support the proposal. The meeting should include only the Officers and the Presidents because adding others could hinder open discussions. The discussions should only be to gain understanding about the FCO Officers decisions and not to debate whether the decisions are right or wrong. As mentioned, a couple sentences ago, the Presidents can place items on the FCO Board of Directors meeting agenda and try to elicit support from the body at large. This will keep the meeting on target, civil, and prevent it from becoming unproductive.
The above actions initiated by the FCO place the entire Fountains community as the primary focus by the FCO Officers and the Presidents considering a new property management company. Both will have to agree to have non-adversarial meetings whereby each can present their ideas and concerns. If taken, the actions require the FCO to take the first step. In turn, the Presidents will have reciprocated by accepting the FCO offer.
Now, let us follow-up with what actions the “go” contingent could take. First, the Presidents should change the focus from individual Courts to the entire Fountains community. If the Presidents are of the opinion that a property management company that is not incorporated under the FCO, Inc. banner may be better at serving the Fountains than the current arrangement, that is what they should explore. That is placing the Fountains community first.
Second, Presidents of Courts not presently contemplating using a new property management company should be asked to join the team conducting the review to reduce the likelihood of biased results. The Presidents should want to ensure that any bias does not result in misrepresentation of and harm to the people he/she represents.
The findings of any investigation could/should be presented to the FCO Board of Directors for consideration and potentially amend its charter. This approach would benefit the community regardless of the findings. It may establish that the current arrangement is equally or more effective than making a change. It may establish that a change in the Articles of Incorporation is warranted. It may find the current arrangement acceptable but identify improvements that could be made. Worse case, the FCO Board of Directors disagrees with findings that a President thinks are crucial and then the Court still has the option to go its own way. Regardless of the outcome the community is first, and the parochial needs of any specific Court become secondary – not forgotten, just not primary.
The above actions initiated by the Presidents place the entire Fountains community as the primary focus by the FCO Board of Directors and the Presidents considering a new property management company. It allows them to still go their own way if a break from the FCO is warranted.
I wonder if either side will take these or other steps to work together for the good of the community? What do you think?
It is important to have as many facts as possible before engaging the community. Have the board and court representatives vet 3 management companies together. Let the management companies present their information and let the Fountains representatives ask questions. Then, have the board and court representatives decide if they want to move forward with an open meeting involving the management companies, board, court representative and the Fountains home owners, All of this can be done via zoom. This way all the truths and lies will be cleared up and the the emotional thinkers will have the facts vs what they think they know. It is important to get the true facts about how a new management company would work when most people are guessing and sharing their opinions. I am not sure our own board and Court representatives have clarity with how a new management company may or may not be a good change. They only know what they know. Time to get the hard cold facts.
Will the FCO make any changes to how its maintenance department does business to resolve some of the concerns expressed by readers? The answer is unknown, but the conditions for change are favorable. First, there are new leaders at all levels of the FCO. There are several new Directors, a new slate of Officers, and a new Maintenance Manager. These people are not the same as those that instituted the current practices and as such are not wedded to past practices. They are more likely to make changes. The other consideration is whether the issues that have been expressed are as widespread as one might believe? Are significant changes even necessary? Recent comments by David seem to indicate that FCO maintenance is performing better than I thought. I still think some change may make the FCO better, I am just no longer sure how drastic the changes need be. I know there are communications between the FCO and the courts about maintenance issues. I only hope the FCO is encouraging suggestions from its employees because people actually doing the work often have the best ideas for improvements.
While there are many thoughts by others that an outside contractor would be less expensive in providing maintenance and repair services, I find that difficult to believe. First, most outside companies will charge portal to portal labor costs, i.e., when the service person leaves from the company site or the site of its prior service call until it departs the FCO location where it is performing the service or repair. Sometimes companies hide the added hours by increasing the hourly rate. Obviously, no contractor business is located nearly as close as FCO maintenance. Secondly, outside contractors are profit-making businesses and would not survive without building in a profit margin on all service calls. The FCO is a not-for-profit venture, and no such charges are added for service and repair work. Ask property management companies if they will guarantee outside contractors will charge the same or less than the FCO for like services. Furthermore, ask the FCO if it will allow its maintenance department to provide services to courts and households that are not using the FCO as their property management company. My guess is they will not. Seems to me that projecting a significant or any cost savings for maintenance is questionable and likely unrealistic.
Hi Bill,
As a former 15 year resident of the Fountains and avid reader of the blog since it’s inception I find it despairing because of the of dark cloud and chaos there.
I was committed to remove mandatory membership in the north and south (CAMM), attacker of the POA, fought to stop GL Homes to build by the bridge which has stalled, a critic of Concert from day one, and a board member of my court. The situation at the Fountains became so distressing we were forced to leave my once beautiful happy home and community.
Bill you have plenty to say I have a question. Have you ever been on a FCO committee? Member of CAMM? Have you ever been a board member or president of you court? If not you must. If you and others are not vocal and have a say at FCO level the Fountains is doomed.
Have you noticed the blog is dormant you have 18 of the last 38 posts. Why? This is because the majority are sitting on their hands or are oblivious to what is going on around them.
If this absence of involvement continues which it unfortunately will many others and you to will eventually leave through the front gate and follow me to a more serene surrounding.
As Sue Shea notes “JUST SAYING”.
Hello Ex-Fountaineer,
I think I know who you are, and it is great to read a comment from you. I always enjoyed your comments on this Blog and while I am happy you made a move that brought you happiness, the Fountains was a better place with you here.
No, I have never served in any capacity on my court’s board of directors or any committees (FCO committees either). Until the past couple years my wife and I spent little time, i.e., weeks not months, physically at our Fountains home and I thought I could not serve the court well without having more of a physical presence. Also, I considered helping CAMM in some manner, but when I approached Sharon Harrington at the meeting that CAMM held at the synagogue she basically brushed me off. My guess is she was probably flustered with all the activity and so I did not take it personally, but I made no further overtures to ask what I could do to help. However, I did post many comments on the Blog in support of CAMM. I was not a supporter of the FCC selling its property to Concert, although once the sale was made, I was cautiously optimistic that Concert would be a good neighbor. (That is the only issue I think you and I disagreed upon.) Also, I have said before that people that volunteer for unpaid leadership roles do so because they genuinely believe they can and will make a positive difference, or because they enjoy being in the spotlight and power it gives them over others. I am not interested in seeking to serve as a president of a court because I still think I do not spend enough time physically at the Fountains to do the job justice. Also, I could care less about being in the spotlight or having power over others. Who knows, if my court ever needed someone to help as an officer or on a committee and the help did not require more time physically at the Fountains, I might consider stepping up. However, not as its president because I do think a person that lives year-round at the Fountains is more suited for the role as president.
I really do not know why there are not more owners commenting about what is happening in the community. My guess is that it is mostly a combination of two things. One, the issues affecting owners are not nearly as widespread and onerous to the entire Fountains community as were mandatory membership and the sale of the FCC. Two, owners are apathetic about the current issues at the Fountains.
The primary issues currently mentioned on the Blog relate to the remediation and impact of construction projects within the Fountains, and some courts contemplating leaving the FCO for another property management company. Neither issue hits their pocketbook like mandatory membership.
The remediation and construction projects impact the entire community, but not to the same degree. The impact is less the farther someone lives from the development and construction projects. The farther one lives from the projects impacts the degree of dust and potential health impact. Also, many owners have never believed that their health was at risk, regardless of where they reside. One other reason is that the projects are not having significant impact on home values or sales.
I cannot think of any reason that owners are apathetic about the goings on in the community they live. I guess they are content and satisfied with the job everyone representing them have done and are doing. I am more bothered by the seeming lack of involvement by some court leaders or the lack of substantive and timely communication by the leaders at all levels.
Who knows, there is always the possibility that my wife and I could move elsewhere. I only hope that if we do, it is because we found a better place and not that we become disenchanted with the Fountains. If I win Powerball or Mega Millions, we will move to a place that is oceanfront!
Anyway, it was nice to read a comment from you. Take care and stay healthy!
Hello Everyone, I recently found a handicap parking tag that is to be hung on the rear view mirror. I found it on Versailles Court. I have tried unsuccessfully to find the owner of this tag, including calling Yonkers PVB which has its phone number on the tag. I will drop it to the FCO. If you know anyone who may have lost it, please direct them to the FCO. I can’t imagine it would be easy to get replaced!
One of our readers sent an email about an article in today’s Palm Beach Post. The articles is written by Mike Diamond and is about the potential development of Forest Oaks Golf Course (I think it used to be called Lucerne Lakes Golf Course). It is the golf course across the street from the Gourmet Deli House and the Bank of America on Lake Worth Road.
I cannot locate it on the Palm Beach Post website, but it is in the paper edition today, June 1. If you have a paper version you may want to read it. I will post a link to the article when it is available online.
Thank you for sharing!!!
I have the article. If you want I can scan and post it. (maybe!!!)
Thank you for the offer, but because of copyright infringement I don’t think we can copy it to our Blog. However, the article is now available on the Palm Beach Post website.
Clicking the following link will take you to the article written by Mike Diamond in the Palm Beach Post about potential development of Forest Oaks Golf Course.
The questions below were received from a reader. Your input is welcome if anyone has answers or information that would shed light on the answers. I do not know the answers.
Are permits pulled for the Townhomes west of the Lake Worth Gate?
What is the status of the rental units behind Tivoli Court and south of Jog Road that will have their own gate?
How soon will construction start?
Wondering what is taking so long to start the infrastructure?
Thank you.
It’s a secret government project.Behind Tivoli they are making a landing field for ufo’s. They landed FATHERS DAY. The aliens Dug holes put up fences then took off. I’ll keep looking and keep everyone up to date. LOL LOL LOL
What are the frequent complaints made about the FCO that could easily be fixed with minimal effort or costs to the FCO? Why has the FCO taken no action to accommodate the complaints and improve service to the community? These complaints were described about a month ago on this blog and I am perplexed by the FCO Board of Directors lack of action to date. Following are the easily fixed complaints.
1. Decide to hereinafter hold all meetings via Zoom or via another online meeting provider. No resident has asked to discontinue holding Zoom meetings and many have asked that they be continued.
2. Notify residents via email about upcoming regularly scheduled and special meetings of the FCO Board of Directors. If residents do not provide an email address it would be incumbent on them to monitor the FCO website to obtain that information. No resident has asked to not be notified and many have asked to be notified.
3. Find a means to prevent residents from having to submit a meeting-by-meeting request to the FCO to gain access to FCO Board of Directors meetings. Either create an email distribution list of residents that wish to be included or send email notifications about planned meetings with a link to access the meeting. No resident has asked to continue the current practice and many have asked for the change.
4. Provide more timely minutes of meetings whether using existing staff resources committing to expediting the production and review process or using a transcription service to assist. No resident has praised the lengthy delay in receiving the minutes and many have asked to receive the minutes more quickly.
The FCO is fully knowledgeable about these issues, and it is beyond me why it chooses to do nothing, or act quickly rather than delay if the FCO plans to implement any of these improvements. It is like it intentionally chooses to subject itself to complaints and dissatisfaction by residents. Anyone that has read other comments I have made know I like using quotes, etc. to make my points. Here is a paraprosdokian to consider. “Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.” A corollary at the FCO could be. Knowledge is knowing that residents are upset about correctable situations. Wisdom is not ignoring those situations. So, can one question the wisdom possessed by the FCO?
There are other changes that could be made equally as easily. But why not start with the low hanging fruit.
-Please add me to your resident notification list regarding the construction progress on the plots of land surrounding my development at Tivoli Court In The Fountains.
This article was published in the South Florida Business Journal on June 28, 2021:
“Lennar Buys Golf Course Development Site Near Lake Worth Beach
Brian Bandel
Jun 28, 2021, 2:38pm EDT
Lennar Homes purchased part of the Fountains Country Club west of Lake Worth Beach to build a multifamily community there.
The property at 4404 Charleston St., near the southwest corner of Jog Road and Lake Worth Road, actually changed hands twice in a few days. First, Concert Fountains Properties, managed by Peter J. Nanula in Newport Coast, California, sold about 62.6 acres of the 163.6-acre golf course for $2.66 million to Lynx Zuckerman at Palm Beach I LLC, managed by Michael McCarty in Coconut Creek. Lennar Homes, part of Miami-based homebuilder Lennar Corp. (NYSE: LEN), then purchased the land for $4.9 million.
After a rezoning process started in 2019, Palm Beach County approved the site for a garden-style project with 318 units, a clubhouse and a pool.
Concert Fountains still owns most of the Fountains Country Club. An affiliate of GL Homes bought 46 acres of the Fountains Country Club from Concert Fountains in 2019, but construction hasn’t started on that land.
This continues the trend of South Florida golf clubs being redeveloped with homes to meet the demand for more housing.”
The following comment was received from the writer of the letter and he asked that it be published on the blog. Thanks for contributing.
Dear Trevi Ct. BOD Member, 6/10/21
Over the past 2 months we have had 4 meetings with property management companies. The various Presidents of 6(?) courts have been looking into the possibility of us leaving the FCO and hiring an outside property management company. I have heard various reasons for this from several Presidents ranging from lower monthly maintenance charges to more efficient management.
I do not want to discuss the other court’s Boards, which have been referred to, by people in the know, as mildly efficient to totally dysfunctional. I want to limit my comments to Trevi Ct. only and concentrate on the cons of going with an outside management company.
As far as the FCO is concerned, I can only speak of my relationship with them, professionally speaking, as it pertains to how they handle our needs on behalf of the court.
As you know I do all of the interviews for rentals and sales in the court. Prior to my getting notification, from Rhonda Patterson, a very extensive, background check has been completed. A task, that is certainly not an easy one, that has been done by Rhonda both efficiently and in a timely manner.
Are there ways that the FCO can be run more efficiently? Probably, but that is incumbent upon the various Presidents of the 19 courts to be proactive about and bring about that change. Maybe those issues should be addressed in greater detail when Debbie Poulette leaves and Lisa Dawn Wax assumes the role of Executive Director of the FCO on Jan 1, 2022.
My main connection with the FCO is through the Maintenance Dept. I have had the responsibility of hiring the last two Heads of Maintenance, that being John Becker and Juan Miranda. My background, professionally speaking, was in construction for over 40 years in New York City.I have dealt with some of the largest property management companies in the U.S. who manage hundreds of high rise office buildings in most of the major cities in the U.S. I have seen, first hand, some of the shenanigans that take place within property management companies. I have seen building superintendents, and in some cases the CAMs employed by the management companies, conduct business and let me tell you it isn’t pretty. In most cases it all works on the honor system. The owners of the buildings and the owners of the property management companies have the honor while the CAM and the building superintendent have the system. In most cases the sub-contractor is not selected based upon his overall professionalism, response time or lowest price, but how much he/she is willing to “kick back” to either of the two individuals mentioned above.
In my opinion Trevi Ct. does not need a property manager. We do, in house, everything a property manager would do in conjunction with the FCO. I am directly involved with everything concerning maintenance and I can tell you, unequivocally, that we save huge amounts of money by dealing with our “in house” maintenance dept. and not hiring an outside contractor to change a lightbulb, which if Gus, our court cleaner, did it or our maintenance dept. did it, we would save +/- $150.00. Please be aware that many times we cannot put a price tag on the convenience of having our maintenance dept. respond to correct problems within minutes rather than days as happens more frequently than most of our residents are aware.
The question we have asked at every interview was “how long is the contract for and how much notice do we have to give to terminate; which says to me that we are not sure if leaving the FCO is the right thing to do.
I know I have gone on a little too long with this letter but I sincerely believe, with regard to Trevi Ct., if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. If there are problems with the FCO let the damn Presidents come up with viable solutions to the problems and have them correct them. Running away will not solve the existing problems it will just change them and in my mind not for the better.
(The following mentioned enclosure was sent to the Trevi Ct. BOD but not included here)
I have enclosed with this letter a list of maintenance issues Trevi Ct. has had in the last +/- 10 months, as well as a list of the reasons why maintenance had to be at our court. I have sent these lists to the last two management companies we interviewed. I know what the repairs cost our court, so perhaps you can call them and get a cost to do the same repair.
If you want to discuss any of this with me I will be happy to do so. If I am wrong with my assessment of the situation I will gladly admit it but I don’t think I am. Don’t compare Trevi Ct. with any of the other courts who are looking to leave the FCO as we are different.
We should not leave the FCO.
Thank you for your time,
David Greenholz
P.S.-Since I first sent this letter I have received a response from one of the Management Companies and can tell you that the costs they would charge Trevi Ct. for services rendered is exponentially higher than what our maintenance department charges.
David…Your note is dated June 10 and the following letter was sent to all residents by the FCO for Ben Geller, FCO President on June 29. It appears that no decision has been made by your or any other court yet. Have you heard anything of late?
My reading of Ben’s note leads me to believe that he is through with the games he thinks some courts are playing and is ready to let them walk without further wasting his time. I know he has made overtures before and which have been largely spurned by Northern courts.
If one or more courts choose a new property management company I think the financial impact on the remaining courts will be minimal or non existent. Since I have heard nothing recent from my court I am under the impression its Board intends to remain in the FCO. I intuitively think the courts that leave will ultimately take on a greater financial burden than they think and more than they have under the FCO.
Regardless, I wish any court that leaves well and hope they don’t have buyers regret. I am curious, do you know if the courts are seeking a vote from their owners or are they too caught up in their own self-importance that they think getting approval from their owners is an unnecessary burden? I quoted Potter Stewart before and it is worth repeating, “Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do.” We will learn whether and which court boards are ethical and which are not.
If there is one constant to this blog since I became a reader it is that it has always asked for owners input on issues and for its representatives to act accordingly. I hope that philosophy is true for all issues and not only for issues of particular interest to people that want change.
The note residents received from the FCO follows in its entirety except for Ben’s signature.
Fountains Residents
The FCO (Fountains Condominium Operations) consists of the entire office staff located centrally on the property of the Fountains residential community. Its sole purpose is for the support of all of our residents and to implement those policies enacted, from time to time, by a duly elected board of residents representing each and every court in the Fountains. Meetings of this board are held monthly from September thru May, where matters of common interest to the community are discussed. For example, this past year the board voted to increase the security vehicle hours on Saturday and Sunday to ensure further safety and security for all of our residents. Current events and updates concerning the pandemic were discussed each month. During these meetings, interested residents are encouraged to attend and share their point of view, as well. Sometimes discussion can be contentious, but most of the time the entire community shares similar concerns. In addition to the office staff overseen by our executive director, we employ a maintenance department to help and repair wherever necessary in the entire community. When lights on the roadways go out, maintenance is there to fix it. When something breaks or needs to be cleaned up, maintenance is on the job. On occasion, the maintenance personnel is there to trouble shoot and help with individual resident issues, as well, for an additional fee. These services, from office staff to maintenance department, all in support of you, the resident, are funded completely by a portion of each of our monthly home owners dues. We are all equally served by the FCO and therefore, unless your particular court has determined otherwise, we all contribute equally each month based on a predetermined annual budget. The FCO has no control over the Concert Fountains Country Club. That is a completely separate entity which owns all of the land and golf courses, all of the buildings and roadways, of the former Fountains Country Club. We interact on certain matters such as landscaping and road maintenance, on Craft Hall and Fountains Hall, but for all intents and purposes, Concert golf and the FCO are completely separate entities, and in fact have always been separate even in the days of the Fountains Country Club.
At this point in time, several of the original Northern courts are contemplating leaving the FCO in the belief that they will save money for their residents and receive better services, as well. As stated above, the FCO is a not for profit agency, located on the Fountains property, whose SOLE purpose is for the residents of this community. I have been invited to a meeting of these several courts where I am to try to convince these courts not to leave the Fountains FCO.
The purpose and functions of the FCO speaks for itself, as it has for over 40 years. To contend that you will get better service at less of a cost from a For Profit management company is a concept that has been explored many times in the past. Such “for profit” management companies have a responsibility to make a profit for their owners. The FCO has no such motive and simply has the responsibility to service the residents of the Fountains. Each venture, in the past, led those very same courts to realize that the best interest of the residents is served right here in the Fountains by the FCO. Is it possible that improvement can be made in the workings of the FCO??? Perhaps enhanced computer programs in the office, modifications to how the maintenance department charges for services should be explored, and will be. But rest assured, the FCO will be here in the Fountains for as many courts as value the devotion and expertise of the staff, and the dedication of all the employees who are here to help us enjoy our lives in our community. I will not be attending this “meeting” The decision to stay or leave is all in your hands.
David, No disrespect to you at all. But have you thought God forbid something happened to you? Do you have a plan in place to make sure that Trevi Residents are protected to the extent they are today? As you let everybody know they are very fortunate to have a person like YOU in their community? You support an adore the FCO and the maintenance department but do you really know the truth? You say that you save your court a lot of money? If you are so concerned? you must have a protection plan as a backup? What has happened in this community is people have relied on words of people and they come and go as we all know. Considerations that residents in this community, century need to be knowledgeable! Ask questions, you are entitled to ask questions of your management company. If you don’t particularly care for your President you should be able to contact the management company and have protection. Where is the transparency and Protection?
David and Bill, I hear and understand what the both of you are stating in your comments? Not so sure you understand? Have either of you read and studied the financials for your individual courts? Have either of you ever contacted the FCO office for clarification on how your money’s are being spent? If you have requested information are you simply directed back to your individual Presidents? The management company the “FCO” Is hired by you the resident, paid by you the resident, and should answer to you the resident. The FCO is in fact Non Profit, as Ben Geller stated. Have you considered the fact that we are supporting a 4 profit Country Club “Concert Golf”? If you want to believe that your condo fees go entirely to a nonprofit corporation you are wrong. Contact your management company office and ask for an accounting of how much money goes to the community how much money goes to benefit Concert Golf. You won’t get an answer from them. The “Powers that Be” should have hired a forensic accountant years ago. Your Presidents never agreed to that because some wanted to keep you in the dark? Unfortunately that has worked for some 40 plus years. Important information in the financials of each court is disguised! If people were aware they would realize it to be cheaper had a Forensic Accountant been on it. The leadership from our management company, the FCO and the board of directors have let us down a slippery slope. We are left in a position to negotiate with a 4 profit company which your leaders continue to give more and more money to at the detriment of residents that live here. How many of our presidents are part of the package with concert golf? I’m not sure but are they the people that should be negotiating contracts and community issues? The destruction of the community in the North is horrific. Think about it!
Your comments are interesting, albeit incorrect in concept. For example, the vast majority of any funds paid to “Concert Golf” is directly for the use of the property owned by Concert Golf, of which the majority is roads. That budget item will still be paid by any court leaving the FCO. You have to remember that any fee charged by a for profit property management company is for the work they perform and does not include those fees the residents of the court will still be obligated to pay the FCO, which include roads, etc. Also, you do not mention that the FCO performs the property management company functions for the shared properties of all the courts (i.e., the property nt solely within the purview of a court). These fees are also not included in the fees a for profit property management company is quoting you.
As for a forensic accountant, I believe I am asked by my court annually to vote on the hiring of a forensic accountant and to my knowledge the court has always voted against because of the costs. I wonder if your court or any other courts have voted likewise? When you were president of Gefion did you pay for a forensic accountant to review your court’s accounts?
I don’t recall my president ever keeping me in the dark. Maybe I didn’t know what to look for or the proper questions to ask to be fully knowledgeable, but it was not through some grand scheme by my president or others to hide information from me.
You have reached a lot of negative conclusions about what is being done by the Presidents and FCO Board of Directors, but I can’t comprehend why. If ANY current or past President has specific knowledge (i.e., data, facts, but not opinions) that supports your conclusions I would love to have them share that on this blog for all to read. I would also love to have them explain why they have not published these facts previously.
I can only deal with facts that I have and not with others opinions of unstated facts. I am not against any court deciding to stay or leave. I am against any such decision being made by anyone other than the residents that will be affected by such a decision. Boards represent the residents, but should not presume to make such a momentous decision without first obtaining their permission to do so. If they choose not to solicit a vote on the decision, why not? What are they afraid of? Are they afraid their residents may not agree?
If a Board opts to hire a for profit management company without obtaining their residents approval, they are the ones hiding and scheming against their residents.
OK!You and I have to agree to disagree. I have no clue how old you are? all I can say is that you obviously are NOT Tech savy? What is your motive do you have a 100% residents concerns or your own concerns for your ego?
Yes, we will have to agree to disagree.
I take your lack of a response to any of my specific comments and my questions reflects that you have no reasonable answers. I could be wrong, and you are simply someone that does not handle differing opinions well. Or there is another unknown reason you choose to avoid meaningful dialogue.
I do provide the following answers in response to your comments. I am 73 years old and now you know my age. What is your age? And, do either answers have any bearing on the discussion? I do not expect answers, nor do I really need them.
Since I have no idea how you define “tech savy” I will accept your conclusion that I am not. Although I must say I find that comment a little confusing because nothing said in my past post had anything to do with technical expertise. Would you care to explain what you were thinking? Oh, never mind, you can’t or won’t explain what you were thinking.
You ask my motive. My motive is simple. I want residents to be treated with dignity and respect by the people they have elected to represent them. I want the people that represent them to act with intelligence and information and not with emotion and half truths or incomplete data. I want transparency at the court leadership level as I do at the FCO level. I do not want people without the appropriate background acting without first obtaining input from people that do have the experience or technical, legal, etc. backgrounds about the decisions they are planning to make.
You ask if I have 100% residents concerns or my own concerns for my ego. Frankly, both! Whenever someone provides information that is understandable and accurate the entire community (at least those that read the blog) and I learn something. The community and I learn something about the topic or about the commenter. It is always amusing to me that someone with strongly held opinions only think people of like mind care about the community as a whole. THAT is what I consider someone with an unreasonably large ego.
Bill, I never intended to spar with you. I have been avoiding the blog until I pulled it up this weekend. I always believed the FCO was an organization to protect and collect moneys for the residents in our community. What comes to mind is bad memories of the lawsuit with the FCC in regards to mandatory membership. 6 courts funded the lawsuit when it should have been the responsibility of the FCO to pay for that suit. All residents in this community benefited from the conclusion of that suit In way of increased property values. It’s time to look into other options for the community. If every resident is going to contribute funds it should be to the benefit of residents. Not in any way the benefit the Country Club. Many people in this community were sued, and come up with thousands of dollars in attorney fees on their own.
Money’s collected to enhance the Quality of life Should benefit the community and not the Country Club. I support the community looking into other options. My hope is that this can become a community United for the benefit of ALL the people in the community. Forgive me if I offended you in any way.
I never thought you wanted to spar with me. In fact, I thought the opposite since you never addressed anything I said in my comment. In fact, you chose to attack me personally referring to my age, technical knowledge, and interest in the community. Classic examples of someone trying to avoid sparring over the issues.
I am sorry you avoided the blog. Although I am not surprised because it appears that anyone that supports departing the FCO has not taken the opportunity to provide the community with any information. I wonder of what they are afraid. If their agenda is righteous, I would think they would be sharing everything they know with the entire community in as many venues as possible. Is it possible that they, and maybe you, are the ones thinking about themselves and not the community as a whole?
I agree with the roles you see for the FCO, i.e., an organization to protect and collect moneys for the residents. However, I think its role is much broader and includes much more.
I know a lot about the lawsuit. I cannot say all because there is much I probably do not know. While it is your opinion the FCO should have funded the lawsuit, I do not agree. The decision to become a court requiring mandatory membership was made by each court and not collectively by the FCO. It was an agreement each court made with the FCC and not the FCO. Why then should the six courts have expected the FCO to ride in on its white horse and save them from themselves? Especially when most courts kept mandatory membership until the bitter end and the FCO was not a concerned party. Is it not your opinion that the FCO represents everyone? If I wanted to criticize anyone for not funding the lawsuit it would be the courts that also voted to end mandatory membership after the courts initially won their case and before the appeals were over. Following your train of thought, I guess you think the FCO should fund any costs that may befall the courts that choose another property management company if things do not pan out the way they intend.
You keep saying the residents should not spend any of their funds to benefit the country club. Is there some donation program the FCO manages that sends residents money to the FCC without receiving a benefit in return? There may have traditionally been examples way back when, but I cannot think of any to date. The only residents’ money that is provided to the FCC is given to benefit residents. You can look at the FCO financials and see what we receive and how much it costs. What I do not understand is you seem to think the departing courts will not contribute money to the FCC. Who do you think owns the roadways, etc., and will receive the funds (or in some cases property maintenance) that those courts that leave will continue to pay for? The FCC among others is who.
Since I only see the courts that are considering leaving working in concert with themselves and not the FCO as a whole, I find it incongruous that you think their efforts could possibly lead to uniting the community as a whole for the benefit of the entire community.
I got halfway through your diatribe. Sorry you feel the way you do, again I never meant to attack you or offend you.
Hello. I live in Tivoli Court..Mr President of the FCO.. Please tell me the real advantage of staying with the FCO rather than using a private management company??
Have you ever wondered why your monthly maintenance is so high?
Five courts are currently contemplating a decison to switch to an outside Property Manager, which frankly is as close as you can get to a no-brainer. All of the facts are compelling in the direction of not renewing the FCO contract that expires December 31, for continuation of the property management services that the FCO (Fountains Condominium Operations) has been providing since 1972.
Each of the 19 courts within the Fountains is an incorporated business. The FCO is an incorporated business as well. So one incorported business is offering another incorporated business a contract renewal, and the prudence of that decision is being analyzed by 5 courts (D’Este, Tivoli, Trevi, Esedra, Gefion).
Why consider switching?
Throughout all of South Florida, thousands of condominium properties are being managed by outside professional PM companies. None of these properties have an FCO. Therefore, it makes sense that these outside companies include at least everything the FCO does, and it turns out, they do much more for less cost. In fact, nothing the FCO does is unique — all communities need their paperwork processed according to Florida statutes.
The FCO claims to be non-profit. But they charge much more for their services, and deliver less. Other companies are more efficient in terms of economies of scale, innovation and their extensive use of technology, and they pass those savings along to their customers. This is unlike the FCO, which has refused to change with the times and still uses an extremely antiquated accounting system, plus has no system to keep track of maintenance requests or purchase applications or to retrieve most documents, invoices, etc.
There is no reason to continue with the FCO out of sentimentality.
Why is it a no-brainer?
First, the outside PM firms offer a 30-day cancellation clause where they can be fired and replaced after a 30-day notice. The FCO is offering a 10-year renewal contract! Right there, it is worth it to switch. End of no-brainer.
If it turns out the PM is not a good fit, there are lots more that will be a fit for the court’s needs. In fact, it is typical for a community to have several Property Managers — Aberdeen has 5. Lucerne Lakes and Via Poinciana are other examples of communities who also employ multiple PM companies.
In fact, it is happening in the Fountains. The new Concert development between Trevi Court and Lake Worth Rd. will be getting their own outside PM, and then paying the FCO for their share of common expenses such as Security. So it’s already happening.
Second, these firms charge much less to provide many more services. They routinely walk the court to look for problems. The FCO has never done this. They write Requests for Proposals such as for roof replacement or painting, send out for sealed bids, present them at a Board meeting, vet the vendors, and supervise the work. The FCO does none of this, except to make sure the vendor is licensed and has insurance.
Third, they handle the problem of residents who misbehave, which is now a heavy burden on the court’s Board of Directors. In fact, the model of neighbors disciplining other neighbors is a poor one. It’s better to have a neutral entity send letters and enforce the rules, which are established for everyone’s enjoyment and to keep strong property values.
Fourth, maintenance. This is where significant savings can be made. The Fountains has an in-house maintenance crew of a manager, secretary, and 4 workers. When comparing the cost of “in-house” maintenance to using an outside vendor from the recommended list of a property manager, the cost right now of in-house FCO maintenance includes:
* Your court’s share of all their yearly salaries, taxes and benefits (whether you use them or not!)
* On top of that, an hourly charge for workers to actually come and fix something.
* On top of that, if the work is done poorly and must be redone, the court will pay full price again (no guarantees)
* On top of that, your court’s share of the FCO Maintainance Barn, golf carts, uniforms, dumpster, phone, electricity and ‘miscellaneous” items (see page 3 of your court’s monthly financial report)
An outside PM will just bill for the services as needed. Frankly, they are appalled at the way this is being billed.
How much can be saved?
In 2018, the FCO prepared a report for all the court presidents to see the impact on the 2019 budget if Esedra and Gefion courts got their own PM. For Esedra (same size as Tivoli, Trevi and Luxemburg), although there would still be a charge of $100,000 for common expenses like Security, the amount not paid would have been $205,000. The cost to replace the FCO with an outside PM for most North courts is well under $100,000.
The FCO claims to be non-profit. But they charge more and deliver less.
Does a Property Manager help plan for the future?
Yes, they will offer an assessment of the current state of repair (or disrepair) and suggest an approach to meet the needs of buildings which are over 50 years old. Almost all the elevators have never been replaced, and they have a life expectancy of 20-25 years. The parts are now off the market. When an elevator breaks down, it is a scramble to find used parts or fabricate them. The courts need to capture these savings to be able to afford the maintenance needs. An outside PM offers:
* Shorter contract
* Lower cost
* More service
* A successful model, all over South Florida
This is the time to switch. Please support your Board as it comes under pressure to continue the status quo and resist the appeal to sentimentality. They are courageously gathering facts and standing up to misinformation on your behalf, to realign the court’s finances and prepare for the future.
Karen Kelly, former President of Esedra Court (2018)
Until recently, Fountains resident for 20+ years
Thank you for expressing reasons why hiring a for profit property management company would be good for any court. I am only sorry that such a comment was from an ex-resident/ex-President and not one of the court presidents considering the change.
Your willingness to involve Esedra Court residents in such a momentous decision was outstanding and reflects what I desire from the five court presidents currently considering the change.
I ask the five presidents to address the cost savings you think will be gained if they switch to a new property management company (although I am not as concerned since Luxemburg Court is not one of the five). The cost savings I would like compared are:
Maintenance. The costs you quote reflect only the FCO side of the equation. Have the courts received comparable quotes from private contractors for the maintenance work they had done this or last year.
The concern about in-house versus private contractor maintenance is not of a concern to me except through a true comparison of both. There are often economies of scale to in-house workers that lead to overall savings. For example, a court pays the hourly salary of the FCO employee for work performed. The worker’s actual salary will be considerably less than the hourly rate a contractor will charge for the same work.
Property management for non-court property that is managed and maintained by the FCO for all courts. The courts regularly forget to mention that maintenance is regularly made to property their residents enjoy by simply living in a multi-court property. Who do they think should pay for that privilege? They want to live here nd reap the benefits without seeming to want to pay their fair share.
Shorter contract. A shorter contract makes a tremendous amount of sense when contracting with a property management company that has no commitment to the long term health and maintenance of the court property. It doesn’t pay for the roadways, it is not responsible for contracts with the security company, it doesn’t matter whether funds are available to pay for such future expenses. It isn’t negotiating for long term use of the property it does not own, etc. If the for profit property management company were to sign contracts and have responsibility for funding such long term contracts they would want multi-year contracts as well. In scale, it is similar to the reason most commercial property leases are for 5, 10, 15, 20 years, etc., and most household leases are for one year.
Non-profit versus for profit. The FCO, regardless of how it is described is clearly a non-profit organization. The fees it charges and its expenditures can be easily documented. Can the same be true a for profit property management company? Have the property management companies that the courts are considering included in writing that they will open their books for the boards and residents to see?
Cronyism. Are the for profit property management companies getting kick backs, etc., from contractors they refer for work for the courts? Is there a mechanism in place that allows courts to monitor any potential such action?
There are likely many additional questions that would be asked if meetings that encouraged attendance by all potentially impacted residents were held. Whenever the FCO holds meetings that are broadly attended by residents I am always amazed about the inciteful questions and comments I hear others make.
Regardless of the above, I am grateful that someone/anyone is providing information about any potential change.
Had I known that Karen Kelly was sending this letter to the Blog, I would have asked her to put my name on it also. She is 1000% correct and can back up everything she says with facts, not opinions or strange cult-like allegiance to an antiquated organization called the FCO.
The FCO has been running the Fountains for over 40 years and has had these last three years to show us how they can improve. The only improvements we have experienced are a new paint job and counters in the FCO office. Their systems are antiquated and the approval process for new residents in the Fountains takes 30 days, plus more if the application is missing one piece of information. This puts much stress on potential residents and their agents. The new property management companies that have been interviewed say it would take them 3 to 10 days, at most 2 weeks, to complete the approval process.
Letters written by the current FCO President and his supporters have been circulated via email to Fountains residents. These letters are full of sentimental misinformation and devoid of facts. They are full of fear of the unknown which clouds the truth.
I urge everyone concerned to support the efforts being put forward by the Court presidents and residents of the Courts seeking a better way.
Hello -if the FCO Board of Directors and the FCO office and employees think they can improve services and communication with the 5 Courts that want to leave to a private for profit management company then sit down and have a face to face meeting. The FCO does not fully understand communication services economics and finances. The FCO should offer the 5 Courts a one year extension on the contract that expires 12/31/2021 and show the 5 Courts that they can work with them by improving services and reducing costs. FCO please think like a businessman for once.,.It’s in your hands if the 5 courts will leave .. they were forced to make this decision because of a lack of services business finance economics intelligence by the FCO Board Members…too many FCO board members are not qualified to be president of their court.. they win on popularity not business ability .
Thank you Karen, you hit the nail on the head !! Many residents don’t have an idea of what is going on here.
I am appalled that the fco wants us to vote for another worthless contract with Concert. They (FCO) have not made concert make good on any of the things they are responsible for.
The biggest thing is the destruction of our property that was once so beautiful, now horrific. Starting with the disrepair of our roads, our frontage, and the overall trashy look at our community.
Residents, it’s past time to pay attention on what’s happening here.
Put your mouth where your money is (property ownership).
Proponents of a for-profit property management company consistently do several things meant to misdirect residents when they are considering a change.
First, they cite opinions frequently and present those opinions as facts. I can only presume that their intent is to get others to believe something simply because it is said repetitively.
Second, they rarely if ever refer to an outside property management company as a for-profit property management company. To do so would highlight the fact that the property management company will charge you, the owners, a fee that puts your money in their pockets and provides you with nothing in return.
Third, they never present sufficient facts that would allow others to ascertain if the opinions given are factual. The most oft heard comment is that the FCO costs residents too much. That is akin to someone complaining about the high costs at Aldi, Walmart, or Costco without providing comparable costs charged by their competitors, e.g., Publix, Winn-Dixie, Whole Foods, etc.
Fourth, they always state that the for-profit property management company performs the same or more services for less cost. This is by far the most inaccurate statement. It is ludicrous to think that the services they are asking the for-profit property management company to provide are the same services as the FCO provides. The outside for-profit property management company is only being tasked with the services that support a specific court and its fees reflect that limited role. The FCO provides, without making a profit, property management services for each court. Additionally, it provides property management services for property that is beyond the rubric of any or all courts, e.g., roadways, buildings used for recreation and community events, etc. It negotiates agreements with third parties that own the property we use to enjoy the community in which we live. (They conveniently fail to mention that by statute the fees we pay to Concert are required and cannot be ignored as some may wish.) There are substantially more services provided by the FCO as well. For example, the maintenance costs you pay the FCO is not for nothing. You are paying for work performed. The outside for-profit property management company does no repairs or maintenance. It might make referrals to contractors, but you will be paying such contractors for-profit fees unlike the FCO’s lower cost non-profit fees.
Fifth, they never mention how many clients are served by the project manager assigned to serve your court by the for-profit property management company. The maximum the FCO serves is 19 (could be as many as 25 according to the FCO’s governing documents). Being one of 19 or 25 is far less than the number may be. Has your court president asked that a maximum be included in the contract that they will saddle you with?
Again, it is incumbent on your representatives contemplating a change to provide you with complete information. Do not trust ANYONE that identifies or lists only positive impacts of a change. They have either not performed a proper analysis of the issue or are purposely misrepresenting the facts. Every change has both positive and negative consequences.
“Howard, thank you for your questions, we will address them at the Monday Meeting.”
Below are some answers to a few of my questions in regards to leaving the FCO for another management company.
Below are some answers to a few questions that I had in regards to the possibility of some courts leaving the FCO.
How would leaving the FCO affect the use of Craft Hall in regards to Hotwire?
How many elevator telephone lines are there among the five courts that are proposing to leave the FCO?
How much would it cost to replace those telephone lines including installation and monthly maintenance?
Currently those elevator telephone lines are auto ringdown to security here in the Fountains.
If we were to leave the FCO where would those autodial lines terminate and how far away would that be?
I personally checked the elevator phone in my building to make sure it reaches security but does anyone else check those elevator telephones on a weekly basis?
Not everyone carries a cell phone all the time and getting stuck in an elevator without a cell phone or a working elevator emergency telephone could be deadly.
1- “Security? There should be no change as long as the courts continue to share the costs as they are currently doing. They will also need to share in the costs of all FCO personnel involved with security.
2- Road maintenance? Again, there should be no change as long as the courts continue to share the costs as they are currently doing
3- Gate access? See Security answer
4- Bar codes? See Security answer
5- FCO Approval and background checks of renters? No. There will be no more use of the secretarial staff.”
How will the road maintenance, Gate access, Bar Codes, and background checks of renters be handled?
As I look at the attached FCO budget will leaving the FCO still provide the annual Fountains Directories?
In speaking to numerous residents around the pool,(some here over 40 years) in the pub, at the bar, in the lounge, in the men’s card room having breakfast, we have concluded that perhaps improvements to the current FCO are needed but we think that leaving the FCO in an attempt to try and save a few dollars would be a mistake.
Any maintenance company is going to low ball a first year contract and then sharply raise prices in succeeding years.
Once a decision is made to leave, attempting to go back will be either very costly or impossible?
I don’t want to take up too much of your time at the next meeting but perhaps you could address these issues and concerns.
Thank you
I forgot to mention the annual directories that the FCO publishes and distributes.
This article was published in the South Florida Business Journal on June 28, 2021:
“Lennar Buys Golf Course Development Site Near Lake Worth Beach
Brian Bandel
Jun 28, 2021, 2:38pm EDT
Lennar Homes purchased part of the Fountains Country Club west of Lake Worth Beach to build a multifamily community there.
The property at 4404 Charleston St., near the southwest corner of Jog Road and Lake Worth Road, actually changed hands twice in a few days. First, Concert Fountains Properties, managed by Peter J. Nanula in Newport Coast, California, sold about 62.6 acres of the 163.6-acre golf course for $2.66 million to Lynx Zuckerman at Palm Beach I LLC, managed by Michael McCarty in Coconut Creek. Lennar Homes, part of Miami-based homebuilder Lennar Corp. (NYSE: LEN), then purchased the land for $4.9 million.
After a rezoning process started in 2019, Palm Beach County approved the site for a garden-style project with 318 units, a clubhouse and a pool.
Concert Fountains still owns most of the Fountains Country Club. An affiliate of GL Homes bought 46 acres of the Fountains Country Club from Concert Fountains in 2019, but construction hasn’t started on that land.
This continues the trend of South Florida golf clubs being redeveloped with homes to meet the demand for more housing.”
I received this attachment in an email and am posting it here.
“Have you ever wondered why your monthly maintenance is so high?
Five courts are currently contemplating a decision to switch to an outside Property Manager, which frankly is as close as you can get to a no-brainer. All of the facts are compelling in the direction of not renewing the FCO contract that expires December 31,
for continuation of the property management services that the FCO (Fountains Condominium Operations) has been providing since 1972.
Each of the 19 courts within the Fountains is an incorporated business. The FCO is an incorporated business as well. So one incorporated business is offering another incorporated business a contract renewal, and the prudence of that decision is being analyzed by 5 courts (D’Este, Tivoli, Trevi, Esedra, Gefion).
Why consider switching?
Throughout all of South Florida, thousands of condominium properties are being managed by outside professional PM companies. None of these properties have an FCO. Therefore, it makes sense that these outside companies include at least everything the FCO does, and it turns out, they do much more for less cost. In fact, nothing the FCO does is unique — all communities need their paperwork processed according to Florida statutes.
The FCO claims to be non-profit. But they charge much more for their services, and deliver less. Other companies are more efficient in terms of economies of scale, innovation and their extensive use of technology, and they pass those savings along to their customers. This is unlike the FCO, which has refused to change with the times and still uses an extremely antiquated accounting system, plus has no system to keep track of maintenance requests, purchase applications or to retrieve most documents, invoices, etc.
There is no reason to continue with the FCO out of sentimentality.
Why is it a no-brainer?
First, the outside PM firms offer a 30-day cancellation clause where they can be fired and replaced after a 30-day notice. The FCO is offering a 10-year renewal contract! Right there, it is worth it to switch. End of no-brainer.
If it turns out the PM is not a good fit, there are lots more that will be a fit for the court’s needs. In fact, it is typical for a community to have several Property Managers — Aberdeen has 5. Lucerne Lakes and Via Poinciana are other examples of communities who also employ multiple PM companies.
In fact, it is happening in the Fountains. The new Concert development between Trevi Court and Lake Worth Rd. will be getting their own outside PM, and then paying the FCO for their share of common expenses such as Security. So it’s already happening.
Second, these firms charge much less to provide many more services. They routinely walk the court to look for problems. The FCO has never done this. They write Requests for Proposals such as for roof replacement or painting, send out for sealed bids, present them at a Board meeting, vet the vendors, and supervise the work. The FCO does none of this, except to makes sure the vendor is licensed and has insurance.
Third, they handle the problem of residents who misbehave, which is now a heavy burden on the court’s Board of Directors. In fact, the model of neighbors disciplining other neighbors is a poor one. It’s better to have a neutral entity send letters and enforce the rules, which are established for everyone’s enjoyment and to keep strong property values.
Fourth, maintenance. This is where significant savings can be made. The Fountains has an in-house maintenance crew of a manager, secretary, and 4 workers. When comparing the cost of “in-house” maintenance to using an outside vendor from the recommended list of a property manager, the cost right now of in-house FCO maintenance includes:
* Your court’s share of all their yearly salaries, taxes and benefits (whether you use them or not!)
* On top of that, an hourly charge for workers to actually come and fix something. * On top of that, if the work is done poorly and must be redone, the court will pay full price again (no guarantees)
* On top of that, your court’s share of the FCO Maintainance Barn, golf carts, uniforms, dumpster, phone, electricity and ‘miscellaneous” items (see page 3 of your court’s monthly financial report)
An outside PM will just bill for the services as needed. Frankly, they are appalled at the way this is being billed.
How much can be saved?
In 2018, the FCO prepared a report for all the court presidents to see the impact on the
2019 budget if Esedra and Gefion courts got their own PM. For Esedra (same size as Tivoli, Trevi and Luxemburg), although there would still be a charge of $100,000 for common expenses like Security, the amount not paid would have been $205,000. The cost to replace the FCO with an outside PM for most North courts is well under $100,000.
The FCO claims to be non-profit. But they charge more and deliver less.
Does a Property Manager help plan for the future?
Yes, they will offer an assessment of the current state of repair (or disrepair) and suggest an approach to meet the needs of buildings which are over 50 years old. Almost all the elevators have never been replaced, and they have a life expectancy of 20-25 years. The parts are now off the market. When an elevator breaks down, it is a scramble to find used parts or fabricate them. The courts need to capture these savings to be able to afford the maintenance needs.
An outside PM offers:
* Shorter contract
* Lower cost
* More service
* A successful model, all over South Florida
This is the time to switch. Please support your Board as it comes under pressure to continue the status quo and resist the appeal to sentimentality. They are courageously gathering facts and standing up to misinformation on your behalf, to realign the court’s finances and prepare for the future.
Another well thought out comment from a resident:
She is 1000% correct and can back up everything she says with facts, not opinions or strange cult-like allegiance to an antiquated organization called the FCO.
The FCO has been running the Fountains for over 40 years and has had these last three years to show us how they can improve. The only improvements we have experienced are a new paint job and counters in the FCO office. Their systems are antiquated and the approval process for new residents in the Fountains takes 30 days, plus more if the application is missing one piece of information. This puts much stress on potential residents and their agents. The new property management companies that have been interviewed say it would take them 3 to 10 days, at most 2 weeks, to complete the approval process.
Letters written by the current FCO President and his supporters have been circulated via email to Fountains residents. These letters are full of sentimental misinformation and devoid of facts. They are full of fear of the unknown which clouds the truth.
I urge everyone concerned to support the efforts being put forward by the Court presidents and residents of the Courts seeking a better way.
And another one:
Thank you for this well thought out letter from the board presidents. We concur with the contents of the letter, although it is surprising that the FCO does not want to make its case to the courts. Hopefully the residents will realize the improvement, cost savings and safety factors that may accrue if the best and most effective managerial company is found.”
I was recently informed by a resident of Tivoli Court that during my 18 month absence the FCO either replaced or worked on a laundry room door that used to close but now does not. If the FCO or whoever worked on that laundry room door they need to return to fix it and make sure that the door closes properly just the way it used to.
Also during my 18 month absence stranded in New Jersey during a pandemic, pavers that happen to look very nice were installed around the Tivoli Court pool.
There is a problem with these pavers however, as they burn ones feet in the hot Florida Sun. I personally measured the temperature of the surface of the pavers with a digital thermometer with a probe. Shortly after 10 AM the temperature measured 102 degrees. I had planned to return during the afternoon to measure the temperature again but it began to rain. I would estimate the afternoon temperature on these pavers could be as high as 110 degrees.
A quick google search on using pavers around swimming pools gives warnings as well as alternative solutions.
Does no one ever do their due diligence prior to spending money at The Fountains?
The Lake Worth Gate House is another example of not doing due diligence prior to construction.
Let’s not get fooled again.
I agree that the FCO should return and properly repair the door if it is not working due to poor service.
But, you are aware that the pool falls under the auspices of the Tivoli Court Board of Directors and that the FCO has nothing to do with either the maintenance or selection of materials. In fact, this is a perfect example of what can occur regardless of who has responsibility. Also, the work was done by a private contractor selected by the Tivoli Board. Did the contractor not provide any advice. Which error is costing (either money or comfort) the Tivoli residents more – the door or the pool deck? Clearly the FCO woes facing any court resident are only the tip of the iceberg. The court Board of Directors make many more decisions and take actions that have a much greater impact.
You make some excellent points. I commend and appreciate the time and effort the unpaid board members make.
Unfortunately mistakes are frequently made not only by court board members but also by the previous Fountains Country Club Board members and the 19 presidents that make up the FCO.
A substantial amount of money has been wasted in the past on various projects. (Dining Room, Kitchen, Pub) neither of those are now open seven days a week.
Perhaps the time has come for an outside property management company to come in to provide the proper advice to court board members prior to making decisions in error?
The fact that the laundry room door does not close properly is an error that could be left as is but I only pointed it out in my post since another resident mentioned it to me as an example of perfunctory performance by the FCO.
If the FCO did in fact work on the laundry room door then they should return to properly fix it. If it turns out that it is going to cost the court money to fix it perhaps we can just live with it as is?
There was a new shower fixture installed at the Tivoli Court pool during my eighteen month absence. When I used the new shower the water valve cartridge was installed incorrectly because turning the water valve to the right instead of giving cold water, gives out hot water.
Between the hot pavers burning ones feet, turning the shower water expecting cold water could result in someone getting burned with hot water?
If this work was done by a contractor/plumber does no one inspect the work?
Perhaps an outside property manager can assist courts in avoiding errors such as these?
Perhaps those people that run for and are elected to the boards should be more than “full of sound and fury, signifying nothing” and actually have the ability to get something accomplished for their court rather than just have a title. If they actually worked for the court’s betterment there would be no need for an outside property manager. During the interviews of the various PMs their description of what they would bring to the table were already in place in Trevi Ct.
Tivoli CT. Had a wonderful meeting Monday. A lot of good news. A lot of good discussion. The board members seam engaged and on top of things.I for one hope we get AS FAR AWAY AS POSSIBLE FROM THE OUT DATED AND SOME SAY INEFFICIENT FCO.Times and many things have changed over the years with the fountains.FCO IS OUT DATED and to be perfectly franc rude and they act like we work for them. Times for a change and let’s save some money. Only one problem at Monday’s meeting always one big mouth there who knows everything. Don’t need to mention any names because the bully is at every meeting and we all know who he is.Please stay home next time we have a meeting mr. BULLY. YOUR NOT ALWAYS CORRECT . YOU SCARE TIVOLI MEMBERS THAT ATTEND THE MEETING WITH YOUR LOUD OUTBURSTS YOUR VULGAR LANGUAGE AND ACCUSING EVERYONE ON TELLING LIES.MR. BULLY WHY DON’T YOU COME TO A MEETING WITH A POSITIVE ATTITUDE.I guess its hard for you to be nice when you have been a BULLY OVER THE YEARS WITH YOUR ASSOCIATION WITH THE FCO.BUD OUT mr. BULLY UNLESS YOU HAVE SOMETHING NICE TO SAY, AND CAN SAY IT IN A POLITE A POLITE WAY. Nothing will get done if our board members have to deal with YOU mr BULLY. Give our new board members some respect and help. YOU and your family have had there chances and look were we are now.
I Shir-Lee Rosenberg am a Resident in Esedra Court and I have been a Florida Licensed Realtor in Palm Beach County for 33 years. Born and raised here. .I have personally owned several properties belonging to a Homeowners Associations and a Condo Associations. As a Realtor I have also work with many local Management Companies. My experience tells me there are good ones and bad ones. Even with a good outside management company you will be lucky to be able to speak to the correct contact person for your needs on the first phone call. On the second day you will still be sitting by the phone. Then by the third day you might have to drive there to get the answer that you need in person. Because a lot of the time the property managers travel to sit at different Developments. This might sound like a great idea but it is not. Because if they only visit your property on a Monday that’s the only day you have to conduct business with them, Because the rest of the week they are at other different properties. Every outside management company has a property manager assigned to each property. However what everyone needs to understand is every property manager is assigned 100 to 200 properties.15 plus developments. NOT JUST YOURS!!! So how much time do you think they will have for all of us…WE AS RESIDENTS MIGHT NOT EVEN BE ALLOWED TO CALL THE OUTSIDE MANAGEMENT COMPANY DIRECTLY. BECAUSE THE MANAGEMENT COMPANY TAKES DIRECTION ONLY FROM THE BOARD MEMBERS NOT FROM US THE RESIDENTS. IF THE BOARD MEMBERS GIVES THE OUTSIDE MANAGEMENT COMPANY DIRECTION NOT TO SPEAK WITH THE RESIDENTS THAN WE ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SPEAK WITH THEM DIRECTLY AT ALL. WE WOULD HAVE TO REACH OUT TO BOARD MEMBERS LOSING YOUR RIGHT TO GO DIRECTLY TO A PROPERTY MANAGER FOR AN EXPLANATION OR ANSWER OF SOMETHING OF CONCERN TO YOU. Please remember too that your concern might not be a board member’s concern. So you might never get an answer, I find that we are very spoiled here in the Fountains. WE HAVE AN ONSITE OFFICE. THE MANAGEMENT STAFF IS ALWAYS HERE FOR US ( THE RESIDENTS). THEY ADDRESS EACH AND EVERY CONCERN OF ALL RESIDENTS WHETHER IT’S IMPORTANT TO THEM OR NOT. YOU CAN COUNT ON THEM AT ALL TIMES.
MOST IMPORTANTLY: The outside Management Company will also deal with all your outside services on your behalf. However they don’t care about the grass dying, sprinklers working, or the paint, signs or anything falling apart or needing replacement. They are not living here or driving here every day. They take no pride in making sure everything looks good for you to call this your home for your family and friends to visit and not only your home but your investment into your future. POOR MANAGEMENT DEVALUES YOUR PROPERTY. NOT ONLY TODAY BUT WHEN YOUR READY TO SELL AS WELL!!
isn’t the old saying you get what you pay for!!!
Our Onsite Management Staff is always here for us. I guarantee no one has ever walked through their the door without getting a greeting and help!!!! They always answer their phones. They give everyone that enters personal attention and always follow through on your needs. Our Management Staff takes pride in where they work. Please consider all factors as your home is your investment of today and tomorrow.
Let’s be business people thinking..Tivoli Court will be saving about $ 140,000 dollars by leaving the FCO. That’s shared FCO expenses plus FCO maintenance costs ..The management company will cost $ 50,000 for a net savings of about $ 90,000 dollars…we were told last night that Ms Paulette is staying on as a full time consultant even though they hired a full time much more money is that going to cost the Courts ..the FCO insists on a new 10 year contract and the management company is asking for a 3 year contract..The FCO president refused to attend our meeting and to answer questions from Tivoli Court residents who attended the meeting ..Think like a business person. What do we have to lose for making this change under a signed agreed 3 year contract ..we have more to gain than lose both in services and money..
Can and will you provide the data you are using to project $140,000 in savings for Tivoli Court if it leaves the FCO? It would serve Tivoli Court owners well to have side by side comparisons of ALL the projected costs Tivoli Court will have with the FCO and with a for-profit property management company.
It is easy for anyone to quote costs and cost savings when they offer nothing to back-up such claims. I am especially shocked that anyone could believe they would receive any where near a $140,000 savings simply by switching property management companies. I guess anything is possible, but I do not trust proclamations from telemarketers and others offering something that is likely to good to be true.
Please back-up your claim, because it is extremely unfair to take advantage of the elderly population we have at the Fountains.
I can’t say with certainty you are wrong, but you have offered nothing in the way of reasonable data to prove you are right.
You ask people to think like a business person. I agree and I would like to start with you who has not offered anywhere near sufficient data for a business person to reach the conclusion you have. What exactly do the owners gain – and no, I do not mean what does the Board gain – with a new property manager? Anyone that ends with the argument, “what do we have to lose” has not given facts to the owners. They are offering a hope and a prayer!
I recently read the minutes of the Special Meeting of the FCO Board of Directors that was held June 3, 2021. Attached at the end of the minutes were two pages of comments directed at the FCO and outside for-profit property management companies. I have absolutely no role or responsibility to the FCO, but I think I do have reactions to the comments that will be perceived as defending the FCO. That perception is likely accurate in most cases. However, some of the reactions would be better described as distrusting the information because of lack of data or examples to support the comments of which I am reacting. Following are comments about the first of the two documents.
The comment from the FCO meeting minutes are italicized and my reactions are not.
FCO needs to be restructured, just a few key points:
– More transparency, more input from presidents and residents on all issues, including Concert negotiations, lawyers and other expenditures, FCO president elections, hiring of key personal, bidding on new contracts, like security, etc.
Asking for more transparency and more input from residents sounds and probably is desirable whenever possible and feasible. However, there are limits to everything.
Everything done by the FCO is transparent to the Executive Board of the FCO Board of Directors. Almost everything is also available to any of the Board of Directors. Some things are not made available to everyone, and some things are made available later than some would like. Like any other management group, the FCO does not have the right or expectation to share everything with everyone. In order to carry out its responsibilities to the community and to meet established legal and regulatory requirements it has to consider (1) to whom data can be disclosed, (2) if laws, regulations, contracts, or agreements require data to remain confidential, (3) if data may only be used or released under certain conditions, (4) whether data is sensitive by nature and would have a negative impact if disclosed, and (5) if data would be valuable to those who are not permitted to have it.
Every resident and owner at the Fountains have multiple avenues to share their input on anything they desire. They can attend FCO Board of Directors meetings, they can send input via email or snail mail to the FCO Board in its entirety or to any single Board member, they can provide input to their court representative to the Board, they can provide input via the blog, etc. Everyone has the right to provide input and I am unaware of anyone on the FCO Board that has postulated otherwise.
– Ability to form subcommittees by board/resident interest, not just appointed by the FCO president, example Remediation/ Construction issues
There is nothing established by the FCO Board of Directors that precludes owners and residents from forming a committee to address any issue they desire. The President of the FCO Board of Directors has the expressed authority to form committees he chooses that represent the FCO, but not to preclude others from forming committees to address the same or different issues. As mentioned above about owners and residents having input, any independent committees have the capacity to present their opinions and views to the FCO Board. They do not have the authority or right to force the FCO Board of Directors to act or decide on anything.
– Subcommittees should oversee various important issues that the courts face, bring information to the FCO board and directly participate in resolution of these issues, not just the president and the executive board
I have no problem with a subcommittee bringing information to the FCO Board and directly participating in resolution of some issues. There may be some instances whereby I would agree with allowing a subcommittee to represent the FCO in the resolution of those issues. Also, any such committee should be appointed by the FCO President if they are representing the FCO. However, the implication that the FCO President or the Board should be excluded is unrealistic and incongruent with the reason we have an FCO. I am basically against anarchy.
– Restructuring of the executive board to be more transparent, representative and open to all presidents to attend
First, I do not know is meant by “executive board”. Are we talking about the FCO Officers? I am not sure what is meant by restructured. It has a President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. All of whom have volunteered and were elected by their peers to serve in their respective roles. Every Board Member (I.e., Presidents) are allowed to self-nominate for any open role. I have not been aware of the FCO Board of Directors for a long time, but I am not aware of that any officer vacancy was ever contested. How does the make-up of the Executive Board affect transparency? All FCO Presidents are always invited to meetings of the FCO Board of Directors. Inviting all Presidents to meetings of the Officers where personnel issues are discussed may very well violate the privacy rights of any person under discussion.
– Changing the voting rights to be more in line with the number of residents, not just the number of courts
I agree that the voting on issues affecting the entire community should have a greater relationship with the number of households represented by a President. However, I am unaware of any decision that was made by the FCO Board of Directors that would have differed even if each President voted under the weighted process used for capital improvements over $35,000. Further, if the topic were not so serious I would find the proposal laughable when being put forth by the President(s) of courts that will have no voice/vote about decisions the FCO Board of Directors entertain after they have opted to contract with an outside property management company. Have no doubt that many such decisions will impact roadways, security, landscaping, etc. that departing courts will still be required to fund. If they do not care enough about their owners to remain part of the FCO and give their voice to decisions, how can they proffer that their constituents are improperly represented?
– Changing the “shared expenses” to have the Southern courts pay their fair share for the roads, landscaping and security of the South
This is such an old refrain that makes absolutely no sense. To begin with, every court, North and South, pays their fair share for the roads, landscaping, and security of the Fountains community. The bias in this comment is obvious given that the proposal refers not to the Fountains community, but to the South. Why not say what you really mean, you disagree with the governing requirements by the State, county, etc. that mandate all owners to share the costs of common property and recreation areas. You do not want fair distribution of costs; you want the burden to be carried by the owners of those properties. This is a classic example of people that should never have purchased an abode in a community with private roadways and facilities that are available for their use.
– Restructuring the maintenance team to become more cost efficient, one example being not come in pairs for a simple job
I think every President agrees with taking action to ensure efficiency in the maintenance process. They should work with the Director of the Maintenance Department to identify and implement changes. These changes should be adopted and implemented whenever identified. There may be good reasons why some maintenance calls are answered by two or more maintenance people. I do not know about your experiences with contractors, but I have contractors come to my house in Florida and Maryland for two primarily separate reasons. First, they came to provide an estimate of the cost of completing the work I wanted done. Second, they came to perform the work I contracted with them to complete. The contractor always sent one person to provide the estimate. However, frequently the contractor sent multiple employees to perform the work that was contracted. Since many of our work orders involve a one step process, i.e., the estimate and work are performed with one visit, it may make sense to send two employees.
– Not having a 10 year contract, but freedom to leave for any court at any time without any threats
Not even the for-profit property management companies allow their clients (i.e., courts) the freedom to leave before the end of the contract period regardless of whether the contract is for 1, 2, 3, or more years. There are often clauses in contracts that allow for a court to leave before the end of the contract period, but they typically only apply for just cause. Just cause is typically when the property management company fails to remedy a contractual or ethical issue. In theory easy, but it is highly likely that attorneys may need to be hired to prove just cause has occurred.
I do not know what is meant by threats. Are we talking about threats of bodily harm to someone or their family, taking away someone’s legal rights, etc. I agree, no one should be subject to threats of bodily harm or removal of their legal rights. But I also do not think statements of impact or consequences are threats any more than I think a President saying he wants to hire another property management company is a threat. I might consider them challenges and possibly even uncalled for, but I do not think they rise to the level of a threat.
I have a question for the Court Presidents that are thinking about leaving the FCO. It will help your owners to better determine whether you believe the projected savings are real or not. Are you willing to prepare a budget for your court that reduces the monthly HOA fees by the projected savings amounts?
For example, if Lowell’s cost savings are accurate Tivoli Court owners HOA fees should be projected as $43 less per month. Calculated as $90,000 total savings, divided by 175 households, and divided by 12 months = $42.86.
Hello Bill–You responded to my blog posted on July 13th.To answer your question about the $140,000 in savings to Tivoli Court:
The FCO gave me the numbers–
General and Administrative $78,000
Taxes -Prof Fees 4,000
Craft Hall 13,000
Specific Reserves 9,000
FCO Maintenance 36,000
Approx $140,000
Tivoli Court with 175 units the net savings will be about $90,000 after we give the new Management Company about $50,000. The savings Bill can be a reduction in monthly condo fees to all residents or go into reserves to improve conditions in the Court….
Bill-Dollar savings and better services and communication, equal better business judgement. As I mentioned before lets all think like a business.
By the way Bill–You know my full name –what is your full name????
Thanks for your reply. I have a few follow-up questions for which you may have answers. What was the question asked of the FCO that resulted in the numbers you were given? I ask that question because based on what I know (or do not know) I do not think that the figures you were given necessarily mean that Tivoli Court will save $140,000. Your interpretation could be correct, but I would make absolutely certain before presenting that interpretation as factual to Tivoli owners.
It seems to me that the FCO will ultimately include in the fee Tivoli Court will be charged if it hires another property management company some of the FCO costs for General and Administrative, Taxes-Prof Fees, Specific Reserves, and FCO maintenance. Bookkeeping under a situation where all courts are covered may depict costs differently than if some courts pay for community services only and others pay for every category.
What I am saying is that costs for roads, landscaping, security are greater than what you read on the books. The categories for roads, security, landscaping are the direct costs Tivoli must pay. The FCO will add to those costs the indirect costs it incurs to support those line items. These indirect costs will include some percent (I have no idea what percent) of the items you seem to think Tivoli will fully realize savings from.
My final question is where have you added back the costs for maintenance that will be needed from private contractors when FCO maintenance is not doing the work? It is unrealistic to think Tivoli Court will cease needing maintenance in future years.
Finally, my last name is Read, although I am not sure how important it is the discussion
I keep repeating that I do not care whether courts remain with the FCO or not. I only care that whatever decision is made is with the approval of the owners after proponents of the change present them enough information for them to understand the impact, financial and otherwise. I have not seen that type of information, nor have I heard that the court leaders are giving the owners final say.
In my last reply I forgot to mention the question that I think every court that is considering leaving the FCO should ask. It is a simple question that will begin the analysis of any cost savings. I would ask the FCO the amount of the fee that will be assessed for each household for common expenses.
It is likely the answer is not yet available because the 2022 budget has not been developed. Also, the FCO may need to adopt new line items to more isolate costs to support common expenses departing courts will be required to pay.
Hello Bill—The $140,000 dollars is FCO Shared expenses that Tivoli Court will not give to the FCO once they leave and hire a new management Company .. The $140,000 is in writing and given to me by the FCO office… We will still pay for security and access road maintenance expenses and insurance costs. The remaining 14 Courts will have to pay more to cover FCO shared expenses.. That means Condo fee increases to all residents to off set the 5 Courts leaving. Luxemburg Court should seriously consider leaving the FCO as the 6th Court.Furthermore Bill–Why does the North Courts pay 72% of monies to the FCO shared expenses but only have a 45% vote??. Bill–Think like you are running a business….
I have no doubt that the figures you cite are from one or more documents prepared by the FCO. I say that because I am accepting your word, not because I have seen the document you are citing.
However, I do not think the FCO has expressly stated that the $140,000 is the amount Tivoli Court will save if it contracts with another property management company. Am I wrong? Did the FCO make such a statement, or is the $140,000 your interpretation of data you obtained from one or more FCO documents? Just to ease my pointy little head, will you cite the title and date of the document you are reading to reach your conclusion?
The reason I think $140,000 is your interpretation and not something specifically stated by the FCO is because the FCO, to my knowledge, has not completed its budget for 2022 and any such number could not be calculated without a budget that projects the costs for roads, security, landscaping, etc. Also, $140,000 simply does not pass my “smell test” any more than someone telling me I can legally earn 15% return annually on an investment. The $140,000 and the 15% could be right, but I darn sure need more verification that I have read or seen. The biggest problem is that the people claiming huge savings have not bothered to share a budget comparison of the before and after. Proclamations are not sufficient to a business-person.
You keep stating “think like a business-person or like a business.” I am. Like any business or business-person I want to see all factual data before making decisions. Proclamations are not sufficient to a business-person, so please document the savings instead of offering a proclamation.
Also, I think Luxemburg Court has given serious consideration to contracting with a for-profit property management company. Although I own a home in Luxemburg I am not privy to the thoughts of its Board of Directors, but I can only assume that it has not found data that supports any conclusion that significant savings could be realized by the Court or its owners.
Instead of discounting the thoughts of other court’s Board of Directors, maybe the potentially departing courts could learn from them. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side, nor is it less costly to maintain. I only hope other owners in Tivoli and the other courts contemplating a change are not harmed by a less than fully informed Board of Directors.
Recently an email was sent expressing concern that a comment was made and not posted on the blog. Almost immediately the writer asked that the original email be ignored because the comment had been posted and but not seen before the first concern was sent.
Although the failure to post a comment did not happen, the situation serves as an opportunity to remind our readers what could and has happened previously to some comments and how the situation should be addressed. Like all websites, the blog uses software that tries to ensure we are not overrun with spam. Occasionally it has placed a comment from a reader into the Junk folder. Usually, and we think always, we catch the error and remove it from the Junk folder and put it into the In Box where it is approved for publication. If you make a comment and you do not see it appear on the blog, please notify us and we will make every attempt to find out why and correct the situation.
We want to assure you that comments are not withheld from approval based on whether we agree or disagree with what is said. There are some instances when a comment is edited to make it easier to read, remove curse words, etc., but never to change the content. Sometimes a comment is not approved because it is too far removed from events and life at the Fountains, e.g., national politics, etc. Whenever a comment is not approved, an email is sent to the commenter with an explanation and so far everyone has understood why it was not approved. Also, rarely is the entire comment not approved because it is usually only a sentence or phrase that gets edited out of the comment and the comment is then approved.
I hope this helps clarify the approval process for comments. Thanks for being readers and contributors to the blog.
My name is Nicolas Bauer, owner of a 2 BR condo in 4793 Esedra Court, know from another owner that tomorrow 07/21/21 at 1PM, a meeting is scheduled by the board, to discuss the pros and cons of switching management from the FCO to a private PM company. I have read many comments about that topic and would like to let the president of the board know, that I am absolutely in favor of switching to a PM company, for many reasons, the main one though being apparently substantial savings, which would most likely translate into lowering the maintenance fee, beneficial for unit owner and tenants! When did that ever happened?
Besides, if the selected PM Co. should not be a great match, the 30 day cancellation period allows for another, possibly better company.
I talked to a few owners in the Fountain and without exception, they all
support such a move.
I personally am 100% in favor of such a move and urge the board by voting FOR the switch, to start a move, that will, in my mind, be a tremendous benefit for “The Fountains” overall.
I also would like to thank the board in advance, for their effort in doing what’s right and decent for us all.
May you have a constructive and productive meeting.
Nicolas Bauer
I hope the meeting is constructive and productive as well. Best of luck whatever the outcome.
It was a constructive orderly meeting. Lots of good information as to why its time to say goodbye to the FCO.
Too bad no one representing the FCO chose to show up with any of their facts as to why we should sign their ten year contract?
We’ll just have to accept the facts as presented by grs management with a much shorter contract with better terms and how much better they will serve the five courts as well as the savings that will accrue with their up to date web portal. Many resident comments on how poor the current FCO maintenance has become.
Howard, I have been watching the bantering, back and forth, between you and Bill and respect both of your opinions even though I believe that leaving the FCO is a monumental bad decision. However if I see an inaccuracy stated as fact I feel I should point it out. First, the “10 years” as the only option presented by the FCO is false. I have 2 letters from Ben Geller indicating that a 3 year option might be viable.
as well as the minutes of the meeting held on July 16, where he expressed the same fact. Second, stating that “Many resident comments on how poor the current FCO maintenance has become.” was stated without any proof that it was actually said. I can tell you for a fact that the performance by Juan and his maintenance staff as far as Trevi Ct. is concerned, has been exemplary. Have you, personally, ever dealt with a property management company on any level? I have.
I have seen facts and figures quoted, ostensibly made by the FCO, and yet I have never seen those numbers in a letter posted on an FCO letterhead, indicating to me that it might be pure hearsay based on fabrication. Let’s not resort to innuendo and hyperbole where pure facts are needed.
I respect your opinion also but I have proof on Tivoli Court on how incompetent on at least two items here on how the present FCO maintenance personnel dropped the ball. Would you like to meet in person so that I can prove the FCO incompetence to you? Our court president is fully aware and cannot get straight answers from the FCO office. If you would like to meet in person I can text you.
Perhaps you have a solution?
Any time!
Thanks for the feedback! How many owners attended the meeting? Was it a multi-court meeting or just Tivoli?
Who was invited to attend?
It was a well attended meeting. It was for the owners of the five Northern courts that are considering leaving the FCO and bringing in another management company. The presidents of D’Este,Esedra,Gefion,Tivoli, and Trevi invited all residents of those courts to attend. There were lots of questions and lots of answers. There are some very knowledgeable female presidents of these courts that have experience in the property management field. They are not fearing the threats and misinformation from the current FCO.
Perhaps that is one reason no one, although invited, from the FCO declined to attend?
The number of attendees exceeded my expectations and a rough estimate would be well over 100. Not bad for a Thursday evening. A presentation was given by grs management explaining how easy it would become to report problems and issues 24/7 on these courts via telephone or smartphone.They have a computerized tracking system that the current FCO does not have.
FWIW Indian Springs and many other similar country clubs utilize a similar property management system with features and benefits that we currently do not receive from the current FCO.
Our buildings are over 40 years old with elevator, electrical, plumbing,roof, condensate drain,and laundry room problems and many residents are frustrated and tired of dealing with the current FCO that has failed over the years to develop, track, and upgrade to a computerized management system.
The time has come to say goodby to the FCO.
Thanks for the reply!
Is this meeting being held on Zoom? Just curious.
Looking forward to tomorrows TOWN HALL MEETING. I HOPE mr. BULLY DOESN’T COME.WE don’t need his negative comments and foul mouth. Maybe with mr. bully not there we can get something accomplished. Remember mr. BULLY you had you chance and look where we are now. Give the new TIVOLI board a chance.
I cannot understand what message you are sending. First you say you hope someone doesn’t attend. Then you ask him to give the new Tivoli Board a chance.
It seems to me that you are basically saying an owner should have no say because whatever he/she espouses is contrary to what others think. I do think the person you are trying to communicate with should express himself in a courteous manner without the use of foul language.
I also find your constant use of derogatory “naming” of the person equally offensive and wish you would display the behavior you are expecting of others.
Hello, I am a resident of Fountains and also own multiple units in different courts. I am new to this topic but recently attended both the Esedra meting on Wednesday and Thursday’s larger group meeting. It was very informing attending these meetings and after hearing GRS presentation was also impressed with the level of services they offer and the transparency they would provide to residents and board members. I am a bit confused why there was no representation for the FCO and to give them the opportunity to hear complaints or share their thoughts on how improvements can be made. I am also very concerned that the President/s were not there to weigh the options. The FCO has been afforded the opportunity to service this community for 40 years, but does not mean we are locked into them if there is better and less expensive options which would be for the benefit of all. I would just say it is in the best interest of the community and residents if we were able to hear both sides.
Howard sent an email to the blog with the following comment and picture. He used this format for commenting because he wanted to include a picture.
“Two FCO maintenance men show up. The plastic knob is not a standard Moen knob that has no hot and cold water markings on it. In addition this knob rotates 360 degrees. Did they fix and repair it? NO! Time to retire the FCO incompetent maintenance team. Howard”
I agree that the repair as described would not be up to the standards I would expect. Unfortunately, I find enough fault to go around to everyone involved.
Too frequently people do not provide enough specificity about work they want performed and the results they receive could be sub-par or too expensive. Likewise, people performing the work act using their own priorities which may not match those of the owner. Such problems could be prevented if either the owner or the repairer acted in a more proactive manner.
The problem could be avoided with more information. Some people are satisfied to have a problem fixed at the lowest possible cost. Such repairs usually involve the use of parts that are not of a quality of the original manufacturer. Manufacturers refer to acceptable parts as OEM, i.e., original equipment manufacturer. Other repairs are made to make something function without fully resolving the problem. These repairs are often referred to as jury-rigging. For example, the new handle turns the water on and off, and regulates the water temperature. Many times, the difference is whether a handyman or a plumber performs the work. A handyman will usually be cheaper and will return something to functionality. A plumber might have said the spline, valve stem, etc. are stripped and should be replaced. The cost would likely be much higher.
Whenever I hire someone to repair something for me, I always know exactly what they plan to do to make the repair and what they estimate the cost will be. Whenever feasible I will be present where the work is performed. If I cannot be there, I leave explicit instructions about when and how to contact me if anything unforeseen occurs. I rarely accept a jury-rigged solution except as a stop-gap measure until the appropriate repair can be made.
Likewise, repairmen could take the initiative and contact the owner/court representative and explain what is wrong and the options for fixing the problem. The owner/representative could then make an appropriate (for them) choice.
There is room for improvement by both parties, but ultimately the responsibility to provide clear instructions and to accept the work performed falls to the owner/court representative. Maybe Tivoli Court needs to rethink how it conducts its business.
This is the second of two emails Howard sent to the blog with the following comment and pictures. He used this format for commenting because he wanted to include pictures.
“Does the problem belong to the FCO or ? The Tivoli Court Laundry Room Door does not close. Despite the laundry room is air conditioned. The FCO states that the laundry room door is split. A close examination reveals this is true, however this close examination also reveals that the upper door hinge is the incorrect one and does not match the upper laundry door hinges on a few other buildings that I checked on Tivoli Court.
A neighbor told me that this problem began when new washers and dryer’s were installed and replaced the old coin machines.
So my question is who removed and rehung the laundry room door? Was it the FCO or the company that brought in the new laundry machines? Someone incorrectly drove screws in the holes too close to the edge of the laundry room door splitting the door. Those two screw holes are currently empty but the damage was done.
Who did it and who is responsible for the repair?”
I would say the Tivoli Court Board of Directors is responsible in response to your opening question, “Who is responsible for this ?”.
The reason is that the Tivoli Court Board of Directors, or some subset, is responsible for authorizing repairs to its property. You surely do not expect or want the FCO to make repairs without being asked by a proper authority, do you? Secondly, whether Tivoli Court uses the FCO or an outside contractor to perform repairs or maintenance work, it is Tivoli Court’s responsibility to accept or reject the completed work. I know that Luxemburg Court has someone on the Board responsible for maintenance and having read a few of David’s comments, I know that Esedra Court does as well. Do you know if Tivoli Court has someone holding a like responsibility?
I do not know specifically about the hinges on the door to the Tivoli Court laundry room, but when I upgraded some of the doors in my townhouse, I found that hinges exactly matching the ones I already had were no longer sold by any of the local hardware stores, e.g., Home Depot, Lowe’s. I had to make a choice to use one that was similar or replace both.
It seems to me that the appropriate people to answer your questions about who made the repair, etc., are your Board of Directors. I hope you find answers. Regardless, you and the other Tivoli Court owners are paying to air condition the air outside the laundry room. Don’t you think it is about time for your Board of Directors to authorize the needed repairs and choose who they want to perform the repairs?
You are probably correct, however, I am not going to criticize past members of the Tivoli Court Board that attempted to make improvements on this court. Errors, poor judgements, attempts to save court residents money were in most cases decisions that were made in good faith for taking on unpaid jobs with lots of aggravation that led to both health issues and mass resignations of previous board members.
Our current Tivoli Court President is trying very hard to make corrections of the numerous past mistakes and is recommending that Tivoli and four other Northern Courts use an outside management company, GRS, which manages many other communities including a number of PODs in the nearby Wycliff Country Club where a number of former Fountains residents and former Fountains Country Club employees now reside.
An outside management company can provide intelligent recommendations to any of the boards prior to making poor decisions.
GRS will provide periodic condensate drain maintenance on our 47 year old multi story buildings.
GRS will provide needed advice on how to deal with numerous damaged roof tiles.
GRS will provide periodic roof inspections to remove the many screws left my careless air conditioning contractors. Anyone accidently stepping on the numerous screws left on flat roofs can easily perforate the thick roof membrane and cause leaks.
Our recently renovated pool looks very nice but the pavers around it measured 122 degrees on a recent day which can cause 3rd degree burns on ones feet if not wearing some sort of footwear.
The new laundry room washers and dryers are also very nice but the door in the airconditioned laundry room does not close.
I would urge everyone to read the editorial in yesterday’s Palm Beach Post that is demanding systemic changes that include ongoing certificate occupancy requirements, revamped construction codes, maintenance requirements, inspection schedules, mandatory reserves, reporting requirements for professional engineers, insurance costs, and risk issues and on and on.
The current FCO is sorely lacking in the numerous items and deficiencies that were outlined in last Thursday’s meeting.
I find your reasoning about placement of responsibility for the Tivoli Court woes flawed and difficult for me to follow. Before I continue, I want to make it clear that any comment I make about the Tivoli Court Board is based on the information YOU have provided. My comments are not related to any specific Board members because I don’t know who is on the Board. I know who the current President is because that information is on the FCO website. And yes, I know she is a relatively new President and not responsible for the foibles that preceded her appointment.
Back to why I find it difficult for me to follow your logic. First, you do not want to blame the Tivoli Court Board, past and present, for its failures, but you want to blame the FCO for the Tivoli Court Board’s’ failures. That does not make the slightest sense in my humble opinion. Blame those that caused the problem regardless of whether their intentions were honorable or not.
Second, you mention that the current President is trying very hard to make corrections of the numerous past mistakes by recommending Tivoli and four other courts switch to a for-profit property management company. This is simply a continuation of the thinking that I believe has gotten Tivoli Court into the bad situation you espouse it as having. There are so many unanswered questions about the total and true costs to owners if Tivoli Court remains under the FCO or switches to GRS. For anyone to be proposing a change without answering those questions is an abrogation of the Presidents responsibility to the owners. Also, the effort to change property management companies does nothing to correct the litany of problems you cite. How about actually solving the problems. What is the Tivoli Board doing to fix the door? What is the Tivoli Board doing to repair the pool shower? What is the Tivoli Board doing to clear/clean the condensate drains? Who has the Tivoli Board asked for advice and repair of the damaged roof tiles? What has the Tivoli Board done to remove the screws left by air conditioning contractors? What has the Tivoli Board done to hold owners accountable when their contractors leave the screws? It seems to me that the Tivoli Board is continuing to fail its owners.
Third, many of the items you list as problems require funds to resolve. The repairs will not pay for themselves. When you list the things GRS will perform, do you know if these actions are included in GSR’s base price, or will the Courts pay extra? Also, will GSR itemize these extras in your contracts and are they advising about or repairing the problems? You seem to have done a good job at identifying problems, it is their correction that appears lacking.
I know you don’t want to hear this, but I do not think Luxemburg Court has the problems you describe. Maybe it is because as an owner of a 2 bedroom unit I pay $466.77 monthly for HOA. Looking at comparable houses for sale in Tivoli Court I find that the owners pay $436 for HOA. Maybe the extra I pay is used by my Board to make the repairs and not allow them to continue. Sometimes we get what we pay for.
Right on, my Son. You nailed it!! Problems should be confronted and solved. Running away is the coward’s way out.
I am not blaming the present Tivoli Court Board for anything except for not moving quickly enough to secede from the present FCO.
Blaming others no longer on the board serves no purpose. Some are no longer living here. Why cast blame on someone and others who tried to do a job for no pay?
As for the shower, to your knowledge did the FCO order its maintenance to remove/disable the pool showers during the pandemic by falsely asserting that the department of health issued such an order?
After it was discovered that no such order was issued the shower controls were restored but the work that was done on Tivoli Court was perfunctory.
No one from FCO maintenance regularly walks and inspects anything on the 47 year old courts.
The FCO provides no regular inspection or cleaning of condensate drains, roofs, utility closets,cold water valves, hot water connections,roof tiles, etc.
Actually FCO maintenance does very little for the amount of money that the residents pay monthly.
All or most of these issues will be resolved next year when the courts vote to leave the FCO
I happen to review the June 30th FCO financial statement. I noticed that the income for six months was 1.7 million.As you should know sales is vital in running a business .The FCO had a loss for the six months . Now 5 courts in the North Section plan to leave the FCO and hire a private Maintenance company. The 9 North Courts represent today 72 percent of the shared expenses or sales to the FCO. Once these 5 courts leave the FCO and the shared expenses or the term sales are reduced in a large numbers and FCO expenses to the remaining courts have to be lowered to some extend .. two things will happen – one – the remaining 14 Courts residents will receive Hugh monthly condo fees to make up the difference or the FCO will go broke.. It’s thinking like a business -income in vs expenses out …Profit and Loss …the residents in the remaining 14 Courts—Wake Up And Smell The Roses.. I was taught that growing up in the Bronx NY in the 50’s and 60’s
Whats New from the FCO
Dear Fountains of Palm Beach Resident,
In light of the current COVID spike and in the best interest of the health and safety of our residents and our employees we are going to return to our closed door policy and implement the following changes to our FCO operations EFFECTIVE 7-26-2021.
1) The FCO Office will be operating under closed door guidelines. We will be conducting all business via phone and email. There is a drop box on the wall where checks and applications can be dropped off. Please put the applications in a manila envelope to ensure they remain intact. Scanned applications will also be accepted via email to
2) If you feel that you have business that must be handled in person, please call 561-964-3600 for an appointment.
6) As has been our standard practice, any work orders can be submitted through our website.
The following is a list of the emails where your requests can be sent: – Address changes and guest information updates – Website concerns – Any questions regarding Versailles, Plaza, Marseilles, Milan 1, Milan 2, Parisian, The Valencias, Atriums, San Marino and Oakmont – Any questions regarding Gefion, Trevi, Luxemburg, Esedra, D’Este, Townhouses, Tivoli and POA. – Rentals and Resales; Insurance Claims – Accounts Payable – Accounts Receivable – Human Resources; banking – Any general concerns
Ben Geller, President
Howard, When I received this email earlier today I sent an email to Debbie asking how the maintenance department was going to be handled? During the last closed door policy of FCO offices, maintenance was closed down from entering any homeowners homes. A resident in my building had a kitchen sink overflowing and they would not enter her house. She informed them she would not be home if that’s what they required or she would stay in another room with a mask on. Maintenance said under no circumstances would they enter. She ended up having to contact a plumber and have the repair done. Debbie did reply to me and she said “this isn’t as rigid as it was the last time” it’s mainly shutting down for the office staff. This time around maintenance workers can enter a residence as long as they have a mask on and the resident does. I was curious if this is normal so I did contact GRS and asked if they had ever closed their office during the pandemic. They never had and never would have. People going into the office were required to wear a mask just like they were to enter Publix, Walgreens Walmart Home Depot etc. It’s good to know that maintenance will be available this time around. I just don’t understand why it was ever necessary to close down the office provided all safety measures and precautions were followed?
Susan, with this new strain of Covid and the numbers spiking here in S. Fla. I think it’s prudent on behalf of the FCO to err on the side of caution. My Son, who is an ER Doc in San. Fran. says that within the past few weeks he is seeing 8-10 cases of Covid with every shift he works and that in at least 75% of those cases the patients had been vaccinated. With regard to maintenance, when the outbreak started their policy was not to enter any residence. Furthermore if there was an issue as you described with the sink overflowing, that is not their responsibility nor within their purview to correct. It was not in the common area and the correct thing to do was call the owner’s plumber to fix the problem. Every management company will promise you the moon to get your business but it’s amazing how there is an eclipse of that moon once you sign the contract. I know first hand having dealt with them during my entire business career. Try reading some of the customer critiques with the BBB on line and read what they have said. Just sayin’!
David, There is another company with a similar name to GRS. That information was clarified at the town hall meeting. I think you missed that one. GRS manages developments in Wycliff, Valencia, Indian Springs an GL communities. If you know anybody that lives in those communities you need to ask them. We’ve got nothing but fantastic feedback. As far as maintenance not attending to a residents request to respond, they do respond and will back charge a resident. During the shutdown they would not respond when they normally would. Debbie let me know that they will be responding to a residents need provided both parties, the resident and maintenance are wearing masks. With the management company they will send maintenance to fix a particular problem when it’s an emergency requested by a resident. Residents can call them at all hours of the night and days of the week. Who pays at that time is not important. If it is the building’s responsibility the building will be charged. If it is the homeowner’s responsibility the homeowner will be charged. People in the community have a false sense of security thinking we have a in-house maintenance department.
Susan, the following is referencing the GRS in Lake Worth.
Absolutely the most unprofessional group of people I have ever encountered! I attended orientation and all the board member kept saying is to make sure I don’t hang things of the balcony! A complete waste of time. I had to call the next morning to figure how to get my number connected to the gate, my dedicated parking space, and how to go about purchasing a gate clicker. Also, property manager never answers her phone calls but does not hesitate to email you back! She told me “I cant use my phone while im out with a board but I get emails 24/7 to my phone so you can email me whenever you like” HOW DOES THAT MAKE ANY SENSE? She pretty much told me she won’t ever answer my phone calls. Completely unprofessional! They get me so upset. I called about 4 times to make sure I could get a gate clicker and once I get there to pay for it with my debit card they tell me they only accept money orders! Why was I not informed of this the 4 times I called asking about it?? I completely wasted my time going over there. What upset me the most was when the property managers assistant told me I had to go to office depot and write up my own lease! Isn’t that there job?? COMPLETELY LAZY!!
David, I don’t know? That complaint makes absolutely no sense to me? No clue who the person is and what community they are talking about? Are they for real? I don’t know, but I would need more substantial information such as what community they are talking about? I wouldn’t believe everything you read.
Look it up yourself. See the comments that have been posted referencing GRS. Use common sense, why would someone post something negative about GRS if they were pleased with their service? Do you actually think that the comment is a complete fabrication? To what end? If it makes no sense to you I suggest you read it again. Referencing your comment as to not knowing who this person is, based upon the comment I would think it’s fairly obvious that this person is a resident in a community serviced by GRS. Susan, be fair to yourself, and to me and those of us that know the downside to employing PMs and talk to people who actually live in communities run by them and at least listen to both sides of the story. Typically properties that hire PMs soon find themselves dissatisfied and bounce from one to another searching for the panacea for all of their ills. If the FCO is so bad why is it that out of 19 courts we now have 4 courts looking to fix a perceived problem that has been in place for decades while the vast majority have no interest in changing. I beg of you to examine both sides with the same vigor and come to an educated decision that I know you are capable of doing.
David, I didn’t address your concerns about covid. I do share your concern and understand how the new Delta variant is so contagious. I know this first hand as my family is in Newport Rhode Island, my Brother-in-law, Sister, Nephew, his wife and 8-year-old daughter were all diagnosed a week and a half ago with covid. They were all vaccinated with the exception of the eight year old. Their symptoms ranged from between 3 to 5 days. The 8-year-old having no symptoms at all. They have all recovered and are 100% right now. What I don’t understand is why the office needs to be shut down as long as precautions are being taken. The CDC has not recommended shutdowns. I don’t understand why it is possible to go into Publix, Winn-Dixie, CVS, Walgreens, Home Depot, and it goes on and on. Unfortunately I think covid is here to stay and is the “NEW FLU” ?
I want to add one more comment about the situation at Tivoli Court related to repairs that are needed to the Court’s property.
Are you satisfied that the Tivoli Board’s solution is to do nothing until after January 1, 2022 which is the date a contract with the new property management company will start?
I don’t know if your comment that “the Tivoli Board’s solution is to do nothing until after January 1, 2022…” is factually correct?
Current Tivoli Board Members have been attempting to obtain answers to questions from the FCO regarding the numerous deficiencies that currently exist here. The FCO has thus far been less than forthcoming with any relevant information. The FCO has refused to meet with the five court presidents to answer questions.
It appears to me that the FCO is very timid of assertive female board members for asking hard and relevant questions.
The information that was presented at the recent informational meeting is that a representative from GRS Management will be walking the courts, listening to the concerns of residents, addressing any court violations,such as incorrect pool shower installations, inspecting every utility closet for almost 50 year old rusty water valves,proper hot water tank installations, conducting periodic condensate, drain cleanings, inspecting the flat roofs for any debris left by air conditioning contractors, laundry room inspections, etc. all items that the current FCO does not do despite the FCO having over one million dollars in reserves, a substantial part of which the northern courts paid into.
I don’t know if it is factually correct either, but getting a new property management company is what you said it was doing.
The vote has not occurred yet
I know the Tivoli and the other courts that are contemplating replacing the FCO with another property management company have not yet decided, or at least I am unaware of any announcement to the contrary.
I may owe you and the Tivoli Board an apology because I may have misinterpreted an earlier comment you made. Specifically, you wrote “Our current Tivoli Court President is trying very hard to make corrections of the numerous past mistakes and is recommending that Tivoli and four other Northern Courts use an outside management company…” I misread your comment to state that the Tivoli President’s response to past mistakes was to recommend use of an outside management company. You did also say that the Tivoli President was trying very hard to make corrections of numerous past mistakes. If your reference to correcting past mistakes included repairing the items you have frequently cited as being broken or unattended to have been repaired, then I misinterpreted and do apologize. Have they been corrected?
This is our Maintenance Manager attending to a plumbing issue in a Court with no smoking signs. Is this an acceptable code of conduct for an employee? Especially a manager representing The

Fountains of Palm Beach?
Great picture! It is proof that Juan is complying with the no smoking policy since the cigarette is not lit.
I agree it is a great picture, but the Tivoli Court Pool Shower was NOT properly repaired. The plastic shower knob is not the correct one and does not have hot and cold water markings on it. It also rotates 360 degrees which is unheard of in a proper functioning shower control.
Please provide a little more information about the Tivoli Court pool shower not being properly repaired. For example, what was Juan asked to do about the shower not working, who asked, and when?
There may be reasons why it has not been repaired when and in the manner you wish. Maybe not, but I sure would like to know the whole story.
Upon my arrival here after an eighteen month absence, I immediately noticed the problem with the Tivoli Court Pool shower. This problem was immediately reported to the Tivoli Court President. She made inquiries to the FCO but did not receive all answers to the questions that she asked of them.
I made inquiries to various residents that were here during the entire pandemic.
I was told that the FCO during the pandemic issued orders to disable pool showers on orders from the Palm Beach County Board of Health. A resident contacted the Palm Beach County Board of Health and was told that they issued no such order. This resident then demanded the the pool shower be restored to working.
This is when the problem with the pool shower began. During my previous sixteen year presence here there was never a problem with the pool shower. The plastic shower control knob is an incorrect one and the valve stem may need to be simply reversed or replaced?
Surely FCO maintenance should be qualified to perform such a simple repair?
They failed to do so on their July 14th visit.
Perhaps you can get the whole story by requesting the information from the Tivoli Court maintenance logs at the FCO?
To my knowledge the current FCO does not have on line access for residents to obtain that kind of information.
It’s interesting that you see it that way Bill. It doesn’t necessarily bother me, this picture was passed on to me. Was that cigarette lit up as soon as he got into the golf cart? All I was sharing is the way it was presented to me, and the person’s concern that this is not the image we want to portray. Is it acceptable to go into the FCO office and see the girls sitting behind the desk with an unlit cigarette hanging out of their mouth? I would think not! We should have standards of conduct that apply to all employees of the fountains of Palm Beach. That’s all I’m saying, please don’t shoot the messenger.
I do not know of any other way to see it and I do not know whether the cigarette was lit up as soon as he got into the golf cart. If he did, is there a no smoking policy where the golf cart was located?
I am not a seer and my comments are usually responses to others comments or thoughts originated by me and which I can defend, explain, and yes, occasionally correct and/or apologize for when I recognize a mistake.
I agree there should be standards of conduct for all employees. Did you make such a proposal when you were President of Gefion Court and a member of the FCO Board of Directors? How did the other members react to your suggestion? In case you wonder, I realize I am being snarky asking these last two questions. However, I find Monday morning quarterbacks unfair and I especially think people have to recognize that we all live in glass houses.
I am not “shooting the messenger” because there was nothing in your comment that led me to think you were serving as a messenger and not the commenter. Regardless, I do not think having a different opinion is shooting the other persons opinion. For example, I do not think you are shooting at me because you disagreed with my thought about the picture.
Also, if you think back you may recall that I agreed with many of your previous comments – just not all of them.
David, In response to your post of the negative GRS review you posted, I do have questions? Was that review written by an owner? Or a renter? Where they lost me, was when they stated they were told to go to office depot and write-up a lease? You can’t convince me that a company would advise anyone to write-up their own lease. If they are a renter? If they are an owner and are leasing their property most likely the realtor would draw up the lease. They could make their own lease or hire an attorney to make a lease. Management company’s would not be responsible for drawing up a lease between an owner and a tenant.. The FCO would never make a lease. The responsibility of a Management company or the FCO is simply to approve or disapprove a person based on background check, credit check whatever is the requirements for a particular community. I did hit the ground running and speak to people in communities that ARE happy with GRS.
In response to your question If the FCO is so bad why are courts choosing to remain? It’s been brought up here many times that the 9 courts pay 72% of all common expenses, 10 courts pay 28% Equally. 9 courts 1258 residents, 10 courts 509 residents. Look at the Lake Worth gate project, 19 presidents voted to gift the former Fountain’s Country Club over $450000 of funds collected from all. FCO non profit corporation making such a large gift to a for profit cooperation. Does that make any sense?? Where did that get us? Fountain’s Country Club sold the club and assets to Concert Golf. Residents after making such a large gift now pay rent to use that gift. Why didn’t the Presidents negotiate with the FCC to protect the residents prior Is too agreeing to pay 100%. At the very least we should have had partial ownership. David, I know you are intelligent, it’s clear 10 courts (509) are never going to want to leave the FCO. I’m not sure if any other courts will decide to leave the FCO when the 2022 budget comes out? The president’s looking at options are doing their fiduciary duty to their residents. The FCO non profit has well over a million dollars in reserves. Individual courts have very little reserves for emergencies or large projects. The presidents are looking to prevent having to charge assessments. If you are in a court that changes assessments keep in mind much of your money is sitting in reserves of the FCO. Money that should be sitting in your court’s bank account in your reserves. Also keep in mind there’s over $400000 in reserves and counting still being collected to build the jog road gate. 9 northern courts(1258) have no ownership in either gate. 10 courts (509) own the jog road gate. Who’s to say after the gate is built and paid for we will not be charged rent? I don’t believe that would ever happen? But I’ve come to believe that anything is possible.
I actually agree with a good portion of what you said. OK, don’t faint!
He was not smoking when the Laundry Room Door was replaced this morning.
In fact he did an excellent job that exceeded my expectations.
That is great news. I am glad the Tivoli Board sought the correction and that the FCO made the repair in a satisfactory manner. Kudos to all for doing what is expected!
Bill, The picture that I shared was sent to me with questions and concerns from a resident. The person that sent it to me does not post on the blog and does not know how to. Apparently they got the picture from an earlier post and simply blew it up and noticed the cigarette. As I said in my post it doesn’t necessarily bother me but it does bother others. The concern that was shared with me is how it looks. I really don’t care whether the cigarette eventually was lit or not. I did agree that it does not seem to be a professional code of conduct. I’m sure Concert Golf has standards that employees must adhere to. I don’t think you’re being snarky asking questions of whether I shared information at FCO board of directors meeting. I can tell you the answer to that is no.. I did have complaints about maintenance when I was a President. I didn’t think I needed to bring it up with the board. I went directly to the Maintenance Manager who at the time was Tom Didio. How he handled complaints for his department Is is anybody’s guess. It is the job of the Maintenance Manager to handle and deal with complaints in his department.
As far as shooting the messenger I meant that as a metaphor. As far as being a messenger I did post in my blog that I was sharing another person’s concerns.. I guess you can consider me a commenter and a messenger.
A guest essay that should be read by everyone living in Florida.
I Know All About Condo Living. Change Is Coming.
July 29, 2021
“By David B. Haber
Mr. Haber is a lawyer certified by the Florida bar in condominium law and represents condominium associations. His other practice areas include construction, complex business litigation and real estate law.
MIAMI — People watched the video of the horrific collapse of Champlain Towers South in the Miami suburb of Surfside in June and asked themselves, “How could this happen, especially in the United States?”
We shouldn’t speculate at this juncture on what caused that disaster. It is likely to take months, if not years, for experts in forensic engineering to determine the cause or causes of the building collapse.
But we don’t need to wait for that answer to address the broader problems of condominium living that can lead to calamity.
Weaknesses and omissions are evident in state and local laws and regulations governing condominium buildings both here in Florida and elsewhere. And maintenance issues abound, sometimes worsened by the strident politics that can erupt among condominium owners over how they manage their building.
Repairs are sometimes delayed or ignored by owners weighing their personal financial interests against the complicated and costly preventive maintenance needs of their building — needs that only licensed engineers may fully appreciate. I say this based upon my decades of experience as a lawyer in the field of condominium law.
All of this speaks to an unfortunate reality: For far too long, condominium owners have, in essence, eaten at the table and then left the restaurant, moving on and leaving subsequent owners to pay the bill for maintenance that should have been carried out long ago. That’s why crucial decisions about structural, fire and electrical problems must always be made by professionals, not members of condo boards.
To understand why, it’s helpful to grasp the politics of condo living. Members of these boards are volunteers; some serve for only one or two years. They often find themselves between a rock and a hard place. If the board sets aside reserve funds for building repairs, they are often criticized and, in some cases, defamed and replaced by new board members opposed to raising maintenance fees or passing special assessments. The general attitude has often been, “Why pay today for what you can put off until tomorrow?”
The answer is that putting it off puts residents at risk and is typically much more expensive, demanding huge special assessments that make owners balk. Yet these owners are the people making decisions about matters of safety in condominiums. It is akin to 200 airline passengers electing five to seven of them to fly the plane, people who then ignore the advice of the pilots they have displaced. That’s pure insanity.
What we do know about Champlain Towers South appears to underscore some of those realities. A 2018 engineering report completed in the lead-up to a required Miami-Dade County building recertification warned of major structural concerns, and it recommended actions such as replacing the waterproofing below the pool deck and repairing damage to columns.
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Despite that report, the building’s condo association took two and a half years, after much internal strife, to pass a special $15 million assessment. For years, the association had not set aside enough money to deal with the problems, forcing the large special assessment to pay for them. And the building was clearly underinsured, which will create complications for those with claims for property loss or wrongful death.
Amazingly, only two counties in Florida, Miami-Dade and Broward, require condo buildings to be recertified for structural and electrical systems — and only after 40 years and then each 10 years thereafter.
Because there aren’t enough inspectors or regulators, some buildings have delayed recertification for years. But things can also go wrong before recertification, and at some buildings, owners merely patch and paint and ignore long-term maintenance repairs or otherwise cut corners to avoid the conflict and chaos that large special assessments cause with their neighbors.
What should be done? Recertifications of all “life safety” matters concerning structural and electrical building elements should be mandated statewide. The initial building recertification deadline should be reduced from 40 years to 10 or 20 years, and then every five years thereafter, with the inspections performed by licensed engineers or architects with a minimum of five or 10 years of experience.
More governmental oversight should be required of remediation work on buildings, ensuring its timely start and completion. Steeper monetary or even criminal penalties should be imposed for not adhering to the recertification process and carrying out required life-safety repairs.
Owners also should be required to provide adequate reserves for all life-safety repairs, and a loophole allowing owners to waive the full funding of reserves should be closed. These funds should always be segregated from other association reserve funds (such as those set aside for decorating lobbies and hallways).
And building codes, like the Florida Building Code, should require proper waterproofing by competent installers with a minimum warranty of 15 to 20 years. With rising seas and the corrosive salt air along the coasts, waterproofing of concrete is as important as brakes are to cars. Concrete is porous, and water can make it deteriorate. If not remediated promptly, the damage becomes exponentially worse. And huge maintenance fees or special assessments anger residents and hurt market values.
The Surfside collapse was an alarm sounding. Building officials in South Florida have stepped up emergency structural inspections. Building associations have been frantically trying to hire engineers to provide them with letters attesting to the soundness of their structures. Some older buildings have even been evacuated because of safety concerns.
A recent inspection of a condominium building in Coral Gables, for instance, found potentially serious structural problems. In a statement, the city said that the building’s condo association had “provided a report dating back four years that identified issues” but that “unfortunately, no action had been taken as prescribed by the report.” The statement added, “Residents of this three-story structure were advised that if steps were not taken immediately, the building would need to be evacuated.”
More on condominium safety
Inside the Tumultuous Years Before the Florida Condo Collapse
July 3, 2021
Far From Florida, Mayors Fear Prospect of a Collapse in Their Own Cities
July 20, 2021
Condominium board members merely have to certify that they have taken a brief course or that they have read the statutes and their association’s governing documents before serving. At a minimum, there should be consideration given to requiring board members to take a more detailed course that discusses preventive maintenance.
Even the most well-intentioned and fiscally prudent condominium board members may have a hard time envisioning a catastrophic building collapse or fire. That’s why we need ethical, licensed and experienced experts making determinations about what repairs are required. If those decisions involve life-safety repairs, the engineers should have the final word.
And how will residents in older buildings pay for needed repairs? Many are on fixed incomes and are unlikely to be able to pay large assessments. One solution would be to create a state or federal program that assists banks in making long-term loans to condominiums. Otherwise we’re likely to see more foreclosures on owners who cannot afford to pay these assessments. And that helps no one.
Change is coming. A state bar association task force is reviewing the adequacy of condominium laws and regulations in Florida and will deliver its recommendations to the governor and the Legislature.
I also expect reforms and stricter monitoring from the insurance and lending industries. Higher insurance premiums are likely for condominiums, as the risks are now quite evident. Lenders are also likely to scrutinize more carefully insurance limits at condominiums and to require prospective borrowers or the associations themselves to provide information about reserves and engineering reports.
The lessons of the Surfside collapse are clear. Condo boards can no longer be allowed to delay needed building maintenance and life-safety repairs. Those decisions must be put in the hands of experts who can help steer these boards in a direction that will leave the buildings fiscally sound. All of this will cost money, which will make condo living more expensive — and safer.
David B. Haber specializes in condominium law and represents condominium associations. His other practice areas include construction, complex business litigation and real estate law.
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A version of this article appears in print on July 31, 2021, Section A, Page 19 of the New York edition with the headline: I Know All About Condo Living. Let’s Fix It.. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe
An excellent article in my opinion.
I have overheard residents here in The Fountains loudly proclaim that “they will not get vaccinated and will not put poison into their body”
They most likely do not read The New York Times and obtain the source of their news in strange places?
So hopefully they will read this and perhaps change their minds and assist all of us?
“I Was the Architect of Operation Warp Speed. I Have a Message for All Americans.”
By Alex Azar
Mr. Azar was secretary of health and human services under President Donald Trump. He oversaw Operation Warp Speed, the program to expedite Covid-19 vaccines.
Among the many debatable issues around Covid-19 is one unassailable fact: The coronavirus is nonpartisan. It makes no judgment about one’s political leanings. The vaccines that were developed to fight this virus have no political bias, either.
And yet the reluctance and even refusal of many Americans — including many of my fellow conservatives and Republicans — to get a Covid-19 vaccine is a frustrating irony for those of us who worked to expedite these vaccines. While the vaccines have had doubts cast upon them by politicians throughout their production and rollout, whether a person lives in a red or a blue state has no bearing on the vaccines’ efficacy. They work incredibly well, and more than 160 million fully vaccinated Americans are proof.
Whether such skepticism is rooted in political misgivings, conspiracy theories or lack of accurate and timely information, there are still millions of Americans unwilling to take the simplest of steps to end this pandemic. That makes it incumbent upon all leaders and health experts to be honest about how safe and effective the vaccines are and urge vaccination.
I know the vaccines’ features intimately because as secretary of Health and Human Services, I oversaw their development, testing, approval and distribution from April of 2020 until January of this year. After leaving office, I watched with pride as vaccination rates rose through the early months of the year, and then with dismay as the daily number of vaccinations declined.
Any claims that the vaccines are unsafe or ineffective, or that corners were cut are not true. Americans should understand that the process by which our team helped expedite these vaccines was called Operation Warp Speed for good reason. With the numbers of cases and deaths climbing in April of 2020 and the economy contracting, we had no time to lose. Masks and social distancing could offer only so much protection. Lockdowns, which devastated economies around the world, could only forestall the virus’s inevitable spread.
Opinion Conversation Questions surrounding the Covid-19 vaccine and its rollout.
• Is the pandemic getting worse again?
Aaron E. Carroll, the chief health officer for Indiana University, writes that the answer depends on whether you are vaccinated.
• Are new mask mandates a good idea?
Jennifer B. Nuzzo and Beth Blauer, health experts at Johns Hopkins, examine three important questions about masking rules.
• What do you say to a friend who doesn’t want the vaccine?
Our chatbot, developed with experts, tackles this thorny conversation.
• Should we get vaccine booster shots, and when?
While it’s not yet clear boosters are truly needed, Elizabeth Rosenthal explores why the F.D.A. is likely to approve them for use.
Safe and effective vaccines were our best hope of liberating America from the pandemic. As hospital wards filled beyond capacity, we needed to develop the vaccines much faster than the typical timeline would allow. At the same time, we made sure that there was no compromise on safety by conducting some of the largest and most extensive vaccine clinical trials ever.
• Refer someone to The Times.
They’ll enjoy our special rate of $1 a week.
After the U.S. government committed to spending more than $2 trillion on Covid-19 relief, I set a stretch goal that was intended to be both audacious and motivational — a “moon shot” — similar to President John Kennedy’s 1961 proclamation that we were going to the moon by the end of the decade. In this case, our goal was to produce 300 million vaccine doses by January 2021.
Operation Warp Speed committed to funding upfront various stages of development, including testing vaccines in humans to prove they are safe and effective, as well as the manufacturing of the vaccines.
We provided funding to test vaccines in large populations, and we got results faster than ever before. The vaccines produced remarkable protection against Covid-19 and were extremely safe. After studying all the data in depth, the Food and Drug Administration granted emergency use authorizations.
Some who are hesitant to get vaccinated point to the fact that the vaccines remain under emergency-use authorization rather than full approval. It’s vital for Democratic and Republican leaders to explain clearly and repeatedly that the F.D.A. held these vaccines to such high standards that the only real difference is that full approval requires steps like analyzing longer-term safety and efficacy data, and inspecting manufacturing facilities. Hundreds of millions of doses of these vaccines have now been given to Americans over the past year, providing us with some of the most robust real-world evidence of their safety and efficacy that we’ve ever had for new vaccines. A vast majority of adverse events with the vaccines occur in the first 42 days or so.
The current and former leadership of the F.D.A. and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — of both parties — are unanimous in encouraging all eligible Americans to take the vaccines. Political, public health and thought leaders must educate about the benefits of the vaccine, not hector or preach. This information must come from respected and trusted figures in the various hesitant communities.
We did not reach our stretch goal of producing 300 million doses by January, but we hedged our bets by investing in a portfolio of vaccines and had tens of millions of doses of vaccine in production by the end of January. Many governors were able to begin general vaccination programs by March, and we had a surplus of vaccine by the end of the second quarter.
As I reflect, we could have done a better job in reminding the media and the public of all that could go wrong with vaccine development and manufacturing. We also should have explained more clearly the operational complexities that would accompany a large scaling up of distribution.
We could have done more to address vaccine hesitancy. We focused a great deal of our efforts at the start on the groups that we thought might be most hesitant. We demanded all clinical trials included a diverse, representative sample of participants, and the Department of Health and Human Services provided funding for an effort by the Morehouse School of Medicine to coordinate a network of national, state, territorial, tribal and local organizations to deliver trusted information to racial and ethnic minority communities.
But we did not predict the politicization of vaccines that has led so many Republicans to hold back. As of mid-July, 43 percent of Republicans said that they have not been vaccinated and definitely or probably wouldn’t be, versus 10 percent of Democrats, according to a poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. I’m glad former President Trump got vaccinated, but it would have been even better for him to have done so on national television so that his supporters could see how much trust and confidence he has in what is arguably one of his greatest accomplishments.
The vaccines could be a victory lap for the Republican Party, and I call upon all party leaders and conservatives to double down on encouraging vaccination. Party leaders like Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida are making clear that vaccines save lives. Sean Hannity of Fox News is now telling viewers to “please take Covid seriously.” Representative Steve Scalise of Louisiana shared a photo of himself recently getting vaccinated. I urge more of this from trusted voices on the right.
More than 600,000 Americans have died of Covid-19, but vaccines can prevent more loss. Getting vaccinated is an absolute necessity to end the pandemic.
Conservatives need to do our part, and the Biden administration must find voices that will be trusted in conservative communities to explain the data and integrity of the vaccine programs. They would also do well to continue to acknowledge the historic achievement of the Trump administration in expediting these vaccines. I’m not naïve about the partisan issues and the mistrust between parties at play — but a measure of political graciousness could go a long way to depoliticize the issue.
In seeking to end this pandemic, the Biden administration is exhorting all unvaccinated adults in our country to get their shots, and I fully support it in this call. It would be tragic to see more lives needlessly lost when we are so close to beating this virus once and for all.
More about the unvaccinated
Who Are the Unvaccinated in America? There’s No One Answer.
July 31, 2021
Meet the Four Kinds of People Holding Us Back From Full Vaccination
Alex Azar was secretary of health and human services under President Donald Trump. He oversaw Operation Warp Speed, the program to accelerate the development, manufacturing and distribution of Covid-19 vaccines and drugs.
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I have overheard residents here in The Fountains loudly proclaim that “they will not get vaccinated and will not put poison into their body”
They most likely do not read The New York Times and obtain the source of their news in strange places?
So hopefully they will read this and perhaps change their minds and assist all of us?
Where did you go to medical school? It’s not MY job to ASSIST you with YOUR health! It’s MY job to educate myself with knowledgeable information and common sense and form my OWN decision.
NYT is NOT a medical journal and “journalists” are now Activists with an agenda! The “vaccine” doesn’t stop you from getting COVID! Why are you mad that someone doesn’t get it? I stand a better chance of getting COVID from you than me giving it to you!
What happened to Science? My body, my choice, went out the window? What a bunch of hypocrites!!! Does a RED FLAG alert you that Doctors and Nurses are refusing the “vaccine?” It’s NOT a “Republican thing!” (DNC talking point) Unless Uncle Joe was lying when he said, “You ain’t black if you don’t vote for me.” Most black people are not getting shots. Did they change political affiliation?
Did I miss your novel to Biden for inviting and allowing foreigners to enter our country, with COVID and shipping them all over the country, spreading it?
And what about the Doctors and Nurses? Last year, they were HERO’s fighting COVID on the FRONT LINE and this year, they are FIRED and REFUSED UNEMPLOYMENT??? This is their reward for risking their lives? For missing their families, Some of them were smart enough to take Ivermectin to avoid getting COVID, and it worked.
Before you go spouting more false narratives, Ivermectin has been used IN HUMANS for 30+ years! It HAS FDA approval and even a Nobel Prize! It’s on the WHO’s list of necessary medications. Why would our government squash any information and spread vicious lies about a cheap medication that works?
This is not the first time Fauci caused the deaths of thousands of people! 17,000 AIDS patients died after Fauci refused them Bactrim, which worked! Yet he is front and center calling all the shots???
Have you researched the side effects of the “vaccines” the government says are safe? As reported by medical personnel to the government:
15,386 Deaths
6378 Anaphylaxis
8626 Bells Palsy
2122 Miscarriages
7267 heart attacks
6812 Pericarditis/Myocarditis
20,789 Permanently Disabled
28,168 Severe allergic Reaction
8153 Shingles
I have approved the comment from Foodie Fo because it replies to Howard’s comment that referenced politics. It is my fault that I did not catch the political aspect of Howard’s post. I will try to be more diligent in the future. Replies to Foodie Fo or Howard’s earlier comment that reference politics will not be approved. My bad, and I am sorry. Discussions about vaccines that do not refer to a political group are permitted.
FYI The email that everyone in the Fountains Community received soliciting memberships for the Fountains Country Club was sent from the FCO office. Many of you provided your email address to the FCO, assuming they
would use it ONLY to keep you informed of what is going on in the Fountains of Palm Beach.
Solicitors are not permitted in this community. I myself am very cautious on what emails I will open. I treat telemarketers and unwelcome marketing emails the same. I don’t answer a call from a number I do not recognize, they can leave me a message if they are legit. I only opened the email
“Info To Fountains Residents” assuming it was concerning Fountains of Palm Beach and was legit. I was shocked to discover it was a solicitation from the Fountains Country Club.
I checked with the office to find out why they would send an unwelcome solicitation email from the Fountains Country Club, I was told the FCO was doing it as a courtesy for the Country Club. What I found most agregis in that email was “Your Backyard Reimagined ” Those of us that live in the North see that our backyards are reimagined and NOT in a positive way.
The Fountain’s Country Club should do their own marketing like all other FOR PROFIT companies do. The FCO resources and residents email addresses should not be exploited in such a way.
Maybe it’s just me? or is anybody else bothered by that? Several people I spoke to thought that email came from the Fountain’s Country Club itself and were confused as how the Country Club got their personal email addresses. They were surprised to discover it was sent by the FCO.
.I wonder what the fountain’s Country Club is going to do as a courtesy to the residents of the Fountains of Palm Beach? Maybe as a courtesy they will not charge us rent for the Lake Worth guard gate we gifted them to the tune of $475000? That seems fair doesn’t it? 🤔
For your information, David? Bill? Bring it on! Explain and provide, documents and financials to support your positions. I’m assuming you have nothing but the utmost interest to the paying residents financial responsibilities to the Fountains of Palm Beach. Explain how the numbers make any kind of sense? Is there some kind of a good old boy’s club taking place here? I could be wrong? To me that seems what is taking place? Please publicly discredit me? honestly I can take it if I am wrong 🤔
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Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
I have no intention of explaining anything to you about the FCO. Especially about finances or anything else that starts on January 1, 2022. Frankly, it is no longer any of your business since you and all other Gefion owners will no longer be represented by the FCO.
Please just go away and take your bitterness with you.
I did provide my email address to the FCO to keep me informed about ANYTHING the FCO thinks residents should know. Each of us can second guess what the FCO thinks is appropriate to share with its members. I, for one, am happy to receive an email that represents a community-wide opportunity. Notwithstanding that I will not avail myself of the opportunity presented. Maybe you should ask to have your email address removed if you do not wish to allow the FCO the choice about what it thinks is appropriate to send to you.
Further, whether I am a member or not, the Fountains Country Club is a large part of the community known as the Fountains of Palm Beach. In fact, beginning January 1, 2022, it will have as much standing in the community as the residents and owners in Tivoli, D’Este, and Gefion courts.
Has anybody on here given any thought to why the FCC would be looking to the FCO to help them solicit new memberships? My thoughts are they’re finding it impossible to bring in new outside members.
I believe that any new potential outside member would likely come in through the Lakeworth gate. While driving down Fountains North observing the hideous conditions along the way to the clubhouse. Most likely they would arrive at the clubhouse turn around and leave.
It looks to me like Concert golf desperately needs the FCO to help them get inside members. They Need new members to help them get to the finish line until they move the entire club and amenities South. Once the “Boutique Style Club” as they are calling it, is moved South they will no longer need members from the North and will likely raise prices.
Did we learn nothing from the mandatory membership lawsuit that went on for 4 years? Why are residents allowing the FCO to put the needs of the FCC above the needs of the residents? How many of you know that concert has already let us know they won’t contribute any operating funds towards security and guard gates. Quite the contrary as they are charging us rent for the use of the guard gate which gets paid to them out of your maintenance fees. They have let the FCO know that if they choose at any time they can tear down the lakeworth guard gate as they own it.
To me it seems as though concert is going to sell off and profit from every inch of land In the North. Once that is accomplished they will no longer need help from the FCO or the residents monies. We will have aided a for profit business to prosper and succeed, while our buildings are in disrepair costing residents assessments to survive.
This is just the writing on the wall as I see it. I guess most of the residents here are willing to take their chances. Kumbaya, Quesara…
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Who are the Allies? Who are the Enemies? Do the 19 courts truly want to be a United Community? Each court in this community has to have each other’s back. Regardless of whether you live North or South. Closed door private negotiations are happening with the Country Club and the Executive Committee. FCO shares nothing with the community. Executive committee meetings and negotiations with the FCC are not shared with residents, nor are budget committee meetings open.
Yes it is true that the Country Club is in this community. Those of you that choose to look back in history will learn that the original developer built this community. The intent was to build a Community with a Country Club as an amenity to the community. Much of this information was exposed during during the mandatory membership trial. Those of you that are knowledgeable and aware must know the residents were successful & won that lawsuit against the Fountain’s Country Club.
Sadly the only sanctions and expenses the residents had to Incur was because of mismanagement and oversights by the FCO Management. Not sure how many of you know it cost you money in your monthly condo fees an insurance premium’s. Treble damages were awarded because of FCO oversights.
There is a total lack of transparency in this community. I have no issue with anybody disliking me or attacking me for the words that I speak. All I can say is research, look into the history, check the financials and learn.
My wish is for us to become a United community. I think that’s what the original developer had in mind. I’m not sure what the perfect answer is it is? I do think choosing a management company might be the answer? Every resident here contributes to common expenses, 1765 and we all should contribute. What I object to is that we contribute equally yet the FCC seems to benefit on top of the list. Adding my 2 cents take it or leave it?
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There is none so blind as those that cannot see!
The following comment relates to my July 31 comment about a guest essay that should be read by everyone living in Florida.
After the collapse of Champlain Towers, how many Fountains residents have had a look around the buildings that they live in?
How many Fountains residents report suspicious looking building problems to the current FCO?
Does the current FCO maintenance department have anyone qualified to assess building cracks resulting from the on going construction?
Does the current FCO conduct periodic walkthrough inspections of the aging buildings on all of the Fountains Courts providing reports, warnings , and solutions?
All this wondering keeps me up at night thinking not only about the 98 people that lost their lives at the collapse of Champlain Towers but all the other residents that managed to escape in just their pajamas with no home, no possessions, and now dealing with insurance companies that are invoking any excuse to not pay claims.
All of the money that was saved by deferring maintenance is unfortunately a hard lesson for other condo communities and the boards that govern them.
Did you report this to our maint. dept?
Holy Molly! I am shocked people have no clue and are not asking questions? Our President Ben Geller ? He wants us to be a United community ? NOT POSSIBLE he has no clue? Look at what is happening here. Without a doubt his responsibilities & FCO management company should be reporting back to the community? issues that effect each and every one of us.. Isn’t it interesting that the president of the FCO does not give the residents Monthly reports of what is going on in this community . Seriously?
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
Unless I’m wrong, the FCO works for the residents of the Fountains and the various Presidents represent we the residents. Why then can’t we get a Presidential committee together, with the approval of all of the Presidents, and DEMAND that we get what you are asking for? Solve the problems from within; running away is not the answer.
Through generous donations in the past, we have been able to keep the blog going for residents to share information and concerns. Our subscription is about to end and we are soliciting donations to keep the forum alive for the next year (at a cost of $250). The charges are for such features as blocking spam from email, keeping hackers out, domain name renewal for, and the website hosting service.
Please send any amount you wish to donate to
Karen Kelly
6346 Summer Sky Lane
Greenacres, FL 33463
We will post when the goal has been reached.
Thank you for your support!
Karen Kelly, technical support for the blog
You are not wrong. The FCO does work for all 1767 residents in this community. Each door of all 1767 residents pays an equal share towards expenses. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a one-bedroom apartment or a 4-bedroom 2 car garage home. There are 19 presidents that represent the 19 courts. The responsibility of those presidents and the boards is to see that they do their fiduciary duties in the best interest of their residents. That includes looking into contracts, voting on issues that benefit the people in their individual courts.
In the past votes have occurred here that were not in resident’s best interest nor was information shared with them. An example would be the Lake Worth gate which was gifted to the Fountains Country Club. Remember we are nonprofit, and the Country Club is for profit. I’m not saying the residents don’t benefit from the guard gate improvements.
What I object to, and most residents do is the expense of $450000 plus dollars spent on something we don’t own. We could have spent a fraction of that amount for improvements and maintenance. The guard gate was moved in 4 car lengths to benefit the Country Club not the residents. Residents also footed the bill for the new signage for all 19 courts as well as signage again gifted to the Fountains Country Club. Directional signs to the club, stop signs for their golf paths and so on.
Court presidents that are looking into a new management company are doing their fiduciary duties. As I said earlier in my post, every resident pays equally per door. A list sent out in 2018 listing services that would be lost should we choose a management company other than the FCO. None of that is true we will continue to get all those services and then some. What that list does not show is what the FCO charges per door.
1. All secretarial and accounting services Including payroll, benefits, insurance, and rents paid to Concert Golf monthly.
2. Security, all costs including rent paid to Concert Golf monthly.
3. Maintenance Department, including rent paid to Concert Golf, payroll, insurance, benefits. All the costs residents pay monthly to have an onsite maintenance department. (Those costs are separate from costs Courts pay for actual usage of those services)
Management companies have given a per door monthly cost for all the services they provide. Why are we not expecting the FCO management company to provide us with a per door cost for all the services we pay for monthly? I suspect that number might look quite large. I’m not sure but to be fair we should give them an opportunity so we can compare apples to apples. It would be very simple for the office, our management company the FCO to provide those numbers. It should be a few clicks of a mouse.
Does anybody here have a clue what is going on with Concert moving mountains of dirt throughout the community?
It seems they removed mountains of dirt from behind Trevi & moved the dirt across the street behind Tivoli. Dirt is now being returned and dumped behind Trevi. What appears to be happening now is, they are trucking dirt around from behind Escedra, D’este, Gefion and the Townhouses. Why is this soil being moved constantly throughout the community?
Another concern residents have is the damage being done to Fountains drive North from the trucks moving loads of dirt creating filth & potholes. Will Concert be repaving, cleaning and repairing the road damage? Or will the residents foot the bill for that repair on the road that Concert owns?
Residents also have questions as to possible toxins In the soil. There is talk in the community that a new toxin has been discovered additional to arsenic. That could be a rumor but it certainly would put peoples minds at ease if they could get an update.
Does the FCO Executive committee have any information to share with the community? Executive committee meets in private and has open communication & negotiations with Concert.
It sure would be nice if residents could get an update from the President of the FCO in the form of a news letter.
Why would you or anyone else expect anything from the current FCO?
Isn’t this the same FCO that failed to provide any cognizant information
or logical arguments to residents as to why some of the Fountains courts
should not look for an alternative maintenance company to provide badly
needed services that the current FCO maintenance does not provide such
as court building inspections, periodic condensate drain cleanings,
advice on the removal, and replacement of very old laundry room hot
water heaters, and roof inspections, etc.
Isn’t this the same FCO that refused to attend any court monthly
meetings where the voting was to take place to leave the FCO and provide
any information as to why the north courts should continue with the
current FCO?
At the end of this comment is a photo of a front loader moving dirt around behind Tivoli
Court. Yesterday afternoon, one of these machines severed a Hotwire
Fiber Optic Cable leaving many residents without television, Internet,
and telephone service for many hours. I find it hard to understand why
all of the utility services were not properly marked? Perhaps they were
and the markings were ignored?
In any case the current FCO could care less about any problems or
disruptions of any services by residents living in the north courts.
Nothing has changed!
Previous FCO board members living in the south had the same attitude in
respect to the north court residents.
The Lake Worth Road wall after the hurricanes in 2005, the refusal to
provide plantings along that wall, the Lake Worth Road Gate House which
was paid for by a majority of north court residents that is now owned by
concert golf.
It is very hard to forget this perfunctory treatment by the FCO.
I am surprised that you blame the FCO for something of which it is not involved or that it has any control over. You know better than that. Your blame should be directed at Concert and any other person, group or agency that is involved or that has some level of control.
The FCO has never been involved other than to try to get the appropriate government entities to protect the community to the extent they could or would. The FCO was successful in that regard. Did it get much? No, but the fact that it got any concessions is amazing because it had no real standing or authority over the sale and development of property previously owned by the Fountains Country Club (FCC) and that the FCC sold to Concert.
You may as well point the finger at yourself, your neighbors, the Tivoli Court Board of Directors, etc., who had as much of a role as the FCO. I do not want you to blame yourself, your neighbors, or the Tivoli Board of Directors because, like the FCO, they had no standing or authority over the sale or development of the property.
Regardless of your feelings about the FCO, you owe it to yourself to be accurate in your comments.
Please reread and review my post on August 6 posted at 5:07 PM
Isn’t it the responsibility of the current FCO to walk the courts, inspect the buildings for cracks, and notice improperly marked utility lines?
It seems to me that Concert is only interested in one thing.
Making as much money as they can.
Please note that my comment was in reply to your August 18 reply to Susan and has nothing to do with your August 6 posting.
Repetition of criticisms does not make the criticisms accurate no matter how often they are stated.
You are SO wrong that the FCO cares what happens to the residents, who have trusted them for 40 years. There was a new finding of high levels of arsenic in the dirt piles. And now this dirt is being moved all around the north courts area.
At the recent FCO meeting Ben said there is nothing that the FCO can do about this.
EXCUSE ME BUT ISNT THAT THE JOB OF THE FCO, TO PROTECT ITS RESIDENTS?? And how about the dirt being piled so high behind Trevi that any rain causes flooding to them, patios, parking lots etc.
We were told that the lake behind Gefion was going to be 3 times larger, but they are slowly making it smaller and smaller??
THE WORST THING IS THE DESTRUCTION BEING DONE TO US NORTH COURTS. We didn’t choose to live in slumville, but that’s what we get.
Toxin in the dirt. You have to contact the PBC environmental dept and they should be able to give you an accurate soil report ..they should have all updated records to share with you.
I just moved to Tivoli Ct. in May and am trying to get info on the construction going on between my court and Deste Ct. The previous owner told me that the lake would be modified and improved providing a nice view for both courts. Another person told me the unsightly chain link fence would stay after the construction was completed, obstructing any view for the residents. How do I get accurate information about this issue? And approximately when will this construction be completed? At this point, from reading the info on this blog, I am disappointed and am regretting my decision to buy a home in the Fountains.
It is interesting to read the comments about the FCO maintenance department and service. On one hand you have David who is responsible for or handles maintenance for an entire court speaking highly of the service provided by the FCO. On the other you have a few people with anecdotal evidence of poor maintenance by the FCO. Who is right, or at least best representative of the FCO’s performance related to maintenance?
I tend to side with David because he has a much larger body of work by the FCO on which to base his opinion. Others almost exclusively provide comments that are negative and ignore the vast majority of work performed by the FCO maintenance staff. If FCO maintenance is so bad, why are we not reading complaints from the Court’s maintenance coordinators?
It reminds me of people that have a bad experience with FedEx or UPS. If I only paid attention to the people with a bad experience I would not realize how superb both those companies are in getting packages to the right people, on time most of the time.
It reminds me that people that focus solely on the negative are often disappointed when a change is made and all the negatives they thought would disappear continue to exist or are replaced by new problems.
Are you truly a dumb-ass idiot fool? Can’t you see the writing on the wall? David wants to immerse himself & be involved with a ridiculous maintenance company to make him feel like hes a BIG MAN? The FCO maintenance department sucks! It is sad that an old guy has to LEAN on a failed business to make him feel like a BIG MAN on a downhillI spiral? Taking advantage of working class people Trusting their leadership? Trusting they are making the best decisions for their community? Little do they know leadership & board members are all SELF SERVING ? God speed! and strength to Courts divorcing the FCO, insisting on truth. Best wishes and success to those choosing to stay behind. 💖
I refrained from commenting about your personal attack in your previous comment, but after this latest personal attack on both David and me I have decided to reply in-kind.
ARE YOU MENTALLY DISTURBED or is something else going on with you that makes you act the fool? Get help, whatever that might be.
Don’t get into a battle of wits with an unarmed person!
Through your generous donations, the blog has been renewed for the next year. Thank you for participating in keeping this conversation going!
Karen Kelly, Technical Support
Hello and greetings to all. Glad to see that the Blog is still available for discourse. I have not been on it for a long time. This may not be the forum and if it is not I will surely be told but my younger brother by 4 years is looking to rent a 2 or 3 bedroom unit from Dec 1 to March 31st. If you know of anything please let me know with contact information. Thanks. Looking forward to spending the winter with you all. He is not as good looking as me and he does not golf and despite being a Talsky he is a nice person. Hope the Fountains can handle two
Talskys. Thanks again
Marvin and Shirley:
Welcome back to the blog
I left you a voice message on your home number regarding our two bedroom convertible condo.
Thank you
Thanks Howard will check when I get home today. Keep safe.
Howard what number did you call. Florida telephone is on seasonal close, no message on Toronto line, best to e-mail me with number and I will call, Thanks
2022 is feeling like it may be another challenging year. There are a lot of unknowns as ALL residents of the Fountains of Palm Beach are about to enter uncharted waters.
After months of researching, studying financials, contracts, meeting with attorneys, and management companies several courts have voted to leave the FCO. This was not a decision made lightly. This was a decision made by the boards doing due diligence, information being transparent and made for the best interest of the residents.
Courts that have either voted to stay / leave the FCO, or didn’t bother doing due diligence are ALL facing the unknown. With the construction and destruction of our community, the retirement of Debbie Poulette, a yet unproven replacement having been hired, and the promise to upgrade computer systems, adding to the maintenance department the responsibility of doing monthly checks to all buildings. All for an additional cost of $6.60 per month? Losing more than quarter of FCO income and cutting the maintenance staff by possibly 2 workers. How is that possible? That needs to be guaranteed and in writing prior to signing a contract. Sometimes what is too good to be true isn’t true!
Another thought that MUST be considered and added to the contract 790 remaining residents in the northern courts with 6 presidents. 509 POA residents with 10 presidents. Has anybody considered how that voting power can possibly be in the best interest of all residents remaining with the FCO.
. I thought I would pass along a few very important points you may wish to share with your Board and residents:
1. FCO proposed a 3-year non-cancellable commitment with no out clause – you are stuck for 3 years, regardless of budget changes which more than likely will be greater than you think.
2. Proposed budget is not guaranteed and FCO likely will end up charging the courts more for maintenance costs, and insurance costs which are not included into the proposed budget as they are charged to each court individually under their own budgets.
3. In the new proposed budget, the FCO has already moved 20% staff from Admin to Gate and Maintenance, to have leaving Courts share more common area costs. What else will they “fix”?
4. FCO does everything “by hand”, with a promise to move to technology-both hardware and software, plus training costs. Only allocated $15K for total. There are likely more costs in just hardware alone, plus software licensing fees (very expensive) for an admin staff of at least 5 people ($250K budget). These costs will likely be much, higher. $15K is totally unrealistic.
5. Why would your court want to pay at least $6 more (and realistically much more) per unit per month, instead of saving $26 or more per unit per month? It adds up to many thousands of dollars for large courts that could be used for repairs and to offset the insurance cost increase. In addition, GRS management brings in much more services, including 24/7 support line.
As I stated earlier, we are ALL about to enter uncharted waters. I can do nothing more than wish ALL Courts choosing to leave the FCO or stay all the best. Courts choosing to leave have contributed to all shared expense’s for over 40 years. I can only hope that the remaining Court Presidents can respect the decisions of the Courts choosing a management company. My wish for 2022 is each president and board member has reviewed, studied & explored all pros and cons. I hope you feel confident that you have made the BEST decision in the interest of your residents. It would be professional and business like to part ways with a handshake and smile. BEST WISHES for SUCCESS for the future for ALL Fountains Of Palm Beach residents.
On gathering further information may it be rumor or speculation? Not sure? I think investigation and clarification needs to occur before any contracts are agreed to, voted on, or signed by any board representing any Court in this community, or any other community. There are specific laws, rules, regulations that govern just how far and how much power a community can have over those that choose not to use their voice or lack the knowledge to protect themselves.
Things to consider as I see it, I’m just a resident paying dues, much of it goes towards expenses and reserves for the FCO. As I read the financials it appears that the FCO has well over one million dollars in reserves while individual courts are stuck charging assessments for necessities.
Maybe I am stupid and blind? I would hope that every single board member, volunteers with their eyes wide open. Board members and presidents are tasked with making educated, well informed decisions. Decisions should be made and voted on for the total benefit of their community and not in any way for personal agendas, whether it be power or financial.
Some considerations that ALL boards need to address, as I see is what is the footprint of our community going to look like in two years? What will happen to the Country Club on fountain’s drive North? Will that be torn down and condos built? What will happen with Fountain’s Hall? the FCO office building? Craft Hall? Maintenance Barn, Lake Worth Guard Gate? will that be torn down and sold? I guarantee it will be sold to the highest bidder. We have all paid for these buildings’ for over 40 years. Maintenance, insurance, upkeep, improvements, and rebuilding.
Concert now owns all this property. It had always been voted that the community should help the Fountain’s Country Club survive. Residents unknowingly paid substantial amounts of money to help keep them in business. After building the Lake Worth guard gate the Fountain’s Country Club sold this community out when they sold to Concert. For those of you that may not know we NOW PAY RENT to Concert for a guard gate GIFTED to the Fountain’s Country Club which cost residents $450,000 plus. That’s how your leaders have looked out for you? Many of the FCO board of directors still wear the Country Club hat.
The governing powers, FCO board of directors and certain long-term employees, (40 plus years) allowed residents here to be sued at great financial expense. The fountain’s Country Club chose to sue individual residents with the FCO’s assistance, providing them information on contracts and sales. What the FCO was doing was illegal. The FCO ceased assisting them when it was discovered by the attorney representing residents in the mandatory membership lawsuit. That lawsuit against the FCC was successful.
The FCO did not come to the defense of the residents that were sued in the community. The legal fees covered at the expense of residents of 6 courts. 13 courts let the RESIDENTS FEND FOR THEMSELVES. I applaud the 6 presidents that did vote to do the right thing and fund the legal fees.
Once the lawsuit was successful and won in favor the 6 courts who funded the lawsuit this entire community benefited with increased property values.
Costs that WERE INCURED by the ENTIRE community were results of arbitration awarded because of insufficient bookkeeping. Some courts paid the Piper and paid the Piper again. This is the leadership that needs some serious investigation.
Unfortunately, this situation has been able to thrive because of lack of participation, education, investigation and most importantly integrity.
Does anyone know what courts have opted to sign with another property management company? Just curious. I know Luxemburg has opted to remain in the FCO.
I just heard that Tivoli, D’esti, and Gefion courts are leaving the FCO. I also heard that their departure will only raise my HOA by about $5 or $6 a month. So much for the “large amount” the homeowners will see their HOAs increased. I guess that means Esedra and Trevi courts are staying.
I wish the departing courts well, but I will be happy that this should minimize the negativity among the FCO community.
I feel compelled to respond even though I prefer not to. I reread previous posts that bloggers have posted seeking information, truth, honesty, and transparency. All of those characteristics seem to be impossible for residents to expect from our current management. The FCO is supposed to be protecting RESIDENTS, are they doing that? You are a 100% off base when you think and state as fact that your HOA fees are going up $5 possibly $6 a month. You are certainly clueless and uninformed because the number the FCO is throwing around is $6.60 per month. Are you THAT clueless that you believe blindly the number is 5 to $6? That number is ridiculous. Have your leaders informed your community of the increases in insurance? I’m sorry but I consider you a dumb-ass. 🤪 (that’s just me,) You need to educate yourself & look at the financials. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to realize how badly this so called UNITED COMMUNITY has been taken advantage of for over for over 40 years. Time will tell? Hope those of you that are are choosing to stay & fund the FCO are gonna be OK?
Thank you for replying to my previous comment. I won’t respond in-kind to your personal attack because your response demonstrates your qualities without the requirement that I do so. Sometimes self-inflicted wounds are the worst.
As to the content of your reply, I stand by my earlier post (even though I was $.60 off). Although under the light of your response I could have stated my comment more clearly. The comment was intended to reflect the amount of increase needed to cover the lost revenue from the three courts that are leaving. Obviously, the cost of insurance has nothing to do with the departing courts. Also, in this dumb-a__es opinion it is highly likely that any increase in the costs of insurance to courts remaining with the FCO will be in proportion to increases the departing courts will incur.
My comment was predicated on earlier comments. For example, Lowell Levine stated that the remaining courts would have to fund $140,000 savings from Tivoli Court alone. Lowell also stated that Tivoli Court will save about $90,000 by using another property management company. Let me know how that works for Tivoli Court when/if you know. Keep in mind that the $140,000 savings for Tivoli did not include the savings for D’Este and Gefion.
Those of us remaining with the FCO will be fine. We, after all, manage ourselves and will have a say about the community. I do not know whether the same can be said for the departing courts. However, I do wish them well because I prefer that no homeowner be harmed for exercising a choice.
Bill, I respect your opinion and you’re rights to voice it. What I find objectionable is mis information & lack of transparency being spread & accepted.
I too wish every court in this community well on whatever choices they make and direction they choose to go.
Yesterday October 1st there was a board meeting to to discuss the projected budget for 2022. That meeting was not properly noticed according to Florida state law, statue 718.112(2)(e) . Every home homeowner in this community had a right to attend that meeting.
Whatever you may think about my mental health is no concern to me. What does concern me is is the lack of knowledge people have about state laws and statutes. State laws and statutes are made to PROTECT people.
It is my opinion and belief that so much deception has gone on here for over 40 years. Residents have come to rely on the directors of their individual courts to protect them and vote in their best interest, financially and beneficial to the community.
Whether I’m right? Or wrong? What I have read, learned, studied & observed, there seems to be a lot going on here. Deception and omission has become the norm of the FCO. If you are a business person and you are losing money it is time to clean house.
Courts that are choosing a different path, I wish them well. I wish well the Courts that wish to stay with the FCO. My advice, take it or leave it would be read the financials, study them, go back and and look. What have you spent and what you have gained?
Is the number quoted by the FCO, a $6.60 monthly increase per unit, Real? Believable? Defensible?
Let’s do the math.
FACT: $6.60 a month * 12 months = about $80 a year
FACT: The 2020 FCO budget is $3,423,179 a year (call it $3.4 million)
FACT: There are 1767 units in the Fountains
FACT: 3 courts (D’Este, Tivoli and Gefion) have decided to not renew their contract with the FCO, and they represent 468 units (26% of total units)
With just a quick glance, common sense tells us that if 26% of the units choose a different property manager for their courts, then the FCO will lose almost a million dollars a year in revenue.
Can almost a million dollars be covered by raising dues $6.60 a month?
Let’s go back to the math.
FACT: 468 units/1767 total units = 26% of units are not renewing at the end of 2020
FACT: 26% of $3,400,000 FCO budget is an $884,000 shortfall
FACT: 1767 – 468 = 1299 remaining units to share in the FCO 2021 budget
So how much revenue will the FCO collect with an additional $80 a year ($6.60 a month)?
1299 remaining units * $80 = $103,920
Therefore, because the FCO shortfall is $884,000, it is lost revenue of:
– 103,990 for additional 6.60 a month
$780,000 short
So how can $6.60 a month possibly be correct?
Yes, the non-renewing courts will still pay their fair share of true common expenses, like security and road maintenance.
But the FCO must collect an extra $780,000 to make up for courts leaving.
How is this possible?
Has the community been wildly overcharged every year?
Is the FCO furiously burying an additional $780,000 into the budget for roads and security?
Where is the money coming from to balance their budget?
Could it be that massive increases are looming, but the FCO is not leveling with us?
Anyone can be lulled into an opinion that $6.60 doesn’t sound so bad, but math is the only reality that counts.
Can anyone present facts to dispute the logic?
Math Checker
Math Checker,
First, why do you care? Apparently, the decisions have been made by all courts whether to remain with the FCO or to use a different property manager. Beating a dead horse does nothing constructive. The answers to your questions and conclusions will now be borne out over the course of the next three years.
Second, the hypotheses you use as a starting point for your mathematical calculations may be faulty. I have not redone your calculations because I will accept that they are correct. However, just like your questions and conclusions, your hypotheses will be proven or disproven over the next three years.
Third, I was told that the FCO held a budget meeting Friday, October 1, 2021, to present proposed budgets for the FCO and the courts that will be a part of the FCO for the 2022 budget year. I do not know where the $6.60 increase per unit covered by the FCO comes from, but I am guessing it came from that meeting and the budgets presented. If so, and the math from those budgets are accurately calculated then those are the facts that dispute your logic.
Anyway, I really think it is time for the courts that are leaving the FCO and their owners to concentrate on their situation and costs for the next three years under the new property manager and stop dwelling on the FCO. Whatever the impact on the FCO’s courts will be their issues to live with.
👏👏👏 Kudos Math Checker…
One fact that disputes your logic is that it fails to mention savings to the FCO, i.e. the funds it will no longer spend for the departing courts.
It matters if the $6.60 promise from the FCO is not real.
Decisions have been made by Boards of Directors, based this number.
The numbers show it is not mathematically possible, given that 26% of the current financial base will not be renewing and a $3.4M FCO budget.
Can anyone refute the numbers (with other numbers)?
Good stuff thanks to all you guys. Fun friendly and informitive reading.—Bill —-Susan —Math checker. Keep it going.
I was just informed by a very knowledgeable and a very competent Fountains Resident that there is a FCO Board meeting at 3:30 PM today.
Unfortunately instead of the FCO sending out an email blast to inform everyone and automatically send out the zoom link, each Fountains Resident must make a specific FCO request to obtain the Zoom link.
I agree that it would be useful for the FCO to send emails to notify its members of meetings, etc.
However, no member has to rely on being informed by a neighbor about FCO Board of Directors meetings. Every concerned member can go to to get that information.
Just as I expected, Howard, Jerry, and Former Club member are directly responsible for the failure and sale of the FCC to Concert. As members they voted in the FCC Board of Directors and it was members that voted to approve the sale. Who knew?
We have been a Social Member since 2004 and the numerous former FCC boards of directors never would allow Social Members to vote.
Could the reason have been that there were more of us than Golf members?
How wrong are you. Like I said before learn the history of the Fountains.
Peace and love.
I think what people on here are trying to get across is the Fountain’s Country Club was an awesome 1st class club back in the day. Unfortunately what has happened over the years, it has deteriorated through mismanagement, and corruption along with the FCO.
The FCO is a non profit organization , granted nonprofit status solely for the best interest of residents, to save them the most money they can. Check out the documents from 1975 when nonprofit status was granted. Never should the FCO have been in bed with the FCC a for profit making company. The FCO has become entwined with the FCC over the years.
MOST 19 court president’s are members of the Fountains Country Club. President’s looking out, for the FCC. The FCC a (FOR profit) Are Presidents doing it for their own selfish reasons? You decide.
Presidents looking out for residents of the FCO (NON profit). Presidents that represent NON members of the Country Club are outvoted every step of the way.
How about letting a profit company fend for themselves? How about leaders of a non profit look out for the residents? It’s obvious if somebody looks back, reads the documents to see how the corruption has evolved. You might want to start with 1975.
Just saying!!
At Lucerne Lakes, next to the Fountains, it was reported in the Palm Beach Post on Sept 13, 2021 that there was a golf course conversion application to build 450 new homes.
Today it was reported on social media that the county approved the application.
450 new homes
Corruption abounds! Ben Geller Present President of the FCO. Scott Harris, Bernie Ciincanelli, past presidents of the FCO along with Debbie Poulette executive director 40 plus years. When is this community going to wake up? Realize that they’ve been scammed for all of these years? It seems to me there has been a conspiracy going on.
The President of the FCO thinks he has the power to send out letters to residents in communities choosing a different path. HAS NO RIGHT!
Presidents are ELECTED to govern their individual courts. Only they have the power to send or not send information out. Letters sent out by the FCO President is intimidation tactics and misinformation. FCO should face legal consequences for that behavior. I believe that and it is my opinion
What is amazing is how ignorant the FCO thinks this community is. FCO is sending out budgets, Debbie Poulette executive director and the Executive Committee are negotiating with Concert. Suddenly Costs ARE CUT? Look at the budget, study the financial’s past and present. You will see they have been complicit ON ROBBING this community in favor of the FCC for all of these years.
I do think people are going to be totally shocked at what the community will look like in the next 3 years. Luxemburg is NOT going to be spared. They will suffer the wrath of every other North Court community. The Country Country Club, Maintenance Barn and every INCH of property they own will be developed.
Information being spewed from the FCO that wonderful things are around the corner for residents in the North is untrue?
Don’t believe it until you see it. I hope I am a 100% wrong but my gut tells me I’m right . SAD BUT REALITY!
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
The place that you cited to ask questions at the FCO Board of Directors meetings can no longer be accessed via Zoom as my request for a Zoom link to an upcoming court and FCO meeting was denied by Debbie Poulette.
It is outrageous and It’s just another example of them defending their secrecy and how they do not see their role as resident support.
Can you imagine a paid independent property manager, who knows they take direction from their customer (the Board that hired them), saying take a hike on Zoom, we’re just not going to do it?
The FCO is completely out of step with the residents who pay for their service.
The FCO incompetence is stunning. I recently attended a Zoom meeting with over sixty attendees signed on
Everyone is automatically muted when the meeting starts, so there’s never any background noise.
When it’s time to ask question, a member clicks the “Raise Hand” button.
When the member is called on, the administrator unmutes them.
Everyone understands the protocol that they are not allowed to unmute themselves.
An orderly dialog takes place and everyone can hear perfectly. Every attendee’s first and last name was properly displayed.
Unlike the FCO.
Attendees are not pre-muted. I’ve watched Tivoli Court meetings where everyone can see and hear someone blowing their nose, talking on cell phone calls, speaking to others, etc.
But the most ridiculous thing is the FCO only has one microphone.
So either a Zoom participant can’t hear, or Debbie has to run around the Fountains Hall table with the microphone.
Despite numerous requests from presidents to buy more microphones or get a circular table mike, they do not solve this problem.
Just another indication that they just go thru the motions superficially when it comes to allowing residents in on their discussions.
Then if a resident asks for a copy of the Zoom meeting because they couldn’t attend — no.
Only for presidents. (another arbitrary, exclusionary rule just made up)
Then when a president requests a meeting and is sent a link, it’s 50-50 whether the link works.
And now that links are being requested, there’s a new policy —
Once the meeting minutes have been approved, the Zoom recording is deleted.
Now there will be no more Zoom calls.
Talk about hostile.
FUNNY STUFF. WHO IS THE genius that hung the minutes of the regular FCO board meeting BY OUR MAIL BOXES GOOD THINKING PUT 5 PAGES ONE ON TOP OF EACH OTHER. HOW CAN ANYONE READ THEM. Like I said funny stuff.
I’m not sure what court you live in where they are posting 6 pages of board meeting minutes by your mailboxes? That is totally old school and how it was handled here in the Fountains of Palm Beach before laws were enacted to insure transparency. Residents were never allowed to attend FCO BOD meetings prior to 2011. Don’t quote me on that date because I’m not sure?
What I am sure about is that ALL board of director meetings, budget meetings, any negotiations concerning anybody’s personal pocketbook MUST by law be open to all residents.
Board meeting minutes are available on the fountain’s website. Many residents are unaware that they can view meeting minutes posted 1 month after the meeting.
What is GREAT is that residents can view via zoom, board of director meetings in real time. Residents no longer have to wait one month after a board meeting to get information.
FCO Board of directors meetings have always been held the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 3:30 PM. The FCO office will not mass email the zoom link and password. The office states security reasons? Each interested resident MUST email or phone the office for the zoom link and password.
The next FCO board of directors meeting will be held Wednesday Nov 10, 2021 at 3:30 PM at at fountain’s hall. Anybody out of town or unable to attend for medical reasons may contact the office for the zoom link and password.
2020 has been a really trying year for many of us dealing with the coronavirus restrictions. We have all experienced the FCO office being closed to residents. There are still residents in this community dealing with coronavirus. 10 day quarantines are still part of some people’s lives. Thank goodness Zoom meetings are always going to be and MUST be available. Anybody interested in being kept aware in real time make sure you contact the office to get the Zoom meeting Link and the Password.
This is what I received from the FCO after requesting Zoom links for both Tivoli Court and FCO meetings.
From: Angela
Sent: Monday, November 1, 2021 3:56 PM
To: hxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: Tivoli Court and FCO meetings
Hello Howard,
The Nov. 8th Tivoli meeting, as well as the Nov. 10th FCO board meeting are scheduled to be held in Fountains Hall only (no Zoom)
It seems the FCO would prefer to keep Fountain Residents completely in the dark as to what is going on?
Should Fountains residents who are sick with COVID or the Flu show up and cough and sneeze near FCO Board members?
Don’t bother to wear a mask because in Florida it is not required or mandated.
The President of your court is in charge of what goes on the Bulletin Board.
You can ask your President to direct the person who actually posts the minutes (usually it is the court cleaner) to post the pages separately.
Most court Bulletin Boards are very small and need to be upgraded.
I responded to peter and now to you.
“PETER”! I have no clue what or who you are talking about? Please explain?
Are you involved with the blog? Blogs are normally safe havens for people to share information anonymously? Do you have some insider information?
It’s all good! Keep focused on the PRIZE!. Share information, we’re all in this together. Community, Transparency and Unity is the answer! Let’s all focus on the FCO board of directors meeting on Zoom Wednesday November 10th 3:30 PM.
Mark your calendars, FCO will not inform you you. Owners and residents have to request that information. Sad but true!
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
To the Blog Administrator and fellow residents::
Per the Meeting Notice and Agenda for the upcoming 11/10 FCO meeting, Zoom is NOT an option for residents who cannot physically attend.
Individual Courts are following suit.
It totally baffles my brain how LEGALLY the FCO thinks they have the right to EXCLUDE residents from a public meeting.
The FCO is a NON PROFIT organization. To maintain that status they have a legal obligation to the residents.
. WHO is advising them?
I hope between now and Wednesday’s meeting they reconsider their obligations. It’s sad that residents have no representation. There are legal recourses. Let’s hope they choose to do the right thing.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
FCO Board of Directors meeting
Wed Nov 10 at 3:30 in Fountains Hall
no Zoom offered
Meetings will be announced on the left side of the Fountains Network home page, along with minutes of previous meetings
Meetings/minutes are posted also on
FCO Reporter Here
If you are not planning on providing a Zoom link for tomorrows FCO meeting that I would like to attend, could you please provide me with a round trip private plane ticket from the Princeton NJ airport to Lake Worth along with a paid for Uber to get me to the meeting on time?
Thank you
Hahaha! Really funny and sad at the same time. The FCO relied on zoom for their own selfish reasons. Residents had no services, for months yet paid for those services..
Covid restrictions for the FCO were self imposed. FCO and the maintenance department classified themselves as non essential workers. They had no issues shopping at Walmart Walgreens CVS home depot et cetera. Residents paid them to have the luxury to work at home. Presidents had the convenience to attend board meetings via zoom.
It’s gotten a little hot in the kitchen so they closed down zoom. Questions about the future and accountability are deemed difficult. WAKE UP! The plan is to avoid providing information to the community.
How many residents in this community have family, friends, neighbors under 10 day lock down? Covid is still a major health concern . Who in the FCO decided Residents in this community should NOT be protected?
Access to community information should ALWAYS be provided via zoom? HELLO it’s FREE. If you or a family member have come down with covid, been told to quarantine for 10 days. FCO believes that’s not a risk? Doors are open, come on in. DUH! Wake up and smell the coffee PLEASE
I understand it was the same FCO person that refused to attend the informational GRS meeting when the courts were considering leaving the FCO for a replacement management company.
This latest FCO action proves that three northern courts made the correct decision to leave the FCO.
Beginning in January GRS Court meetings will be on Zoom.
There was an FCO Board of Directors meeting this week on Nov 10, at which time the October meeting minutes were approved.
There is a link on the left in the Post section to the Oct 13 minutes, which report on Concert Golf activity and other community matters.
FCO Board of Directors meeting
Wed Dec 8 at 3:30 in Fountains Hall
no Zoom offered
Meetings will be announced at the top left side of the Fountains Network home page, along with minutes of previous meetings
Meetings/minutes are posted also on
It is shocking to observe the lack of security along Jog Road.
Anyone can just walk right in. ☹
Jog Road foliage is gone
View from Jog Road
No Security at Truck Entrance
First time I have ever seen a “non-gated, gated community.” The FCO should discuss this with Concert and if need be have Allied Security put on an additional mobile unit or two to patrol the accessible locations and back charge Concert.
We need Board members who do not have a history with FCO and who will look at things with a fresh pair of eyes. The community is changing younger families moving in, have we done anything to change with the times. This is no longer a country club community only, do we even have a park or playground, a gym for residents.
Response to Ben Geller’s history lesson letter he sent out to all residents in the fountains of Palm Beach. Much of what he said is true however he conveniently left out most of the facts. His letter is an excellent example of the intimidation tactics, commonly practiced by the FCO board of directors.
It is a fact that when this property was developed there were 7 courts. The FCO did not exist. The FCO came in came into play once the Southern properties were developed. How the FCO was set up was 10 presidents for 509 people and 9 presidents for 1258 people. The presidents of the Southern courts and the President of the FCO were almost always Country Club members. 1258 residents never stood a chance at having a voice or vote on how their money is being spent. Benefit the Country Club YAY benefit the Residents NAY.
Any and all votes pertaining to how funds are spent that are collected from ALL residents have always benefited the Country Club 1st. It is the MO of the FCO to give residents limited information. It is clear in the fact that they refuse to provide transparency and make available FCO board of directors meetings via zoom. We have a public community channel available to us through Hotwire, yet the FCO chooses not to use it. Have you asked yourself WHY?
I applaud the Presidents of the 3 courts choosing to opt out of the corruption that is so rampant and has gone on far too long.
Documents and declarations can be changed as is evident in how the FCO came to be. Just go back in time and look at how Mandatory Membership in the Country Club came to be. Presidents were approached and signed up their courts to agree to mandatory membership. They were assured that any time they could vote out Mandatory Membership using the same proxy they used to vote it in. Those of us that have been here for a long time know how that worked out. That turned out to be a scam and a con. Once the courts chose to vote out Mandatory Membership because it was not benefiting the residents, the Country Club began to sue people in the community. Many of the Presidents of the FCO board of directors supported the Country Club.
Property values were in a sharp decline. Some Presidents of the FCO northern courts banded together, hired a lawyer and sued the Country Club. That lawsuit was SUCCESSFUL! Who benefited? All of the courts that funded the lawsuit in behalf of their residents. All of the Courts that were in support of the Country Club and against abolishing mandatory membership benefited the most in property values.
What is happening here is that 3 courts are opting to control their own destiny. What must happen is necessities have to be paid for before luxuries. The pockets of the residents have been picked for far too long to support and fund the Country Club.
Unfortunately in order to stop the bullying and abuse, we need to step away and form a new community that is united. The 3 courts that are choosing to leave the FCO are united and have no issue with pooling funds to benefit the RESIDENTS. I wish the 16 remaining courts well. I shudder the to think of the doom and gloom the 6 remaining northern courts have in store for them in the next 3 years. Once the Country Club moves entirely south the 6 remaining northern courts will no longer be needed. To me it does not look to be a pretty picture. I am thankful to be living in a court represented by presidents that clearly are insightful to see the writing on the wall. GET OUT WHILE THE GOING IS GOOD!
Thank you Susan
A little history on why the time has finally come to leave the FCO which has wasted so much residents money over the years.
Fountains CC Files, Defends Mandatory Membership Lawsuits
By Brandi Shaffer | August 9, 2016
In the past few weeks alone, the Lake Worth, Fla., club has filed about 25 lawsuits against residents who are fighting mandatory club dues. One resident filed suit against the club in June, citing malicious prosecution after being tied up in litigation for three years. The club said it could not comment on any lawsuit in particular.
The Fountains Country Club in Lake Worth, Fla., has filed dozens of lawsuits against residents who are fighting mandatory club dues. About 25 lawsuits were filed in the past few weeks alone, the West Palm Beach, Fla., Palm Beach Post reported.
Now one resident has teed up her own lawsuit against the club. Susan Shea was sued by the country club back in 2013 for not paying membership dues after she bought a condo in the Fountains community in 2012, the Post reported.
The lawsuit was launched even though her community was one of several that had voted to exit the club’s mandatory membership. After nearly three years of litigation, a judge in January dismissed the club’s complaint against Shea. In June, Shea sued the club for malicious prosecution, the Post reported.
In her lawsuit, Shea said she did her homework in 2012 when she bought her condo, and she verified she was not obligated to join the club and pay dues. But the club sued her anyway for not joining, even though it knew her condo association had just voted to exit mandatory club membership, she alleged in her complaint, the Post reported.
“The club did not bring the action against Shea to pursue a legitimate claim against her,” her lawsuit said. “Rather, it filed a meritless action to scare other new buyers and sellers in the Fountains Community into believing that if the buyer did not join the country club, he or she would be subject to litigation.”
Not only did the club lack probable cause to file the action against Shea, it “acted with malice,” Shea’s lawsuit said. Shea’s lawyer said his client decided to take a stand against the club, the Post reported.
“What happened to Susan is one of several different methods the club has used to try to squeeze money from folks who really do not owe it,” said Shea’s lawyer, Cole Fitzgerald, of West Palm Beach. “Susan feels strongly enough about this to do something about it.”
Fountains Country Club President Paul Napieralski said he couldn’t comment on any lawsuit in particular, such as the Shea case.
The Fountains has been working to boost its fortunes. In June, the club voted to sell part of one of its three golf course to a real estate developer to build houses and apartments. GL Homes, of Sunrise, agreed to pay $17 million to the club, which will use the money for capital improvements.
The Fountains also isn’t shy about suing residents who don’t pay club dues. Resident Brian McDowell, for instance, is being sued for resigning his membership and not paying dues, even though he says in court papers he joined as a non-equity “community” member and is not required to “sell” his membership to someone else in order to resign. The club disagrees, and a judge’s ruling is expected any day, the Post reported.
Residents say the club’s hardball tactics are raising eyebrows due to the volume of lawsuits and the fact that some of the cases are against old or sick members, said one resident, who requested anonymity. But Napieralski, the club president, said the club has measures by which people can apply for a leave of absence from paying dues, or even a hardship case to cease having to pay dues, the Post reported.
They have to apply to be considered, “and we approve a good percentage every month,” Napieralski said.
The two dozen lawsuits recently filed are against members whom Napieralski said have “illegally” resigned from the club. The rule is a club member can’t resign until he or she finds someone willing to buy the membership, he said. The club is taking this position even though a Palm Beach County circuit judge issued a judgment in January, finding in favor of several Fountains communities that voted to repeal mandatory membership for its homeowners, the Post reported.
In 2013, these communities sued the club over the issue of mandatory club members. Earlier this year, Judge Edward Artau ruled that the communities had the right to repeal mandatory club membership, just as they had had the right to vote in favor of mandatory club membership a decade before. The club is appealing Artau’s judgment to the 4th District Court of Appeal, the Post reported.
“We believe the court’s repealing mandatory membership was unfounded,” Napieralski said.
The lawsuits have created a lot of bad blood in the 865-acre community of condos and single-family homes. Some residents say that those who buck the club are subject to retaliatory measures, including being ousted from card games or disinvited to dinner parties. “People are afraid,” one resident said. “They take a stand and get kicked around for it.”
Napieralski said he wishes lawsuits weren’t necessary, but he said he has a fiduciary duty to preserve the club for its members. Napieralski said the club has roughly 1,000 members, of which 70% are equity members. Those who complain about the club and its membership issues are a “small minority.”
It is a fact that the complaints are not a small minority.
The FCO refuses to not only open their meetings via Zoom but refuses to provide recordings for those unable to attend in person. To this day in 2021 the present FCO has refused to provide microphones, speakers, and a complete audio system so that residents attending in person can hear who is speaking. Money could have been better spent on an adequate audio system.
There is no identification in front of the court presidents sitting at the table.
Fortunately we have three very smart court presidents that are saying goodby to the FCO.
If you read the original (1975) document forming the FCO, votes were determined to by units. So D’Este with 275 units would have more votes than Townhouses. Somewhere that was changed to one vote per court and things have gone downhill for the original Northern Courts since.
I applaud you Howard.👏👏 You have given a far better explanation of history then Ben Geller could give on a good day.
It’s my understanding that the intimidating letter filled with mis information was prepared by the attorney representing the FCO, Rod Tennyson. Ben Geller signed his name to it. FRAUD! FRAUD! FRAUD! Wake up people and smell the coffee or tea! Ask questions, demand answers from the FCO. A large portion of your HOA fees go to support the con. Make the FCO accountable for every penny that comes out of your pocket and goes in to theirs. All funds paid to the Country Club & the Attorney representing us.
Contact the FCO office DEMAND an accounting, financials and copies of authentic actual bills. Everyone reading this should make a phone call on Monday morning or send an email and demand Answers. Sadly you will most likely find out that you will be blown off. Residents are kept in the dark while they count your pennies in the bank account in favor of the Country Club. The majority of residents here pay for the lifestyle of the few.
509/1258 DUH!
Thank you Keith – see below re voting.
Regarding the letter sent by the FCO president Ben Geller, it has a number of misleading statements.
At the present time, 25% of all the units now managed by the FCO are declining to renew their contract with the FCO (Gefion, D’Este and Tivoli)
This is a serious budget impact to the FCO and if anyone isn’t cooperating, it’s the FCO.
Quotes from Ben Geller’s letter 12/15/2021:
1. “Can you imagine the chaos if 19 Courts all demanded they run their own independent security system? This lack of cooperation is a very serious threat to our security in the Fountains for reasons which I will explain.”
The 3 courts declining to renew their contract with the FCO have a very plausible reason. The FCO has threatened, for revenge, to suspend security patrols and deactivate barcodes. It is perfectly reasonable for the 3 courts to purchase security patrols for their residents. So don’t fall for the umbrage.
2. “each Association and entity sharing the expenses [for ECS which are the 19 Courts in the Community] shall appoint one (1) person who shall exercise the rights, duties and privileges including the right of determination as to the matters hereinbefore set forth, and each person so appointed shall have the same number of votes as the number of units, apartments or residences in the Condominium or non-Condominium property involved”.
It certainly sounds fair, if each President has the voting power of the number of units in the court. So D’Este court should have 275 votes.
Except Mr. Geller leaves out the stipulation in the FCO by-laws. This is called a “weighted vote” which only occurs where the vote is for a capital improvement over $35,000, such as for the South gate. As specific and fair as it is, this never actually happens.
When I was President of Esedra Court in 2018, the FCO needed another $80,000 for the new South gate fund. In an FCO Board meeting, I requested a weighted vote. However, they pulled a tricky maneuver. They put the $80,000 into the FCO 2019 budget and said that by voting for the budget, presidents were voting the additional funding for the capital improvement. So Mr. Geller’s assertion is only half true, and therefore not true and stated to fool the reader.
3. “You, as an owner, have not been part of the ENTIRE PROCESS of your court’s decision to pursue outside management.”
How dare he? Does he have knowledge of court Board proceedings? letters to residents? awareness in the community of the history of the attempt to break away in 2018? individual conversations?
This is insulting to the elected Boards of Directors for the 3 courts. The Boards are exercising their fiduciary duty to purchase necessary services at the best price and best quality.
Furthermore, all of South Florida is being managed by professional property management companies.
The services provided by the FCO are not unique.
There are many gated communities in Florida, all capably managed by property management firms which have barcode management software.
Nothing that the FCO is doing is filling some kind of niche. It’s all well-defined and running smoothly all over Florida.
What is really happening is the FCO has never been demanded of to be competitive.
No need to have the latest computer software, no need to have mailing equipment – let the office staff lick and stuff envelopes for a whole day.
No need to be responsive to the North courts, who are outvoted 10-9 by the South.
The FCO was recently in negotiations with the North courts, and the FCO rejected all 9 proposals.
So who is really being the uncooperative entity?
Expect to see more bullying tactics and half-truths (also known as lies.)
Karen Kelly
past president of Esedra Court and former resident for 20 years
Does the President of the FCO have a memory problem?
I seem to recall Ben Geller stating that the reason for no longer holding FCO meetings on Zoom was because the pandemic was over.
From: Info
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2021 10:50 AM
Subject: The Fountains – Covid
To Fountains Residents,
Delta or Omicron…’s all Greek to most of us including me. I’m writing to tell you that despite triple vaccinations, Covid has reared its ugly head here at the Fountains. The resident feels “fine”, had low grade fever for a day with scratchy throat, but tested positive with a home administered test. Many who had contact will get tested during this week, “to be sure”. Furthermore, many of us also know relatives and friends from throughout the country who have changed or cancelled travel plans due to Covid in those locations, as well.
Perhaps it’s time for us to consider retrenching like we did in the beginning of this mess!?? The symptoms seem to be mild for those who are multiple vaccinated but I am suggesting “a word to the wise”. Just trying to keep everyone up to date on situations here in the Fountains.
Ben Geller, President
The blog has been requested to post the following article from 2018.
A Proposal for a Re-organized Fountains Community Association
Flash Flash Flash!!!: LETS TAKE BACK OUR COMMUNITY, we need every unit owner, one for all and all for one. Join us as neighbors and homeowners, lets not be pushed around. Please communicate with me via email or by phone. Lets march forward for 2018!
Objective: the re-establishment of a fiscally sound association of the 19 residential courts in a guaranteed transparent governance
Structure: Organized as a non-profit association of the courts for purposes of Florida and U.S.
tax laws with participating courts having delegation and participation in all
association decision making. Governing board to be chosen by all resident owners
with equal proportional representation of each court. Open voting on all matters of
association business and rules.
Operational format:
All commonly used and owned property to be maintained by the association, and
maintenance and improvements financed by common member payments to
the association. Use of particular association assets i.e. club house, golf courses, and
exercise and tennis facilities to be paid for based on member use. Each of these asset/
facilities may be operated through a secure lease, advantageous and incentivized for
the operator (% of gross based,) generating amounts for the association equal to
necessary maintenance.
Association facilities, e.g. dining facilities, golf courses, and tennis courts to provide
preferential access and reservations to association members first, and then be availa-
ble to outsiders. In each case such use to be paid for “pay-as-you-use” basis.
Fiscal Considerations:
At $200 per month for each of the 1750 units in The Fountains, such dues would
generate $4.2 million per year. Further, the approximate $150 per month, currently
included in the monthly per unit H.O.A. payment for roads, lighting, and security
generates approximately $3.15 million per year. Accordingly, some $7.3 million
would be available to the re-organized association operation plus any amounts
generated by the operational leases.
A Capital Improvement Fund (CIF) to be established and funded by a 2% of sales
price contribution by both buyer and seller on occasion of the sale of any unit.
e.g. $200,000 x .02 x 2= $8000.00 Funds to be used to build and improve facilities.
Community Facilities:
Vacant property adjacent to the North Course to be used to develop various
community facilities e.g. recreational; mini golf, volley ball, Pickle Ball, or possibly
short-term residential or hotel. Ideally, association property would never be sold.
Wishing all friends and neighbors a happy and healthy new year.
Respectfully your friend and neighbor Irwin Seeman & family
Phone: 516-241-8200
Sorry this will never fly IT MAKES TOO MUCH SENSE, just like the great idea you had about the residents buying the Fountains Country Club.
As we enjoy this holiday season, let us not piss off those that were in leadership roles in the former Fountains Country Club by pointing out their mistakes. All one has to do is drive in via the Lake Worth Road Gate to see their results.FWIW some of those miscreants are still on the FCO Board. Some are still blaming others for their opposition and the former Fountains Country Club loss of mandatory membership, while wasting members money by suing residents and members and losing.
These are the same people that insisted the old dining room needed to be rebuilt at a cost of 15 million dollars and would bring in new members. It turned out to be a wonderful gift to Concert Golf as that dining room renovation that we all paid for is now only open for weddings and other functions for the benefit of Concert. No more Sunday brunch or any other meals for us members. Did I forget to mention the $400k members money spent for the Lake Worth Road Gate House now owned by Concert?
Fountains Hall has been renamed, see the plaque:
Poulette Hall
Perhaps she was trying to do what she thought was good but after 42 years she was instrumental in the destruction of the former Fountains Country Club.
Her failure to update the efficiency of the FCO led to three courts voting to leave the FCO management and migrant to a much better, faster, and a more up to date management company.
She has been a long time co-conspirator with the current FCO President Ben Geller.
Debbie should just go ahead and retire before causing any more damage and pain to Fountains residents
Always same
names pop up .
Disgusted long time resident,
I applaud you for saying how it is. Where in the world do businesses give bonuses to employees doing what they are actually paid for? Doesn’t happen in the real world yet it happens in the Fountains of Palm Beach beach. Egos are huge here.
Easy to understand, after all its simply monopoly money! FCO board of directors feel power and generosity spending money that does not come from THEIR OWN BANK ACCOUNT.
Security has a job to do, office staff has a job to do. Employees should be rewarded with claps of the hand, attaboys, paychecks and pats on the back.
Who gets a building named after them for receiving a weekly paycheck for doing the job they are paid for? gift certificates, etc? Err yup! Think about it?
Opps! forgot you can’t think about it. Information is hidden from residents. Transparency is key, doesn’t happen here. Your money is their money to spend however they choose. Sadly you have no say, you have been led down a slippery slope.
People need to demand an accounting. You should not be accepting and rewarding an employee total control of your pocketbook. Look out your window and see what has happened to your beautiful community. Is this the leadership you find acceptable? Are your leaders looking out for your interests or their own?
Think about it! Get involved and stop the lunacy. It’s time for a change. I applaud the 3 courts leaving the FCO with their eyes wide open.
Obviously you have never been in the corporate world. Have you ever heard of a Christmas bonus or a promotion or a raise, all for doing exemplary work? You are so blinded by your hate for the FCO your mind is closed to the real world out there.
Gemini, I have been in the corporate world. What is your experience? Actually, doesn’t matter. I’ve given raises and I’ve given bonuses. The FCO seems to give bonuses on a day-by-day basis for employees doing their job? I don’t know? maybe it’s just me? If a bonus was going to be given I usually did it around the holidays.
Employees are hired to do a job, they should not expect daily rewards for doing what they are being paid to do. 🤪
Prove the day by day bonus statement.
I believe the following proclamation is in order.
Whereas Debbie Poulette in her 42 years of service as Director of the FCO, the roadway presently known as Fountains Drive as one enters from the Lake Worth Road Gate be renamed in Debbie Poulette’s honor to:
Highway to Hell
As one views both sides of the roadway while entering let us all sing along
How about we name a lake after Debbie Paulette. Lake Paulette sounds good to me. Very popular woman.
Shocked and Appalled! The leadership in this community has totally let us all down.
Yesterday, leaving the Lake Worth Gate I observed many trucks entering The Fountains turning left before the security check point. Total freedom to access the community. Who knows whose coming in? The breach and available access is open 24/7. We might as well post a sign, COME ONE, COME ALL!
Sad for the people that live in Tivoli. SAD for ALL residents paying for the scam that this is a gated and secure community.
I don’t understand? No way this community is gated and secure by what I observed yesterday.
I urge everyone to pay attention when they enter or leave the Lake Worth gate. Pay attention when you drive down Jog Road, the breach in security is obvious. The entire North section of the Fountains of Palm Beach is open. The only thing missing is a giant WELCOME sign. 😔
* IDEA! 💡 STOP paying for security until our community is secure? 🤔
Susan we should ask the Dentist (AKA FCO President) to have maintenance build a fence with dental floss. That will keep intruders out and also fight cavities.
LOL! You might be on to something? Dental floss fence would be a more secure barrier than we are foolishly paying for today.
Perhaps the FCO Board of Directors or maybe the Executive Committee should meet? They could meet and vote to hire the highest bidder. After all a dental floss barrier is better than no barrier?
EGADS What is it going to take to satisfy those Pesky North Court Residents? When will they learn to just pay up, and shut up?
The Fountains is no longer a gated community. If I may make a suggestion (that unfortunately will go on deaf ears), please remove the outer wall from Fountains Drive to (approx.) Jog Road. And then re-erect it behind Tivoli and D’Este Courts. Use the money from the proposed new South Jog Road gate to fund the new wall construction.
Interesting article in the Palm Beach Post. And although it’s only 3 associations (out of 19) that have terminated their relationship with the in-house management company here, it’s actually 25% of all the housing within the Fountains.
That’s a pretty dramatic experiment.
Good luck to the leadership of those courts and high hopes for their goal of more robust, competitively priced PM service.
On a positive note, I would like to thank Bill and Matt Austin for making Versailles Court (especially the loop) the most beautifully landscaped court in the Fountains!
What a revealing article, which further confirms bad administration for years by the Country Club and the Fountains condo operations. For years the entire system was rigged to have the snow-birds and lower value homeowners who live in the northern courts pay for those more privileged living in more lavish homes in more select areas of the The Fountains. Incidentally these more fortunate owners are not affected by the on going dirt, noise, and lack of security currently endured by most of the northern courts!
Yet they pay less than their fair share of the so called shared expenses.I cannot understand how the president of the F.C.O in good conscience can be alarmed that certain courts want a new approach. Why should they pay for security without security? Where is the fence? separating the open construction site.
The entire situation here is pathetic and out of control.
Good information provided in Sundays Palm Beach Post by the reporter Alexandra Clough. There were a few inaccuracies as the article said there was one course closed and sold for development. The truth is two 18 hole courses were sold and are currently being developed. The North course, and the West course. The South course will remain and be maintained in pristine condition. The pool was built by Concert for Country Club members use ONLY. Residents had no say or involvement on plans for development.
The pool was built on the South side of the community, as the plans are to tear down the existing Clubhouse in the North and rebuild in the South. The property will be sold to developers at that time and Northern Courts will be subjected to even more construction.
The South side of this community will become a BOUTIQUE style Private Country Club Community. The North side of the community will become cluster housing, with condos and townhouses.
Residents in the North have had to endure 1 1/2 years of construction trucks, noise, mountains of dirt, displacement of wildlife, and the destruction of greenery and scenery. The north has also had to deal with a breach in security fencing for months. Residents are paying to live in a gated secure community. People were drawn to retire and live in this community as it offered a secure, peaceful, beautiful and quiet Paradise. Residents have enjoyed this community for years now, that has ALL been all taken away. If you were lucky and purchased property in the South you have been spared.
The Fountain’s Country Club leaders failed its members that live in the North, as well as the entire Northern Court community. The FCO board failed the entire community. The board had a duty to protect residents. The board rejected to explore filing an Adverse Possession Lawsuit. A suit such as Adverse Possession would likely have resulted in success.
FCC sold the property to Concert to avoid bankruptcy. Concert intends to sell off every inch of property in the North. With the sale FCC members residents made sure there OWN properties and quality of life, in the South was protected. So much for a community united!
Sadly, once the clubhouse is torn down and further construction and destruction ensues Northern residents will have had to endure close to 5 years of constant development. The North court residents have been stripped of their quiet enjoyment of their homes. Sad but true!
Perhaps you have an answer as to why it took so many years for Fountains Residents to realize how the single FCO management company was screwing those residents living on the North Side of The Fountains?
Even prior to the Fountains Country Club losing the mandatory membership lawsuit in 2016, there was another legal action that the former Fountains Country Club initiated to bring an end to Charter Social Membership that went to arbitration. ( I don’t recall the year) The arbitrator ruled that Charter Social Membership would end after 40 years. Thus began the war of the north vs the south that continues to this day.
According to the recent article in The Palm Beach Post, the current retired dentist president of the FCO is quoted as saying he is making an attempt to bring everyone together.
What a joke!
What does a retired dentist know about property management except for pulling teeth?
Watch what they do and not what they say!
It’s very easy to sit your ass down and criticize someone who is working very hard to bring us all together. What contributions have you made to do the same thing. Come up with a solution to the issue and then I might listen to your diatribe. If you can’t then shut the hell up.
Pissed off Northern Court owner,
Who said the man trying to bring the community together knew how to pull teeth?
What a joke is right!
A reader submitted the following information about more proposed building at the Fountains.
The old FCC country club building is intended be torn down.
Concert Golf plans to build another 350 new homes, of 153 townhouses & 197 single family homes.
To see the site plan along Fountains Drive North and South, click the link below:
New Site Plan
Is there a much larger copy of that site plan posted somewhere within the Fountains?
I looked carefully and do not see any EV charging stations anywhere on that site plan.
I heard a rumor that a secret FCO meeting at Fountains Hall that included a zoom link was recently held to discuss the new site plan?
Is this rumor true?
Has anyone on the incompetent FCO Board raised any questions regarding the installation of EV charging stations?
With the present FPL electric sub- station located just outside Fountains property be notified and engaged regarding the running of the necessary high voltage power feed lines underground prior to any building construction seems like a no brain solution to me.
Knowing the incompetence of the present FCO board members one can probably be sure they will wait to raise the EV charging issue after the construction has been completed sharply raising the cost.
Asking for a friend
Hello All,
I received the map sent in email? Curious is this a done deal? Does anyone know what is the proposed time frame for the construction, or who the builder will be?
Also, haven’t heard anything on what the plans are for the now ugly parcel opposite Tivoli?
Any info appreciated, TY
Hi Denise, here is information on the Parcels.
Parcel A – GL Land Banked: This parcel fronts on Jog Road lying north of the Water Management Canal. GL in banking the property has not provided any publicly available information as to when it will be developed. The impact on the Fountains is undetermined at this time. Parcel A is adjacent to Esedra and Versailles Courts.
Parcel B – The Oasis at the Palm Beaches, formerly known as The Lofts at Lake Worth (The County is now referring to as Altis Lake): Is slated to become 318 residential rental units, backing up to the Fountains on the west side of Jog road. Traffic exiting from the Altis Lake will be funneled south on Jog Road. Parcel B is adjacent to Tivoli, D’Este, The Townhouses, Gefion, and Esedra Courts.
Parcel C – Lakewood Cove, formerly known as Lake Worth Crossing: This parcel lies between Tivoli Court and Lake Worth Road and will consist of 70 residential Townhouse Units.
Parcel D – Lakeshore at the Fountains: This parcel lies between Trevi Court and Lake Worth Road and will consist of 192 residential units.
Parcel E – 80 acres. 350 homes are planned (153 townhomes, 197 single family homes).
Hi Nancy, thank you for the information. Lots going on, I can’t wait until it’s complete and our community looks beautiful again!
where is this parcel B, haven’t heard of this one before
Parcel B is scheduled to be 318 APARTMENTS. To be known as “The Oasis at the Palm Beaches.” (The County is referring to as Altis Lake.) The Parcel backs up to the Fountains on the west side of Jog Road. Parcel B is adjacent to Tivoli, D’Este, The Townhouses, Gefion, and Esedra Courts.
i know about parcel B, it was a typo error, my question should have read “what is parcel E, about, doesn’t seem to be any info
A copy of Parcel E was given out at a meeting. I believe it was a FCO monthly meeting. 350 units consisting of single family homes and townhouses. You can see Parcel E here:
SO nice to be on our own. no FCO.
Peter, I’d love to know more – would you be willing to elaborate on your statement? I’m curious to know where you see the greatest improvement(s). Thanks!
Greatest improvement not dealing with FCO personal. It always seamed like we were a bother . That was my own experiences. They worked for us.
To all concerned ; I have been an owner in good standing for over 13 years. I had the rare displeasure of attending an Esedra Court board meeting on Monday March 21 which should be classified as a disorderly circus .
The disrespect and tone used by your president and permitted by the other elected board members reflects very poorly on the membership and the real agenda of the board, who incidentally are suppose to protect the interest of all the owners. No wonder the participation of owners at these meetings are so low and interest at a minimum. Too often the full time residents benefit from decisions while we winter residents are not here! Some of these decisions from the past are in fact quite self serving.
We all appreciate the voluntary work done by the Board of Directors and hours required to perform this work but this does not warrant power trips and outrageous behaviour from neither parties. Not having the benefit of an agenda, I waited politely until the topic of elevator issue was terminated and landscaping came up. When only plants were discussed, I raised my hand like a school child, and drew attention to a much more serious issue the lack of a fence and security. We pay to live in a gated and secure community. This should be a priority of our board and the entire F.C.O.
Shame on them,I know what do next I will never be intimidated again. Justice is for everyone.
Fred Stange
The Fountains South Properties Owners ASSOCIATION (“FSPOA”) is pleased to announce the launch of the “FSPOA” web site, Yesterday , Thursday March 24, 2022 1 P.M.
You can visit the site by using the following link,
The web site is a product of the Associations commitment for transparency and providing information for not only the 509 members they represent but any party who wishes to understand our Master Declaration, of 1983, that require the FSPOA Board of Directors to do “Anything Reasonably Necessary to Promote, Common Health, Safety, or Welfare of the unit owners of the Fountains South”.
This requirement falls exclusively on the shoulders of the FSPOA Board of Directors who are reenergizing the Association to fulfill its responsibility.
Respectfully Submitted,
Richard B. Ward
Vice President “FSPOA”
Thank you for your frankness and identifying some root causes for the disfunction of governance in your association. I believe that other associations are more respectful to their residents and are better at setting priorities for the benefit of the community.
Knowing what to do next is a question that can have many answers, so do not give up!
Understand that you are not alone and you can influence change by appealing to your community for support.
You may be interested in what other associations are doing to better support their resident.
Please go to and see how the FSPOA is moving forward in addressing the the 509 residents they represent.
Rich Ward
This is how one person can make a difference if one is willing to persist in a cause. Two examples follow.
March 25, 2022
From: RW – To: FCO
At the last FCO meeting (March9, 2022) Ben spoke openly about a “letter of Intent” from an attorney including hourly rates, i.e $325.00, additional services fees, as well as that he was to work with the FCO on, addressing Parcel E
and work on negotiations for the potential purchase of real property from Concert. I am told that client attorney privilege was removed by this very public announcement to the BOD and attendees to the meeting.
The Board authorized engaging the attorney for a fee not to exceed $25,000, even though Ben had advised that the last attorney engaged by the FCO, under the same limit, in dealing with the other parcels under development surpassed that limit very early on in the process and costs significantly increased.
I understand that Versailles BOD approved hiring an attorney for dealing with the consequences of Parcel E.
There may be some benefit economy of scale if FCO attorney would also be working with Versailles?
That being said I am requesting, as a resident of the Fountains, that forward me a copy of the letter of intent as soon as possible.
Thank you as always for your prompt attention.
April 2, 2022
From: RW- To: FCO
How time flies.
Just following up on my request of March 25th.Oh! Since my e-mail of the 25th I understand that it is unlikely that Versailles would be using the same attorney, so any suggestion of economy of scale is mute.
Thank you in advance for your prompt attention.
April 13, 2022
From: FCO – To: RW
Attached is a copy of the engagement letter. It is also on the FCO website under the Information tab.
The engagement letter is now available to the community.
Will the results of engaging an attorney be comparable to the past legal attempts to offset the impacts of the residential development within the community, at significant cost with minimal benefit? Only time will tell.
Note: That although the FCO President verbally indicated that the engagement would include future negotiations with Concert regarding the acquisition of real property by the FCO, the letter provided no such indication.
Example 2.)
At the April 13, 2022 meeting of the FCO a single resident questioned when the last FCO Financial Audit was conducted?
The answerer was three years ago. Pressed by the attendees, the Audit is to be made available on the FCO web-site (as of 4/18/22 not posted).
It will be interesting to see the audit comments and what, if any issues have been addressed.
Respectfully submitted,
Rich Ward
what is the latest on the above.
I would like to commend both you and Steve Jordan as well as your other board members for creating an informational website that is open to all residents of The Fountains.
Although the current president of the FCO states repeatedly that he is trying to unite the entire Fountains community his actions continue to divide the community.
Fountain’s residents are currently living in an ungated community. The current FCO in my opinion is unfit to deal with Concert Golf.
Currently three courts have had the wisdom to leave the FCO and I suspect more courts will do so as well in the near future?
Hopefully the FSPOA will be successful in following the money that the current FCO seems to be hiding and make good use of the residents money for the entire community and not just the south?
I would like to direct you to the minutes of the January 11, 2017 FCO meeting minutes where the issue of an audit was first raised.
Not only are residents still waiting to see the results of that audit, but after five years I believe it is time for another forensic audit so the two audit figures can be compared.
The current FCO president recognizes that costs have increased but fails to believe that costs have increased for a security fence.
Disgusted in the North
Did someone say AUDIT. Nothing to see here.Dont worry the FCO will take care of everythin. Why do people allways think something isn’t on the up and up with the FCO. I WONDER !!!!!!!!. Get your handes out of the cookie jar.
Reply to Fred:
Rich is probably busy with their superior FSPOA website but the latest from what I’ve been told by a very knowledgeable resident is the audit from 2016 has finally been posted on the FCO website after residents have been waiting for it for almost six years. I’ve been told that the audit was signed off by a company Price and Associates of St. Petersburg, Florida.
Does anyone know how much they charged, how long it took them to complete the audit, and when they were paid?
Disgusted in the North
You should log onto the FCO website. Under the “FCO Information” drop down box, you may find that information in the Board Meeting Minutes. For example, in the 1/11/2017 minutes it was stated: “Old Business —Robert Miller said last month he had raised the question of an FCO audit and asked if we had obtained any information. President Harris said the price for a forensic audit will be between $15,000 to $20,000. He said he would like time to get some other prices and will have a firm price at the next meeting.”
Disgusted in the North,
How right are you about the FSPOA. The northern courts are meal tickets for the southern courts. The biggest problem facing the northern courts is not Concert Golf but the FSPOA. In 5 to 8 years my prediction is that there will be a dead end at the bridge, southern roads will be repaved, along with other improvements (mostly paid for by the northern residents) and the Fountains will no longer be one community.
If the FCO President truly wanted the Fountains to be ONE then he would begin discussions with the FSPOA to quitclaim all of the FSPOA property to all residents of the Fountains to create ONE FOUNTAINS COMMUNITY. This of course will never happen because the FSPOA Masterplan is to milk the north dry, and with a straight face say thank for being our cash cow. I would not be surprised if the FSPOA receives money from the FCO the build the dead end at the bridge.
The apathy is rampant in the north the FSPOA knows this and is playing a waiting game. Sad but very true!
Disgusted in the North … Painfully disgusted in the North … Complaining, but afraid to post under your real name. Every unit owner contributes the same amount of money to the FCO, albeit North or South. The North generates most of the security calls (75%). The North generates most of the calls for maintenance (80%). Do you hear the South complaining about the added costs that the North generates?
Most of the Club members resides in the South. We should ALL support the Club. This is what attracts new residents to The Fountains CC, as well as the increasing our property values. The FSPOA was incorporated on 4/19/1983. The FSPOA is not “milking” anyone. The FSPOA simply represents the interests of the 509 residential members that live in the 10 South courts.
Lady McBeth… Obviously you know nothing about the history of the Fountains, the club, or the FSPOA. The point you are making about security and maintenance makes no sense. There will be in a short time a dead end at the bridge and the South will have their own property manager. The FSPOA will finally be separated from the “WHITE TRASH NORTH” as it has been called by many of the South, so keep feeding off of the northern residents until YOUR new club is built.
Dear Arnold, You can easily confirm those statistics at any FCO meeting or at the FCO office. You are obviously repeating and perpetuating hateful rhetoric (“white trash north”). Perhaps it would be beneficial for all if everyone supported a unified Fountains CC, and stop with the North and South divisiveness. I’m sorry you feel this way. Should that “bridge” ever come to fruition, the FSPOA stands ready to represent the best interests of the 509 residents that reside in the south. Sincerely, Nancy McBeth (not Shakespeare’s Lady Macbeth)
Dear, Lady Macbeth… EXACTLY…. I am glad you stated it so! “The FSPOA stands ready to represent the best interests of the 509 residents that reside in the south” it should also be mentioned that the FSPOA only cares about the FSPOA area and NOT the Fountains as a whole. The North pays 82% into everything the FCO does which means the North is paying 82% to maintain FSPOA owned property.
You also stated “The North generates most of the security calls (75%) and he North generates most of the calls for maintenance (80%)”. This also could be true, but as I stated before the North pays 82% into security and as for maintenance my dear, get your facts straight each court pays for their own costs.
You also mentioned “Should that bridge ever come to fruition”? It is not if but when….
Lady Macbeth speak the truth not your propaganda and thank you for proving my point that the white trash North is the FSPOA’s meal ticket.
Sincerely, Arnold Stang (not from the Chunky commercial).
Arent’t we glad The Fountains is so peaceful! 😊
Retirees just enjoying themselves on the golf course
UPDATE 12:41 p.m. Monday, April 25, 2022: We just received the arrest report from the Palm Beach County Clerk of Courts. We are publishing the report, written by the arresting PBSO Deputy, in its entirety. We note that suspect Robert A. Levine shares the same name as another Kings Point resident arrested for an attack on a neighbor several months ago. This arrest, according to PBSO, is a different Robert A. Levine. The Robert A. Levine arrested Sunday is 74 years old. The Robert A. Levine arrested in November for attacking a resident with a pool cue is younger.
It’s Shangri-La south of the bridge.
There is a perpetual enforceable easement providing access over the bridge on on the roadwork in the south to all residents of the Fountains of Palm Beach. I have seen this document.
May we all see it please.
TIVOLI CT.——FILTH AND DIRT EVERYWERE . We have a new maintenance person (MAN)and a new cleaning person (woman) who is a cleaner. I have never seen the cleaning person clean anything at building 4120 or seen our maintainance person around doing anything. There is filth and dust and debris everywhere. I don’t know about the other buildings.
Just because they are doing work on our building doen’t mean our hallway and wimdows should be so filthy. IF IS DIRTY IT SHOULD BE CLEANed. The dirt in our hallways is BLACK dirt. Who is making sure our maintenance and cleaning person are doing their job. It appears to me no one.
We all pay good money to live here, not good money to be wasted on a half ASS job.
Nancy, You are right that you can get financial information from the FCO office. Better yet you can view FCO monthly and yearly financials, on the FCO website. Read the financials and you will see how uneven the numbers are. Look at landscaping, tree trimming, fertilizer etc. Residents should not have to rely on going to the office for information.
I applaud the FSPOA for having a website that is all about transparency. Ben Geller wants to preach that this community must be United! Give me a break! Explain why it took 5+ years to post the audit? How did Scott Harris get away with telling the community at a board meeting the audit would cost between $15000 & $20000. Scott wanted time to see if he could find a better price.
The audit that is posted on the website is ridiculous. The audit never would have been posted had FCO’s feet not been held to the fire. No way what they posted is a full forensic audit of the FCO. I’m not a numbers person but to me that looks like numbers provided to him from Debbie?
What is up with the FOUNTAINS OF PALM BEACH community selling itself as a gated community? NO WAY this a gated and secure community. WAKE UP PEOPLE! Stop paying for services you are not getting. There is no security company on Earth that could be hired by the FCO that can make us secure when our borders are wide open. Look at Jog Road and Lake Worth Road. Demand fencing , security & transparency. The FCO is supposed to be representing all 1765 residents equally in this community. Each resident pays equally; however it’s obvious the North is suffering greatly, getting no support.
I’m not sure how many of you know but the FCO is forcing Tivioli to pay toward fencing to keep our community gated. Keeping the community gated and secure is a FCO Community expense. They justify paying for the roads, lighting, landscaping & guard gate that Concert owns. FCO can’t pay to keep residents secure. Oh I forgot there’s no transparency with the FCO so many of you have no idea how they work or how your money is being spent.
Lady Macbeth and the hard core members of the FSPOA are still tainted with the effects of the the former FCC “Kool Aid”. All they care about is their club and that the North perpetuate funding 82% to maintain Shangri-La.
My family has been residents of The Fountains since the early 70’s. Things are not now anywhere near where they were then.
If there is so much animosity in the “north” vs the “south”, would it not make sense for the northern courts to secede and form our own condo management association?
Arnold, I Had forgotten about the kool Aid drinkers. Too much bullshit & inequities happening here . LOL 🤪
Susan and Keith both of you are right. Many have forgotten or are unaware of the awful acts of the villainous former FCC and the Kool Aid residents of the FSPOA. We the North must create our own condo management association and POA to look at our self interests like the selfish FSPOA.
Look at the current presidents and board members of the courts from the FSPOA in the FCO, many are former board members of the bastardly FCC and that says it all. I said it before and will say it again the biggest threat to our Northern Courts is not Concert but it is the FSPOA.
Right Lady McBeth.
The unthinkable has finally happened. It was just a matter of time. A mentally unstable person walked into our “gated” community.
There was a breakin in the Atriums a week ago.
It was talked about at the last FCO board of directors meeting that the person was NOT a resident of the Fountains. Six Palm Beach County police cars responded and he was arrested. Our security was unaware anything was happening in the community.
Wouldn’t you think the FCO would find that to be important? Important enough to at least notify all residents. It is the FCO’S job to keep all residents informed. No one living here is safe, it is sad but true. The Fountains of Palm Beach is no longer a secure gated community.
How do you know he was mentally unstable?
Thank you Susan for the breaking news.
Shangri-La has been breached, the Atriums attacked!!!!! Quick FSPOA blow up the bridge.
Would someone kindly clarify exactly what happened at the Atriums break in. I have heard multiple completely different versions, from some one squatting at a home there, to 3 different homes broken into, to some watching a washer & dryer being moved and finally to a home broken into where resident held perpetrator at gunpoint until police arrived. Kinda reminds me of the game “telephone” we played at summer camp. Anyone?
Ellen Brehne,
I heard it was a resident from a southern court that cause the break in. It is a result of the lingering side effect of the former FCC Kool Aid.
It appears that your concerns have been heard.
The following notice was sent out earlier this afternoon
To Fountains Residents,
Unfortunately, there was a recent break-in at two homes in the Atriums Community. The intruder was captured and immediately arrested by the PBSO. The incident is currently being investigated by the PBSO and GuardOne Security in order to gain a better picture of what lead up to the break-in and to determine what, if anything, the Community can do to help deter this type of activity from occurring again.
Once we receive a final report from the PBSO and GuardOne Security, we will share further details of the incident with you as well as any recommendations they may have that will increase the quality of safety in the Community.
One simple way we all can help our Community is for everyone to report anything they see that seems suspicious to our Security so they can investigate it immediately.
Best Regards,
Ben Geller, President FCO
Debbie Poulette, Executive Director
Vito Senese, Executive Director
The current president of the FCO is wondering what can be done to deter the recent rash of break ins?
Perhaps he should just take a ride around the perimeter of The Fountains to acknowledge that The Fountains is no longer a secure gated community.
It was the FCO’s incompetence in the sale of the former North Course to Concert Golf that doesn’t give a rats a$$ about security that is now the root cause of frequent break ins.
Why are Fountain residents paying for security when there is essentially no security and anyone can just walk right in?
Disgusted in the North
Ben Geller used the term “mentally unstable” person when he shared that information 3 weeks ago at the board meeting. It was great to receive information to all residents via email about the break-in’s and the breach of security. Better late than never I say.
It’s unfortunate the FCO refuses to conduct all Board meetings via Zoom. All meetings should be conducted via Zoom. Residents should receive email blasts of important information in a timely fashion. It’s FREE!
I’m wondering if anyone has noticed that Concert has mowed the disgusting and overgrown conditions behind Trevi? Also on Fountain’s Dr N by the driving range?
It’s interesting that the club has functions happening this weekend. What is wrong with us for not requiring they keep the property looking nice for the residents that live here?
Why does the FCO close the Melaleuca gate for Country Club functions at great inconvenience to residents?
With the recent break-in’s it’s obvious what needs to be done. Like “disgusted” pointed out we need to have fencing installed ASAP. This is NOT A GATED SECURE COMMUNITY. Concert needs to pay their fair share toward community expenses such as roads, landscaping and lighting. How many of you know that Concert owns the roads, landscaping and lighting? Do you realize we pay for it all? We pay well over 1 million dollars for security alone. Concert doesn’t pay a penny. To add insult to injury we pay them rent for the Lake Worth Gate we built, gifting them $500,000.00
I wish more residents in this community would insist on transparency of the FCO. Insist information be sent via email and FCO MEETINGS BE HELD VIA ZOOM. I realize many people work and more of you would be involved if you could view meetings around your schedules. You’re paying fees to the FCO to keep you informed. Hopefully things will change now that you have a NEW Executive Director of the FCO.
Concert mowed the area around Trevi due to the efforts of Rob Jacobs, the VP of the court. He contacted PBC Code Enforcement who threatened Concert with a substantial financial penalty if the area was not “cleaned up” within 30 days.
I do think that the FCO atty. should become a bit more pro active where installation of chain link fencing is concerned at parcels “B” and “C”.
David, That’s awesome news! Kudos to Rob for taking the bull by the horns and reporting Concert to PBC Code Enforcement.
Every time I come in-and-out the Lake Worth gate it breaks my heart to see the destruction and horrific conditions. Trevi, Tivoli and Deste residents being impacted the worst. Scares me to death to even think that they want to destroy more of the community by taking down the Country Club and adding an additional 350 units.
I recently viewed the YouTube video where Concert did a townhall meeting February 27, 2020. The meeting was hosted by Scott Harris and Greg Weiss the commissioner was present.
I suggest everybody in the community view that meeting, it’s available on the FCO website. It’s deplorable how Concert stood there telling residents about the beautiful fountains they will be installing in the new lakes. They assured residents they would be doing that to prevent green stagnant water, and beautify the community.
You will also hear them talking about the beautiful plantings that are going to be planted immediately to make sure residents don’t lose their beautiful views.. They even went so far as naming the types of shrubbery that will be being planted immediately.
I think we all know none of that is true. We were lied to! It’s scary to think that they actually want to knock down the Country Club and build an additional 350 more homes.
The FCO Attorney definitely should have been more proactive from the get-go. There were several legal options available. Why they were not exercised I’ll never know. Was it the Attorney or the FCO that chose not?
Apathy is an epidemic that has spread throughout the Fountains Community as individuals abdicated their ability to influence change, to others.
Thousands of personal choices have brought everyone in this community to where we are today. Single residential Owners, Multi property-owner Investors, renters all have reasons for being here.
The cure for apathy is participation. Participation in any way can make a difference.
More ways than ever are available to participate in lieu of attending a meeting in person.
It is your decision on how to prioritize your time, self -fulfilling activities or contributing knowledge, ability, skills, and wisdom for the benefit of the community.
The pride that was once prevalent in the Fountains can be restored if the will to do so is expressed.
New residence will mushroom throughout the community bring new vitality and with-it elimination of the stigma of a faiding lifestyle.
“Carpi Diem” Seize the Day, make the most of the present time but add give some thought to the future!
I can assure you that Instruments of change are being forged for the common interest within the community.
Stay well and engaged!
Another inconvenience for Northern Court residents!
They now seem to keep coming with increasing frequency. 🙁
Perhaps all northern owners should demand a $5.00 inconvenience credit on the monthly maintenance/security fees paid to the FCO?
Not only is there now a lack of adequate security but the increasing limited use of the automated gate.
From: Info
Sent: Monday, June 6, 2022 11:56 AM
To Fountains Residents,
Please be aware the Melaleuca Entry Gate will be closed for the following times this weekend (for events at the Country Club): The Exit Gate will remain open.
Friday, 6/10 from 5:00pm to 8:00pm
Saturday, 6/11 from 4:00pm to 7:00 pm
Vito Senese
Executive Director
P: 561.964.3600
From: Info
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2022 8:38 AM
To Fountains Residents,
Please be aware the Melaleuca Gate will be closed for the following times this weekend (for wedding receptions at the Country Club):
Saturday, 5/28 from 3:30pm to 6:30pm
Sunday, 5/29 from 2:30pm to 6:00 pm
Debbie Poulette
Executive Director
P: 561.964.3600
As a resident of Tivoli Court and a Licensed Real Estate Broker I personally feel that all the Courts in the Fountains should consider talking about eliminating rentals except seasonal and have the units be owner -occupied does increase equity value.. any opinions ????
Trevi Court has limited the rental %age to 18% and mandated that if a unit is purchased it may not be rented for 2 years and only of we are below 18% at that time. It has cut down on “purchase for investment” considerably.
Several weeks ago a prospective buyer went through the mandatory interview where this protocol was explained. After the explanation, 1/3rd of the way through the interview, he politely stood up, shook my hand and declared he wasn’t interested any longer and walked out.
I agree with your “no rental” policy. However,trying to reverse the policy that has been “grandfathered” in would be a monumental task
I believe that your idea is a good one and would be a solid improvement for those on Tivoli Court.
Rich Ward
“Apathy is an epidemic that has spread throughout the Fountains Community as individuals abdicated their ability to influence change, to others.”
I strongly believe the answer to you is what the residents of three northern courts have wisely realized.
The FCO is the problem and as soon as other courts vote it out and kill it for good and have a professional management company take over dealing with Concert and treating all courts and residents fairly will the apathy subside.
A professional management company will not be taking a three month summer vacation.
The Fountains is presently an ungated community.
How is this issue being addressed over the summer?
Dangerous concrete walkways were recently discussed at an FCO meeting.
Will ignoring this problem for three months and keeping residents uninformed make this community any safer for walkers?
The FCO has been a useless management entity for a long time and as soon as more residents come to that realization will the quality of living in The Fountains begin to improve.
Howard & Lowell,
You both make some very good points and in doing so, support my contentions regarding self-determination via engagement.
A number of options have now presented themselves, as a result of the FCC land assets being permitted and sold to residential Developers, by the joint venture partnership between Concert/Ridgewood.
The FCO has been continually responsive, rather than adopting proactive initiatives.
To rehash what has transpired is not productive, but what is productive, is to learn from experience.
In a previous post “I assured you that instruments of change are being forged for the common interest within the community. “
I can also assure you that a “professional management company” is not quite the panacea that one would expect.
I have in the past given very detailed information on the pro and cons of for-profit Property Management Companies, so to regurgitate it now is pointless.
Going forward, anyone dealing with the future land development, must have a vested interest, in the outcome, not a professional property management agreement.
Make your voices heard and encourage your neighbors to participate in crafting a new future for the fountains.
A reader sent in the following Sun Sentinel article.
A condo owner in Boca who was trying to get a look at the financial records for her association finds herself now owing nearly $400,000 in legal fees.
I am learning from other court residents that crime is happening in the fountains…people are coming in and sneaking in. Jog road is open and so is lake worth road. FCO wake up and see what is happening. Get your security to be more alert.
5 crimes that I know about in 2 weeks will grow over time . Residents get tough with your board with security rules and regulations and your by laws’s your property it’s your life.
I may be wrong, but I suspect the posting entity was attempting to send a subtle message and not intended to educate readers on the need to be precise, factual and meticulous when communicating with an Association, as it may come back to haunt you later.
If you investigate this specific case, you see that it is littered with personal vendettas as well as a glaring indication that Association members have abdicated their interests to a “perpetual” Board of Directors who can focus their attention on anyone who would openly challenge their “authority”.
Sad but true as this saga continues!
Rich Ward
Doesn’t the existing FCO continue a vendetta against those that opposed mandatory membership, especially those that live in the north?
It sure seems that way to me.
Some were even sued!
Just listen to any recent FCO meeting recordings if any exist, or attend an FCO meeting and listen to the way a few court presidents in the South speak to some of the female Northern court presidents in a shouting, condescending and disgusting manner.
Howard & Friends,
Lets be clear that the ultimate collaps of the Previous FCC was a product of multiple factors most of which was unrecognized inevitable trends, the inability to adapt to those trends successfully, as well as establishing a beneficial relationship with all the Associations in the Fountains.
Remember that the previous FCC litigated against the FCO for failure to provide the agreed Property Management Services, and won a significant settlement which was funded by “all” the associations, North & South to the tune of what I understand was $ 100k.
You are aware that the previous FCC spent somewhere around $ 600k to place judgements on a members both in the North & South. Following the FCC asset acquisition those Judgements were forgiven by CGP.
In answer to your question, the current FCO, “A Property Management Company”, has no compelling reason to do so. So the answer is no.
For what is worth, I predict significant beneficial changes comming soon to the FCO, that will addrss many points that “posters” on this blog have over time identified.
You may also be pleased to know, cordial relationships between North and South Associations remain
Howard and Friends,
There will always be an extensive division in the Fountains as long as the SFPOA exists to only care what is south of the bridge. In the near future the northern residents will be paying 80% to resurface southern roads, the cherished gatehouse, and make other improvements to THEIR PROPERTY not Fountains property but THEIR PROPERTY SFPOA.
Howard you are correct about the Southern presidents. Look what Bob Lipp President of the Atriums (former President of Versailles who was shamefully “recalled” by his own residents) did at the last FCO vote. Despicable!
I do not understand the thinking of the Northern Presidents, the true enemy of the North is the FSPOA and their dirty hands in all of the residents pockets in the North subsidizing the South.
SFPOA must quitclaim all of your infrastructure to the Fountains Community and show they want one community not two.
Give Common Association Property to a “Property Management Company”????
You own a home with a driveway and a garage.
You have a 3-year service contract with a Property Management Company.
You do not want to repair your driveway although you have 50% of the cost in your savings account.
You do not want to replace your unsightly garage although you have 50% of the cost to do so in your savings account.
You know that the Property Management Company recently lost 25% of its business in your community and, as a result, informed you that your monthly cost was increasing.
You know the Management of the company has, on multiple occasions, informed its customers of its concern of sustainability should any further loss of customer base occurs.
You know that the Property Management Company wants to own your driveway and garage but has no money to do so.
Your Property Management Company Proposed solution:
Quitclaim your driveway and garage to them.
Give them both of your savings accounts now and they will bill you more (+60%), in the future when they decide to repair your driveway and replace your garage.
Now being the owners, they regulate your use of both the driveway and garage.
Should the Property Management Company, having never owned real property, fail or need money to sustain itself, it has the ability to dispose of the driveway and garage
leaving you holding the empty bag.
The unintended consequences of knee jerk reactions can be devastating.
Rich Ward
Does anyone have any concrete information about the construction that seems to be moving at a glacial pace along Jog Road? And for the parcel behind Trevi? I hear different information from every person I speak to.
Why doesn’t Concern Golf provide any information at all?
I moved here a year ago and am tired of looking at this mess.
Welcome to the Fountains!
Dear Grace,
The FSPOA (Fountains South Property Owners Association, incorporated 4/19/1983) has a website:
Please click on the PARCELS tab in the banner at the top of the page. You will be able to view information on Parcels A, B, C, D, and E.
Lady Macbeth,
“Look like th’innocent flower, But be the serpent under’t”
Why are there two communities in the Fountains the North and FSPOA property called Shangri La?
Type of Corporation: DOMNP
Original Corporation Filing Date: 04-19-1983
Federal ID Number: 592340750
Community ID Number: 768023
Nancy McBeth (if that is your real name) AKA Lady Macbeth.
Why are you shouting?
Please sit back and enjoy a CHUNCKY. “Bear welcome in your eye, your hand, your tongue. Look like th’innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t.” Like the FSPOA!!!!!!
Listen DEAR the FSPOA and all the FCO presidents of the South only care about one thing, what is south of the bridge. Very obvious. This is not “SUDDEN RESENTMENT OF THE FSPOA” as you put it but just about every decision made at the FCO by the presidents within the FSPOA are along these lines. When the FCC went belly of up because of total mismanagement, many of the present Southern Presidents were past board members of the defunct FCC and look what happen to it, this includes the FCO President the Dentist. This fine group gave everything to your club funded by the residents of the Fountains 82% by the North and what is to show of it nothing. This was to showoff one thing the club like the FSPOA’s Shangri La.
I was at the meeting when funding for the South Gatehouse was first brought up it was not to exceed the cost of the North Gatehouse, a gift to the FCC. What is it now? Hundreds of thousand over that and this is a gift to the FSPOA not to all residents of the Fountains.
Look and the last vote at the FCO meeting Mr. Robert Lipp A.K.A “Mr Recall” shout down a fair way for the FCO to vote. Why? It was retaliatory. The FSPOA needed more money for the over budgeted new gateway to Shangri La.
There is a plausible theory floating around that Robert Lipp took one for team FSPOA to veto what Cathy Widdoes of Luxembourg Court proposed. All of the FSPOA court presidents would vote YES and Mr Lipp AKA “Mr Recall” NO. Brilliant! This keeps the balance of power where? In the hands of the Southern Presidents, the FSPOA and the South does not have blood on its hands.
Lady MacBeth as a newbie I suggest you learn the history of the voting of FCC and FCO and the comments made by FSPOA at FCO meetings before you spew the propaganda of Shangri La.
As for or comment “YOU DO NOTHING BUT SPEW NEGATIVITY. YOU CAN EITHER WORK TOWARDS THE COMMON GOOD, OR YOU CAN RELOCATE”. Unlike you I state the truth. I am working for a common good to wake up the sleeping North. As for relocating this will not happen.
Alongside with such great philosophers Plato, Socrates, and per the greatest Authur Herbert Fonzarelli, Lady MacBeth you and the FSPOA can “SIT ON IT”!
Ask your court president or better yet the big kaha himself Ben Geller he is on top of this I am sure, you could also set an appointment to have your teeth cleaned.
The FCO should seriously think about cleaning the entrance to the Melanuca Gate. It is filthy and badly rusted. Needs to be cleaned up to look respectable to all our residents in the Fountains ..
Dear Lowell, Regarding the Melaleuca Gate, you can contact the FCO Executive Director, Vito Senese, directly at:
Lady Macbeth,
“Yet do I fear thy nature; It is too full o’ the milk of human kindness.”
Ask your court president or better yet the big kahuna himself Ben Geller. He is on top of this I am sure, you cold also set an appointment to have your teeth cleaned.
Nom De Plume-Arnold Stang,
Your Shakespearian knowledge provides slings and arrows from a creative thinker.
That being said, a creative scool yard kid came up with “Sticks and Stones will brake my bones but names will never hurt me”.
Trading litiary jabs, punches, and quips use energy best spent on identifying root causes and how best to approach to solving them.
Not sure if you have ever clicked on the two boxes at the top of the Blog Home Page “What is the Fountains” and “Why this Blog”, but taking the time to do so may shed light on who what when & why.
The FSPOA was formed in, April 1983, and functioned under the Governing Documents, Articles of Incorporation, Master Declaration and Covenants.
In 1989, after fulfilling its primary purpose, the FSPOA entered into a Property Management Agreement with the FCO, which was conditioned as a Non-Voting representation on the Board, Thereafter the FSPOA came to represent 509 individual residential members within its jurisdiction.
The non-voting concession was for the express purpose of “fairness” as not to unbalance FCO Board votes affecting “Property Management” for the entire Fountains Community.
On the other hand,the FCO, as a not for profit entity, was formed, February 10, 1975, with the Articles of Incorporation specifying for the purpose of providing “Property Management” services for Associations within the gated community.
The not-for-profit Florida Chapter under which it was formed provides for real property ownership, but does not permit the FCO to “ASSESS” anyone for funds to acquire such property. By design and in keeping with the articles of incorporation for the purpose of providing Property Management to the Associations, it has never owned any common property for the last 48 years.
For clarity, the FSPOA was never required and is still is not required to enter into a Property Management Agreement with the FCO to be represented on the Property Management Company BOD.
The FSPOA has repeatedly entered into Property Management Agreements as well as Amendments to those Agreements, demonstrating support for the Property Management entity.
December 2019 the legacy contingent of the FSPOA BOD relinquished total responsibility to a newly elected five member BOD. However one legacy member of the old FCC,was elected and contributed
as Secretary,until resigning in 2021,aparently not in agreement with consensus opinions of the BOD.
The open position was quickly filled, under the guidance of Debbie Poulett, ED FCO, and progress continued.
For the last 18 months the BOD has made significant progress in transparency, having public meetings on how to reenergize the Association, modify by-laws, expand representation, interact with all associations, change election processes,etc. etc, while at the same time fend off unsubstantiated accusations as to its motivations.
Fortunately the BOD remains comitted to the FSPOA mission while maintaining dialogue with interested Associations.
Richard Ward
Mr. Ward,
All hail, Macbeth, thou shalt be king hereafter! Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none.
Thank you for reminding us how wonderful the FSPOA is.
Anyone with a half of brain and lives in the Fountains knows what the FSPOA stands for, milk the residents of the North. I do not know how long you have lived here hopefully more than Lady Macbeth who is clueless, but I have been living here for over 25 years. I know all about the FSPOA and the overwhelming majority of residents south of the bridge who were in control of the FCC. The present shameful climate of our community is because of their arrogance. It was your people who coined the phase “White Trash North”.
I started going to FCO meetings as soon as the residents were allowed to attend. Historically and to this day southern presidents vote as a block. At the FCO, topics other than normal business were how to find ways to give money to the FCC though the FCO and what was needed for the FSPOA infrastructure.
When the old North Course was not cut for months at 4 feet high and the medians in the North had no irrigation, the FSPOA was crying about not having flowers in the South. FSPOA not caring about the condition of the North but where are our flowers? Remember that?
Why aren’t the Southern Presidents and the FSPOA putting pressure on Bob Lipp (Mr. Recall) and have him do the right thing??? I will tell you why because it is not in your best interest. You still maintain control.
Lady Macbeth wants me to leave but she shall not have her way. I know what has been going on here unfortunately many in the North are new or oblivious. You can paint any picture you want on how innocent your organization is but the FSPOA wants one thing– the North’s money– and let’s see where you are when Concert moves the clubhouse south.
Mr. Ward let me ask you a question. If Concert turns over the roads to our community, will the FSPOA do the same thing? I think not. There will always be two communities in the Fountains the North and south of the bridge called SHANGRI-LA which is 82% funded by the North.
FSPOA keep whipping the horse called the “White Trash North” someday we will open our eyes and throw you off of our back.
P.S. Do you like Chunky the candy?
Stangy keep up the good work maybe you can light a fire under the Northern President’s arses.
Mr. Ward,
Could you please end the rumor (dead end Fountains Dr S at the bridge) with documentation that the FSPOA could stop the northern residents of the Fountains the right to perpetually travel on FSPOA roads.
Thank you!
Richie W,
Could you tell all how many tens/hundreds of thousand of dollars over budget the Southgate House is at this time and what the final number will be?
Ward Old Boy,
What is the FSPOA’s position on not having a secure border around the Fountains?
Pip pip, cheerio!
Richard W,
How many thousands of dollars was wasted by the FCO when the FSPOA and Southern President’s insisted to install a fabric screen behind the fencing along Lantana Rd, only to be torn down?
From what I understand the installation of the fabric screening was a result of the Agreement between thr FCO & the FCC that at that time, which placed responsibility for the perimeter maintenance on the FCO. If you recall, relations between the FCO and the FCC were very strained.
I do not believe that the FSPOA was involved.
It was brought up by the Southern Presidents and Concert owned the club. Southern Presidents and FSPOA are one and the same.
When I say Southern Presidents I mean they pressured the FCO in installing the screen.
Mr Ward,
You did not answer any of the the following questions. Would you be so kind as to tell us?
1-What is the FSPOA’s position on not having a secure border around the Fountains?
2-How many thousands of dollars was wasted by the FCO when the FSPOA and Southern President’s insisted to install a fabric screen behind the fencing along Lantana Rd?
3-Could you tell all how many tens/hundreds of thousand of dollars over budget the Southgate House is at this time and what the final number will be?
4-Fountains Dr S could the FSPOA dead end or put up a gate at the bridge?
5- If Concert turns the roads north of the bridge over to our community, will the FSPOA do the same thing thus creating one POA?
Thank you!
Richard Ward,
A follow up question from Nom De Plume-Arnold Stang to you is, If Concert Quitclaim Deeds the roadway north of the bridge to a future POA in the Fountains would the SFPOA merge with the new POA? Does this seem possible or would there be two POA’s each with there own self interests?
I bet the FSPOA must have called an emergency meeting to see how they can handle this nut. He is bring up the past and truth!
P.S. My middle name is guess what? That is it Arnold.
Dear Editor of this Blog,
I would like to thank you for allowing me to speak my mind and not be censored. Some get what I am doing others might not. I know this place should be for information and what is happening here in the Fountains not buffoonery. Though silliness, I am trying to wake up the the sleeping North on how Southern Court Presidents and FSPOA have abused the Northern Courts still to this day.
The FSPOA’s only goal is what is south of the bridge, not what is good for the Fountains, but their SHANGRI-LA. This is at the cost of Northern Resident dollars. Money your court could use to replace elevators, repave, roof replacement or just save for a rainy day.
Why are we subsidizing the South? 82% of the residents live North of the bridge and pay 82% of total income to the FCO. For example a one bedroom apartment in Trevi pays to the FCO the same as a home in Oakmont with a two car garage. As Mr. Ward stated “clicked on the two boxes at the top of the Blog Home Page “What is the Fountains” and “Why this Blog” he did not know it but I wish every resident scrutinized these past articles — there would certainly be a uprising against the FCO and FSOPA.
The truth is the Southern Presidents run the FCO and all Southern Presidents have one thing in common, the FSPOA.
I am one of the last Mohicans who know what chicanery has gone on here with the FCO and the FSPOA. Most activists have moved away, died, or have just given up.
There are other issues that need to be mentioned like why aren’t FCO meetings on Zoom, shown and recorded on Hotwire, signs at the entrances announcing date and time of meeting like other communities around, but this is done on purpose to keep you in the dark. This will not change unless each resident forces their boards to make this change to the FCO.
This blog is a blessing to the Fountains. It helped bring the end of mandatory country club membership, provides information where the FCO provides none, info on construction and future construction within the Fountains, among others.
I would hate to think where would we be without this forum.
Thank you Editor of this blog .
Has anyone thought about how the construction at Trevi is going to effect Fountains Drive? The other day I was driving to the north gate and there was a cloud of dust coming off the Tivoli site when a truck was leaving. The Trevi site seems like four times the size. I’m concerned about traffic, dust, plus wear and tear on Fountains Drive going into high season. I’ve heard about an alternative construction entrance. Does anyone have any information about this?
The alternate has been requested to be at Charleston St. behind the driving range. Concert and Lennar have not confirmed that as yet.
Thank you Ernie for your information and Nancy McBeth for your overall picture of development at The Fountains. Who gets to decide if an access road can be temporarily be utilized? It seems it would be useful for Lennar and The Fountains Community. Why would Concert be resistant to it if that is indeed the case?
Hi John Paul Jones,
Parcel A – GL Homes (land banked). This parcel fronts on Jog Road lying north of the Water Management Canal. GL has not provided any publicly available information as to when it will be developed. The impact on the Fountains is undetermined at this time. Parcel A is adjacent to Esedra and Versailles Courts. Projected to be 250 residential units.
Parcel B – Referred to as Altis Blue Lake (formerly known as: The Oasis at the Palm Beaches, formerly known as: The Lofts at Lake Worth). Boca Raton-based multifamily developer Altman Cos. and J.P. Morgan Global Alternatives have started building a 318-unit apartment complex on part of the Fountains Country Club near Lake Worth Beach.
Called Altis Blue Lake, the project will be constructed on 24 acres of land west of Jog Road and Pine Avenue, south of the Florida Power & Light Substation, at 4299 Jog Road. Projected to be 318 rental apartments, backing up to the Fountains on the west side of Jog Road. Traffic exiting from the Altis Lake will be funneled south on Jog Road. Parcel B is adjacent to Tivoli, D’Este, The Townhouses, Gefion, and Esedra Courts. DEPARTMENT ZONING DIVISION Application No: PDD-2018-01692.
Parcel C – Referred to as Lakewood Cove (formerly known as: Lake Worth Crossing). This parcel lies between Tivoli Court and Lake Worth Road. Projected to be 70 townhomes.
Parcel D – Referred to as Lakeshore at The Fountains (formerly known as: Emerald Lakes). This parcel lies between Trevi Court and Lake Worth Road. Projected to be 192 townhomes.
Parcel E – Referred to as Fountains E. 80 acres. Projected to be 153 townhomes and 197 single family homes (total 350 residential units).
If you would like further information on these projects and the traffic impact on The Fountains, you may want to contact the FCO’s Executive Director, Vito Senese at: – (561) 964-3600.
Please keep in mind that Tivoli Court, Gefion Court, and D’Este Court are no longer a part of the FCO. They each have their own management company. So Vito may not be able to respond to questions regarding these courts. Thanks. – Nancy
Lady Macbeth,
“I have bought golden opinions from all sorts of people.”
Since you are so well informed a crusader for the POA and Mr Ward has not responded, care to answer my questions?
1-What is the FSPOA’s position on not having a secure border around the Fountains?
2-How many thousands of dollars was wasted by the FCO when the FSPOA and Southern President’s insisted to install a fabric screen behind the fencing along Lantana Rd?
3-Could you tell all how many tens/hundreds of thousand of dollars over budget the Southgate House is at this time and what the final number will be?
4-Fountains Dr S could the FSPOA dead end or put up a gate at the bridge?
5- If Concert turns the roads north of the bridge over to our community, will the FSPOA do the same thing thus creating one POA?
Thank you!
Where is parcel E located?
Hi Grace, I should have added … The land for Parcel E is projected to replace the the following areas in the North: the Driving Range, the Club House, and West Golf Course Holes 1, 3, 4, 5, 15, 16, 17, 18. A new Club House and Driving Range are going to be built in the South area of the Fountains.
After a meeting was held between several members of the Trevi Ct. BOD and the site project manager for Lennar, the subject of a separate entrance/exit on Charlston ST. was discussed. This separate entrance would solve several issues with the development of Parcel D.
#1-With massive construction vehicles not coming and going thru the N. Gate, the road surface between the N. Gate and the entrance to Parcel D would not take severe abuse thus saving thousands of dollars to repair such damage when the project if finished.
#2-By eliminating all of the construction vehicles entering and leaving the N. Gate I am sure the possibility of huge traffic delays would be alleviated.
#3-Also eliminated, would be the muddy asphalt roadway on Fountains Drive which residents and guests alike would be tracking all over the Fountains roadways.
Based upon the meeting with Lennar, the PM expressed the desire, on the part of his company, to avoid using the N. Gate in favor of one on Charleston St.
In my opinion it appears that at this point the only possible exception to this project would be Concert, who has not voiced an opinion one way or another. Certainly not to the FCO, Lennar or to any of the members of the BOD of the courts most affected by this suggestion as far as I know.
I agree with Ernie that this looks like a potential mess heading our way. I find it interesting that the FCO just sent residents a heads up email about some construction on Fountains Drive south of Tivoli occurring this Friday, July 15. The way things are shaping up we may need daily alerts for at least the next year.
There are those that criticize the FCO for various failings, real and imagined, but I’ve never gone very far down that road. However, this is the moment for the FCO to step up their game and work with Concert and Lennar to make sure the proposed temporary construction entrance off Charleston is quickly put in place. The rubber is about to hit the road, literally!
Hi Grace, Here is link to a map of Parcel E:
1-What is the FSPOA’s position on not having a secure border around the Fountains?
2-How many thousands of dollars was wasted by the FCO when the FSPOA and Southern President’s insisted to install a fabric screen behind the fencing along Lantana Rd?
3-Could you tell all how many tens/hundreds of thousand of dollars over budget the Southgate House is at this time and what the final number will be?
4-Fountains Dr S could the FSPOA dead end or put up a gate at the bridge?
5- If Concert turns the roads north of the bridge over to our community, will the FSPOA do the same thing thus creating one POA?
Thank you!
Readers of this Blog: Please don’t believe anything that ARNOLD A. ARNOLD posts. Many of his comments are false or contain misinformation.
Always make a point of: (1) Speaking with your HOA president. (2) Attend FCO meetings. (3) Refer to the FOUNTAINS CONDOMINIUM OPERATIONS website:
There is a drop-down box under “FCO Information” regarding the parcels.
You can also read past Board Meeting Minutes.
(4) Contact the FCO’s Executive Director, Vito Senese at: – (561) 964-3600.
My goodness! For all it is worth you failed to mention the FSPOA website,, or the number of public forums they have held over the last 18 months, as a source of information.
If not all but most of the Arnolds questions have been asked and answered and documented so with him being so engaged how has he missed this?
The FSPOA supported Corporate By-Law changes of the FCO.Helped draft the changes as confirmed at the last regular FCO meeting. Admittedly the timing of the By-Law changes seemed to be a point of concern with no compelling reason for immediacy. I recall this was asked at an FCO Town Hall but never reasonably answered.
Tivoli Court news
Not quite here a week and I have been observing the ongoing construction behind Tivoli Court.
What I did find impressive is how the many improvements are being made to the buildings. Strengthening the metal railings, caulking, covering up the exposed rebar on the rear terraces, and repairing hurricane damage from more than ten years ago.
Necessary work that the previous incompetent FCO ignored for many years collecting 72% of money from the northern courts and wasting millions of dollars on a dining room renovation, a driving range, cart barn all scheduled to be torn down in the not too distant future.
Did I mention that they take the summer off instead of staying on top of the numerous serious issues that exist in this ungated gated community?
How much longer will it take until the other courts realize that a year round professional management year company is necessary for this community to properly function?
Thank you GRS and the Tivoli Court Board of Directors for finally getting all of this work done.
Damage prior to GRS management
Construction by Tivoli Court
For the most part you are correct that maintenance, that should have been addressed by the Property Management entity, the FCO,that was contained within the Property Management Agreements went unaddressed, aparently lacking a real “Professional” property manager?
“Now for the rest of the story”.
Believe it or not, the 72% collections for the Northern Courts was in keeping with the actual amount of “services” rendered to the “Northern Courts” , i.e. maintenance, security, etc. as confirmed by audited service requests.
The expenditures that you cite were those directly associated with the “Old Fountains Country Club” improvments and were funded via assessments and fees to the “Equity” members.
However all , then, 19 courts fund the Lake Worth North Security Gate, owned at that time, by the Old FCC (now Concert). The entire cost has been suggested as being in the range of a half million dollars. How that came to be? Could those funds have been better spent by the courts themselves?
Time will tell as to how each Association will address their ongoing needs.
For those who don’t follow Florida news, a blog reader sent in the following reprinted Sun Sentinel article regarding the impact of the Surfside building collapse on the cost of condominium living.
Surfside reforms
John Paul Jones
Nautically speaking that ship has sailed.
The ship is now taking on water, 25% of the passengers have abandoned the ship for a safe harbor.The remainder of the passangers are at the “Muster stations” hoping rescue ships are nearby.
The Captain and crew of the ship,” For Cruisers Only”, are doing what they can to stay afloat and patching the hull everywhere. Had they only taken the ship for a retrofit, could this calamady been avoided?
I offer a salute to those multiple courts who recently recognised, that they alone have the responsibility, under their Declarations & Articles of Incorporation, to represent the interests of their Associations and deal directly with the entities who’s development is effefting them in so many ways,now, and in the future.
Thank You, JPJ, for the stirring quote “We Have Not Yet Begun To Fight”
Chester W. Nimitz
Hey Chet–check with as many of those passengers who jumped ship as to whether they are sinking or swimming after leaving the ship. Ask them if their services are better and if their monthly maintenance is lower, as promised. Methinks all that theoretically was supposed to be glittering turned out not to be gold.
The Fountains Guest Entry System
Over the past month or so many residents of The Fountains have attempted to call in guests, contractors, or deliveries only to find when they dial the Guest entry number instead of receiving the recording that prompts them to enter their information the line just rings with no answer.
This is extremely annoying and repeated calls to the FCO have thus far only resulted in reply’s of “it will be fixed by our vendor”
So I have discovered a temporary fix/solution.
You will need to have two phones available.
Dial the Fountains Gate Entry number from phone number one
If you get the ring no answer
Immediately dial the Fountains Gate Entry number from phone number two and you will get thru.
If you are curious as I am as to when the FCO will finally get this simple problem resolved, you just have to do what I do when I wake up in the middle of the night at 3 AM to pee.
Just pick up a phone and dial the Gate entry number.
If it answers, you’ll know they got it fixed.
If it just rings with no answer, just go back to bed.
I wonder how many more days/weeks, or perhaps months it will take our FCO to finally get this issue resolved?
Thank goodness now I’ll have something else to do when I get up in the middle of the night to pee and get bored. Thank you Howard!!!
So nice to see that the FCO is finally “on the case.”(For those that watch Paw Patrol with the grand-kids)
It’s only been a problem for a month.Perhaps they originally thought the problem was only affecting residents in the north?
To Fountains Residents,
There is an issue with the call in system and while it is being worked on and until further notice, please use the following phone number to call in your guests.
Thank you in advance for your patience and we hope to restore the system to full capacity soon.
Vito Senese
Executive Director
P: 561.964.3600
Reply to John Paul Jones
Many Fountains residents are slowly realizing that the present FCO has never been as incompetent as it is today.
For the past month they cannot get the main telephone line for the guest entry system repaired.
There is a huge difference this summer on our court under the management of GRS
So much work is being competently completed this summer as compared to the A Holes the FCC sent over here last summer to attempt needed repairs.
Note the cigarette butt hanging out of the mouth of one of the two FCO repair men that the FCO sent over to repair a Moen pool shower control that they were unable to properly repair.
Summer 2021 FCO workers
After observing their incompetence I took another photo of FCO repair attempting to replace a laundry room door that the FCO previously damaged. They called security after I took the photo and claimed that I was harassing them. I took the photo because I was aware of the shitty work the FCO did.
Summer 2021 FCO workers 2
A big contrast to GRS workers this summer replacing damaged walkways, who had no problem with me taking a photo of their work.
GRS Working on Walkway
GRS Working
Another example of GRS working
Rumor has it that a few other courts are fed up with the FCO incompetence and may bail out by the end of this year?
Says it all!!
I am an Esedra Court year round live-in owner 12 years and a Board Member.
All I see is Esedra going down hill yearly with absolutely little or NO management or maintenance whatsoever. The Board meetings are so dissatisfying they are difficult to sit through. Definitely need Zoom, also!
Please Esedra, we need a PMC desperately. When will you see the light and join the 21st century.
Lately I’ve been asked by a few Fountains Residents how is GRS Management doing as compared to the FCO.
Here is a brief list of GRS accomplishments as outlined by our current court president.
Hopefully this list should answer many of the questions other Fountains residents have been wondering and thinking about?
Everyone likes saving money and it is happening this first year under GRS Management as compared to FCO Management last year.
Page 1 of GRS Results
Page 2 of GRS Results
Are you getting this info from anyone other than the Pres? Can you show some cost comparisons?
Hello Vito- please tell the FCO Board that the entrance into the Melaleuca Gate looks like crap .. some inexpensive work can clean it up nicely..Thanks Lowell Levine Tivoli Court Resident
Hello Vito
The main number to the Fountains Gate Entry System is still out of service. 561-967-6126. It has been almost two months now that the telephone line has been out of service. Previously you had a vendor working on it. Is the vendor still working on it? Is the FCC still paying for the telephone line? Has the FCO requested a credit for all of the days it has been out of service?
Any updates to report?
Thank you
Lowell – This is a Fountains blog. I doubt that the FCO Executive Director, Vito Senese reads these posts. You can contact him directly at: – (561) 964-3600.
“……….unfortunately this is the way FCO does business. They do not notify most courts when they plan to change many things. There haven’t been any security meetings for months. This is at the time when the Fountains are missing security fencings, having break-ins, many other changes, like the new security company and the new FCO head – Vito.
We have a new head of security for weeks and nobody has announced it or introduced him. The security have lost our roof keys at both gates. The phone system hasn’t been working for months. They don’t even have a list of presidents of all courts and wouldn’t let our contractors in when needed. They don’t issue correct passes. They can’t find many of the license plates that drive here in their system. We don’t get any security reports anymore. They don’t come to our pool after hours… The list can go on. It’s not the security company’s fault. The security company is not getting adequate information or direction from the FCO. They are not getting any feedback from other courts either, because there haven’t been any security committee meetings. WHY???
Another issue with the FCO is that they refuse to give a bar code to our property manager, Melissa, thus they are actively costing us money because she often comes and goes and has to stay on line for 15 min a few times a day wasting her time. The time she could have been helping our residents.
It’s absolutely unacceptable that Tivoli and Deste pay 25% of all security fees for the whole FCO community, but can’t get one bar code for their property manager, when all people who work at the FCO, which is the property manager for other courts, they got bar codes.
Why Tivoli and Deste were not given the contact number for the new head of security? Is 25% of security payments not enough to even get this? The FCO has given the security company a perception that Deste and Tivoli are not part of the Fountains, but we are paying for security just as much as other courts, we should have a say in all matters related to the security, as has been agreed last year, but the FCO is not holding their end of the bargain since the agreements were made last year.
The question is – why are Deste and Tivoli paying lion’s share of the security costs at the full rate ($325,000 a year is a lot of money!) while not getting full services, full attention or even common courtesy other courts do? This will have to change or … ”
Another pissed of Fountains Resident wrote
“…….., however, when they hire new Security Companies they have no clue as to what they should have included in the contract. I gave up asking to be present when they interview these companies. In my secular profession I was Director Of Security at two very prestigious communities. We have come up short with each company we had.”
Disgusted in the North
Attention Ben Geller please go into the Melenuca gate entrance and see for yourself how disgusting and filthy it looks . It needs to be cleaned up .Thank You Lowell Levine Tivoli Court resident …
I don’t think Ben Geller or most FCO board members give a shit about anything in the North? They haven’t in the past!
Watch what they do, not what they say.
Just an FYI- closing the residents gate should NOT be allowed. The point of that gate is for conveniency. Nothing convenient about trying to turn into the neighborhood and almost crashing because the FCO security closes it for “their own reasons”. This should NOT be permitted as it has caused/will cause many accidents when residents are trying to turn in and CAN’T because the gate is closed. There is a camera that literally captures every license plate that goes in, why close it?
Have you tried speaking with Security, The FCO or Concert at all to find out the reasoning?
Did you not attend the FCO meeting yesterday.
Were you thrown out at Fountains Hall or refused the Zoom link to attend remotely?
Are you attempting to make a point? If so, get to it, instead of spewing inane ignorance with every post.
Yes Ashley that gate should not be closed.
But the FCO has a hatred for everyone that lives in the North.
We pay a portion of our maintenance fees to the FCO for roads, lights, security, and landscaping.
The FCO refuses to allow transparency to what they are doing and discourages residents from attending their meetings. They refuse to provide accurate budget information to northern presidents, and are extremely obnoxious and discourteous whenever a female northern presidents asks the FCO Board questions.
They do not keep accurate FCO Board meeting minutes with no meeting recordings.
They do not manage money properly and use questionable financial bookkeeping practices shifting a unfair financial burden to northern courts.
In a word the FCO Board sucks and a professional management company needs to replace them.
—–Original Message—–
From: Vito Senese
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2022 11:57 AM
To: Howard>
Subject: RE: FCO Meeting
Good morning Howard,
I hope you are doing well.
Please be advised that after due consideration, we are not able to approve your request for the Zoom link.
Have a great day.
Vito Senese
Executive Director
P: 561.964.3600
—–Original Message—–
From: Howard]
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2022 11:20 AM
To: Vito Senese
Subject: FCO Meeting
Good morning Vito
Please send me the Zoom link and password for today’s FCO BOD meeting Thank you Howard
Sent from my iPhone
A big thank you to the resident that provided me with the Zoom meeting link
Howard I feel your pain and frustration. I too was shut out by Vito Senese. The conduct of the FCO organization needs to be exposed to every single resident in this community North and South. The now 16 presidents who are in control of the FCO and all financial matters are self serving. For over 40 years we had 19 presidents until 3 presidents saw the light and corruption and chose an honest and transparent management company. Corruption with GRS can not possibly happen because we have total control over finances for our community. Our residents have total transparency of where their HOA fee goes. The only lack of transparency comes from what we pay to the FCO for Security, Roads, Lighting and Landscaping.
What people don’t understand goes back to Mandatory Membership Days. The Courts that funded and won the Mandatory Membership lawsuit did it on their own. The FCO even though we pay into the pot was not willing to kick in one penny to help. That’s a perfect example of how corrupt the FCO board of presidents are. Because of the successful WIN of the lawsuit, every resident, North and South, realized hugh gains in their property values. Did they thank us? Not a chance because they are SELFISH! FCO does not have your back unless you are in their Club or belong to the Country Club.
IF your money is green they will put it in their pocket. THEY DO NOT have your back.The majority of the FCO presidents were members of the Fountain’s Country Club. Monies collected from residents’ HOA fees were always voted to be spent to benefit the Country Club and not the Residents. It is so clear in that they voted to pay $500,000 for the Lake Worth gate. In my community nobody knew they paid for the gate. The Gate, Roads, Lighting and Landscaping all owned by the Country Club. Residents pay for all of these amenities for the benefit of the Country Club NOT the Residents.
The Fountains Country Club was a nonprofit Club. FCO had a mutual agreement contract with them. Residents would pick up expenses for them In exchange for Lake Worth Gate, Craft hall, Fountains Hall, the FCO Office and Maintenance Dept. Once Fountains Country Club sold to Concert Golf 9a for profit company), they bought all assets and liabilities. The Fountain’s Country Club was severely mismanaged and was on the verge of bankruptcy. Your representatives think it’s smart to still honor the mutual agreement contract and still give them a for profit club freebies? stealing money from residents. I say stealing money as Concert now charges residents rent. The FCC was forced to sell, and sold to Concert Golf. What is sad to say once Concert took over they now charge resident’s rent to the tune of a $100,000 a year.
Guess what! Our leaders, the FCO presidents, as well as the executive director (previously Debbie Poulette, now Vito Senese) are a huge part of the corruption. The entire board and our executive directors who are supposed to be CAMS for the community, do not look out for for the ENTIRE community.
I have to tell you Howard you were shut out from getting the the Zoom link, I was too. Vito Senese, the community’s new CAM, thinks he has the power to deny paying residents access to information on how our dollars are being spent. When our courts were considering leaving the FCO, Ben Geller touted how important transparency was. Whatever happened to that Mr. Ben Geller? Are you instructing Mr. Vito Senese who can and who cannot view Zoom meetings? Are you the one denying that our courts can NOT have access to financials for Security, Roads Lighting and Landscaping? My hope is that the 16 remaining courts wake up smell the coffee and see that the FCO Is leading you off a cliff.
I was appalled today when I was leaving the community out of the Lake Worth gate. What I witnessed was the FCO maintenance department powerwashing the area by the new (emergency entrance & exit) to Lennar builders property. The trucks coming in-and-out of the community has wreaked havoc on the roads with large construction trucks spewing dirt to the entrance and exit to our community. We pay for the road maintanence even though Concert owns the roads. We should not be absorbing the cost of cleaning up and repairing roads and the mess that Lennar created.
Do our leaders (FCO BOD ) think it is acceptable for residents to pay 100% of Concert’s bills? Concert and Lennar are “for profit” businesses. Why would a non profit business pick up costs? Concert made lots of money selling to Lennar. Lennar will be making lots of money once the development is complete.
When are residents in this community going to understand that you are not being 100% represented? It is sad how residents in the North are living compared to residents in the South. If Concert gets their way, it’s just a matter of time and residents in the South will feel our pain. The FCO BOD has demonstrated such lack of transparency for centuries now. The FCO counts on residents being kept in the dark and having blind trust.
It is time that residents open their eyes and DEMAND total transparency. Pay attention to how your money is being spent and don’t count on the 16 FCO BOD presidents to make all financial decisions for you without your knowledge or input. Understand we as owners pay ALL expenses for the community and the FCO.
Residents have essentially set up the FCO office and staff and maintenance department in business. Residents pay all business expenses, rent, payroll, employees paid vacation time, all insurances, medical for employees, workers comp, insurance coverage for buildings Concert owns and charges us rent for. Residents pay for all tool and equipment for the maintenance department. Employees of the FCO have always been guaranteed yearly income raises. Where in the real world does that happen that residents are paying to set anybody up in business? I’m not sure that happens any where else?
I think the FCO plays with residents money like its monopoly money. The 16 presidents choose where, when and how to spend your money. Sadly as long as residents in this community do not pay attention, you are going to continue to get ripped off. I seriously think residents need to wake up, pay attention, look at the financials and demand that all FCO BOD meetings be available via Zoom for residents’ convenience and transparency. Residents should insist presidents investigate alternative management companies.
The FCO does NOT always have your courts best interest in mind. Communities here in the Fountains can save a boatload of money. It’s right there in front of you. Three communities have left the FCO management and are finally realizing gains and can now spend money where it benefits the residents of the individual courts. Open your eyes and open your mind. Good Luck to everyone that lives in the ungated community of the Fountains of Palm Beach.
If you had an opportunity to live in this community, would you, considering all you know as of this moment?
Michele, Would I do it all over again if I knew what I know now? Absolutely not!
Two months after purchasing here I was sued by the Fountains Country Club, even though I was legally not required to join when I purchased. They sued me anyway, knowing full well that I was not required to become a member of their club. 7 Courts voted out Mandatory Membership for new owners using the same proxy that was used to vote in Mandatory Membership, as was promised.
The FCO did not stand behind residents in this community that were being sued. The 7 courts had to sue the FCC on behalf of their residents. The residents did prevail and won the lawsuit against the FCC, and also the appeal. Once the suit was over, all the communities in the Fountains of Palm Beach benefited by increased property values. The majority of the Board of Directors were all Country Club members right down to the President of the FCO.
What is happening now is the FCO is bleeding the residents in the entire community dry. The three Courts that left the FCO for a different management company are benefiting greatly financially. The FCO has a tremendous amount of money in reserves that they’ve collected. The courts that have left can finally take control of their own finances to benefit their residents. Here’s hoping sunshine and rainbows are coming our way.
Sounds good to me, that’s what I like to hear and see going forward!!
Many of the senior residents in this court do not understand all of these court politics (Esedra)and they just follow the old continuing tradition. It really must be explained to them thoroughly or to their children who control their purse strings but do not live here.
That is the real problem—
A knowledgeable and well-informed long time Fountains resident informed me of the following that occurred at the recent FCO meeting at Fountains Hall this past Monday.
This resident, at this meeting this past Monday, stated that after a discussion of board presidents requesting that FCO meetings be held via Zoom, Bob Lipp president of Atriums made a motion that all FCO BOD meetings be held via Zoom This motion was seconded by the President of Versailles Court, Scott Harris, who is a former FCO president.
FCO president Ben Geller refused to allow a vote on the motion to allow Zoom to take effect stating that doing so might allow residents of three courts that are no longer part of the FCO to attend FCO meetings, even though the three courts still pay $65 per door. These three courts number 468 doors. The total Fountains doors number 1767 doors. According to my math the 1767 doors minus the 468 total doors that compose the three courts that left the FCO at the beginning of this year leave 1299 doors.
Ben Geller and Vito Senese (who is an employee and not a Board member) made an improper and illegal decision to bar 1767 residents of The Fountains to attend FCO Board meetings via Zoom in an illegal attempt to prevent 468 non-door members that pay a total of $30420.00 to the FCO for roads, security, lighting. etc.
Can someone who attended this meeting confirm that the above did in fact occur?
Is Ben Geller, the current FCO president a dictator that should be promptly removed as an incompetent president?
Disgusted with the FCO
A Big Thank you to GRS Management and the Tivoli Court Board of Directors.
Finally almost a year free of the incompetent FCO management and a savings of over $100,000.
Please click on these links to read the summary of 2022 success and the transition to professional outside property management
From a
Long time Tivoli Resident
Long Time Tivoli Resident
Thank you for posting.
You neglected to point out that all GRS management meetings are on Zoom so residents are kept up to date, Unlike the incompetent FCO that tries very hard to keep Fountain residents in the dark not only for what they are doing but how they mismanage residents money.
Another Tivoli Resident
In 2018, the FCO budget charged back to all 19 courts was about $2 million.
5 years later, for 2023, the FCO budget is $4.5 million!
In case you’re wondering why your monthly dues next year are so high–
Here’s the nunber for 2018, at the bottom of the list
Could you please post what the maintenance costs are for 1,2,& 3 bedroom units in your court compared to the courts you are so maligning.
The first page of the 6-page proposed 2023 FCO budget, for $4.5 million, is linked below.
An observation –
Although 26% of the Fountains units are now no longer under FCO management (468 out of 1767), none of the 9 FCO office positions have been eliminated.
In addition, in 2023 the staff is budgeted for 8% raises.
Ridiculous, insane, delusional and definitely unnecessary.
BTW- security is terrible also. The Fountains has one excellent front gate guard, Ed and he has been with us for years. He handles his position perfectly, couldn’t ask for anyone better!
The other guards are way behind the eight ball!!
We as residents are throwing our money out the window between the FCO and Security!!!
Sad 😔 but true—
New pictures of construction at The Fountains
see left panel <<<------<----<-----------
If Tivoli Court is so very successful with GRS THEN IT IS A ‘GIVEN’ that the remaining north courts should also definitively drop the FCO AND HAVE a PMC—
In the beginning some of us we were not sure how the management Company works but now what we SEE is definitely a positive success.
In Esedra we have 174 doors and astronomical fees to the FCO , we get nothing for it.. our court definitely needs help and proper management. We have a board that accomplishes nothing, I know, I have been on the Board this year and a prior year ,4 years ago, when PMC was starting to be mentioned at meetings. I thought it was a great idea, now it is a necessity. Our Board meetings are a disgrace to attend in Esedra ! Many unhappy campers , here.
PLEASE drop the FCO and go with a management Company So that our 174 doors will stop being ripped off by the FCO! BTW —ZOOM IS DEFINITELY A NECESSITY FOR OWNERS TO BE INFORMED PROPERLY!!!!
Thank you,
Owner at The Fountains 12 years..
Thoughts to ponder. The FCO management has 468 less clients/doors to manage. Out of a total of 1767, they now have only 1299 clients/doors.
The staffing or hours have not been adjusted to reflect the workload requirements. The office hours continue to be closed daily from 10am – 2pm. The reasoning behind this is to allow staff to complete tasks uninterrupted.
How does that make you feel knowing they have fewer chores, yet they are charging you more money than they did when they had 1767 clients/doors.
Not sure how many, if any of you pay attention to when the financials are posted on the FCO website. For those of you that do pay attention to the financials, you must have noticed that they are being posted later and later even though they have a fewer clients/doors.
It is now December 2nd and October’s financials are not posted yet. You would think with the reduction in clients/doors, financials should be posted much earlier than they were before.
Are there any people on this site concerned? Wouldn’t you think the FCO Board of Directors should be investigating saving you money?
There is a better way!
The entire FCO is and has been getting so many kickbacks from residents, they are robbing us blind! Yes you are entirely correct— less doors to serve, less residents as a whole should pay.
PMC. Is the only way for courts to go, we have definitely earned that change.
They are intentionally keeping all residents in the dark, very self-serving. Presidents of these courts are also wanting to be presidents of these courts not for the betterment of the courts, but to for the betterment of themselves and their extra curricula activities. Not all Presidents —but certainly, if you watch closely you will notice and not having to be told directly…
Some of these courts are maintained better than others , for sure.
Residents should be rotated as to who Boards are made up of, not the same old , same old!
If those who have been on the boards for many years not put their names in for the elections that would give the so to speak new blood a chance to serve and to certainly serve for the betterment of the courts because we , the residents, have certainly been paying over and above what we should be paying and have been penalized enough with these players running the courts year after year.
STEP BACK- you know who you are!
“On December 8th you are invited to a presentation from Concert and Ridgewood about the upcoming development of the Country Club, Community Amenities and Parcel E.”
It is very important that all residents in the Fountains of Palm Beach community attend this meeting. Questions need to be asked. Is Concert seeking approval so they can sell the property to a developer for more money? Who will be maintaining the surrounding property once it is developed? Cut the grass, trim the trees clean up etc. More importantly, since the entire community is invited why wasn’t this invitation sent out to the entire community instead of circulating thru the grapevine?
Click to see the community invitation below:
Invitation to meeting
Parcels A,B,C,D and E
Parcel A – GL Homes Banked Property
( Potential 250 future residential units)
Parcel B – 318 Rental units
Parcel C – 70 Rental units
Parcel D – 192 units Residential units
Parcel E – Concert is seeking county approval for 350 units. (The current zoning only permits 192)
With all of these units We are looking at potentially 1180 Units adding to traffic on Lakeworth and Jog road and throughout our community. It’s scary to think that if each of these units have 2 or more cars the amount of traffic we will be dealing with……
Who calls the shot here in this community? I’m a bit angry and I feel that I have to share. On November 23rd Vito sent out a notice about a town hall meeting at the Country Club.
What Vito neglected to do was to send that notice to GRS who manages and represents 3 courts that are no longer part of the FCO management. That invitation should have been sent to our management company GRS so they could forward it to the residents in the fountain’s community.
What is happening here is so petty and infantile. Why should 468 residents continue to pay toward common expenses? Roads, lighting, landscaping, and security when we are not afforded any knowledge of how money is being spent and what is about to happen in this community.
What is happening here in this community of 1767 residents, 468 residents no longer use the FCO management. BIG DEAL SO WHAT! 1299 are still members of the FCO. How dare Vito thinks or the FCO thinks they can cut a 3rd of the residents out from any information on what is happening in our community?
No way could this ever be a United community as long as the FCO is in power. To me the FCO seems to be sore losers. Get over it, move on. There is a better way to manage communities and unite and share reasonable expenses.
Sorry, sad but true my opinion some of you may disagree. I’m good with people having different perspectives. It is what it is! 468 residents should Immediately Stop paying towards common expenses. The FCO thinks we don’t deserve any knowledge then why should we contribute?
“How dare Vito thinks or the FCO thinks they can cut a 3rd of the residents out from any information on what is happening in our community?”
It seems to me that it was the decision of the 3 courts that left that keeps them in the dark. Those questions were asked prior to leaving and were known to them completely at that time. You made your own beds so stop complaining about it. Why don’t you compile a list of questions and submit them to Vito. I am sure they will be answered.
Hi! Does anyone know if there is a Zoom link for tonight’s meeting?
Sorry, there was a Zoom link but it was not posted on the blog.
It was sent out via email.
If you were not able to attend, the expectation is that there will be a link to the video/audio recording on the website.
Thanks. I’ll look for it.
Ernie, I’m not sure you were following what I was putting down? The courts that left the FCO Management are very comfortable in the beds that they have made. All we did was choose a different management company To handle our accounting and manage our communities. The CAM we have through GRS walks our communities, and is total hands on.
By simply changing our management company to GRS, we have saved substantial money this year. Another benefit is that HOA fees in those courts have not been raised for 2023 like all the Courts using the FCO management. Gefion Court took out a loan for a new roof. Residents always voted not to fund reserves. HOA in Gefion is raised proportionately to make the loan payments.
GRS was able to connect us and get us insurance that was much more affordable. It was not necessary for any of us to raise HOA fees for insurance.
When I posted FCO should have forwarded to GRS the notice for Concert’s Town Hall meeting, I meant just that! Thankfully there are many residents that share information because they want this community to be United.
The 3 non-FCO Courts pay $65.00 per door monthly towards roads, security lighting and landscaping. ($ 30,420 monthly, $365,040 yearly paid directly to the FCO)
All 1767 residents pay equally towards roads security, lighting and landscaping. ALL 1767 should have been notified. It would take Vito 2 minutes to forward that flyer to GRS. GRS would in turn forward it to the 468 residents they represent.
Everyone wishes this could be a community United. It’s difficult to feel 100% United when we send our money to the FCO, they know where to send the bills. If they can send us bills, they can send us a flyer to notify us of what concerns all residents.
If you’re happy with the FCO that’s great! It’s your choice to choose what you feel is best for you. The courts that moved to GRS are happy and that’s their choice. We are still all neighbors that contribute equally to common expenses. We should be treated equally.
Would anyone who went to the Concert Golf meetings yesterday like to report the key points from the meeting for those who couldn’t attend?
Thank you
Comments from an owner who attended the Concert meeting this week:
The meeting began with Bryan Elliott of Concert Golf and Johnathan Grebo of Ridgewood Real Estate Development. The other entities of this circus are WGI, Slattery, and Sanford Ferris that do planning architecture, and legal work
The different parcels were discussed
Parcels C and B 318 apartments
Parcel D 192 Townhouses
Parcel A GL Homes has 45.6 acres
Parcel E consists of 78 acres where the current clubhouse, Luxemburg Court
If developed Concert needs to obtain approval to build 350 units
Building could begin within 120 days starting early next year
Presently if Concert were to build 199 units county approval would not be required and the existing club house and dining room would remain
If Craft Hall was demolished a new community park would be built
If a new club house were built in the south it would be 8500 square feet. The existing club house is 8600 square feet
Concert owns the roads and gates in the North
A new entrance will be created on Charleston Road
If all is approved it would take three years for all to be completed.
The Versailles Court residents in their townhomes will see a wall with two story buildings 50 to 60 feet away from their golf course views.
One long time resident stated privately to me that there is only one person, a former FCO President that is responsible for the clusterfuck that now exists in The Fountains
Pissed off
The FCO BOD (16 presidents) should invite the presidents of the 3 Courts using different management to do a presentation. Find out the facts. Are they saving money? If so how much? What are the pros and cons?
The 16 presidents have a fiduciary duty to research and investigate every option available to benefit their residents. Doing so will benefit the entire community. That is how to truly Unite a community.
What you are suggesting is a wonderful idea.
The FCO has sponsors doing presentations at the FCO BOD meetings. Insurance companies, security etc.
Stands to reason that we might want to investigate all options to save resident’s money. The 3 courts have had nearly 1 calendar year experience being away from the FCO.. Instead of having rumors fly around why wouldn’t we investigate options. Isn’t that what the FCO BOD should all be about?
We must invite the presidents from the 3 courts to do a presentation at the next FCO meeting and share their experiences.
Maybe they’ll have good information to share — maybe not —
We should Open the door.
If the current FCO president refuses to allow FCO meetings on Zoom for all to see, do you really think he is going to allow facts to get in the way of the FCO BS that is being disseminated?
Lets stop the FCO B……t
Pissed Off , Susan, Irwin and friends
There is more than enough blame to be shared for the current situation including the current FCO President who is orchestrating a “Cooperative Agreement” that ultimately will leave the Fountains FCO Members holding the bag for millions of dollars in liabilities in exchange for ” Bryan Elliott, an Enhanced Country Club experience” representative of what a private golf Country Club look like today, not what was expected in the 1980’s and a long requested dog park.
The fact that the governance of the FCO does not know that they can still meet their responsibilities contained within their Articles of Incorporation, i.e. being the “entity” to provide property management services to the Member Associations within the Fountains by employing “Professional Property Managers” is mind boggling. Professional Property Managers are using today’s technology (electronic voting, Accounting systems, etc.), using operational expertise gained from managing multiple demographics, Vendor due diligence, economy of scale for procurement, etc. is without doubt a failure of leadership to recognize and ultimately meeting fiduciary responsibility for which they must be held accountable. Simply put your money is being wasted.
But is not still too late to change course!
Mr. Seeman’ suggestion is at the heart of the matter.
FCO, not to worry you can still oversee the Professional Management Company, so no loss of influence over the Community and you really provide PM services while saving money.
The Proposed Parcel E, 350 residential unit development will only happen with buy-in from the Community.
Best wishes to all for the upcoming Holidays!
The following was supplied to the blog today by a reader. The letter was sent out by the Fountains Country Club regarding the recent town hall meeting held on Dec 8 by Concert Golf.
The Site Plan below shows planned development by tearing down the clubhouse and building behind Versailles Court,Luxemburg Court, and in the golf course along Fountains Drive South.
Dear Members,
Thank you to those who were able to join us for the meeting on December 8th. We have made the presentation available below if you were unable to attend, or would like to review further.
Unit Plan
Site Plan
Best Regards,
Lauren Kuhl
General Manager”
Site Monitor
Very Interesting!!!!
A “reader” provided the content?
This platform has been denegrated by the FCO and the FCC for years as nothing more than a place for malcontents to post their misguided complaints.
Yet now that the FCC is trying everything possible to get buy-in for Parcel E development of 350 units, someone recognizes the value of the platform.
Is this is an indication that someone at Concert/Ridgewood and the FCO is staying abreast of the temperament of the interested parties?
Regardless. Congratulations to the Fountains Network !!!!!!!!
Keep up the good work.
What you’re saying is quite right on! What has been happening here in this community for the last 10 years that I have lived here is egregious.
The FCC, now Concert Golf and the FCO I believe are in cohoots somehow. People falsely believe FCO represents the residents. That might not necessarily be true…
I could be wrong but my gut tells me when the world is going to h*** and we are all suffering in this economy, the FCO prospers?
Luncheons, time off, vacation days, insurance, cost of living increases, not to forget closing the office during the pandemic so staff can work from home.
What is happening right now is the FCO is in support of Concert Golf shoving parcel E down your throats. Sadly there are a lot of new residents in this community that have no idea. We all believed that the FCO was formed to protect this community. Sadly that is not true.
The website begain simply to educate residents and provide a forum
(right or wrong) of what the Fountain’s Country Club and the FCO we’re planning for residents in this community.
A lawsuit Was started and succufully won by the residents. Sadly there was no financial support by the FCO. The entire community benefited by the results, the FCO never kicked in one penny toward that lawsuit. What is happening today is the same thing. The FCO doesn’t represent the community. The FCO seems to be in bed with Concert Golf.
How do we work together? I don’t think that’s possible because I think that Concert / Ridgewood has a different agenda and their agenda is to make every penny on every inch of property that they purchased. I honestly believe they’re gonna be out of here once they accomplish their goal. Just Saying!
Much of what you have said and the questions you have asked are spot on with the exception of the preception that the FCO being formed to protect the community.
The FCO Articles of Incorporation clearly state the the FCO is an Entity to provide Property Management Services to the Associations within the Fountains. This was the sole mission.
During the ensuing years , what is called mission creep has occured where the FCO has assumed the role of a Property Owners Association with the blessing of influencing Member Associations.
The fact that a conflicts of interest exist when the interests of the FCO do not align with the interest of individual Associations has been overlooked for the sake of expediency and residents, unfortunately, abdicating their Right of Self Determination to others.
Just two days ago I met with an Association Board member who did not know that the Association must appoint or elect a member to represent them on the FCO Board. They still believed that the “President” of the Association was automatically the representative. The change occured 10 years ago, 2013.
Oh! No Association Declaration requires them to be a Member of the FCO.
The time has arrived to hit the reset button!
Can the FCO fulfill its defined mission? The answer is yes!
Does the Governance of the FCO have will to do so?
Adoption of 21st Century Property Management Practices is the solution. This can be “Home Grown ” or by engaging “Professional Property Managemers”.
A cost benefit analysis and considering “Urgency” as more Associations look out side the framework of ” we have always done it that way” FCO, will provide the answer.
Stay tuned for updates.
Happy New Year to one and all!!!!
The Board of Directors of the Fountains South Property Owners Association wishes the Happiest of New Years to the Fountains Community.
A great resolution for 2023 will be to get involved and “Make a Difference.”
Richard Ward V.P. FSPOA
For the Dec 28 3PM FSPOA meeting, the Zoom sign in credentials are:
Zoom Meeting ID#
Password 442141
FYI – South POA, representing the courts in the South of the Fountains community, is having a meeting at the Fountains Hall tomorrow, December 29th.
Refreshments at 3pm, meeting at 3:30pm. See the attached flyer FSPOA Announcement.
The entire community is encouraged to come in person, so feel free to forward. At the end of the meeting there will be questions taken. They can only take questions from members of the FSPOA.
They will discuss the future of the FCO, the upcoming developments and changes, planned construction and more.
Thank you.
Yelena Sennett
Tivoli Court
My impression of the FSPO meeting which took place December 29th at Fountains hall.
I have to commend the FSPOA for including the entire community and showing we’re all inclusive and united. Because of the contract with the FCO they could not invite the entire community.
Word was sent around and shared by residents owners of the FSPOA who have friends, family and neighbors that live in this community.
It is incredible the FCO believes they have control of everybody that lives here in this community. This is a community of 1767 people that play Mah Jongg, golf, go out to dinner and socialize. Nobody has control of what PEOPLE do for their social life..
How the heck has the FCO management company enable to take so much control of so many people and pick their pockets for so long.
Outrageous was the fact that the FSPOA meeting had to end at 5 PM. Apparently FCO staff gets off of work at 5 PM. Do residents understand that they pay rent to Concert Golf and pay all expenses for Fountains Hall?
Fountains hall should be available for residents for meetings and anything they want to utilize it for 24/7. The FCO is an employee of the residents. How the heck did that ever change? Who’s responsible for that happening was it Debbie Polette? Vito Senese? Simple questions that should be answered to the 1767 residents here with ease and clarity.
This is no longer 1980 this is 2023.
If I sound mad as h*** I am. Pay attention get involved. Residents here do have a voice.
You have control of your pocket Books.
The FCO works for the community not the other way around. This is an at will state and they could be fired in a heartbeat. Just saying?
Yelena & Susan,
Thank you both!
Yelena, for promoting the FSPOA Annual Meeting and Susan for getting out your personal impression of the meeting, so quickly, on the Fountains Network who’ value has now been recognized by Concert/Ridgewood J.V. and FCO.
Susan, being present, you were witness to the standing room only attendance after all the seating in Fountains Hall (A.K.A. Poulette Hall) was occupied.
How wonderful!
That fact that the meeting was made available via Zoom only added to both FSPOA members and “Fountains interested parties” experiencing “transparency.”
Participation numbered over 200, which I found inspirational and heartwarming.
Transparency by the FSPOA will ultimately eliminate the adverse effects of unsubstantiated rumors and misstatement of FSPOA positions and initiatives
I want to extend my thanks to the significant number of individuals who have signed up for FSPOA committee assignments. We will reach out to you early next month.
The work of the FSPOA, over the next year, will have far reaching implications.
Become part of the movement.
Keep visiting our website for more information.
Yelena, Susan, and Readers, Wishing you a Safe, Healthy, and Happy New Year
Richard Ward, V.P. FSPOA
FOUND: pair of “readers” blue w/ flowers on side pieces. Multi colored case marked Foster Grant”. Found in Versailles Court loop. Dropped off at FCO Friday 12/30/22.
ellen brehne
Curious? Do Presidents of the 16 communities that are using the FCO management services have an idea if Vito Senese is still the CAM for the community?
Seems it could possibly be a rumor that he was let go and Debbie Poulette is back? Does anyone know if it is a rumor or true??
I would hope that if this is true and not just a rumor it would be posted on the FCO website. Presidents representing the 16 remaining Courts who pay the salaries, rent, insurance and all expences of the FCO should have information in real time voice and vote on who is hired/ fired.
At the very least they should have information that should be shared with the entire paying community. Hopefully this is just a rumor and it’s not true? Guessing time will tell.
If this IS true? Shows a lack of transparency and disregard for every resident that pays into common expenses for the FCO. I hope its not true? If this is NOT true it should definitely be addressed on the FCO website, or the blog to let residents know this is simply a rumor.
If you cannot speak on this platform I think residents in this community should take notice? Each and every one of the 16 presidents have a fiduciary duty to share with residents why and how their fees have gone up. Who are they employing? After all it is the residents(1767) that pay all business expenses. Are our resident’s seriously not gonna insist on an accounting? This is not the 80’s. Somebody’s gotta pay attention to the books?
A very happy new year to all who work hard, tireless and thankless hours keeping this blog alive. And many thanks to all the residents that support it. If it were not for this independent forum, most of what happens or is about to happen would have virtually everyone in the dark.
Many thanks again. Well done.
Thank you, much appreciated
Is there anybody out there that pays attention to when the FCO posts their financials? It is now 2023 and the most recent financials posted on the FCO website are October 2022? Does that not raise a red flag?
wow, The shoe has dropped on Vito and he is out. It appears that Debbie is back but her CAM licence has expired so who is running the FCO without the necessary CAM licence?
Also, why the sudden dismissal of the Manager? No notification of a plan by the FCO for a qualified replacement in the future so that would mean that the FCO is not in compliance with the Florida State Statutes nor their management contracts.
Florida state statutes must allow a transition period for a scenario like this. What if an existing CAM falls sick, dies or just quits? If there was no “grace” period then all communities that employ a CAM would have to have a “back up” for situations like this. Not likely!
Today, the following email was sent to the court presidents by Ben Geller, president of the FCO
To All Fountains Presidents,
For your information please be advised that Vito Senese and the Fountains have parted ways effective today.
To our good fortune Debbie Poulette will be acting as our Controller until the proper replacements can be found.
Rest assured that everything is under control, office morale is high and business goes on as usual.
Happy New Year,
Ben Geller, representing the Executive Committee
Nick and Change at FCO office,
What you are sharing explains a lot about what I witnessed on Wednesday. I drove past the FCO office around 11:05 am and witnessed 2 Palm Beach Sheriff’s cars and 2 FCO Security cars outside the FCO offices. Yes, a total of 4 cars.
What was happening inside that office to require such heavy backups? Something huge must have been going on disrupting FCO conducting business to require such backup.
Did anyone else out there witness this on Wednesday around 11:05 AM? All I can think of is Vito was let go and there was some kind of commotion.
You would think 2 Palm Beach County sheriff’s cars would have sufficed. Why was it necessary for 2 fountains security cars to be there also? FCO Security are paid to patrol and protect the community.
I hope anybody that attends next Wednesday’s Board of Directors meeting will ask that question. Please share any information on this blog if you attend. Unfortunately it seems the only way information gets shared with residents is on the blog.
That is alarming information you are sharing. Thank you! I rarely drive past the FCO offices as I normally enter and exit using the Lake Worth gate. I can see it being frightening to residents that live here in the community to see such a large police presence at the FCO offices with no explanation.
I agree with you that the blog is a good place to get information in real time. You would think if such an incident occurred at the FCO offices it would immediately require residents to be notified. The FCO has in place hurricane information yet they pick and choose what community information they will share?
I regularly check the blog for information and post often to get and share information. I think it’s important for residents to know how their money is being spent and learn what is really happening here in this community.
If y.u had not posted about the police presence at the FCO offices on Wednesday I never would have known.
Every person (1767) pays towards security. Every resident/owner is entitled to have updates on any security issues that may be occurring or have occurred.
Thank you for sharing. Share with your friends and neighbors the blog link if you haven’t already. This blog seems to be the only reliable avenue to get information.
The FCO has a website which all resident members of the FCO pay for. You pay and they do not utilize it to keep you informed? Something is wrong with this picture?
Your contributions to the dialogue are welcome by many and I suspect are effective in stimulating thought and hopefully cause residents to become part of the solution.
Not to mimmize in any way the residence blog contributions to the community the Fountains does have another open reliable source of information.
The Fountains South Property Owners Association (“FSPOA”) web site is another platform specifically intended for transparancy.
Richard Ward, V.P. “FSPOA”
Please see attachment below
This is posted on the FCO website, welcoming Vito as the community’s new Executive Director and CAM. As you can see, they say in this welcome letter he started in April and officially took over June 1, 2022.
The letter states after 2 weeks of training, he took over as Executive Director/CAM. That must be a mistake because it also states he joined the team in April. April to June is 2 months of training not 2 weeks. Probability just a typo…
However it’s easy to find out by requesting payroll from April to June. Likely you will find Debbie Poulette and Vito Senese both received paychecks from the FCO during those months.
It’s unfortunate after paying somebody 2 months of training that they only lasted 6 months. Who’s responsible for that????
WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED??? Please let the community know what the HELL went wrong????
Hiring Debbie back as the Controller and demoting Elaine to the Assistant Controller??? What’s up with that? It appears they created a position for
Debbie while she persues renewing her expired CAM license.
Who do they think they are kidding??? Debbie is acting in the position of CAM??? Likely they will announce Debbie as our CAM once she obtains her license. She will likely be CAM until a new candidate can be trained and hired. Clearly this is simply another DECEPTION by the FCO!
Your dislike of the FCO is palpable to the point that you have to create erroneous scenarios to try to back up that dislike. Please submit proof of what you say about Debbi and Elaine is true or keep your trap shut.
I think I know what happened.
Vito was unqualified! I knew that immediately when I first reported the outage of the automated gate entry phone line last summer. Vito responded he knew what the problem was and was getting it resolved immediately.
He had no clue what the problem was and it took more than three months of his bullshit to finally resolve the problem.
Vito like most of the FCO was mostly bullshit.
How much longer will the FCO refuse to place their meetings on Zoom for all to see after a motion to do so was approved at a previous FCO Board meeting?
Could we please cut to the chase? How about circulating a petition requesting Versailles Court quit the FCO and hire an independent company like the other 3 courts.
I keep reading all these suggestions but no action.
I would be happy to volunteer my time to collect signatures. Anyone else willing?
Haven’t we all had enough? You would think we work for FCO not the other way around. They have no business refusing transparency on meetings or any other info residents request.
I still do not understand why, if we pay FCO salaries (Including for Maintenance staff) that we are charged above that for a maintenence call. Isn’t that “double dipping?”
Since there are a third less court’s business that FCO handles, why isn’t there a reduction in staff at FCO?
Couldn’t a petition be circulated and signed by residents in Versailles Court to get rid of our Board of Directors and go with an independent management company? I have heard nothing but good things about the management company the 3 courts hired, including significant monetary savings.
I will be happy to volunteer my time to collect signatures. I constantly hear complaints about the FCO, but no action.
Isn’t it time? Anyone else interested?
In reply to Ernie.
Perhaps you would like to inform the blog readers about the good things the FCO does for the residents?
I heard a number of complaints were mentioned yesterday at the FCO Board meeting.
— One resident complained about FCO maintenance sending two men and charging an elderly resident $20 to change a smoke detector battery that the resident supplied.
— An issue was charging directory advertisers for a 2023 directory that was never printed.
— Another issue was the money wasted on the hiring of Tito Senese who is no longer employed and only lasted a few months.
— The FCO still does not have anyone with technical knowledge on how to properly set up and conduct a Zoom meeting.
Please Ernie, give us some good news.
Please see the left screen panel for a link to the marketing brochure for the 70 Lennar townhomes being built between Tivoli Court and Lake Worth Road.
(There are hard to see arrows for scrolling left and right for the several page brochure.)
After Wednesdays BOD meeting I learned Elaine always has been the Assistant controller.
Debbie Poulette was always the Executive Director/Cam/Controller. If she were the Controller shouldn’t she also have been listed as holding that title? When Vito took control apparently he became the Executive Director/Cam/Controller. If you check the FCO website under meet the staff no employee is listed as holding the title of Controller.
Debbie is back and is now taking the position of Controller ONLY. A person has been hired (recommended by the insurance agent) to fill the position of CAM. This person did not spend months training?
Debbie has hired and trained several candidates for several months that did not work out. Lisa Dawn, Lori Stern, Vito Senese. Vito being the longest hire having been hired in April 2022 after completing 2 months of training. Vito took over as Executive Director/CAM/Controller June 2022 and was fired January 2023. Debbie retired in June but stayed on payroll as consultant.
Over the years candidates being trained some in house, some new hires, all rejected after being paid sums of money. One can only assume they were let go because they didn’t fall in line with the deception/ complicity.
The FCO has a habit of escorting some employees off property using security or armed Palm Beach Sheriffs. John Becker, Maintenence Supervisor, Vito Senese, Executive Director, Lori Stern , Executive Director in training, Mindy Kopeloff, Secretary to name a few. This is not normal to require such brute force in dismissing an employee. Information is never shared with the community whom are footing the bill.
How long are residents going to allow FCO to double pay to train employees. The money spent training potential employees for several months only to reject them comes out of our pockets.
FCO is non profit, in being a non profit ALL employee salaries must be made available upon request. Employees salaries are public information. Why don’t you request that information Ernie, from the FCO. Please share it with us if you have any luck getting what legally you are entitled to.
So Ernie with all do respect I will NOT keep my trap shut! I insist on transparency and what I am seeing is lots of red flags. Ernie, I look forward to hear your opinions when you complete your investigation.
Irwin Seeman
In December, Concert had a meeting to primarily discuss the development near Luxembourg Court. In the meeting they stated that Lennar was not marketing the 70 townhouses, as they were sold en masse to an investment group that would rent them.
What changed so fast and how much of they rest of the evening should be believed?
Thought I was seeing things. What a great spot to put speed bumps . A speed bump just as you enter thru Melaleuca entrance then another STRATEGICALLY located just before you exit the North entrance.
IS THIS A GOVERNMENT JOB. Those speed bumps will really slow people down. Is this for real.
I would like to share something that I find perturbing. I was at an FCO board of director meeting where a motion was made to hold all meetings via zoom. The motion was seconded by a President. Mr. Geller the president of the FCO board of directors announced that will never happen under his watch. He further stated That he and the executive director decided to never allow zoom meetings.
The reason given was it could be possible that people from courts that do not use FCO management could view the meetings. What I found particularly disturbing was the written meeting minutes do not reflect what I actually viewed in person as happening.
What is reflected in the written board meeting minutes is a motion was made and seconded. After that a discussion ensued. Maybe I’m confused but I thought once a motion is seconded it must be voted on.
Thanks, any clarification is welcome as I am confused.
Robyn G.
I was also present at the December FCO meeting held in Fountains Hall.
Bob Lipp made the motion to hold all FCO meetings on Zoom. Scott Harris seconded the motion. A heated discussion followed with Ben Geller and his flunkie Tito Senese (who was not a court president)and who was subsequently fired for his incompetence refused to allow the motion to be implemented.
Ben Geller who once stated he is in favor of bringing the North and South residents together is against allowing Northern court residents from knowing what the FCO is doing with the money that the FCO receives from the northern courts.
We need to not only follow the money but closely follow what the FCO does and not what they say.
The simple solution is to disband the entire FCO and have a professional management company that will operate without fear or favor to unite the entire Fountains Community.
I second that. Dump the FCO.
Howard & Robyn,
The misconception that the FCO BOD Associations President is the representative, seems to continue unabated. This By-Law changed in 2012.
The “Board of Presidents” is not and was not ever officially adopted by the FCO.
This was confirmed verbally by Debbie Poulette, former FCO ED.
In frustration I questioned Debbie Poulette, FCO ED, via e-mail, on April 28, 2021.
Good morning!
Once gain “ If it is about the Fountains Debbie is the one to ask”
I was informed that a person representing a “Court”, on the FCO Board, does not need to be the President of the Court.
Can you confirm, if in fact, that the FCO Governing Documents specify anywhere that the Board Members must be a Court President?
Similarly does any of the 19 Courts Governing Documents specify that the Court President be appointed as the FCO representative?
My interest revolves around the question of “Conflict of Interest” , i.e. FCO President representing the Best Interest of the Court or the Best Interest of the FCO?
I feel now that “ FCO Governance “ is being revisited the Role of the President may come into question as relates to Voting.
Thanks again for your assistance!
The person representing a Court on the FCO Board does not need to be the President of the Court. The FCO By-Laws state “Each member Association shall appoint or internally elect their respective Board Member to the Corporation.”
None of the Court documents state the Court President must be appointed as the FCO Representative. The documents don’t bind the courts to become FCO members.
Debbie Poulette
Executive Director
P: 561.964.3600
I hope this sheds some transparancy on at least one FCO governance misconception.
Be Safe!
Rather than adopting rumors as being correct, I went to the source and here is what I discovered
“Lakewood Cove is an incredible opportunity to buy especially because we have just released the first 2 buildings and will have 70 homes to sell here all closing by May 2023! We also have about 150 Townhomes that we are going to sell inside the guard gate of The Fountains, starting in February-March that will be offered at a higher price. The first few buildings will be the ground floor opportunity to get in and only go up from there! The first section of homes are nearly ready to close. I have below our digital brochure, there is an error that I have asked to be corrected, the HOA fee of $184 per month does not include internet. I have also attached the 2 floorplans and sitemap. I know your interest would be mostly in the buildings in the Southeastern section of the community and we should be able to start selling those in the next 3-4 weeks. Let me know if you think it is something that may interest you and your family.”
The Evergreen is 1,554 A/C sq. ft, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms. Priced from $421,494.
The Maple is 1,875 A/C sq. ft, 4 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms. Priced from $454,709.
Jade Morgan, Lennar, is the new Home Consultant and I am sure she will be pleased to hear from to you.
Thanks for the information. I’m curious do you know what the HOA fees will be for the 150 town homes they plan to begin to sell Feb and March? Those homes are not built yet are they planning to sell pre construction? Those town homes will be inside our gates.
What will be the contribution to the community towards security, roads, lighting and landscaping? What is the per door monthly fee they will be paying? Obviously when they are contributing the existing 1767 residents should have a reduction in our share of costs.
I’m also curious if the entrance to the community behind Tivoli from fountain’s drive is ONLY going to be for emergency vehicles as promised? That entrance appears to be too grandiose to be only used for emergency vehicles? Thank you for sharing and also your continued transparency.
Susan Shea
In reply to Peter
I definitely 👍🏻 third it!
Correct ,DUMP THE FCO!
We will all be much better off and not being ripped off as if we were all a bunch of suckers!
Now they ate not even going to have 2023 directories, saying the leftover 2022’s are good enough for us!
What’s next- a ‘dog’s breakfast’🥴
3RD.WORLD COUNTRY. Next time you drive south on jog road just passed melaleuca look to the right at all the trash garbage beds paper all kinds of litter.
The easement from JOG road to the fountain property looks like crap.You would think the FCO would have a maintenance person in a golf cart ride along there every day and pick up all that litter and trash. Sure would make a nice appearance when people drive by or visit us in the fountains.
First in impression is very important. Let me no what you think.
Thanks Richard for clarifying much that has gone on here in this community for 40 plus years. Who is the person responsible for this abomination? It’s is clear who is responsible?
Outrageous that the person responsible is now hired as Controller. When are people in this community going to demand transparency and Insist they know where money is being spent?
The FCO is a non profit organization and the books should be wide open. Why do we not have any idea what the payroll is?
We have a website that is supposed to be transparent. The FCO picks and chooses what they want residents to know. Why does the FCO fight Resident’s? What are they hiding?
FCO board of directors meetings should be email blasted to all residents with the meeting ID and password. Sure they are going to hold meetings via zoom but residents have to jump hoops. Residents are required to email to get the link and password. Who thinks that’s a good idea and use of staff resources.
Thank you, I will step down now I just had to vent.
Susan Shea
Even if your team did not win the Super Bowl, you must admit is was an exciting game to have watched.
Back to topic.
I was lulled into complacency, by influencers, claiming that the tempo of impulsive actions by the FCO had been purposely slowed down by the Executive team.
Were they wrong!
The February FCO 2023 meeting, was chucked full of disclosures, that would make your head spin.
Let us begin with the fact that the a $100,000-dollar short fall in FCO 2022, which disclosed by the controller and $67,000 of the short fall was her salary.
Easily explained away as training of Veto Senese (#3 hire in the line) to fill the ED position.
Next, how is part of the shortfall going to be addressed? Simple!
Raid the Piggy Bank, i.e. reserve funds. Talks of assessments abounded.
For details refer to the FCO meeting minutes when they become available.
Wind mitigation surveys had been completed on three of the 16 Courts leading to the belief that around $400k reduction in annual insurance premiums will result. See FCO minutes for details.
However the FCO could not provide an explanation as to how the overall reduction in premium would affect
the Approved Budgets of the Associations in 2023.
The Chairman of the FCO Security Committee has resigned after accepting a full-time position with a NY firm (remotely). The current Security Company Supervisor (Fox in the Hen-House?)will be filling the Chairmanship until a replacement can be found.
The FCO is once again seeking a new Security Service and has interviewed potential companies.
The current company after discovering what was happening was then also invited to offer a proposal.
Bryan Elliott, CGP, told the FCO President that he believes that CGP/Ridgewood JV was going to move forward with small Parcel E development of 199 residential units because of issues within the community and ability to do so.
The President indicated to Bryan, that talks should remain open on Parcel E even though no response has come back from CGP/Ridgewood from the submission of the issues concerning the Fountains Community.
Possibly “No News is Good News”?
The explanation of maintenance charges was attempted by three Board members and a previous FCO President attendee.
My opinion “Abbot & Costello “Who is on first”, I don’t know is on second, etc.
The FCO answer is to wait for the controller to return from vacation and provide the explanation at the next meeting?
Concerningly, the FCO “part time” replacement CAM had to be rushed to the Hospital prior to the meeting. This produced an absence of the recording secretary.
The first portion of the meeting however was conducted via zoom which was recorded. FCO administrative staff could not overcome technical difficulties being unfamiliar with operating the technology so the remainder of the meeting was shut down.
The sidewalk repairs on Fountains Circle were reported as being 80% complete.
The Jog Road entry pond Fountain is only awaiting a PBC required water survey be completed prior activation.
Best intentions in reporting!
It is up too you to make a difference!!!!!!
Your Advocate
Of the remaining FCO!
At the most recent Tivoli Court Board meeting last Monday our newly elected president announced to the residents of our court that after the first full year under GRS professional management, after breaking away from the FCO, our court has saved $87,000.00.
With 175 doors this savings amounts to $497.14 for every owner in Tivoli Court. $497.14 annually equates to a $41.42 savings every month.
It is unfortunate that this savings to court residents is being negated by the current insurance premium that was incorrectly calculated by using the incorrect larger square footage of the seven Tivoli court buildings, along with the incorrect over valuation of the seven buildings and the failure to correct the wind hurricane mitigation of a 3% deductible instead of a more reasonable 5% deductible.
A Tivoli Court resident actually went out and measured the length and width of the buildings and after repeatedly insisting that the square footage was incorrect, it was finally acknowledged that it was. It is my understanding that an entirely new assessment must be completed at a cost paid for by the court in order to have our current insurance premium reduced to an amount of approximately $100,000 dollars.
The FCO has been costing all residents in this community all “1767” large sums of money realized in our HOA fees. Rental fees paid to concert, maintenance of roads and lighting which are owned by Concert, office supplies and staff salaries, along with increased insurance premiums for the FCO.
The FCO has a track record of making poor hiring decisions. In the last few years at least 3 possibly 4 employees went through paid training. After double paying to train employees for many months, some were fired, some left because they felt uneasy on how the FCO operates. Vito Senese was employed for a year before the FCO realized he was unfit for the job. No wonder the FCO 2022 financials show a $90,000.00 shortfall.
It is becoming abundantly clear to those that closely follow what the current FCO is doing that the current FCO is wasting a substantial amount of residents money.
The answer is clear.
The sixteen courts need to migrate to another professional management company that will manage this entire community without fear or favor.
A Tivoli Court Resident
Wake up, It is totally frightening what is happening in the insurance industry. What truly concerns us all is how this is going to impact all of the 16 courts going forward. Projected budgets will take a hit.
It’s difficult to forsee what increased premiums will be? The FCO is not forthcoming. Board meeting minutes are not available after December 2022 as well as financials not being available for January 2023? It is now March 2023 Residents should have a clue of what they will be required to pay in 2023.
March 8, 2023 FCO Regular Board Meeting, 3:30 Poulette Hall & Zoom
Although you have no say, on April 3, 2023 the Fountains will have another replacement Security Company.
March 1, 2023 Letter from Ben Geller.
“Presidents and Security Representatives,
Effective April 3rd, the FCO will be changing security companies to East Coast Investigations. This should be no surprise to you considering the many issues we have had with our present company. It is requested that each court president or representative contact the new company during March to set up a time to go around your court with the new company so that they can become personally aware of the rules and regulations of your court. A short (5-6) list of key items would be important to have ready for that “guided tour”.
Contact info is Joseph LaBella at 516 639 7556 or Michael LaBella at 516 640 8144.
A full update will be part of the monthly FCO Board Meeting on March 8th.
Hoping that this will be our last change for many years.”
Here we go again! But truly no surprise.
The revolving door of Security Companies. Lost count of the security companies who have been shown the exit door in the last 10 years.
Quote Scott Harris, “how much do you want to spend on security”?
Answer: Enough for Peace of Mind, Protect the individual Residents and their Property of the Fountains Community which has lost the physical barriers of a “Gated Community”, that were in place prior to the land development by Concert Ridgewood.
Oh! CGP contributes zero dollars to community security but charges $ 2k per month rent to the Community, for the North Security Gate House.
Moving on:
Is this the newest standard for FCO security?
“ECIS” is a family Farther & Son business.
“I’m a former NYPD/DEA Undercover Narcotics Detective with over 25 years of experience. Here at East Coast Security Investigations & Patrol Division we are a fully licensed and insured Agency located in Florida & New York. “
Seems all good. Just saying they may just be the best for the Fountains, but who knows?
A quick look into this company leaves more questions than answers.
Do you think a Professional Property Management Company
could better define what is needed, develop a scope of services, and solicit bids?
Could the result of a comprehensive scope and bid process cost more?
Possibly more. Possibly less using modern security technology.
But what is the premium for your Personal Safety and Peace of Mind?
Stay safe!
Guardian Angle
Is that a 45 or 90 degree ANGLE?
360 degrees.
UPS!!!!! Late nights and auto correct are not a wonderful combination.
It is howerver encouraging that someone is interested enough to comment.
Stay safe!
Guardian “Angel”
I’ll drink to that! Thanks.
Who had the guts to “Wakeup”?
A lesson to be learned from the women who stood by their convictions, overcame bullying, and elected self-determination for their Associations over being held hostage by the FCO.
Obviously, from what has reported, their actions not only saved money but actually resulted in transparency while obtaining “real” Professional Property Management Services for the residents.
Kudos to them!
But wait a moment.
Can we find any correlation between women taking charge and the absence of women Presiding over the FCO as Chief Executive Officer?
Let’s take a look at the FCO Chief Executive Officers from 1975 to 2023.
FCO CEO Chronology
William Eisenberg 1975-1976
Frank Rainbow 1977
Hyman Bloom 1978-1980
Elliot Rosenberg 1981
Marvin Cohn 1982
Emanuel Lewinstein 1983-1984
Felix Robinson 1985-1986
Joseph Snyderman 1987
Isaac Stein 1988-1990
Malcolm Greenberg 1991
Fred Soyka 1992-1995
Herbert Krieger 1996-1997
Bernard Manford 1998-1999
Nathan Steinberg 2000-2003
Robert Lambert 2004
Stanley Tapper 2005-2007
Morton Horowitz 2008-2013
Bernard Ciancanelli 2014-2016
Scott Harris 2017-2020
Ben Geller 2020-2023
FCO history indicates that not one woman has been elected as President (CEO) of the FCO for 58 years. Seems like our point of view has been missing as well as our intellect, ability to network, develop a consensus, and act when necessary, has been overlooked.
Statistically the Fountains Associations are populated by more woman than men. More than ever, the women of the community need Professional Property Management Services to supplement our day to day living and provide adequate Security for Protection and “Peace of Mind”.
Nothing less should be delivered by the FCO.
Not to be trite, but by giving one Mahjong, Canasta, or Bridge game a month, and get evolved, can make your voices part of the solution.
It is all up to you!
Susan B. Anthony,
P.S. March is Women’s History Month, celebrated in the U.S. by just about every major institution in the country. On March 30, the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will posthumously receive the National Museum of American History’s signature honor, the Great Americans Medal.
Maybe not one woman expressed a desire to be the FCO CEO. The list you posted is of the Presidents of the Fountains.
The FCO By-Laws were changed years ago from the Associations Presidents automatically being on the FCO BOD, but now require that an Association must elect or appoint a member to the FCO BOD, the term being one year.
Although the “Board of Presidents” has floated around for many years, no such group was offically ever consummated, per Debbie Poulette, retired FCO ED, & current Controller.
To the contrary, very qualified women have expressed interest in filling the position, but to the best of my knowledge have never put themselves forward for election for obvious reasons.
The real question is, had a woman stood for election how may supporters would she have had?
To say the ‘good old boy’ network does not exist on the FCO BOD would be irresponsible.
Strong women’s participation has been judged as an attack on authority rather than a contribution to making the community a better place to live.
Although well written, your response has devolved into the “woke generation’s” safety net of name calling people of different opinions as racist or misogynist etc. Asking the question “had a woman stood for election how may supporters would she have had” in my opinion creates a scenario of an unanswerable question to make a point.
Your comment “To say the ‘good old boy’ network does not exist on the FCO BOD would be irresponsible” is the height of irresponsibility not supported by any substantive proof.
The comment “Strong women’s participation has been judged as an attack on authority rather than a contribution to making the community a better place to live” indicates that you are not paying attention to your comment of “statistically the Fountains Associations are populated by more woman than men.” The myriad women presidents currently leading several courts are very successful and professional.
A woman in a position of authority does not make her immune to criticism if her performance is not up to acceptable standards.
If my comments, herein, lead you to believe that I am indeed a misogynist you have a serious problem.
Ernie, Ernie, Ernie,
Woke generation???????
The facts presented remain indisputable.
Ernie, apparent unanswerable questions like “which came first the chicken or the egg”, ” does carbon based life exist in the universe”, only create the atmosphere for discovery.
Absolutely women are not immune to criticism for poor performance. The question is, who establishes the ” Acceptable Standards”?
Let’s put that aside for the moment as Debbie Poulette has been characterized by the most recent “CEO” as “One of a Kind, and Irreplaceable” necessitating two positions to fill her previous ED role.
She has directed the FCO Phiharmonic Orchestra (2008-2022) with the aid, of albeit questionable legal opinions, without missing a beat. Her performance is music to the ears of her annual FCO subscription holders audience.
What was once a “jewel” of the Community “Fountains Hall” has been renamed, in her honor, “Poulette Hall” even though the building is owned by Concert Golf Partners. I know the FCO pays rent, insurance, security & maintenance on the building. So what is in a name?
Amazingly for someone, who had no “skin in the game”, her influence over the Community was and remains (now controller) astounding.
Ernie, I have no reason to lable you.
But I believe you are exceptional in that you take personal time to participate in debate, where others seem to have retired in more ways than tradition would dictate.
Enjoy the upcoming Holidays!
Advocate, I take the time because what I have found, here at The Fountains, is that people seek titles, such as Pres., VP, etc., yet don’t take the time to fulfill the job descriptions of the myriad positions.
Regarding Debbie, I am sure you are aware that she is currently training a woman to replace her job as CFO and Bob Wiggins has assumed the role of Exec. Director.
Be well and thanks,
Whatever your motivation, recognizing the difference between social status in the Community and not fulfilling fiduciary responsibilities is well placed.
Per Ben Gellers Presidents report indicated “Debbie is hiring a controller.”
Bob Wiggins is filling the role of CAM, temporarily, on a “part time” basis, not filling the role of FCO ED.
Debbie actually filled three roles at the same time, FCO ED, FCO Controller, and FCO CAM.
The FCO Amended By-Laws required the ED to be a CAM.
A less than optimal business practice containing multiple risks of operational failures.
Significant turnover at the FCO. Three ED’ and and I understand one Controller have been hired and let go, during Debbie’s retirement transition.
Is it time for the FCO to at least inveastigate engaging a Professional PM Company?
More troubled waters ahead would suggest yes.
Thanks again for your participation!
Does anyone know the procedure for court residents to have a board member removed?
This individual has gotten “too big for his britches” and is obnoxious at best.
He seems to feel HE is the last word on subjects of concern to residents in our court.
Isn’t the purpose of an HOA board to vote on rules and rule changes, NOT for one individual to decide?
Is it for an HOA or condo association?
It can be different
HOA’s are for houses and condo associations are for condos.There should be rules to remove board members. Usually a 2/3 majority vote is required to remove a member. Another way is to set term limits. These rules can be voted on by board members if they are not on the books.
Here are some approaches.
1. The Board is elected by the owners and then the Board elects its president. Owners have no direct say in who is president.
However, one option is lobby directors to persuade a majority of the Board to elect a new president.
2. The Board can be requested to put out a ballot for the membership to vote on recalling and removing the director who is president. The Board cannot remove one of its members, only the owners who elected them can. If the Board is unwilling to put it to a vote and issue a ballot, then the by-laws will explain the procedure for a petition of owners to force the Board to put it to a vote (usually a low number of signatures).
An owner is entitled to the email addresses of other owners in their court according to the open records act, which is available by request from your property management company or the FCO. The recall reason(s) can be emailed (or snail mailed) to owners to persuade them to vote for recall. About 10 years ago, the majority of the Versailles Court Board was recalled by starting with a petition.
If the director/president is recalled, then the Board will elect a new president and proceed with nominations to appoint a new member to the Board.
3. The Board has the power to change the rules (not the underlying by-laws or governing documents, without a majority vote of the membership). In condos, they must discuss in a meeting, vote affirmatively, and send the proposed new rules to the owners for a 14 day review so owners can prepare to comply. Then the new rules go into effect. Owners don’t have a voice in this unless their Board chooses to listen to them.
If you think the Board or the president has exceeded their authority or violated the association’s documents or the relevant legal Florida statutes (FS 718 for condos and FS 720 for HOAs) and they are unresponsive, then the place to complain is the Division of Business and Professional Regulation (aka the DEEPER).
. The DBPR has an online option to file a complaint.
In reply to KV, MP, LS.
You can find the procedure to remove a Board Member either in your Covenants and Restrictions, or your By-laws. You can find these documents in the website. Click on the “Associations” dropdown tab.
Join us Thursday, May 11 from 6pm-8pm in Craft Hall for a Financial Education covering Pre and Post Retirement strategies. Hosted by New York Life Agent Joseph DeMatteis, a fellow Fountains Resident with colleague, Michael Steiner, Financial Advisor with Eagle Strategies LLC.
Water, soda, and snacks will be offered for those in attendance.
Please RSVP to Joseph DeMatteis (724) 971-5080.
Please be sure YOUR guests park in proper spaces to avoid being towed. The spaces are VERY limited in this area. If you think you will be having a big crowd, you may want to use Fountains Hall instead.
I have 2 questions that I hope someone can answer:
1) Why is there an opening from Lakeside Cove townhomes that leads directly to Lake Worth Road exit from The Fountains? Initially, I thought it was temporary access for builders, but it is paved and landscaped now. Won’t that cause unecessary congestion at that gate for our residents?
2) Why isn’t the fountain at the Jog Road entrance working? It seems to have been off for quite some time. Anyone?
Deja vu for Fountains: Lake Worth Beach residents say construction causing unsafe conditions.
Mike Diamond – Palm Beach Post – April 29, 2023
For Rob Jacobs, it is a case of déjà vu.
Two years ago, his Trevi Court building at the Fountains development west of Lake Worth Beach was often caked with dirt as a New Jersey company removed arsenic from a nearby shuttered golf course as part of a remediation project. He complained to anyone who would listen. And he got the attention of the state Department of Environmental Protection and Palm Beach County Code Enforcement.
Requirements imposed by regulators improved conditions.
But the problems of two years ago resurfaced when Lennar Homes began building its 100-plus townhomes on what was once a fairway. The homes range in price from $431,990 to $458,990. And this time, Jacobs says he is having trouble getting anyone to pay attention.
“When the company was taking the arsenic out of the golf course, everyone was watching,” Jacobs told The Post. “It is like no one cares anymore with Lennar building the townhomes.”
“Our buildings shake,” Jacobs said. “Cracks have developed. They will say that it is because our building is old, but the cracks were not there until they began building.”
The mounds of dirt Lennar has created are more than 30 feet tall, even higher than two years ago. Jacobs has a bird’s eye view of it from his condo. On windy days, he said the building is covered with dirt just as it was when the arsenic was removed from the golf course. People with respiratory problems are suffering, he noted.
“It is actually much worse than it was two years ago,” he said. “I never thought that could happen. We are lucky that we had rain recently. It helped to keep the dirt on the mound.”
Lennar issued a statement to The Post, saying it “strives to be a good neighbor during all phases of land development and construction. Our customer care and construction teams have listened to the concerns of the neighbors and have responded accordingly. We continue to be committed to addressing appropriate concerns brought to our attention by our neighbors and homeowners.”
When the remediation of the golf course occurred two years ago, Jacobs noted the county and state required that monitors be installed to measure what was being put into the air.
“We got weekly updates from the state,” he said. “No one seems to care anymore. They (Lennar) do what they want. They even worked this past Sunday, which is not supposed to happen.”
Jacobs said code enforcement has shown an interest but, according to Jacobs, the agent needs to be there when the wind is blowing the dirt onto Trevi Court or when cracks develop. It is not so easy to get them there when that is occurring, Jacobs said.
Hello all,
I’m writing this as a concern and ongoing issue with our president at Luxemburg Ct.
Back in Jan 2023 we had our mainline backup due to cracks in the pipe and tree roots growing in, blocking the line. This line is a common element of the building and services a portion of 4471 Luxemburg court. The units are 107,108,207,208,307 and 308 are all serviced by this line. During the back up 107 and 108 were flooded. We even had to call and get our own plumber to come in and clean the line out for a temporary fix.
Maintenance had failed to help with this issue. During the inspection with a camera system the plumbers has determined these lines will need to replaced due to all the damage and neglect of service of the lines.
The president of Luxemburg is refusing for full payment of the line because portion of the main line is under the building. She is claiming that’s the owners responsibility. How ever this is a mainline , a common element to the building. This is not the owners responsibility to fix. I have also tried reaching out to the HOA directly and they are saying because the president is saying no , they can’t do anything.
We as owners understand if it’s our direct line it is our responsibility. In this case this a common element to the building. This is a line that services 6 units not 1. The president of Luxemburg has no idea what the actual by laws are. Please help!!! She has failed to acknowledge the issue and does not care at all about the residents that are effected.
We also asked for the insurance to get a company in and sanitize to help out. She refuses all responsibility, even though this is a HOA issue not a resident issue.
Please feel free to contact me for more info.
Please stop telling lies. Luxemburg Court signed off on these repairs back in January. It is not negligence when a tree root has broken the line. It is you that has been holding them up by not signing the portion that is required to fix your personnel toilet pipe, servicing only your unit. You are are well aware that both repairs must be done at the same time since it requires cutting your floor in 2 different areas. Luxemburg Court also paid the entire plumbing bill when this back up initially occurred and has been expedient on authorizing repairs for the portion that is our responsibility. We are not responsible for the interior of your unit or you personal toilet pipe.
in reply to Nancy,
Thanks you!
Rob Jacobs,
Relatively easy to provide proof of “Dust” deposited by wind and struture cracks from construction activity.
1.) Photograph a location of dust collected facing the construction site (Date & Time Stamp)
2.) Remove dust from a location facing the construction, Photograph (Date & Time Stamp)
3.) Photograph the same location when dust has again collected (Date & Time Stamp)
This can be presented as evidence.
1.) Take a magic marker and place a line across the crack(s) at mid point in its length as well as marking a line at the top or bottom of the crack(s) depending on the direction they are moving.
2.) Photograph the crack(s) and Date & Time Stamp Photograph.
3.) After seeing the crack(s) expand, Photograph and Date & Time Stamp.
This can be presented as evidence.
The Date & Time stamping is critical and can also be used for the authorities to compare with the construction site activity during the periods you have documented.
Best of Luck!!!!
Your Advocate
P.S. Where is the FCO?
in reply to ELB
1.) The opening you refer to was always a part of the permitting as it was the only way to provide a traffic signaled left turn to head west on Lake Worth Road.
2.) The fountain has been installed but is awaiting a survey of the “water levels”. The survey had not been done which was part of the permit filing process.
The survey has now been completed but apparently the final approval has not yet been given to operate.
Hope this helps!
You can call Bob Wiggins FCO CAM for more details.
Without the ability to examine your Governing Documents, I can not intelligently comment on where the liability falls nor how the property insurance in this case is applied.
However what I can state is that the lack of “preventative maintenance “, unheard of in the Fountains is the major contributor to the sewer line issues.
Sewer lines in your community depend on changes in grade to move waste (high-low) with the benefit of “flush water” to move the solids.
These systems require scheduled preventative maintance to both remove root infiltration ( which occures over time) from the waste lines and solids that may have become lodged in the line.
Without going into specifics of how this is done, it may be safe to say this was not done.
George, I was provided recent articles from the Palm Beach Post and would like to take the opportunity to pass on my thoughts with hopes you may become part of solutions for your community.
So here goes.
Responding to a resident who has turned over personal responsibility to protect their property rights to a Board of Directors, Cathy Widdoes, President of Luxemburg, exposed what appears to be a pandemic infecting not-for-profit Florida Condo & Homeowners Associations as well as short comings of the Fountains Condominium Operations, “FCO”, in addressing Property Management, for which the FCO was created (Articles of Incorporation).
Palm Beach Post, April 29, 2023
Cathy Widdoes • The Fountains
“Good evening everybody … I am the president of Luxemburg Court in the Fountains. I find this post to be very sad and just another resident who makes no effort to do anything positive in the community, criticizing those that do. Mr. pours. If you would bother to ever attend a meeting, you would understand why the buildings are the way they are, as we are in the middle of concrete repairs, and mandated engineering inspections by the government. When we finish those repairs, we will then be looking at repainting the buildings. Also, we have signed off on our portion of the repair bill on the sewage line months ago. It is you that refuses to sign off on your portion because you don’t think you should have to cover your personal pipe that serves your personal bathroom. If you would ever come to a board meeting, you would have all the information and understand what is going on within the community and what we are working on. And the reason that my specific townhouse looks the way it does it’s because I’m out there on my own on my hands and knees, pulling my own weeds, planting my own flowers and maintaining the garden in front of my building. Let me guess , you never see that do you. Before you start throwing slanderous remarks about the people who bust their butt every day to keep the community running you might want to attend a meeting and get your facts straight. Or if you think it’s so bad why don’t you volunteer your own personal time and join the board and make a difference. You have a nice evening.”
The question however, should Cathy Widdoes have to defend the underperforming Property Management provided by the “Inhouse Not-for-profit” Fountains Condominium Operations (“FCO”)?
Should Luxemburg have been exposed to waiting for a State Mandate to inspect and make repairs of their structures?
The answer to both of these questions is no!
The total number FCO Property Management Agreements, (FY2022) was reduced by three (3) which caused a 20% reduction in residential units, in most part, as a result of unacceptable property maintenance. The remaining sixteen (16) Associations had to absorb FCO operations costs, which remained the same.
Numerous assertions of breach of contract have been leveled against the FCO beyond maintenance. These include failure to perform certified financial audits, cause Associations not to fund insufficient reserves affecting the Fountains Community, addressing life safety hazards, perform capital construction projects, employ accredited qualified personnel, provide stable community security, etc.
The Community must demand that the FCO provide commercially acceptable services of a Professional Property Management Company.
Real time investigations indicate that the cost of operations of the FCO now surpass the costs of engaging a Professional Property Management company even when key FCO personnel would be retained.
Economies of scale allow a PM company to provide state-of-the-art accounting, electronic voting, document storage & retrieval, resident interface systems, accredited personnel, backup personnel, CAM, maintenance staff, and so much more.
A broad spectrum of experience while serving diverse demographics in multiple communities eliminates costly delays and money in resolving issues will be at the community’s disposal.
Kudos to Cathy for her commitment and volunteer service to the entire Fountains Community!
Thanks Bob W.! Just like to know whats happening!
Tivoli Court should not be spending an additional cent on the perimeter fence as the FCO is requesting ☹
Another accident outside the Jog Road Gate … Type: TRAFFIC ACCIDENT PEDESTRIAN MOTORCYCLE. Date: May 5, 2023. Location: Fountains Circle & Jog Road, Florida 33463. Time: 19:49:10 (7:49PM) ENGINE 46 RESCUE 46 EMS 48.
Here is what the residents of new Condo & HOA will face !
By Eric Glazer, Esq.
Published May 8, 2023
When a community gets turned over from developer control to unit owner control, the unit owners typically hire experts to determine whether or not the developer has breached their warranty by turning over the property with construction defects. This year, on April 13, Gov. Ron DeSantis signed Senate Bill No. 360 into law wherein the legislature just reduced your right to sue the developer for construction defects and Florida Building Code violations.
Lawsuits for construction defects must always be filed within 4 years. The question is within 4 years of what? The law provided that the 4 years began to run from the latest of the occurrence of certain events. This year, the legislature changed this to the earliest of certain events. The legislature provided yet a further limitation. The law was also that you could sue for up to 10 years, so long as it was within 4 years of the occurrence of the latest event. Now, not only does the 4 years begin to run earlier, but also the 10 years was reduced to 7 years.
While these changes should have already been enough of a gift for developers and contractors, the legislature decided to go even further. The law used to allow a lawsuit by the association for Florida Building Code violations. The law now requires a certain threshold to be obtained before such a lawsuit can be initiated. It requires that the violation is “material.” The statute defines “material” to mean a violation that has resulted, or may reasonably result, in physical harm to a person or significant damage to the performance of the building. Damage to the building is not enough, now it must be significant. If the building code violation caused by the developer is not significant, the association has no cause of action.
In addition to the foregoing, Florida changed the statute of limitations on negligence actions to two years instead of four. Moreover, the new law changes Florida’s apportionment standard from a pure comparative negligence approach to a modified comparative negligence approach. Under the new law, if a jury finds that a plaintiff is more than 50% at fault for their own harm, then the plaintiff is barred from recovering any damages from any defendant.
More and more is being done by our Florida Legislature to prevent access to a courtroom by plaintiffs. Some believe it’s a real scary time in our state while the defense bar believes this was necessary to stop frivolous lawsuits from being filed. What’s for sure and certain is that developers are being protected yet again. Thoughts?
Do you still enjoy having brunch on a special occasion?
Early Americans held waffle-eating parties called “waffle frolics.”
Brunch has a hold on Americans — after all, who can pass up the opportunity to enjoy a delicious smattering of sweet and savory plates (alongside good company, of course)? Apparently, Americans of the past couldn’t say no either, gathering to share food and fun at so-called “waffle frolics.” These waffle-eating get-togethers were most popular during the Colonial era, eventually petering out by the mid-20th century. At their peak, they were elaborate, multicourse meals that show cased freshly ironed waffles as the main course.
Little is recorded about the particulars of early waffle frolics, but one description, by William Livingstone, a 21-year-old Yale student who recounted his party experience in a 1744 letter, describes the soiree as a lavish affair. “After a few games, a magnificent supper appeared in grand order and decorum,” he wrote. “[B]ut for my own part I was not a little grieved that so luxurious a feast should come under the name of a wafel-frolic, because if this be the case I must expect but a few wafel-frolics for the future.”
Waffles have been widely eaten throughout Europe since the Middle Ages, sold by street vendors and often consumed on religious holidays. Eventually, they made their way to the American colonies alongside the Pilgrims, and it was in the New World where they were paired with maple syrup for the first time. Culinary lore sometimes suggests it was founding father Thomas Jefferson who ignited the waffle frolic craze in the 1790s upon his return from France, after he arrived with four waffle irons in his luggage. As President, Jefferson reportedly served the treat to Meriwether Lewis at the White House prior to the Lewis and Clark expedition. However, historians at Jefferson’s Monticello estate say there’s little evidence that the third President heavily influenced Colonial waffle culture. It’s possible the crispy, grid-marked cakes were destined to become an American favorite all on their own.
From the FCO President:
Our May 10th FCO board meeting will likely be our last regular meeting until September/October (See attached notice.). I have invited both our new security management team as well as our insurance broker to attend to give updates and to answer your questions.
Regarding insurance, all the mitigation and appraisals have been completed and it is important that you are briefed about how these reports will affect our premiums going forward. Regarding security, our new company will give their evaluations and observations, having been here for this first month of their contract with us. There will be time for your questions, as well.
This meeting will also be on zoom for those wishing to observe from home.
Contact Angela at the FCO for the Zoom sign-in credentials.
Ben Geller, President
The link below will take you to a lawyer’s blog.
For those interested in what’s going on in Florida, it discusses the various power moves of developers, the latest statute updates as a result of the Surfside tragedy, cheating in Condo or HOA elections, and a variety of topics pertaining to Boards of Directors and the rights of homeowners.
Very interesting way to bring attention to an issue!
A Belgian citizen put his country up for sale on eBay in 2007.
Most people use eBay to buy and sell everything from baseball cards to old jewelry. In 2007, a man by the name of Gerrit Six tried selling something a bit larger: the country of Belgium. In a listing titled “For Sale: Belgium, a kingdom in three parts,” the Belgian citizen made light of a major political crisis involving disputes between the country’s French- and Dutch-speaking political parties by jokingly attempting to sell the Western European nation to the highest bidder. Suffice to say that the listing was taken down before anyone could claim Belgium for themselves. Asked why he did it, Six responded simply, “I wanted to attract attention.” Mission accomplished.
Belgium is hardly the only strange thing to be listed on eBay, let alone sold. A corn flake shaped like Illinois went for $1,350 in 2008, a suit of guinea pig armor fetched $24,300 in 2013, and one buyer bid $55,000 for a ghost in a jar before later backing out of the deal. “Buyer beware,” indeed.
Can someone please post the decisions made at Wednesday’s FCO meeting?
Site Monitor,
Ben Geller, President of the FCO announced that the meeting being available on Zoom, was also being recorded as Bob Wiggins, FCO Part time CAM, was not attending therefor minutes would be derived from the Zoom recording. The FCO as originator of the Zoom meeting has access to the recording.
This being said here is my take way recollections which may contain unintentional errors or omissions so for total accuracy listen to the audio portion of the Zoom recording.
The meeting started promptly at 3:30 P.M. Fountains Hall, A.K.A. Poulette Hall.
Minutes from the April FCO meeting were approved without any modifications.
Ben announced that this would be the last FCO meeting until September 2023 in concert with the Boards normal practice of a summer recess unless any major issue should necessitate calling another meeting.
Ben announced that he had invited the new insurance brokerage company Plastridge (Connor Lynch, CEO) and the new security company ECIS representatives (Joseph LaBella CEO & son Michael LaBella President) to the meeting so they could update the membership.
Plastridge was first to present and respond to questions.
Debbie Poulette, interim FCO controller, was present, and acted as insurance “expert” on behalf of the FCO, noting that as the previous FCO Executive Director, she was responsible for dealing with the FCO Insurance Brokers, Wind mitigation Reports, and Property Appraisal Reports, and guided Vito Senese, FCO ED, during his short tenure with the FCO.
Ben also announced that a new controller has been hired to fill the role after Debbie leaves. He also reminded the attendees that it will be necessary to hire a full time CAM as two positions will be essential to fill the duties and responsibilities that Debbie had filled as the FCO ED, i.e. FCO Controller, CAM & ED.
Back to Insurance:
Again, Blah..Blah..Blah how the Insurance industry in Florida has changed, never experienced these conditions, etc., etc. and Citizens was the underwriter of last resort.
Now five (5) months into the year, we are ”very, very, very” close to having final numbers on what the premiums will be for 2023 and what we can anticipate in 2024.
Shockingly, Connor admitted and emphasized how a purposeful delay in obtaining and submitting new Property Appraisal reports was a strategy to save on premiums, as the old appraisal reports provided in 2022 to Citizens to underwrite the policy were significantly undervalued and materially deficient, thus the need for new Property Appraisals (no one asked the cost of the new reports).
Though this strategy produced an apparent $ 158,000-dollar savings (2023) , he admitted under questioning that the FCO Associations were at financial risk had a major insurable event occurred during 2022 & the first five months of 2023.
He also inferred that they (?) felt the risk in 2023 was minimal noting that January through May were not part of the hurricane season.
(Does anyone else recall the number of Palm Beach “Severe Weather” Alerts and actual tornados that touched down during the five-month delay?)
Bottom line, considering all the “Credits” applied by Citizens to the projected 2023 premium, Debbie estimates that there will be a shortfall in the neighborhood of $500,000-dollars for the Associations to assess residents for the remainder of the 2023 calendar year.
Debbie also had concerns about the application of an $80,000-dollar “Citizens” Finance charge which Plastridge was not able to answer.
Numerous questions from the Board resulted, many of which could not be answered because we are very, very, very close to knowing the premium, so no way to determine the effect on individual Associations.
ECIS Security:
ECIS representatives arrived well after the meeting had started but in time to update the Board after the Insurance presentation.
Basically, regurgitated the same information presented at the Security Committee meeting the prior week.
An additional security guard will be necessary at the Lake Worth “Tower” during the day (9a.m.-5 p.m.) as it is the security command post, and must deal with other issues beyond checking in visitors/contractors/deliveries experiencing heavy volume.
“Testing elevator phones, answering resident phone calls, maintaining activity logs, etc. require the manpower. Joe & Michael Labella have been personally backfilling the extra requirement at no cost to the FCO.
This backfilling, on an ongoing basis, is not sustainable.
(The projected $ 100,000-dollar annual savings with ECIS has now been reduced to $ 55,000-dollars in the first five weeks of operations.)
ECIS has purchased body security cameras for their guards.
This was done to confirm interactions between residents and guards as well as document “backed up” nonresident traffic conditions.
The footage can be review by ECIS so it is essential that any claim by a resident be documented as to date & time and ECIS notified.
ECIS presented a proposal for additional 9 security cameras, less than
$ 6,000-dollars ,installed, with a $250.00-dollar ongoing maintenance contract.
After much discussion the FCO approved the proposal and directed ECIS to proceed.
ECIS also identified the need for software upgrades on the FCO outdated computer system software which was a minimal expenditure.
FCO Security Improvement:
Melaleuca Gate Resident Entry Access “Trap”
The Board is frustrated with the ongoing delays.
PBC Permitting excuses by the contractor are no longer satisfactory.
The contractor had been given a 50% deposit yet is not responding to calls from Bob Wiggins, FCO CAM.
The consensus of the Board was to get a refund and find another vendor to perform the work.
Just prior to the end of the FCO meeting Ben Geller announced that after a meeting between the FCO EX. Committee & The FSPOA BOD’ he communicated with Peter Nanula, that the FCO and FSPOA
Agreed to work together in addressing the proposed development Parcel E.
Ben read, to the remaining attendees, an e-mail he received back from Peter, which basically stated that unless the community was going to support their proposal of 350 residential units there was nothing more to discuss (audio portioin of the zoom recording will contain exact verbiage).
The meeting concluded at approximately 5:30 P.M.
Richard B. Ward V.P. FSPOA
Does anybody have any information about Concert being turned down by the county to use Charleston Rd to access parcel E?
Their concern is traffic could impact the Fire station on Lake Worth Rd.
Will the plan to demolish the country club still be viable? Where will cars belonging to the new homes they plan to build enter the community? Will they continue with their plan and all that traffic will enter through the Lake worth gate? We are talking about potentially 199 cars ( they want 350) plus the 172 homes entering from parcel D behind Trevi. Oh wait, what if they are two car working families? How can the Lake Worth gate handle all of that traffic?
How will Luxemburg and Versailles Court as well as the entire north section of the Fountains of Palm Beach be affected?
Changing topic, does anyone here have information on increased insurance premiums we will all be paying? The shenanigans the FCO is trying to get over on the residents by shear lack of transparency is appalling. To me it seems shear desperation to hide information so the FCO can continue to prosper at the expense of the 16 courts employing them to manage us all.
There was an FCO Board of Directors meeting this Wednesday, where the insurance company did a presentation (as did our new security company). Sadly, all paying residents were not made aware of this very important meeting. No mention of Concert Golf’s planned projects. How can we continue to employee FCO management to represent us?
FCO refuses to notify residents by providing monthly news letters via email, or meeting notices posted on bulletin boards. FCO should always make meetings available via Zoom.
Meetings should be recorded and available to ALL on the FCO website. Every resident pays monthly to keep that website available.
Who owns this community, the residents or the FCO? Information, meetings, negotiations they are having with Concert all should be shared and posted on the FCO website and bulletin boards of each community.
Sadly the presidents who make up the FCO and who they have chosen to manage our community have FAILED and seem to have there own agendas. We have had failed management for the last twenty years. How do we allow our management & CAM to not be held accountable and upgrade and use the available technology for our accounting, bookkeeping and notifying residents?
So much is happening and residents need to be kept current on issues affecting the quality of life for ALL residents who live within the walls of this gated community.
South of the Bridge,
Scott Harris, President of Versailles and Vice President of the FCO is the person who can best elaborate on the Counties position on Charleston Road. Versailles has engaged an attorney who remains vigilant on issues related to the potential residential development of Parcel E.
Please note that public hearings were held on the residential land development on the “West ” side of Charleston which also have implications.
Sadly, many of your concerns are well founded but without organized community support proactive change is unlikely.
More likely however, change will result when “indispensable” resources are no longer available and recognition that “Professional Property Management Companies” provide technology, expertise and accredited personal, is the only way to meet the community’s current and future needs.
Your Advocate
A board member in my Court who is head of Security asked the FCO for information on attending the May FCO meeting,was denied access and told he would be removed should he attempt to attend.
The May 2023 FCO meeting was to have a presentation by our newly hired Security Co and the insurance agent. I live in a court that opted for a management company other than the FCO management. The board member was told that he would be thrown out of Fountains Hall if he attempted to attend the meeting even though he was a board member. He was also told that any Resident that attempts to attend the meeting that does not use the FCO MANAGEMENT will be removed.
The office staff after checking with the FCO management the boss (Cam and/ or President) was told Residents of Tivoli, Des’te and Gefion Court are apparently banned from FCO meetings. The office staff are instructed to pass information to residents provided by the bullies. How is that possible? The 3 Courts who has chosen a different direction amounts to 1/3 the revenue which keeps the FCO afloat. How do you bite the hand that feeds you and treat residents so horrific?
In reply to South of the Bridge.
I think that Concert will build their 199 or 350 units regardless of having access from Charleston Rd. They own access to Lake Worth gate and will simply route all traffic there. The don’t care that the gates are overwhelmed as is. They will go to court and force the FCO to upgrade their antiquated guest entry system to speed up traffic, BTW this should have been done anyway.
Do you know that FCO spends close to a million dollars a year on security? And nothing has been upgraded in decades? We now have a 4the security company in the last 4 or 5 years, but nothing changes. Half the cameras are not working, some are such low resolution you can’t read the license the plate. Speeding tickets are being issued, parking violations are being written, but they all are stuck at the FCO office and they don’t get mailed to the courts, so just a waste of time for the security.
Do you know that FCO president care more about how security waves or not at him and complain about that, than to make actual tangible improvements and upgrades. They didn’t even want to vote for the cameras upgrades, until Bob Lipp finally brought up a motion at the last meeting and forced a vote, otherwise who knows when this would have been addressed.
This was the last meeting till September, while the community has so many issues and problems, the FCO board decides to take a 3 months usual vacation. No wonder nothing gets done.
Somebody at the last FCO meeting has proposed to make a committee to investigate and suggest various solutions to the security upgrades, but that was declined.
But rest assured, the “secret” executive committee will be working overtime during this time, making many executive decisions of which you will never hear about. How much do you all know about the “executive committee”? Which decisions they make? How much money they spend?
Most of the information from their meetings is secret and most of the court’s presidents never get to know any of that. They are supposed to take minutes and share them, but they never do.
In reply to George Poursanidis.
George, if it is a common pipe, like you say, that serves 6 units, then it is 100% condo responsibility. It appears that Cathy is saying that some of it it’s not for 6 units, but just yours. Can you please clarify what portion of the pipe she is requesting the you pay for? Where exactly is it located?
Here is from your declaration, I think: ” The owners of the respective Condominium units shall not be deemed to own the undecorated and/or unfinished surfaces of the perimeter walls, floors and ceilings surrounding their respective Condominium units, nor shall the unit owner be deemed to own pipes, wires, conduits or other public utility lines running through said respective Condominium units which are utilized for or serve more than one Condominium unit, which items are, by these presents, hereby made a part of the common elements. Said unit owner, however, shall be deemed to own the walls and partitions which are contained in said unit owner’s Condominium unit, and shall also be deemed to own the inner decorated and/or finished surfaces of the perimeter walls, floors, and ceilings, including plaster, paint, wallpaper, etc.; however, all load bearing walls, and floors between the first floor and second floor of a townhouse type unit, where applicable, located within a condominium unit are a part of the common elements to the unfinished surface of said walls and said floor.”
Site Monitor,
During the FCO meeting on May 10, 2023 Ben Geller, also announced that the FCO had received a payment of $ 25,000-dollars related to an agreement associated with the residential development of Parcel C.
The FCO will take under advisement having administrative staff install bar codes & Court numbers on residents’ vehicles in order to alleviate “Security Patrols ” of this function. This will allow security patrols to focus on their primary responsibilities.
Richard B. Ward, V.P. FSPOA
Sorry to say It appears that no change in the patrol Officers doing “sticker” duty as of June 23, 2023.
I witnessed a fully uniformed ECSI Security Officer applying stickers on a car.
The patrol car was parked by the FCO Admin Office while dump trucks use Fountains Drive North Gate Entry(Concerts Road that Fountains Residents Maintain) to access the new construction site ( Parcel D).
Can it be so difficult to have the clerical staff do this task, i.e. job description …..”or other duties as assigned”?
Your Advocate
Site Monitor,
Ben Geller, President of the FCO announced that the meeting being available on Zoom, was also being recorded as Bob Wiggins, FCO Part time CAM, was not attending therefor minutes would be derived from the Zoom recording. The FCO as originator of the Zoom meeting has access to the recording.
This being said here is my take way recollections which may contain unintentional errors or omissions so for total accuracy listen to the audio portion of the Zoom recording.
The meeting started promptly at 3:30 P.M. Fountains Hall, A.K.A. Poulette Hall.
Minutes from the April FCO meeting were approved without any modifications.
Ben announced that this would be the last FCO meeting until September 2023 in concert with the Boards normal practice of a summer recess unless any major issue should necessitate calling another meeting.
Ben announced that he had invited the new insurance brokerage company Plastridge (Connor Lynch, CEO) and the new security company ECIS representatives (Joseph LaBella CEO & son Michael LaBella President) to the meeting so they could update the membership.
Plastridge was first to present and respond to questions.
Debbie Poulette, interim FCO controller, was present, and acted as insurance “expert” on behalf of the FCO, noting that as the previous FCO Executive Director, she was responsible for dealing with the FCO Insurance Brokers, Wind mitigation Reports, and Property Appraisal Reports, and guided Vito Senese, FCO ED, during his short tenure with the FCO.
Ben also announced that a new controller has been hired to fill the role after Debbie leaves. He also reminded the attendees that it will be necessary to hire a full time CAM as two positions will be essential to fill the duties and responsibilities that Debbie had filled as the FCO ED, i.e. FCO Controller, CAM & ED.
Back to Insurance:
Again, Blah..Blah..Blah how the Insurance industry in Florida has changed, never experienced these conditions, etc., etc. and Citizens was the underwriter of last resort.
Now five (5) months into the year, we are ”very, very, very” close to having final numbers on what the premiums will be for 2023 and what we can anticipate in 2024.
Shockingly, Connor admitted and emphasized how a purposeful delay in obtaining and submitting new Property Appraisal reports was a strategy to save on premiums, as the old appraisal reports provided in 2022 to Citizens to underwrite the policy were significantly undervalued and materially deficient, thus the need for new Property Appraisals (no one asked the cost of the new reports).
Though this strategy produced an apparent $ 158,000-dollar savings (2023) , he admitted under questioning that the FCO Associations were at financial risk had a major insurable event occurred during 2022 & the first five months of 2023.
He also inferred that they (?) felt the risk in 2023 was minimal noting that January through May were not part of the hurricane season.
(Does anyone else recall the number of Palm Beach “Severe Weather” Alerts and actual tornados that touched down during the five-month delay?)
Bottom line, considering all the “Credits” applied by Citizens to the projected 2023 premium, Debbie estimates that there will be a shortfall in the neighborhood of $500,000-dollars for the Associations to assess residents for the remainder of the 2023 calendar year.
Debbie also had concerns about the application of an $80,000-dollar “Citizens” Finance charge which Plastridge was not able to answer.
Numerous questions from the Board resulted, many of which could not be answered because we are very, very, very close to knowing the premium, so no way to determine the effect on individual Associations.
ECIS Security:
ECIS representatives arrived well after the meeting had started but in time to update the Board after the Insurance presentation.
Basically, regurgitated the same information presented at the Security Committee meeting the prior week.
An additional security guard will be necessary at the Lake Worth “Tower” during the day (9a.m.-5 p.m.) as it is the security command post, and must deal with other issues beyond checking in visitors/contractors/deliveries experiencing heavy volume.
“Testing elevator phones, answering resident phone calls, maintaining activity logs, etc. require the manpower. Joe & Michael Labella have been personally backfilling the extra requirement at no cost to the FCO.
This backfilling, on an ongoing basis, is not sustainable.
(The projected $ 100,000-dollar annual savings with ECIS has now been reduced to $ 55,000-dollars in the first five weeks of operations.)
ECIS has purchased body security cameras for their guards.
This was done to confirm interactions between residents and guards as well as document “backed up” nonresident traffic conditions.
The footage can be review by ECIS so it is essential that any claim by a resident be documented as to date & time and ECIS notified.
ECIS presented a proposal for additional 9 security cameras, less than
$ 6,000-dollars ,installed, with a $250.00-dollar ongoing maintenance contract.
After much discussion the FCO approved the proposal and directed ECIS to proceed.
ECIS also identified the need for software upgrades on the FCO outdated computer system software which was a minimal expenditure.
FCO Security Improvement:
Melaleuca Gate Resident Entry Access “Trap”
The Board is frustrated with the ongoing delays.
PBC Permitting excuses by the contractor are no longer satisfactory.
The contractor had been given a 50% deposit yet is not responding to calls from Bob Wiggins, FCO CAM.
The consensus of the Board was to get a refund and find another vendor to perform the work.
Just prior to the end of the FCO meeting Ben Geller announced that after a meeting between the FCO EX. Committee & The FSPOA BOD’ he communicated with Peter Nanula, that the FCO and FSPOA
Agreed to work together in addressing the proposed development Parcel E.
Ben read to the remaining attendees an e-mail he received back from Peter, which basically stated that unless the community was going to support their proposal of 350 residential units there was nothing more to discuss (audio portion of the Zoom recording will contain exact verbiage).
The meeting concluded at approximately 5:30 P.M.
Richard B. Ward V.P. FSPOA
The following comments are my recollections which may contain unintentional errors or omissions so for total accuracy listen to the audio portion of the FSPOA regular May 25th 2023 meeting Zoom recording.
Here we go!
Based upon the phone calls and personal interactions, during the last week, I know that many of you are eager to get an update on the FSPOA regular meeting that happened on Thursday May 25, 2023 in Poulette Hall (A.K.A. Fountains Hall)
Here we go!
First, much of the success in people attending the meeting at Poulette Hall and by Zoom (recorded for minutes accuracy) can be attributed to Dr. Ben Geller, President of the FCO, who did a blanket e-mail distribution to the FSPOA membership, even though noting many of his assertions are unfounded and not supported by the truth.
This e-mail distribution process has been restricted to the FSPOA by the FCO, following numerous requests by the FSPOA BOD to communicate directly with our members without the need to first submit them for FCO their approval.
Censoring our Associations messages to the membership is not acceptable.
Ben’s communication did suggest that something good may result from the meeting, and so it did.
Steve Jordan, President & Presiding Officer, opened the meeting, thanking Dr. Ben Geller for promoting the meeting, and then announcing how the meeting would be conducted.
Steve invited Joe Labella, Owner of ECIS, (the new security company) in order to introduce him to the membership, noting FSPOA governing documents mandate insuring security for the 509 members.
Steve then revealed the new FSPOA standing committees and the individuals who will be serving.
Steve also took the opportunity to dispel any notions that the FSPOA had any intentions of assuming a role of Property Management or any perceptions that FSPOA actions were divisive. The” Truth “is “Truth”, not perception.
Thank goodness the FSPOA produced sufficient documentation to counter the negative pronouncements contained in the Geller e-mail.
The FSPOA was not ever identified on the FCO website as a Member and only after repeated attempts to be listed and after understanding “this was a political Issue” and after Ben being confronted in person, relented and directed Debbie Poulette, ED to add the FSPOA to the Site
By not listing the FSPOA as a Member placed the FCO in jeopardy after attesting to the fact that all member Associations were party to Agreements the FCO had entered or was in the process of negotiating.
Factually Ben Geller was a Board Member & Officer of the “FSPOA” 2017,2018,2019, & 2020 yet somehow the FSPOA Election Process worked for him and he made no effort, what so ever, to make a change, unlike what the current FSPOA Board has been attempting for the last two years via amendments to the By-Laws.
Invited guests from the Associations that left the FCO gave compelling testimony about the multiple meetings between them and the FSPOA in which the FSPOA tried to encourage them not to leave the FCO.
Steve also listed more occasions where the FSPOA demonstrated its commitment to the Fountains Community such as endorsing the newest FCO Master Property Management Agreement when in fact the FSPOA is not required to do so to be a member association, not charging fees for the Jog Road Security facility or separate fees for private roads usage, adopting parallel Golf Cart restrictions, endorsing newest version of FCO Security regulations subject to modification complying with Federal Civil Rights Law and Florida Statutes, reviewing and commenting on bid proposals, etc.
Steve then moved to the agenda i.e., the proposed By-Law Changes.
The Committee included Dennis Krasner (Practicing Attorney), FSPOA Secretary, Richard “Dick Heyman Director at lodge and Bernard Ciancanelli, past President of the FCO and current V.P. of the Oakmont HOA. The proposed changes, as a courtesy, were submitted to the FCO for review which resulted in some recommended changes. The First draft was changed and submitted to the FSPOA BOD for review.
With no further changes the BOD approved the changes at this meeting and the document being sent to the FSPOA attorney. Upon the attorney’s additional review, the Amendment will be sent to the 509 members of the association for approval. If approved the Board will adopt the Amendments at a future regular meeting and cause them to be properly recorded with Palm Beach County.
Many of the those present were pleased to hear that the proposed changes included the election process which will allow any member of the FSPOA to run for the BOD, extending terms beyond a single year to allow for overlapping periods in office as a way to insure continuity, elimination of the nominating committee, etc.
The last item on the agenda was the Proposed 2023 FSPOA Budget.
A motion was made to approve the budget and seconded for discussion by the Board.
During the Board’ discussion the Presiding Officer Steve Jordan, opened the floor for questions.
Questions provided the opportunity for the FSPOA to explain the associations history in having a budget, how this practice was altered without any official amendments to the FSPOA governing documents, past FSPOA assessments that were invisible to the naked eye, why the need, now, for an annual operating budget assessment of $ 24.00-dollars ($ 12.00-dollars for the last six months of 2023).
Additionally, both the “South Road maintenance and Jog Road Security Gate reserves were discussed including being significantly underfunded, and most importantly, based upon recent actions by the FCO to use reserve funds to cover operating expenses, how the current “Southern” reserves held by the FCO and future assessments by the Associations to cover the shortfalls could be immune to attachment by the FCO for operating expenses, i.e. underfunded Insurance premiums, $80,000.00-dollar Citizens finance charge, insurance premium back charges ($158,000-dollars) and $ 500,000-dollars increase due to new property appraisals (May 19,2023 comments).
For those who expressed “Outrage” of the FSPOA adopting an annual budget, Steve’ counter argument was “where was the “Outrage” when the FCO exceeded it’ 2022 operational budget substantially for overlapping salaries and raided reserve funds to cover the shortfall?
In conclusion Steve reinforced the fact that the FSPOA is in essence a “Watch Dog”, Questioner, and Vanguard to protect the interests of the 509 members as provided for in the FSPOA governing documents against any and all threats that may arise where it has jurisdiction and accountability.
Respectfully Submitted,
Richard B. Ward, V.P. FSPOA
Further to Richard Ward’s post, the following residents volunteered their time to serve on FSPOA Committees. The Members are as follows:
Dennis Krasner (Chairperson)
Bernie Ciancanelli
Dick Heyman (Chairperson)
Anthony Rongione
Richard Ward
Analyze various issues, such as design, structure, etc. The committee will examine traffic patterns and any other issues it deems relevant.
Dennis Krasner (Chairperson)
Michael Daiell
Supports the board of directors by planning the annual budget, tracking monthly expenses, managing reserves, and establishing reserve studies.
Lauren Ward (Chairperson)
Joan Perelmutter
Shelly Kalef
Make recommendations to the Board regarding events that will allow neighbors to meet each other. An association BBQ, a holiday party, or a welcome party for new homeowners are examples of fixed events.
Nancy McBeth (Chairperson)
Susan Kaye
Keeps residents informed about community events and news. Produce a community newsletter or send out email blasts. FSPOA website oversight is limited to the Chairperson.
Tracy Siemsen (Chairperson)
Mary Ellen (“Mel”) Campo
Responsible for ensuring the common property is well maintained and recommending changes to the board.
Irwin Seeman (Chairperson)
Alan Rabinowitz
Grace Greenberg
Bob Weinstein
Monitor unsafe areas, potentially working with in-house security if necessary. Provide advice to the board of directors on any issues that need to be addressed.
Nancy thank you for going beyond your responsibilities as Treasurer of the “FSPOA” by individually identifying members who are stepping up to the challanges facing the Community.
Richard B Ward V.P. FSPOA
All Interested Parties,
The 40th Anniversary to the “FSPOA” which took place on April 14, 2023, with a duly elected Association Board of Directors comitted to fulfill its fiduciary responsibilities to the 509 members , while also contributing, where ever possible, to the well being of the Fountains Community.
This anniversary date also marked the continuation of the FSPOA Master Declaration and Governing Documents by an additional twenty (20) years, i.e. 2043.
The FSPOA will undoubtedly face many challenges in the years to come which will impact us and future generations occupying 509 residential properties.
A big thank you to the ever growing number of interested member supporters!
Lest not forget Fountains Associations, beyond FSPOA boundaries, who support FSPOA contributions.
Be safe!
Richard B Ward V.P. FSPOA
The pool in Versailles Court is not clean at all
I don’t know if filter is not working properly or what but something is definitely not right
Very embarrassing to bring visitors
I have left message with the person who is in charge of the pool and have received no response
Also tried contacting president unable to leave message
Mailbox is full, this is totally unacceptable and very frustrating
Email your president and board members. Send them the pictures and request a reply of whats going on. I’m sure you’ll get a reply to your email.
Good luck!
James – As Susan mentioned, contact anyone of the Versailles Court board members. You probably already know that the President is Scott Harris. Telephone: (561)649-8075. Email:
Can a individual court board decide not to paint the exterior rear terrace of certain apartments in certain buildings while spending over $187,000 to have all of the court buildings and pool house painted?
No other court within The Fountains community has any apartments looking like some apartments currently do on Tivoli Court.
The front of the buildings are fine. The rear of some buildings are not completed. When speaking to a board member I was told that the board decided not to paint the rear of the buildings in its entirety. The reason I was given is that some apartments have extended patios. Apartments That have extended patios were not painted completely.
My concern is painting is required both aesthetically and also required to maintain the structural integrity of the building. By leaving certain sections unpainted, my concern is that water damage can occur over time. $187,000 is a large sum of money. One would expect the buildings to be painted and sealed entirely front and back before final payment is made. Is it just me? Does anyone else think this is proper and reasonable?
Similar communities I know recently painted, are D’este and Esedra. Are those communities completely painted front and back? I welcome any feedback.
Thank you
Click to see picture of Tivoli Painting
As a long time resident of Tivoli Court, I have to address the comment from Tivoli painting who keeps making incorrect accusations against our present Board.
Regarding your questioning of the painting. In October 2022, our past president said at that Board meeting she was not moving forward with the painting and leaving it to the new board. At the Nov 2022 board meeting she changed her mind and announced that she is recommending a painting company to paint the court. Her board approved and so it began immediately with only 2 out of the 7 buildings painted when the new board took over. She wrote the contract. Signed the contract…the only signature on the contract. For $187,000 the project was supposed to take 6-8 weeks. However, there was NO end date in the contract. It is now July and the painting is still going on.
The contract that she signed stated only window trim would be painted. Not sliding door trim therefore leaving metal trim unpainted. Her contract states only concrete stucco to be painted and excluded townhouse extensions which are not concrete.
The new board came in with a depleted bank account due to her spending money on an unnecessary tiling projects which was not completed doing the catwalks, just the walkways. They are slippery when wet and several people have fallen..
In my opinion, and the opinion of most of my fellow residents, this new board has gone above and beyond to try to correct all of her mistakes of which there is a laundry list.
I’m not sure where Tivoli Painting is getting their “facts” from but it would benefit Tivoli Court if this person stop all this nonsense and become part of this community in a positive way…not negatively.
Dear “Tivoli painting” …
I totally agree with your assessment. Not painting the entire building is aesthetically unattractive, and unpainted areas will continue to crack and peel. Since Tivoli is one of the courts that left the FCO, when and where are your monthly Board meetings taking place? When did the Board vote on “deciding not to paint the rear of the buildings in its entirely?” Did they communicate this decision to the residents? Are the Board Meeting Minutes published somewhere? I presume that the Tivoli board meeting minutes and governing documents are no longer posted on the FCO website, where you could have had access to them. You may want to contact your new management company, GRS. Good luck.
Just want to say a GREAT JOB on Versailles Court POOL and THANK YOU!
I live in Tivoli Court and just received these rules from the board that was sent out to all residents. I will be forwarding my suggestions to the board for clarification. I just wanted to post here to see if other Courts have similar rules? Is this normal that other boards have rules where residents are not permitted to be neighborly?
I appreciate any feedback or suggestions.
Thank you,
Tivoli Resident
.o the Residents of Tivoli Court:
This document is a reminder to make you all aware of the important Court rules that
must be followed. It’s an easy reference sheet and one that needs to be adhered to at
all times.
If there is a common ground issue, please contact GRS at resident services at
Court issues that require immediate attention like water leaks, sewage back up,
flood, elevators, etc. Call Resident Services (561) 641-8554 or email inquiries to
All bulk items must be place outside on the lawn on Tuesday evenings. Bulk pick
up takes place every Wednesday. There is no need to call or email the company.
Do not feed any outdoor animals such as stray cats, squirrels, racoons,
possums, etc. This includes leaving water bowls behind or in front of your
building or placing bird feeders in front or in back of your home.
Cars must be parked facing the building. If you have two cars one can face the
building; the other must be parked opposite side of the building. (This does not
apply to persons with a Handicapped sticker).
It would be a good idea to simply say cars must be parked head first. If it’s in front of The building or across from the building. The reason for that rule is so security can view a cars courts # sticker on the rear window without having to get out of there car. Residents are allowed 1 resident space. If a resident has a second car, it must be parked In a guest spot. Please clarify these new rules.
Common Grounds – if there is an issue or problem with a common ground area
(this includes but is not limited to catwalks, landscaping, dumpsters, etc) contact
Why not? Its common court property!
Pick up after your dogs or there will be a fine.
No trees, shrubs or other plants may be placed on common property without
Board approval.
All Amazon type boxes (or any delivery boxes) MUST be broken down and
placed in the dumpster. DO NOT attempt to shove a box down the chute. It
WILL get stuck
No cigarette smoking on the catwalk
There shouldn’t be any smoking allowed on common property at all. Nothing mentioned about smokers leaving cigarette butts on the ground or smoking near parked cars.
If there is a problem in your unit or a situation with a contractor do not contact
another resident but contact the Board
If a resident calls another resident or neighbor about a beeping smoke detector are neighbors no longer allowed to be neighborly? Will a resident NOW be fined? Are you saying a neighbor may NOT help with a simple battery replacement for an elderly neighbor? Is the new policy rule to advise the resident to start calling every board member for assistance? Does the board plan to be available 24/7?
If you are a resident and get a call from another resident with an issue do not
take it upon yourself to handle – contact the Board
If a resident is asking another neighbor to help them shut off the water, as they are required to do when leaving for extended period of time. Are those tasks NOW the boards responsibility? What if a resident suddenly needs a ride to the airport is that now against the Tivoli rules? Are neighbors no longer permitted to be neighborly? Is it now required to get approval from the board prior to assisting a neighbor? I think clarification of this new rule needs to be made.
These reminders were sent out specifically as reminders. Tivoli Resident your answers are silly and out of context. Of course Neighbors should help Neighbors when they are simple solutions. Change those smoke detector batteries, shut off the water valve when they will be away, give them a ride to the airport, hang up a picture or paint a wall. These reminders are for major issues as stated in the notes above. Residents shouldn’t involve themselves with plumbing or electrical issues that could be costly and dangerous. These major issues should be handled by licensed contractors who are available 24/7 through the GRS Hotline phone number.
Walking dogs and taking pictures behind the buildings at off hours is an intrusion of privacy for 1st floor Residents. Having people looking in windows early morning and dog walking at 3AM when people are sleeping and have animals in their own homes who start barking because someone is closely behind their units is unsettling for elderly residents. This should be common courtesy and respect.
Your response to cigarette smoking is bizarre. How can you stop someone in public from smoking? A person in a vehicle smoking? Most of the time they are vendors or people walking through the community. This is an outdoor area parking lot not a park.
Lastly addressing your response to vehicles. A second vehicle owned by a Resident should be parked in a Resident spot across from the building, not a guest spot. Check your Rules and Regulations.
I hope this answered ALL your questions.
Wow! That’s crazy, do you seriously have people walking dogs and taking pictures behind the building at 3 AM? That is absolutely the time that security and PBSO should be called and document this occurring.
Do you have evidence of any of this occurring? If that’s happening I would think that is a serious violation and intrusion of privacy. Rules should most certainly be put in place.
Evidence of these horrific violations should be shared with the community. The person/people walking behind buildings and taking pictures at 3 AM. certainly should be reprimanded and it should be documented.
Evidence should be shared with the community and rules should be changed and consequences should be made clear. Sounds like you are living in a scary court. Is the community being notified of this very serious safty issue? Are rules legally being changed?
Not sure I would recommend anybody purchase property in Tivoli until these serious issues are dealt with.
What has happened to that beautiful court this last year? I have friends that live in Tivoli and always felt safe.
What you are describing is a very frightening place to live. I hope you are aggressively dealing with these security issues. Document and report any issues that potentially put residents at risk for security and safety. More importantly, keep residents apprised of security and safety concerns happening in your community. Thank goodness I do not live in your community.
Tivoli Court had a lovely pool party for the residents..Hamburgers and Franks-plus lots of extras..lovely turn out and nice conversations Happy Fourth of July ..
Lowell, there wasn’t enough food at the party, some residents left hungry… And the feedback we got – most people preferred pizza parties. I think that’s why the attendance was rather low.
As for the “nice conversations”, many residents were very concerned about the “new rules” as posted above your post, Lowell. Celebrating the 4th of July just reminded residents about the overreach by the current BOD in making up the rules for Tivoli Court that are not only unenforceable, untenable and absurd, but also are quite illegal.
The new board is turning this court into a prison where people are afraid to do anything, instead of a place for people to enjoy the retirement. Many people wanted to have simple benches put under the trees in the shade to sit and enjoy or to have a “nice conversation” with your friends, but instead we are changing the furniture at the pool that nobody complained about.
Many people volunteered to help, to be building captains, to start a gardening club, to help with the paining project, etc, but the board refused their help and instead implemented these nonsensical draconian rules.
Even such a simple and beautiful thing as planting flowers to make the court look better is now frowned upon. Can’t even walk your dog next to your patio behind the building! Can’t help your fellow neighbors! Where does it end? WE NEED TO STOP THIS BOARD!
Howard you did not attend the party there was more than enough food after 2 hours people had to leave because of the thunder everyone ate and enjoyed themselves talking eating and drinking. I was there and you have wrong information..the residents in tivoli court love the new board. We inherited the bank loans and the insurance increase ..the new owners who were there were impressed with the party.
I heard from more than one Tivoli Court resident that the pool party wasn’t so lovely.
Not enough food, a poorly written notice that discouraged any visiting guests.
People were actually asked who is their +1!
Few board members actually attended, WHY?
One resident had to practically beg for a hamburger.
Considering that Tivoli Court has 175 apartments very few of those residents actually attended, around 15% of the units.
Who would want to attend a party where their guests visiting for a holiday weekend were not welcome?
Who would want to party with the board that treats their residents so terribly and makes up the above mentioned absurd and oppressive rules?
Tivoli Resident
Lowell, It’s interesting how you deflect and blame the prior board. Meanwhile many current board members didn’t even show up for this party. The prior board had nothing to do with this party, the lack of food there and low attendance because of not allowing guests and negative attitude from many current board members.
Not to mention that you again failed to address the most important issue, as the Prisoner put it -“nonsensical draconian rules” that are probably illegal. Or many other points made by the Prisoner, like building captans you have promised us.
Howard I was there you were not . Everyone ate and some had more than one hamburger or one frank. Not one person made a negative comment ..I spoke to all the people . Your resident in your building 103 came late and took food home because the weather was changing . Please you are making incorrect statements I meet many residents and I do not hear any anger about the board . We in 6 months inherited problems from the previous board ..if you are not happy Run For The Board for 2024..
Lowell, by now you must have realized that the party is not an issue here, however limiting it was. Nobody cares about your hotdogs. The issue that residents really are upset about is that elephant in the room you keep refusing to address in your posts- “nonsensical draconian rules” that are probably illegal.
The prior board certainly didn’t make or write them, your board did. So why don’t you address this point – you are on the current board, aren’t you? Explain these new rules and also are you planning to correct them?
Howard-Everything you write about rules and regulations was that way with the previous boards ..the building I live no one complains .. run for the board and express yourself . By the way the previous board wanted cameras at the pool because some people were bringing there dog in for a swim and eating food after pool hours .
FCO Special BOD Meeting
July 19,2023
Fountains Hall
All residents are entitled and encouraged to attend.
Because this is a Special Meeting, the official announcement with the agenda will be published by 48 hours before the meeting.
Please check back with the blog to see the topics to be discussed.
On Friday, June 30, 2023 at 02:06:51 PM EDT, Bob Wiggins wrote:
Good afternoon,
There will be an FCO Board of Directors Meeting on Wednesday, July 19th at 3:00pm in Poulette Hall. An Agenda will be noticed 48 hours before the meeting.
The discussions will be on the following topics:
1) Approval to use reserves for the Alarm Panel in Fountains/Poulette Hall.
2) Gefion’s potential to come back to the FCO.
3) Lightning striking the Barcode Reader at the South Gate. Will be filing an insurance claim for the damaged barcode reader.
4) Waiting on Superior Water Systems to get the Electrician a switch that is needed to get the fountains running.
5) There will be an open discussion at the end.
Bob Wiggins, CAM
Fountains Condominium Operations
What the hell ? Don’t they need the votes of residents to do that ?
Lowell, you said and I quote: “Everything you write about rules and regulations was that way with the previous boards ..the building I live no one complains “. This is absolutely false!
First, I live in your building and I complained many times, but nobody cared. Instead I was told to stop contacting the board.
Second, Tivoli Court Rules are published on GRS website and some of the rules that Howard specifically mentioned are NOT in these rules. The new board has just made them up without even voting for them.
Finally, the prior board when I was president and before me when Shelly was president never tried to tell residents not to help each other. Why would we? it’s ridiculous.
The prior board has never had the following rules voted for or even considered to vote for:
-If there is a problem in your unit or a situation with a contractor do not contact another resident but contact the Board
-If you are a resident and get a call from another resident with an issue do not take it upon yourself to handle – contact the Board
You yourself advocated for many residents when you were not on the board and contacted me many times about other people’s issues and now…
If meeting notices are normally posted on building bulletin boards, shouldn’t cancelled meeting notices also be posted on building bulletin boards to inform Tivoli Court residents?
The Fountains Of Palm Beach Condominium, Inc. No. 7 (Tivoli)
Spell check should also be used for meeting notices.
Well we on Tivoli Court finally received a email notice that the July Board meeting has been cancelled.
The residents of Tivoli Court have to wonder what the negotiations for several on going projects are as well as the few upcoming projects?
Couldn’t the July meeting to keep the Tivoli Court Residents informed still be scheduled?
The Fountains Of Palm Beach Condominium, Inc. No. 7 (Tivoli)
Dear Owners:
Please be advised that as a result of the Board currently working in the midst of certain negotiations for several on-going projects, as well as a few upcoming projects, the July 2023 Board Meeting has been cancelled.
The August 2023 Board Meeting will be held on Monday, August 14, 2023, at the GRS Corporate Offices.
The 48 hour Board Meeting notice will be sent out as posted as typically done. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me @ 561-275-7397.
Thank you,
Donna Bissinger, Property Manager
GRS Community Management
All Fountain Residents should be aware that the Melaleuca Gate entry is out of adjustment
Exit is ok
Thank you
picture of the broken gate
I guess walk ins are now welcome?
Mellaleuca gate should be an exit only gate or closed down all together and just have south and north gate ..No security at the gate …
You did not attend the FCO meeting when this subject was discussed.
The previous board at tivoli court in 2021 and 2022 has done serious damages with their decision for a large bank loan —costly tiles work with problems and a large amount of money for a very poor paint job with problems Very Sad for all the residents. The new board has to face these very poor business thinking and decisions
Some people are smart enough to apply for a loan when interest rates are low.
Others are foolish enough to wait to apply for a loan for needed repairs when interest rates are high costing those residents having to pay off the loan more money.
As a self styled financial expert that wanted to be treasurer, Tivoli Court residents are lucky and very fortunate that you have been put in charge of light bulbs and not finances.
You and other board members will be made aware in more detail of the previous board’s accomplishments and how much money Tivoli Court residents saved under the previous board shortly.
Never going to happen.You are being bamboozled into believing this all to be true when in reality you are being used as a puppet. You were never on her good list. Face the facts and move on. Help the people who are trying to make Tivoli a better place to live. Maybe your wife won’t want to sell if you start helping to clean up the mess.
I know this is what you do in real life – make up absurd lies, because you have no real arguments or facts on your side! I have never had any lists, but if you tell me your real name, I’ll finally start one, although you made it really easy to guess.
Please stop polluting this site with vague BS and ad hominem attacks. Nobody cares. This site is to share serious information or ask real questions not to try to get at me.
If the court saved so much money under the previous Board, then how come when the new board came in there was hardly any money left. . Spending over 166,000 on unnecessary tiles? Firing contractors left and right to bring in sub par companies who did terrible work? How about all the money spent on a cleaner who NEVER ever worked. Really? You might want to think twice before you post things you know nothing about.
Lowell, please stop spreading your slanderous lies and retract your latest comment. I’ve explained to you many times before that the vast majority of the “Infrastructure loan” was used for the MANDATORY repairs of the buildings for the upcoming Milestone inspection/certification and to bring the elevators up to code, as required by the recently passed Florida statues.
Our 45+ years old buildings were in complete disrepair, with balconies crumbling, rusty rebars exposed, stucco cracked, mansard roof tiles missing and many tiles dangerously falling down, unsecured balcony railings falling down (including the railing above your own unit for years!). Water intrusion everywhere was damaging the structure of the buildings.
Our walkways had multiple tripping hazards and the tiles were old and cracking and needed to be replaced. Most of the courts in the FCO have already done this and others are planning to do it. It was an accident waiting to happen and a problem for insurance.
All these repairs were an absolute necessity for the SAFETY of our residents as well as to comply with state and insurance regulations. Tivoli board has worked hard to bring our court to the state it is now – beautiful and safe, investing in the future and increasing the property values of our units. Please post the pictures of Tivoli ct in 2022 and now and see how much better it is.
So not only there were not “serious damages” as you falsely claim, but didn’t explain, the opposite is true. The prior board (in addition to fixing the infrastructure) saved Tivoli court around $177,000 PER YEAR by leaving the FCO. Prior well-respected treasurer Marc said that we have saved $87,000 not counting the insurance costs. If you add insurance, it’s around additional $90,000 in savings. And as FCO costs will be going up next year, as stated at the last FCO meeting, so the savings for the next year will be even more, nearing $200,000! Thus potentially saving every Tivoli resident around $100 per unit per month on average!
Now Lowell, please tell us what have you done for this community besides complaining about FCO/GRS and every board and every board president since you have moved into Tivoli?
Concert.Ridgewood have announced new plans for development of Parcel E and the Country Club.
They indicate that they are proceeding with the 199 units without using the area where the current Clubhouse and driving range are situated.
Concert’s plan for the Club —
· all golf operations move to south
· 27 holes 3 Nines: Par 34 Par 35 Par 36
· new short game and driving range
· cart barn and pro shop move down to south
· current gym becomes new bar/restaurant with covered patio attached. Patio where current tennis court is
· current clubhouse used only for banquets and card rooms
· gym relocated to current men’s cardroom/pro shop at current clubhouse
· no changes to Pickleball area
· no changes to pool area
· old tennis pro shop becomes locker rooms
· new cart barn/pro shop goes where most north eastern tennis court currently is.
· will reduce by 2 tennis courts due to above
· current golf course maintenance building to remain
· demo current craft hall
· fountains hall and office building remain
The plan does not provide any relief for the items of concern raised by the Fountains residents and club members during the town hall meeting hosted by Ridgewood –
There will be one of the nine-hole layouts of non-championship caliber, with extremely short par-3 holes put on the other two nines.
The new driving range will be placed in sight of the high-rise building and the lake within their view will be removed.
The area in the south will club operations will be housed will be cramped with inadequate parking.
Two tennis courts will be removed. No new pickleball courts will be added.
The gym and card-rooms will be in the current clubhouse with no food service available. Card players meeting for lunch will have to drive from the south to the north after eating.
The lockers rooms will be inadequate leading to non-resident members changing shoes in the parking lot.
There is no mention of improvements to the South Gate.
There is no mention of dedication of the roads in the north.
However, NO PLANS HAVE BEEN FILED WITH THE COUNTY. There is time for community displeasure to be voiced.
And, although Versailles Court is displeased with the plan as it calls for a 10-foot buffer zone between the villas and the new lot lines, THE RUMOR ABOUT A SUIT BEING FILED IS NOT TRUE.
I believe that anyone who wants to write a blog should use their real name like i do. Why are they hiding themselves for just their opinion remark on the FCO blog..
I noticed several people on the golf course at (I believe) hole # 5 measuring a beautiful group of VERY OLD, LARGE stately Banyan trees.
I have called golf course maintenece & country club with no answer. Also called FCO, they directed me to Country Club. Can anyone please verify that they are NOT planning to cut down these beautiful old trees on LOT E?????
Thanks, ELB
Ellen, Concert Golf has been cutting down a lot of trees. On July 29th, we received an email from Jeff Jones, Director of Grounds, stating the following: “In addition to aerifications, as you may have noticed this summer, we have been working on improving both playability and aesthetics wall to wall. Meaning, we are removing dead/dying trees and other vegetation that affects turf performance. We are reshaping some of the approaches and fairways as well.”
So, the best person to contact regarding your inquiry is Jeff Jones (
Separately, I agree with Lowell … The admin of this blog should change the rules so that anyone posting must use their real name.
Residents are getting tired here in the Fountain’s North. There doesn’t seem to be any sympathy expended by the FCO. The sacrifices residents have made since the property was sold by the FCC to Concert Golf are horrific and unjust. The FCO always supported the Fountain’s Country Club and bent over backwards to pay them residents money for upgrades that their club could benefit from.
Residents were never shared information by the FCO that they were paying for the guard gate, ($500,000) which the Country Club sold and is now owned by Concert Golf and they are now charging you RENT for your gift. Yes that was a gift given to the FCC by YOU the paying resident.
Road maintenance, upgraded lighting, Upgraded signage for the Country Club, Landscaping, tree trimming, maintenance of the fountain’s, security. I can go on and on. A good portion of what you pay the FCO is for the benefit of property owned by the Country Club. You can thank the FCO board of directors. who you put your trust in. They’re not your friends. Often votes of how your money is spent has been leaning to benefit the Country Club and NOT the residents. The majority of the board of directors have always been members of the Country Club. They forget to take off their Country Club hat and put on the hat representing the residents when they have board meeting voting on how YOUR money is spent.
What’s great for the Fountain’s Country Club is they were able to sell the property to Concert Golf for a profit. Bail themselves out of their mismanaged Country Club mess at the expense of those with no desire to join their club.
What has happened since The Fountain’s Country Club sold to Concert Golf, the FCO failed to protect residents in the northern courts interests. The development is heading south as Concert intends to develop every inch of the property they purchased. Be prepared in the South to have your cable lines, Irrigation lines, electricity cut. Today water lines were cut behind Trevi and 7 courts were out of water and are now on a 48 hour boil water notice. Not to forget cracked foundations and windows.
The northern courts asked for assistance From the FCO when it was learned what Concert intended to do to this community, There were legal options That could have protected residents such as Adverse Possession law suit The FCO voted not to help us. Keep in mind they voted to gift $500,000 of your money to gift the Country Club a guard gate. Seems insane doesn’t it? Why would anybody wanna be associated with a group that has control of your money.
You do not have a voice if your Court happens to be in the minority. Your President wants to obviously vote to spend money on the best interest of your Court and the community.
Sadly your president does not have the power to protect the interests of your community. Being part of the FCO means you’ve given up power and other courts can choose your resident’s destiny. The FCO especially the current and past president assumed they have more knowledge and power than they actually have.
Sadly this is my observations and my opinions, seeing what has happened here in this community over the years.
Susan Shea
After reading your post about the FCO’s present and past president of the board of directors, this email shared with me from 2018 came to mind.
The power the President of the FCO thinks they have is outrageous. 2018 Esedra Courts board voted to leave the FCO management and contract with an outside management company. The then President of Esedra Court, Karen Kelly opted to put it out to a vote to the community. That was not necessary as contracts in all courts are voted and decided by the board of each court.
Scott Harris president of the FCO board of directors at that time did something totally outrageous and borderline illegal. He interfered with a vote where ballots were sent out to residents for a vote. He does not have power to send mail to residents of one court without the permission of the President and the board that are elected to that court.The expense for mailing his letter was absorbed by every resident in this community. He has no right to spend community money for his own personal opinion.
His letter was designed to frighten and intimidate residents into voting to stay with the FCO management. His information was factually incorrect and a total distortion of the truth.
Courts that have since left the FCO have lost NO services. What the courts have gained is MORE services and MORE money for their own community. Those courts are no longer under the control of people and presidents outside of their own communities. Those courts no longer pay money so Concert Golfs property and profits can be enhanced. They are no longer controlled by the corrupt dictatorship they have financially contributed to for years.
See the letter sent by Scott Harris 9/14/2018
Note the list of services he deceptively claimed would be lost. What actually happened is Courts got more services and now have total control of there own finances.
Irwin Seeman
From: Info
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2018 1:59 PMSubject: Esedra Court Residents
Dear Esedra Court resident,
Wednesday at the FCO Board Meeting the president of Esedra Court voted to NOT renew Esedra Court’s management agreement with the FCO. She was the only one who voted to leave the FCO. Since the list of services you will no longer be entitled to receive from the FCO is extensive, I feel it is only right to make the residents aware of the situation (see attached).
Click on the link below to see FCO distortion of the truth
The next meeting of the Esedra Court board of directors is scheduled to take place on Monday, September 17th at 4 p.m. in Fountains Hall. You may want to attend and voice your opinion if you are in disagreement with this decision.
Scott Harris, President
Irwin, If Scott Harris did these things, why is he still allowed to be court president of Versailles? It seems that anyone supposedly working for the residents, who lies should be removed and not able to have a position.
Regarding your recent comment…
If the people of Versailles court elect a person to be on their Board, and the Board members elect that person to be President, then there is no higher authority that would rule on whether that person should be President.
If the Board did not like something that the President did, they could pass a resolution to censure the President.
Or they could vote to remove that person from being President and vote in a new President.
But that person would still be a Board member. The Board cannot vote one of its members off the Board, because they were elected by the membership.
Only membership can do that.
About 10 years ago, there was a successful recall effort to remove several Board members in Versailles Court who chose to ignore what the community wanted and voted for.
Dear How It Works, Thank you for the clarification. Sadly, it seems that we are back to that point of 10 years ago. We have a couple of board members who have weaponized their board positions to cause cause harm and cause residents not have peaceful enjoyment of the property that they have exclusive use of. Multiple residents of Versailles court have put in large patios, many without going through proper channels and getting court approval. The board of Versailles looked the other way.
My husband and & applied to put in a patio in late March, 2023. The board did not respond our request, with a NO, until 68 days later. No one in our court had ever seen anything like this, neither had some office employees of the FCO. The VP of Versailles ct. is weaponizing his position to make it extremely difficult for us to put in our patio. He has come to our home with a measuring tape to try and regulate the size of our intended patio. He cites a rule that he put in place in May 23′, after we had already put in our application. When asking for the original rule, in writing, we have yet to receive this information. This is his Fiduciary responsiblity to provde this info. He has failed.
How can he change the rules mid game? There were no consequences for any of the neighbors who put in large patios, many with out approval from our board. In fact the reason a neighbor who installed a 55’patio wasn’t bothered, was because he “donated a large illegal shed to the maintenance dept”. Isn’t that ‘Quid Pro Quo”? This neighbor also has a Basketball court on his patio. Also, no problem from board for him. SELECTIVE ENFORCEMENT ANYONE?
Our board is running Versailles Ct. like their own private fifedom. In addition the VP & his wife ride around the court looking for “Violations” Things that have been in people’s gardens for the 10 years I have lived here are suddenly gone. A neighbor, was painting his driveway (the same color) because it was peeling and not remedied by maintenence, here comes Mrs. VP demanding to know if he has approval frm “Architecural Committee”to do that. Same thing with another neighbor painting Hurricane shutter, same color, here she comes.
Frankly, the majority of the court is very tired of being “Policed”. Mr. & Mrs. VP are making Versailles Court a very UNPLEASANT place to live.
Time for the Court President to rein them in!
Perhaps the time has come for the residents of Versailles Court, like those of Esedra Court, to cut their ties with the FCO and also seek outside management. We probably would not be any worse off, considering the poor service we have received in the past few years, and the apparent displeasure with the Board.
There are so many times I have tried to explain to the people on the board that a big tree on the golf course, close to my villa is constantly leaving loads of large braids falling all over my patio and grass. I live in Versailles Ct. and I am on the golf course.I spoke to someone to please cut some of the branches over my patio and was told that was my responsibility because it was there from the previous owners of the Fountains.
I was also told I could not have my solar lights in my front planting because they wouldn’t allow Christmas lights and therefore I was not allowed to have beautiful lights in my garden. Living in a community that has all kinds of people from different backgrounds to be told they won’t allow any holiday lights.
My lights are not holiday lights and it has nothing to do with Christmas.
Residents should be able to enjoy their holiday with some small decorations and decorative solar lights.
Re: the tree. Pull your plat map on You will be able to see a map of your property.
If the tree falls outside of your backyard property line, then the tree is the property of Concert Golf Partners.
You should contact Jeff Jones, Director of Grounds at:
If the tree is inside your property line, even if it was planted by the previous owner, then you are responsible for the tree’s maintenance.
If the tree was planted by the developers of Versailles Court, then the HOA is responsible for the tree.
.Re: landscape lighting. If the lighting requires electrical work, you will need to submit a plan to the Arthur Boord, the Board Member who handles Architectural Control. The form can be found on the FCO website (Associations – Versailles Court – Association Documents – Applications/Forms).
Regarding holiday lighting or holiday displays: most HOAs have rules that prohibit residents from displaying decorations on the exterior of their homes. Read your Rules and Regulations, as well as your Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions. You were given these documents at the time of closing. You can also find these documents on the FCO website.
Dear Frustrated: I have seen your solar lights and they are a beautiful enhancement to your garden. They DO NOT look anything like Christmas lights. Gee…I can only imagine WHO saw them and complained, TRUST ME, it was NOT any of your neighbors!
Perhaps the idea of NO HOLIDAY LIGHTS should be reexamined. The demographic of this community has changed radically since the late 70’s
when these and many other antiquated rules written.
I suggest finding out how many residents are interested in changing this rule and present this to the board at the next meeting.
What seems to be forgotten here is that the board is SUPPOSED to work for the benefit of Versailles Ct residents, not to impose their own RESTRICTIVE ideas on residents. I know of many who are not pleased with what is happening, PLEASE SPEAK UP!
I appreciate your comments. It seems more likely that there are too many regulations in this community without giving the residents the
opportunity to express their concerns. Most of us have the right to
express and in the knowledge to feel considered!!
“Too many regulations??”
You moved into a Condo/HOA community.
At the time of closing on your home, you signed a document attesting to abiding by the Rules & Regulations, and the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions.
Attending the monthly board meetings is essential if you are not already doing so.
Change can only be achieved this way.
(P.S.: Did you read my response re: your tree issue? Did you pull your Plat Map?)
Just because we moved into a Condo/HOA community doesn’t mean the regulations aren’t excessive. They absolutely are. I attend board meetings regularly and I can attest to the fact that they don’t really accomplish anything other than keeping us residents informed.
Yes, we all signed that document. But that doesn’t mean the rules aren’t all excessive. they are.
To Nancy: It seems that our current board President & VP haven’t read the rules. In order to change rules regarding the Homeowners use of personal property space, the Board must first get a vote from Homeowners. In this case, They did NOT.
Additionally, the rule change MUST be filed with the county. No vote was taken by residents, no rule was filed with the county. Therefore, the rule they put in place about patio size on May 5, 2023 is NOT enforceable.
No problem with the rules in place when closing on my home, just on rules put in place improperly and with personal vindictiveness, Nancy.
What did the President and VP change? The Rules & Regulations, or the Governing Documents? There is a difference. Each association has Rules & Regulations, and ByLaws/Governing Documents (declaration of Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions: CC&Rs). There are steps to changing Governing Documents: consult with legal, get community feedback, put amendment to vote, adopt, and record in the county’s public records where the community is located. If the rule about PATIO SIZE was adopted to your Rules & Regulations, then the board holds authority when it comes to rule changes.
Homeowners are not powerless though. A homeowner can draft a proposal, and submit it to the board for review. If there are other homeowners who feel the same way about an issue, include that in the proposal.
Former president of The Fountains obituary link in the New York Times:
The New York Times failed to mention that he wasted $15 million dollars of Fountains members money renovating the dining room that not only is it not open any longer for daily brunch but is now owned by Concert Golf that only uses it for functions. ☹
Shame on the NY Times for failing to print all the news that’s fit to print
Susan Shea passed away on Sunday during a hospital stay.
As you blog readers know, she was our most prolific contributor to this blog.
She was very helpful to many residents informing them of how the myriad of condo rules should be applied to the numerous and unending issues that had many residents in disbelief and confused.
Susan had a fierce sense of justice.
In 2012, when she moved to Gefion Court in the Fountains, she was immediately unjustly sued by the Fountains Country Club.
She didn’t join the club, which was her legal right.
This audacity and arrogance at the Fountains caused her to become an activist, defending against injustice at the Fountains for the last 11 years.
Imagine being excited to move to a new condo, only to be immediately sued for not joining the embedded Country Club.
And worse, the County Club had just lost the lawsuit brought by 7 North Courts that affirmed the right for them to vote out Mandatory Membership and her court had already voted it out !!!
Still stinging from their loss, the FCC demanded she join and sued her anyway, lying to the judge that she was required to join.
By way of background here, in about 2003, the Fountains Country Club had persuaded, cajoled, and strong armed all 19 courts to add into their by-laws that all new property owners had to join the club.
The president of the entire community had promised in writing that any court could change their by-laws and reverse it by a vote of its members, the same way it got voted in.
Thereafter, for 10 years, all new buyers had to present the FCO with 2 pieces of paper — a real estate contract and an application for FCC membership.
This crushed the property values in the smaller properties on the North side. Imagine trying to sell a one bedroom one bath condo with an expensive country club membership attached.
It also put associations in financial jeopardy, as owners who couldn’t sell for even $10,000 simply walked away and stopped paying dues.
Many lawsuits were active until Concert Golf took over the property and settled all the lawsuits.
Another fight she took on was when the contract with the FCO for property management services came up for renewal in 2018 and Susan was the President of Gefion Court.
She conducted her due diligence and partnered with the President of Esedra Court.
They interviewed professional outside property management companies to compare services to the FCO.
(All of South Florida employs these PM companies — nobody else has an FCO.)
She concluded that her court would save money and receive much more support from having access to a database of local vendors of proven competency, an assigned property manager who would actually walk the court (never happening with the FCO) and more timely, easier to understand financial reports.
Although her court had the right to not renew the contract with the FCO, the FCO and its sympathizers put up a fierce fight — threatening to deny barcode access at the gates, shut off TV, frightening senior citizens that they would not respond to security calls and other sleazy intimidation tactics.
That 2018 fight for outside property management was lost, but she was part of it winning it in 2021.
25% of the Fountains declined to renew in 2021 and got outside property management and she was part of that team.
She endured many frustrations over the years, and could have moved to her other house or somewhere else.
But she chose to stay and do the best she could to have her voice heard and blog about the history and goings-on at the Fountains.
Rest in peace Susan.
You will be missed.
Karen Kelly
Thank you Karen, that was a wonderful obituary. Susan was a terrific person with lots of spirit. She was a good and sincere friend.
Susan really did want justice for all, unfortunately it doesn’t work that way.. but she tried.
Yes, Susan ,Rest in Peace.
You will be sadly missed..
Bobbie Reiner
Thank you Karen for your wonderful tribute to Susan.
She was funny, smart, resourceful and had an innate sense of justice, which always manifested itself in her courage and bravery to speak truth to power.
Till the end Susan never complained, was so full of energy and her sprit – forever young. She will be so greatly missed.
Yelena Sennett
Thank you Karen for a wonderful tribute to Susan Shea.
She will be missed by many for her energy and concern for the residents of the Fountains especially the wrongdoing and mismanagement that continues to this day.
RIP Susan
I am deeply sorry for the loss of Susan Shea.
Lowell Levine Tivoli Court
“Don’t Be Fooled”
The FCO is issuing Resident security gate bar codes to the new home owners in the Lennar development. This is in keeping with an agreement with Zuckerman and assigned to Lennar as part of their purchase of the property from Zuckerman.
While driving on Fountains Circle I saw the car in front of me had a “Number 20” on the rear windshield?
We all know these numbers reflect a Fountains court designation, so why would the number “20” be on the vehicle rather than “00” not being a court?
What is the vetting process for residency (Fountains Associations have these) and to obtain a residential bar code?
Has the BOD of the FCO approved this number 20 designation?
This is very misleading to Fountains residents believing that:
I. A “New Court 20” exists
II. FCO background protocols have been used to vet the residents
If you see this as an issue, speak with your FCO representative and voice your concerns.
Your Advocate
Advocate,Friends & Neighbors,
Happy Holidays and Safe and Healthy New Year.
Please be advised that at the FCO BOD meeeting today, Scott Harris stated that “00” is the designation for the FCC.
Once again Ben Geller believes that the new Lennar (parcel D) will become an FCO member once that the HOA takes control because they are obligated to pay for FCO security and road maintenance provided to Concert Golf Partners under an agreement between ” the FCO and FCC.” Thus why not number them 20?
Maybe “85” would have been a better choice, leaving Parcel A, E and F 86,87 and 88 designations?
A Fountains resident with a small dog experienced a very scary situation when a resident of the Lennar developement had two very large pit bull dogs, unleashed, out for a walk. Those dogs became aggressive to the Fountains resident’s Chi–hua-hua. Scott Harris directed the court president to call PBC animal control.
All this being said, another consequence of the unrestricted residential development.
Parcel A, owned by FCC (a GL subsidiary) has no current plans for development, per Scott Harris who is in touch with GL executives on a regular basis.
Ben indicated that the new Lennar development does not have any street lighting and does not understand why.
A streetlighting district needs to be created by the utility provder,Florida Power & Light, who will install the UG utilities, lighting stantions, and then maintain.
Ben also reported that the owners of the 318 unit workforce apartment complex on Jog Road have dedicated property to PBC for a county park. County Parks are open to the public.
Currently no physical barrier exists between the Fountains and what will be developed by PBC as a public park.
Much concern voiced by residents in attendance.
Conflict of interest was raised by a resident with the potential of the same five (5) Southern court board presidents serving the FCO, Serving the Courts, and serving the FSPOA.
The conflicts were recognized and taken under advisement.
Any error in reporting is unintentional, so feel free to correct
Richard B. Ward, V.P. FSPOA
Fountains Association Members
At the January FSPOA meeting , the Association will be celebrating the conclusion of 40 years of service to the its membership, while looking forward to the next 30 years. The date, location, and time will be announced shortly.
We are pleased to announce that the slate of candidates proposed by the Nominating Committee was elected to a one-year term.
We want to thank all of the 509 Unit Owners of the FSPOA (ten South Courts) who submitted their proxy to the proxy holder of their choosing.
It is important that the community’s individual voices be heard and acted upon.
May the New Year of 2024 be healthy, safe, and prosperous for all!
FSPOA Board Members
Steve Jordan, President
Richard Ward, Vice President
Richard Heyman, Director
Nancy McBeth, Treasurer
Dennis Krasner, Secretary
FSPOA Board Members-Elect
Steve Jordan
Richard Ward
Richard Heyman
Nancy McBeth
Bruce Witterman
Does Anyone have information on the ongoing LAWSUIT between some of the members of the TIVOLI condo board and the past board president.
Is this lawsuit going forward. You can’t get any information from the board members. You get that old story can’t talk about it because it’s an ongoing investigation.
Is it true that the residents of Tivoli CT. will have to foot the bill to pay a lawyer to defend those board members. Why should Tivoli residents be held accountable. Could a ruling from this lawsuit have an impact on our monthly condo fees? (INCREASE)
I believe the Tivoli ct. residents should KNOW ABOUT THE LAWSUIT.
WHAT ARE THOSE BOARD MEMBERS BEING ACCUSED OF. Why does everything have to be hush hush?
When the lawsuit was presented to the board you had the opportunity to read it. It was handed to you. You said you had no time and walked out of the meeting. Go online and you’ll find it.
Here ya go:
Directors and Officers insurance, not residents, will cover most of the legal fees, but the costs of the insurance may increase, and these fees will be passed on to the residents. That’s why the residents need to speak up about the board’s actions.
You should have attended the last BOD meeting where the Tivoli board has yet again imposed an illegal and absurd $100 fine on a resident simply for speaking to a Tivoli contractor. Let me repeat – a resident of Tivoli Ct is fined by the board simply for SPEAKING to a third party who at the moment has NO affiliation with Tivoli Ct. Does this sound reasonable to you or “off the wall”?
According to the lawsuit, Tivoli board has also habitually engaged in selective enforcement of the rules against this resident and other residents in Tivoli. There are many other examples which I may post later, but I think the above example is a good starting point for people to understand the board’s attitude and actions.
What do you think? What would you do if you were fined $100 for speaking to your friend who happens to be a past or present contractor in Tivoli? How many people in Tivoli have spoken to our cleaner, for example, or landscaper? What if every time they do this, they were fined? Well, this resident is fined multiple times for the same actions.
Peter, I know you have beautiful landscaping near your unit. What would you do if the board came to your backyard and threatened to remove the flowers that you have planted and told you that if you don’t remove the flowers, they will remove them for you and charge you for it? Would you allow them to pull your flowers, plants, or the trees you have near your unit?
Subscribers to the Fountains Residents Network Blog
April 22, 2024
Gefion, D’Este, and Tivoli, totaling 468 residents are breathing a huge sigh of relief, that they are no longer under contract for Property Management Services from the Fountains Condominium Operations, Inc.
At the “Emergency Meeting” of the FCO, President Bernard Ciancanelli, announced that the FCO has been in communication with Concert/Ridgewood which resulted in the Joint Venture resurrecting the previous 2022 “Cooperative Agreement” that then President Ben Geller championed.
The terms and conditions the JV offered for a Cooperative Agreement is a quid pro quo, not to impede 350 residential unit permitting on Parcel E, in exchange for fee simple deeding of property and buildings (one property to Luxemburg???) and a cash contribution.
Retreating to past practices FCO, Bernard & Scott Harris, call retired attorney Rodney L. Tennyson, who insists that the FCO acquire real property assets, but Bernard could not articulate why following a lengthy phone conversation.
Note that the FCO has since its inception never owned real property assets.
The FCO has no ability to “ASSESS” anyone to operate or maintain any such property.
Much discussion surrounded the huge financial and ownership liabilities of assuming the property assets. Multi-million-dollar costs were identified.
The JV requires a response to the proposal from the FCO BOD by May 1, 2024.
The FCO BOD, at the recommendation of the President, authorized that Rodney L. Tennyson draft a counter proposal to the JV offer containing some “Up Front” payments to offset the significant accompanying liabilities associated with accepting the assets.
Why you may ask????
However, the FCO BOD representatives present were requested to poll their associations to determine the interest of residents to enter into an Agreement with the JV.
Stay tuned !!!!!!!!!
Your Advocate
With regard to Versailles court last (March) meeting:
Filing a FALSE police report in Palm Beach County is classified as a MISDEMENOR under Forida Criminal Statue. Crime penalties associated with this charge include UP TO 1 YEAR IN JAIL and a FINE OF UP TO $1,000.
Additionally, LYING TO LAW ENFORCEMENT is a 1ST DEGREE FELONY with punishment of up to 1 yr. in jail and same $1,000 fine. I’d give THAT some SERIOUS thought!
what is this in regard to?
The Board member & his wife who did this know who my comment is meant for.
My understanding is that Concert/Rigewood currently owns the North roads and wants to get rid of them because they don’t want to maintain them. There is a strong possibility that PB County may force them to widen and modernize the roads (adding curbs, pedestrian walkways, etc.). The costs of this upgrade are likely to be many millions, way more than the cost of building the Southern gate that Concert/Ridgwood proposes in exchange (around $500,000).
The same goes for the old FCO buildings that they want to offload the maintenance to the FCO, again leaving us on the hook for a lot of wasted money and liability.
Why would anybody want to own a depreciating asset that will require a significant capital investment later? We have yet to hear why it is so important for the FCO to own property. Remember, FCO is just a management company. No other management company owns roads! lol. Maybe Rod Tennyson can explain it to us? Maybe we should have owned it back in the day before Concert bought it? Why didn’t FCO bid on it then? Why did we all pay for the northern gate rebuit which now Concert owns and we pay rent to? Where was Rod then? It’s way too late now, but at least we need an explanation of why it’s so important now.
I’m having a hard time understanding why any condo association in the FCO would want to take on this liability. And then, if more associations smartly decide to leave the FCO, who will be on the hook for this property given that FCO has no legal power to assess?
FCO can’t even upgrade its outdated accounting system for years! Now they want to take on this huge responsibility? Would this require hiring more people to manage? How much would this potentially cost every unit still left in the FCO? Could it be a few thousand dollars? Do we know? Shouldn’t we know that before making this fundamental decision?
Dear Tivoli Court Residents:
Please read this article from The Miami Herald. It will explain a lot of what is going on in the HOAs in Florida.
If you prefer to read the text without clicking the link, the text is pasted below.
Do we have any volunteers?
South Florida condo associations struggle to find directors
By Gabriella M. Ruiz
Special to the Miami Herald May 13, 2024 5:00 AM
Above: South view of the Miami skyline from the roof top pool area at the Paraiso Bayviews building located in the up-and-coming Edgewater neighborhood.
Pedro Portal
The recent changes to Florida’s Condominium Act aimed at bolstering the structural elements of aging buildings are leading to increases in monthly dues for many communities, which in turn is causing a ripple effect on the willingness of owners to volunteer to serve on their association’s board of directors. Raising association budgets and implementing special assessments for specific projects can be a recipe for hostility and dissent that becomes too much to bear for even the most ardent and effective board member.
Unfortunately, many communities are exacerbating this problem by enabling a level of disharmony to become so pervasive that it drives away their most effective leaders. For associations that are having trouble finding willing and able volunteers, owners should carefully reflect on the reasons why. At some communities, members of their board of directors are being forced to devote exorbitant amounts of time per week to association matters. They are being tasked to vet vendors, coordinate the completion of inspections and reserve studies, and oversee dramatically rising annual budgets while also controlling the daily operations of the association.
Some of these activities would be better suited for professional property managers, whom associations should utilize as effectively as possible. For some communities, the regularly scheduled board meetings have evolved to such a level of hostility between the board and unit owners that they have become intolerable for the directors. Owners should not expect to have many volunteers for openly hostile situations, so they should do their part to avoid creating them.
Unfortunately, some communities are home to owners who thrive on creating disruption and fostering hostile meetings by yelling and becoming belligerent. They obstinately refuse to understand and accept increases for such necessities as insurance, and they regularly disregard association rules and regulations. The distractions and commotions created by such association members can drive away effective directors.
The issues affecting board service can also stem from within the board itself. While most boards are democratic bodies governed by majority-vote rule, some communities allow its president to make many decisions, thereby enabling this single board member to have his or her way in practically all matters. Over time, these communities lose sight of the fact that the president may be neglecting fellow directors by diminishing their views and responsibilities, resulting in fewer owners volunteering to serve.
The solutions for all these forces acting against board service will vary for communities based on their specific situations. For some, they may simply be better served by amending their governing documents with the help of qualified legal counsel to require fewer directors. Boards consisting of only five members, typically a president, vice president, treasurer, secretary and another director, are the most common, but small communities that have trouble filling that many seats may want to consider the possibility of requiring only three. Similarly, communities with seven- and nine-member boards that are having difficulties filling them should consider eliminating two seats.
Associations should also consider expanding their communications and outreach efforts, as well as creating new opportunities for members to become involved. Apathy toward board service can stem from a general lack of participation and awareness in association matters. Many communities now have or will soon be implementing state-mandated websites for the owners, and they should consider making ample use of those sites to maximize their communications and maintain full transparency. Enabling owners to volunteer to help with such communications and/or serve on committees can also help to develop future board members.
For communities, the solutions to their troubles filling board seats will need to begin with the members and come from within. Like-minded members should band together and voice their concerns, and they will need to work in opposition to any forces that may be leading to a hostile and negative environment for board members and meeting participants. New leadership for the community could be in order, so owners will need to identify and support their selected candidates. Ultimately, condominium associations are controlled by their member owners, and it is up to them to make the choices that help to foster willing, able and effective directors. Given the difficult financial and administrative challenges that lie in store for many enclaves, owners should reflect on the issues impacting board service within their community and work to rectify them.
Gabriella Ruiz Gabriella Ruiz Gabriella M. Ruiz is an attorney with the South Florida law firm of Siegfried Rivera who focuses on community association law and construction defect litigation. She is a contributor to the firm’s Newsroom blog at and is based at its Coral Gables office. The firm also maintains offices in Broward and Palm Beach counties, and its attorneys focus on community association, real estate, construction and insurance law.,, 305-442-3334.
Boris of Tivoli,
Thank you!
Not included is even more regulation that will require Association Board members financial disclosures by years end (2024).
Even more reason to engage Professional Property Management as a way to limit liability should any unintentional errors happen.
Relieving stress and reducing the time and effort put forth by a BOD will certainly open the door to a wider volunteer group.
Due to the professional management provided by GRS, Tivoli Court has not experienced any difficulties in filling board seats over the past few years. In fact, we have consistently had more candidates than available positions. The professional managers from GRS significantly assist the board in managing the day-to-day affairs of our court, thereby reducing the burden on board members.
Tivoli Court is fortunate in this regard, as we consistently have a robust pool of volunteers dedicated to supporting our community.
Boris of Tivoli
Thank you for taking the time let other associations share in your courts experience over the last three years.
You accurately describe the positive impacts on recruitment of owners who would instinctively shy away from serving, fearing being overwhelmed by work, subject to social pressures and face accountability.
The “PPM” removes all the obstacles and only leaves common sense decisions by the BOD employing the state -of -the- art financial tools that are available to every unity owner, every month.
The professional CAM also knows your Governing Documents as well as the State Statutes essential to keep you on the straight and narrow.
Once the stress is removed the job can actually become fulfilling.
Thanks again for your insight.
Boris of Tivoli,
Your comment about HOA boards describes Versailles Court PERFECTLY.
Our board members are too intimidated to NOT go along with the board president.
When they try, the are shouted over.
A professional management company would eliminate those problems. Additionally, it would also get rid of those board members who have been weaponizing their positions to carry out personal agendas. The idea that at the end of 2024, board members would HAVE TO PROVIDE FINANCIAL Disclosures might contribute to attrition of guilty board members. The board also changes court rules to suit themselves without legally filing changes with the state.
A professional management company might be best for Versailles Court.
Professional Property Management
The FCO unexpectedly has taken the first small step to introduce “21st Century Professional Property Management “
to its customers.
Unlike three previous failed attempts to employ Executive Directors/CAM’ following the retirement of the indispensable Debbie Poulette, the FCO, under new leadership, has met the requirement by directly “Contracting” with Bryan Flores, LCAM/CMCA. He is not an employee.
However, his credentials are outstanding, and he has extensive experience in working with Associations diverse member personalities, for the benefit of the community.
The combination of extensive knowledge and strength of character seem to be the prescription necessary to begin the lengthy and lest not forget costly process of transition.
Bryan Flores has arrived at a critical time, as the 16 remaining Associations contemplate the Automatic 3- year Renewal of PM Agreements in August 2024, unless notification is otherwise delivered, in writing, to the FCO by the Association.
“New PM Agreements” with early cancellation clauses are now subjects of many Association Board discussions as 2025 rapidly approaches.
The first test for the collaboration of the FCO BOD, Bryan Flores LCAM/CMCA and the Individual Associations is here.
Pass or fail will determine how property management services are rendered in the years to come.
Be safe!
The correct spelling of the new CAM’s name is: Brian Flores.
Re: the new, 3-year, FCO Master Property Management Agreement. There is an error on Page 4 of the Contract. The new Contract dates run from January 2025 through December 2027. In Article 6, Section 1, it notes that the Termination Period is between 8/1/2028 and 9/1/2028. It should be 2027.
The FCO is asking all Court Presidents to sign the new contracts which would go to 2028 WITHOUT providing a new budget. No President should sign this new contact without a prior FCO meeting to discuss an opt out clause. Every Board President should get their board votes/approvals. In signing off on their own, the Board President may be putting themselves at risk (legally).
ARTICLE 6 Term and Conditions of the Agreement. Section 1. Term. This Agreement shall commence on January 1, 2025 and shall continue for a 3-year term. The Agreement shall automatically extend for an additional 3 year term unless the Association or Manager gives written notice of termination during the period between August 1, 2028 and September 1, 2028.
Thank you for the correction on the spelling of “Brian”.
Surely do not want to confuse “Bryan” of CGP with the new FCO LCAM, i.e. FCO Management LLC.
Your diligence is deeply appreciated.
With regard to the New State of Florida HOA rules change: Please see the comments of Mo Saleh of Victoria Groves on HOA rules. You can see them on Nextdoor. Very worth while read!
I must issue a correction of my last post.
An esteemed neighbor corrected me that we are governed by a COA, not an HOA. I apologize for my misunderstanding! Funny though, all this time I do not recall anyone calling the association a COA, only HOA. Well you learn something new every day! I stand corrected.
Hi eBrehne,
Chapter 720 of Florida Statutes covers HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION (HOA), and Chapter 718 of Florida Statutes covers CONDO OWNERS ASSOCIATION (COA).
Two Courts are Chapter 720 (HOA): Oakmont and Atriums, because there are single family homes in those two courts.
All of the other Courts are Chapter 718 (COA).
I live in Esedra CT .Refers has turned into a free for all rules changed
When felt like our pool is dirty, Pool person does not clean it properly.
Pool guy comes in with amounts of powder and chlorine because water is not at correct levels .
What is board doing?
This is an ongoing problem.
So many issues in our court
So many dogs, no paperwork on those dogs running behind buildings off leash.
Clothes on rack drying outside units.
Esedra Court will be having a Board meeting tomorrow, Monday July 29, at 1 PM in Fountains Hall.
If you check the bulletin board next to the mailboxes, you will see the announcement of the meeting with the agenda.
You may be able to speak to the president, Rich DiPietro, or whichever Director is in charge of the pool.
Also on the bulletin board there should be a list of Directors and what their responsibility is and their contact info.
I hear that Esedra Court and some or all of the 10 South courts have decided to leave the FCO and hire an outside property management company.
Can someone please post the status of the FCO contract renewal?
Thank you
As far as I know, the residents of Esedra voted to stay with the FCO and signed the new contract with them.
I was told by a resident of Esedra, that the Board voted to leave, and will NOT be renewing the 3-year agreement with the FCO.
Site Monitor, Frank, and Others
It is my understanding that at the meeting of the Esedra Court on Monday, July 29th 2024 following a question raised by an attendee resident, about the automatic renewal of the FCO 2021 MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT for three more years unless the FCO is notified in writing during August 2024, the Association has opted out and following due diligence by the Board has elected to engage an outside Property Management Company.
In keeping with the direction from the FCO LCAM, Brian Flores, A.K.A. FCO Management LLC., a letter stating the Opt-out along with a copy of the BOD minutes will be delivered to the FCO as formal notification.
It is also my understanding that some “Southern Associations are considering opting out but at least two of the “Southern Associations” have already agreed to the auto renewal of the existing 2021 FCO Property Management Agreement even without the benefit of an approved 2025 annual budget.
It is also my understanding that the FCO has drafted and distributed a “New Property Management Agreement” (2024-2027) to the membership Presidents with some changes that they consider favorable to the Associations.
It is also my understanding that some Associations requested an FCO Board meeting in “July” to discuss the “2021 Property Management Agreement” auto renewal and the FCO proposed “2024-2027 Property Management Agreement. For reasons unknown the FCO Governance elected to not convene a meeting.
The Fountains News Reporter
Site Monitor & Others
Update: 08.06.24
It is my understanding that the Atriums BOD at its announced August 2024 meeting, has elected to opt out of a Property Management Agreements with the FCO and will be notifying the FCO in writing this month in compliance with the conditions of the 2021 PM Agreement as well as meeting the additional Board meeting minutes requirement, now mandated by Brian Flores, FCO LCAM, A.K.A. FCO Management LLC.
In weighing the Pro and Cons of “outside” Property Management, it was reported that the capabilities of the FCO Inc., as it exists today, to provide todays State-of-the-Art PM services, was simply beyond the reach of the FCO.
The Fountains Reporter
Such as?
Funny that you ask.
The days of Fountain Associations unquestionably committing to FCO Inc. Property Management Agreements apparently has passed.
Dissatisfaction stemming from a combination of long-standing unresolved issues, along with new FCO administration’s laissez-faire approach to resolving ,2021 PM Agreement auto renewals or adopting a new standard modified agreement, with Association concessions, has led to the Summer of Discontent.
Levels of dissatisfaction have risen to the extent that Associations have or are exploring “outside” property management services.
To that degree multiple Associations BOD, after due diligence, have voted to no longer use the FCO Inc. after 2024.
Remaining tethered to antiquated business practices and exercising inherent conflicts of interest has brought the FCO Inc. to the proverbial tipping point.
(More to follow, at a later date, on Associations discoveries during due diligence).
The Fountains Reporter
Community Update:
“We’re Back”
It has been reported that following a prolonged CGP/Ridgewood silence, on Friday 8.16.24 Brian Flores, FCO LCAM notified the FCO Executive Committee via e-mail that Concert Ridgewood JV has come back with yet another proposal related to the development of “Parcel E.”
They have again stipulated an agreement acceptance date. This time September 2, 2024, Labor Day.
It is my understanding that Flores is frantically working to notify FCO Member Association Presidents and schedule an FCO BOD meeting to accommodate the proposal acceptance date.
Interestingly the last FCO counter proposal to the JV never received a response until now.
More to follow once the “Latest” proposal version becomes available.
The Fountains Reporter
Whatever happened to residents having the right of way at the North Gate?
I can’t count how many close calls I’ve had with visitors who are oblivious to the fact that I am there. If the visitor starts to go first, I will wait, but when the resident gate opens, and then I start to move forward many times, the visiting vehicle takes off, and then I must stop to avoid an accident.
This has practice has been problematic for years.
You need to go directly to the security committee who has oversight of ECIS who provides the security personnel.
4615 Fountains Drive, Suite B Lake Worth, Florida 33467-4133 Tel: (561) 964-3600, Fax: (561) 641-5631 email:
August 22, 2024
The Fountains Reporter
The guard is supposed to control it.
They are supposed be trained that they don’t press the button to allow visitor entry until the resident’s lane is empty, as a courtesy to residents.
Right! But they don’t. This current security company does not do that.
Fountains Community Update
Reliable sources have again proven their worth.
News of the Day “FCO E-mail Distribution”
From: Angela Siciliano
Date: August 20, 2024 at 1:12:24 PM EDT
Subject: Atriums Update
Dear Atriums Resident,
On August 5th, at our board meeting, we voted 6-2 to opt out of our management agreement with the FCO. I officially notified the FCO by text, hand delivered letter and copy of our Minutes, and email to Mr. Flores, the CAM, of that decision.
We have scheduled a meeting of the board for Tuesday, August 27th at 4:00 PM, in Poulette Hall and by Zoom. We will be voting on a new management company, pool issues and other business. You are invited to attend, ask questions, become informed of court decisions.
Thanks, see you on Tuesday,
Bob Lipp, President of the Atriums
The Fountains Reporter
Fountains Community Update
FCO Executive Committee 8.22.24 Meeting
Reputable sources have indicated that this meeting will be focusing on the latest JV proposal for the development of “Parcel E”, noting the reported September 2, 2024 date stipulated condition by the JV.
The Community should also note reported was that Alan Rabinowitz (Southern Association Representative) was removed from the Executive Committee one day after he received this zoom meeting notice.
Why, one would ask.
More to follow that should shed light on this FCO maneuver.
The Zoom meeting link information has intentionally not been included.
From: Bernard Ciancanelli
Date: 8/20/24 11:00 AM (GMT-05:00)
To: Angela Siciliano
Cc: Scott Harris ,,, David G ,,, Brian Flores
Subject: Re: FCO Executive Committee Meeting Thu., 8/22 @ 3:00PM
Will zoom in
Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 20, 2024, at 8:36 AM, Angela Siciliano wrote:
Good morning,
There will be an FCO Executive Committee Meeting held on Thu., 8/22 @3:00PM in Brian’s office (FCO Conference Room) and via Zoom. (see Zoom invitation below….)
Topic: FCO Executive Committee Meeting
Time: Aug 22, 2024 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Once upon a time a Wolf, (aka president of Tivoli Court) focused his vengeance, venom, unwarranted harassment and attention to a Little Red Riding Hood ( aka a former well informed, well educated, competent, and accomplished former resident Tivoli Court Board president.)
What was the root cause of the wolf’s vengeance?
Little Red Riding Hood declined a wolf request to be appointed to the Tivoli Court Board almost three years ago while she was president in 2022 pointing out the wolf doesn’t reside in the court and multiple board members agreed that he should wait for the upcoming proper elections in a few months for the residents to vote.
A few friends of the wolf conducted an intensive door to door campaign to defeat Little Red Riding Hood spreading false information and outright lies about her which were successful in December 2022 electing the non-resident wolf.
As soon as the wolf assumed the presidency of Tivoli Court he began an unrelenting unending campaign of harassment against Little Red Riding Hood and her entire family.
So intense that Little Red Riding Hood was forced to issue a civil lawsuit in an attempt to halt the harassment against her entire family .
The lawsuit is still ongoing.
Little Red Riding Hood has improperly imposed grievance fines against her as well as cease and desist letters against speaking to Board members.
This retaliation against her now resulted in 50 year old beautiful flowering Bougainvillea bushes near the residence of Little Red Riding Hood being totally destroyed. Despite the fact that multiple residents who lived nearby enjoyed the flowers are upset now when it’s gone.
There are links to 3 pictures below:
Click to see How it looked before
Click to see Bougainvillea severely cut back
Click to see Bougainvillea now
Lucy in the sky
Fountains Update: Friday August 30, 2024
FCO Even Dozen
Reliable sources have reported that another Four (4) Associations have officially “opted out” of FCO Property Management beginning, January 1, 2025.
Twelve remaining Associations will now be responsible to fund the FCO business model and living with impacts of secret Executive Committee negotiations with the Concert Ridgewood JV development of Parcel E, for the next three years.
Should any of the Associations been diligent enough to accept the “New Agreement” (no automatic renewal of the 2021 Agreement) they now can exercise an early opt out condition.
Sources indicate that September 2024 will be a month filled with revelations.
The Fountains Reporter
Counting up …
Courts under outside property management, or will be soon:
That’s 5 out of 19 –
which are the other 2? (Thanks for the report!)
– Milan 1 24
– Milan 2 24
– Atriums 62
– Esedra 174
– Trevi 180
Total: 464 Doors
– D’Este 275
– Tivoli 175
– Gefion 18
Total: 468
Grand Total: 932
Who will be next?
Mrs. Columbo,
Who will be next and when, will be reported when reliable sources share that information.
Next question is, what will be the reaction of the remaining Associations residents when they get their 2025 Associations budgets to approve and 464 less “doors” are no longer sharing in the funding FCO operations?
Also, what will be the impact on the New FCO Hotwire Agreement minus 464 “doors”?
What can be reported from reliable sources is that at least another 250+ “doors” are in play, even though they had not exercised their “Opt-out” opportunity in August 2024.
Pressure from residents on new significant assessments and legacy assessments leave little flexibility for Associations BOD, other than to reduce costs where ever possible noting personal financial accountability imposed by changes in Florida Statutes effective 2025.
Milan No. 1 and Milan No. 2 round out the seven resignations since 2021.
Reports are that some Associations are finalizing outside Agreements as I write.
Apparently should they consolidate even differing requirements, and contract with the same PM company, cost will be even lower.
The Fountains Reporter
Mrs. Columbo,
Thank you!
Nice detective work!
I suspect that you are a close relation to the LA. lieutenant
My post had not yet been posted awaiting approval of the site Monitor but also includes more information.
The Fountains Reporter
Is anyone concerned about the “ponding” on the West course? With all of the new mosquito borne illnesses these ponds are perfect breeding grounds for mosquitos. Can the management of the gold course PLEASE spray for mosquitos during this rainy season?
Your concerns are well founded.
Palm Beach County has participated in a national program where Genetically Modified mosquitos have been released into the environment in order to limit reproduction.
The attached link provided a tutorial and can shed some light on mosquito control.
The County Ariel spraying for 2024 has been done.
To what extent the FCC can supplement mosquito control on the golf courses, I believe is questionable.
PBC Mosquito Control does have a complaint process.
The Fountains Reporter
FCO Staff:
Heartfelt sympathies, go out to the loyal administrative staff of the FCO, for the stressful situation they are experiencing with the additional number of Member Associations opting out of Property Managements Agreements beginning, January 1, 2025.
For the Administrative staff to feel that they have contributed to the resignation of Associations from the FCO in 2021 and now in 2024, is far from the truth.
Reports from multiple reliable sources, suggest the blame can be placed squarely on the shoulders of the FCO BOD. The reasons are said to be numerous, but reported most was simply uncorrectable dysfunction and unquestioning “rubber stamping” approvals.
Fountains Residential Community:
The mantra “It has always been done this way”, reliance on a single “indispensable” administrator, well-meaning but weak organizational leadership, and questionable legacy legal counsel, some say, has led to members to find alternatives.
Rather than to acknowledging shortfalls and accept responsibility, the FCO BOD has elected to fund new Accounting/Operational Applications and New computer systems by reallocating Security Fencing Funds. This was a knee jerk reaction, to satisfy growing member displeasure.
FCO leaderships commitment is to the “Upgrade” in 2025.
Too Little too late?
Has the FCO accounted for intensive staff training, off-site systems monitoring, Uninterrupted Power Sources (“UPS”),
Daily Server backups, etc.?
The FCO has announced a meeting on Wednesday September 11, 2024, which should prove to be one of extreme interest to one and all.
The Fountains Reporter
Mrs. Columbo and The Fountains Reporter,
Thank you for your accurate and timely updates.
As you mentioned, the 932 units have left the FCO for professional property management, and their size surpasses that of the remaining FCO courts. Adding to this the new Lennar development, Parcel D, with approximately 192 townhouses, further increases the number of units in the Fountains that are outside of FCO control—making it 1/3 more outside the FCO than within! This leads me to an important point.
It’s time for the courts that are no longer part of the FCO to assume majority control and oversight over the “shared budget” that all courts continue to pay into. To elaborate: the courts that have left the FCO (and new Lennar development) still contribute to the “shared budget,” which covers security, access roads, fountains maintenance, landscaping, electricity, and other common services.
However, the FCO does NOT grant these courts any vote or say in how this “shared budget” is created, managed or spent. To date, they have even refused to produce an audit. How is this fair? The courts that have left make up the vast majority of payments, yet we have ZERO control over how the funds are used.
This situation is not only unfair, but it’s also entirely unreasonable and must be addressed immediately, starting with the new “shared budget” that the FCO is likely to propose at the next BOD meeting this Wednesday. We must demand that every court contributing to the shared budget has a say and a vote in its allocation.
Susan S.
Thank you for your contribution!
Interestingly, Trevi has voted to stay with the FCO.
Did Pressure tactics of increasing Security & Road Maintenance fees play a role in this decision?
Should you Add them back “for the moment”, 752 are out.
However 2025 FCO budget revelations may yet be very troublesome.
FCO Hope Springs Eternal????
The Recent “contentious” FCO Security Meeting:
Committee Chair suggests Lennar 192 units will joining the FCO.
Check PBC Appraisers Public records yourself. Numerous units are now owned by multiple outside investors who will be renting the units.
They have the most interest in having a professional Property Management Company and I am told by an owner, they will insure that happens.
FCO has a public reputation as a dysfunctional organization and losing long standing business only supports using other options.
The Fountains Reporter
Susan, you make an excellent point! Most residents are unaware of this monthly expense we all pay. Why should we continue to contribute to this shared budget if we have no say in how it’s managed? It’s truly unheard of.
This system needs a complete overhaul. Control must be shifted away from the shadow “FCO Executive Committee,” a small group of residents who currently make all the decisions in total secrecy, refusing to publish even the most basic minutes of their private meetings.
The alarming part is that many residents don’t even realize that they’re paying monthly fees, and their boards and presidents simply hand the money over to this “executive committee” to use as they see fit. This lack of transparency and accountability must stop.
Is this even legal?
I call on all residents to speak up and safeguard our money and reserves, urgently addressing the following issues:
1. Protecting the Reserves: The FCO has already spent around $100,000 of the reserve funds—contributed by all the courts for special projects —to subsidize its own day-to-day operations over the past few years. What’s to stop them from spending the rest of it?
2. Ensuring We Don’t Pay for Services We No Longer Use: Currently, about $150,000 of the FCO’s yearly expenses are shifted into the “shared budget”—again, to subsidize the FCO’s existence. Why should we continue paying for services we no longer use? Wasn’t that the point of leaving the FCO?
Preventing Misallocation of Surplus Funds: The FCO routinely transfers surplus funds from the shared budget—money left over from shared expenses we all pay into—into its own operating budget, once again to subsidize its existence.
In effect, they are wasting YOUR money for their purposes, even after we’ve left the FCO. If the FCO continues to mismanage or divert funds from the reserves, there may not be enough money available when it’s truly needed to fix major issues like the deteriorating roads on Fountains Drive. Road repairs are costly, and if the reserve funds are depleted, the burden could fall back on residents in the form of special assessments or increased fees.
It’s time for transparency, accountability, and a fair system where every resident has a say in how our contributions are managed!
Trevi had no vote to stay with the FCO. The now former president of the Trevi court BOD took it upon himself to sign the contract without speaking to other board members or residents, since these actions came to light we have since voted to leave the FCO and the former tyrant and his henchmen have stepped down from their positions.
Looking forward to a new era in Trevi without the selective enforcement, favoritism, and refusal to be progressive.
Glad to see that the Trevi Ct. Revolutionary is too “chicken” to use their own name. I became Pres. of Trevi Ct. when our former Pres. was impeached for lying to the BOD among other things.How about that same Pres. signing a 7 year contract extention with the washing machine company, whose performance is considerably less than stellar, without ever discussing it with the BOD.Let them without guilt cast the first stone!
Susan S and Fountains Residents,
First, my reporting is based upon reliable sources and the fact is Trevi has opted out of the FCO PM Agreement beginning January 1, 2025.
Seven Associations have resigned representing 932 unit owners since 2021.
The remainder of the report posted on September 9, 2024, is accurate.
The FCO meeting agenda for tomorrow does not specifically identify the resignations but I have been informed that the subject will be brought to the floor.
The Fountains Reporter
The FCO Meeting has been changed to Wednesday September 18,2024.
Sources say they welcome this date change, being excited that more time to gather additional pertinent information and consensus opinions.
Residents are now very concerned and are asking questions previously seen as taboo, fearing being ostracized.
What a difference a day makes!
The Fountains Reporter
What time is the meeting and where will it be held?
Grace and Residents
The meeting will be held at Poulette Hall, A.K.A. Fountains Hall,
Time: Sep 18, 2024 03:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 813 9130 4541
Passcode: 436647
The Fountains Reporter
At Tivoli’s BOD meeting on Monday, the board approved the extension of its contract with GRS.
Thank you for your contribution.
Your reporting being ‘factual”, is contrary to FCO representatives suggesting that Tivoli, as late as last week, was returning to FCO Property Management in 2025.
FCO fantastical mis-representations only cause further loss of confidence in the weakening institution.
The Fountains Reporter
Fountains Associations and Prospective BOD candidates.
You need to Know:
Compliance with Florida Statutes:
Significant and complicated Changes in Florida Law that affect both Condo and HOA Associations took effect beginning in July of this year, 2024.
Without the benefit of informed, proactive and diligent Property Management, uninformed Associations are falling out of compliance and will subject to very unfavorable consequences.
On September 12,2024, Campbell Property Management has provided, “2024” Legislative Clarifications for Board Members and Managers authored by Jeffrey Rembaum Esq. of the firm Kaye Bender Rembaum.
The link below will take the reader to their company website and with a single click on “read more” on this subject you will have up to date information essential for Associations to conform to State Statute.
The Fountains Reporter
Friends of the Fountains
“A BIG THANK YOU” to the reliable sources, introducing relevant information that can be responsibly shared with the Community.
So, Caring and Sharing is alive and well in the Fountains!
Back to the NEWS!
It has been reported that Brian Flores, FCO LCAM, A.K.A. “FCO Management LLC.” a Florida Corporation, has converted the FCO “Small Conference” room into his office, leaving some member Associations without an intimate meeting place and necessitating the use of Poulette Hall, A.K.A. Fountains Hall.
Inefficient at best, as staff time is spent to set up Poulette Hall. Lock and unlocking the room. Utility costs, i.e. Air-conditioning a huge space, lighting, clean-up, etc.
Was this a contract accommodation with FCO Management LLC?
If so, it definitely provides more privacy for face to face meetings with the LCAM.
Any performance criteria condition(s) in the contract?
FCO Inc. governance stated ‘The LCAM “is not an FCO employee”.
Reported is that this item will be brought to the floor at FCO Inc. meeting on September 18th.
Faced with dwindling property management business revenue, reported is, across the board reductions in “FCO Inc.” expenses will be a subject for the remaining Associations to address when considering their 2025 annual budgets.
The Fountains Reporter
Based upon your criticism of Brian Flores converting the “Conference Room” into his ofice at the peril of member associations not having an “intimate meeting place” as well as inefficient at best, as staff time is spent to set up Poulette Hall. Lock and unlocking the room. Utility costs, i.e. Air-conditioning a huge space, lighting, clean-up, etc.
Intimate meeting place? Please mention when was the last time you could describe a BOD meeting as “intimate”.
Staff time? If it’s a zoom meeting, that probably takes 10 minutes to set it up.
Lock and unlocking the room? Clock it next time—seconds at most.
Utility costs? The a/c is on continuously all the time! Lighting? Minimal at best.
Clean up? Please elucidate.
Much adoo about nothing!
Appreciate your readership and comments.
First, reflect on the fact that I am only reporting not making the “News”.
Personally, my Association has used that location for decades which was convenient for direct access to the FCO staff when the need should arise. Normal attendance of meetings by residents was very few (intimate) and in my experience cordial. If you have had less that cordial experiences at your BOD meetings I suggest that you introduce your BOD to “Roberts Rules” and if adopted always helps bring efficiency and decorum to the floor.
More to the point was the FCO Management LLC contract that was to engage a LCAM. Terms and conditions have not been shared as would any other $ 110,000-dollar contract.
“Flores is not an FCO employee” per Bernard Ciancanelli, President FCO.
At Wednesday’s FCO meeting Flores introduced himself as the FCO Executive Director. This was confirmed by Bernard Ciancanelli?
Flores spoke of his credentials & experience as a LCAM, working for major for-profit management companies in Florida.
However, he did not stipulate any experience as an Executive Director of a Not-For-Profit corporation, which by the way requires a very different Knowledge and Skill set.
Much ado about nothing?????
Depending upon your perspective on how the FCO has operated, much ado about nothing may be acceptable.
The Fountains Reporter
Re today’s FCO meeting:
Kudos to Suzi and Eric Poll for their “illuminating” presentation re year-round lighting. Efforts to improve the curb appeal of our 50+ year old community is commendable.
The 2025 budget vote was tabled due to some known unknowns, among them, the Courts who are exiting the FCO at year-end and determining insurance premium increases.
Scott Harris reported on a recent Parcel E meeting with the FCO Executive Board, Concert and Ridgwood. He said Bryan Elliott flew in from Orlando and Jonathan Grebow, Ridgewood President, flew in from New Jersey. It was stated that this was the first positive meeting in recent memory.
Bravo to the audience member who questioned Harris very effectively on why there continues to be a lack of transparency with regard to these meetings which do ultimately impact all Fountains residents and why negotiations are being conducted in private, without benefit of any meeting minutes being posted. Harris denied any negotiations were taking place and stated that all will be revealed in the next week or two — stay tuned.
Mrs Columbo
Thank you!
Here are a few additional items that may be of interest
At the September 18, 2024 FCO BOD meeting, Brian Flores, LCAM while introducing himself to those present, announced that he is also the FCO Executive Director.
Bernard Ciancanelli, FCO President, (Zooming) confirmed that Flores is the new ED and thanked him for his supportive efforts during his absence.
Flores provided significant details about his LCAM experiences working for large property management companies but did not provide any information as an ED for any not-for-profit organization requiring a very different skill set.
This was evident when he was unable to confirm financial accounting questions and needed to seek legal opinion.
Flores stated that he will be implementing cost saving initiatives that have been missed in the past, i.e. payroll services (-$40k P/M) and moving all operational FCO monies to a banking institution that provides suffocated cost-free user applications to the resident.
Interestingly this was the first criticism ever of past ED performance.
Paraphrasing Brian, just because it has not been done correctly in the past, does not mean that it should not be done correctly now.
Bernard Ciancanelli, FCO President, stated that he held no animosity to the Associations that elected to move to other Property Management beginning, January 1, 2024 and wished them well.
Following the Presidents report, Scott Harris, V.P. FCO & President of Versailles, although not on the agenda, took the opportunity to update the audience on continuing talks with Concert/Ridgewood regarding the development of Parcel “E”.
When questioned by a resident in attendance about secret negotiations, Scott immediately said that no FCO negotiations were taking place but Versailles, Luxemburg and Plaza courts were in talks with the developer.
The concerned resident believed that any development plans need to be shared with the entire community, specifically noting negative impacts.
The FCO BOD was asked to approve the proposed FCO 2025 budget but following discussion and questions, it was tabled until they could meet again in early October and make appropriate changes.
The most focus and time was dedicated to changes in landscape lighting of the North and South entry gates.
Annual “Holiday” lighting will be replaced with permanent landscape Lighting owned by the FCO for an initial cost equivalent to the previous three-year lighting contract.
Favorable terms and conditions from the company with maintenance will be favorable to the FCO.
The Fountains Reporter
Fountains Community
Cathy Widdoes, President of Luxemburg Court and Secretary of the FCO BOD, Confirmed, via FCO info e-mail, that the FCO has been secretly “Negotiating” with Concert for a “Cooperative Agreement on Parcel E “which the FCO adamantly denied as late as last Wednesday, at the 9.18.24, meeting. Bernard Ciancanelli, President, Scott Harris, Vice President and Brian Flores Executive Director/LCAM denied any FCO “negotiations” were taking place.
The FCO in order to remain viable will need to increase service charges to the Associations who have opted out of PM in 2025. Charging enhanced fees for security, road maintenance and resident bar code access as a 2025 FCO budget supplement.
“From the desk of Cathy Widdoes, FCO Secretary, and President of Luxemburg Court” (sanctioned by FCO Leadership).
Widdoes Quote: “Concert is still offering the community some benefits and property in exchange for cooperation from the community. These dealings and negotiations go through the FCO on our behalf because they represent the entire community. OUTSIDE MANAGEMENT WILL NOT BE NEGOTIATING ON OUR BEHALF, NOR WILL THEY CARE WHAT CONCERT IS DOING OR NOT DOING.”
“The FCO also has the right to charge any fee schedule they deem necessary for managing services provided to any entity that is not an FCO member. They have not exercised this right as of yet. However, with the recent last-minute court pull outs, they will do whatever is necessary to remain in business, like any other company would. Remember, they control the shared expense community services, so non-FCO members could end up paying more for these services than they do now. There goes some of the proposed, if not all, of the savings.” End of Quote!
Factually the single largest Fountains Associations beneficiary from the proposed Cooperative Agreement “property exchange”, would be, you guessed it, Luxemburg.
The Courts that left in 2021, clearly stated that Cost was not the compelling reason for their resignation from the FCO. Then reported was FCO BOD dysfunction, unaccountability, asserted breach of contract, unacceptable maintenance, “Lack of Transparency,” etc. which in 2024 still appears prevalent.
Reported is that the Eight Associations, 932 units will see this FCO message as punitive, for them electing to use outside property management.
The “hand shake” accommodation, 2021 FCO President Ben Geller touted, “you pay you get” was applied to the initial 468 units that resigned from the FCO which provided them with bar code access, security, and a road maintenance component, all “assessed” by the FCO.
This accommodation has a three-year precedent standing and by all accounts the legal doctrine of Estoppel will prevail.
Potentially, with no written agreement the Associations may elect to suspend any further payment to the FCO on or about, January 1, 2025.
Reported is that the 932 units can find a work around for security and bar code access and even skip road maintenance payments on roads owned by concert/FCC, not the FCO.
Talks of demanding return of reserve funds from the FCO for roads owned by Concert/FCC, have also been reported.
The question remains, can a unified contingent of 932 units strike their own Cooperative Agreement with CGP, Ridgewood and FCC?
More to follow!!!
The Fountains Reporter
To The Fountains Reporter:
Thank you so much for your diligent reportage. No doubt your latest dispatch confirms what many Unit Owners have suspected.
When a business (the FCO) knows it’s losing a customer, a good business person will do just about anything to retain that customer.
Another thing a good business person does when they’ve lost a customer is be gracious and wish them well.
Based on my information, the FCO made no little to no effort to retain their customer in the past (Tivoli, D’Este, Gefion) or in the present (the Atriums, Milan 1 & 2, Esedra and Trevi). In both instances, threats and retribution prevail.
The Courts who have already exited and the Courts who will be exiting, should and will pay exactly the same per door charges to the FCO as the Lakeshore Community does. Not a penny more.
The first time two courts (Esedra and Gefion) attempted to opt out, Scott Harris, then FCO President, sent a letter to Esedra and Gefion Unit Owners, threatening to shut off bar codes and cable service, access to The Fountains, etc. He had no legal right to do so and Gefion and Esedra caved in. But not without paying stiff fines voted on and assessed by the majority of the FCO Presidents as punishment.
I’ll see if I can find that letter for a future posting.
Bottom line: The Courts who are choosing to leave are making a business decision. It should not be viewed as anything but. Like Bernie said at the September 18 FCO meeting, “it is their right to do so.” End of story.
Oh, one more thing … Regarding the Parcel E meeting: if no negotiations have been taking place, why did the Concert and Ridgwood executives fly in for that meeting? Surely if they were just kicking around ideas, couldn’t they have just had an old fashioned Zoom meeting?
Mrs. Columbo and The Fountains Reporter,
Thank you for your accurate and timely updates once again.
It’s clear that the FCO has overstepped its authority, revealing its true colors yet again. This only confirms that the courts that have already left made the right decision in distancing themselves from this corrupt organization, which can’t provide quality services and instead uses threats and deception to keep its clients in line.
Fhe FCO thinks it can charge the courts that have left around *** 33% MORE *** than those that have stayed for exactly the same services. In the original budget proposed on September 18th, it was $58 per door for all courts. Now, less than 10 days later, they have changed the numbers to $49 for courts that stayed and $65 for courts that left. This translates into almost *** $35,000 in GAINS for Luxemburg Court *** compared to similar courts using other property management services. Why would anyone agree to pay so much more than their neighbor across the street for identical services?
On what basis did FCO suddenly come up with this absurd punitive measure? If they can impose some arbitrary 33% surcharge today, and some courts agree to pay it, what’s to stop the FCO from CHARGING ALL the expenses to the COURTS THAT HAVE LEFT next year, allowing their remaining members to enjoy services for free, just as they do for Concert Golf members who pay nothing? Once you open this door, it’s impossible to close it again. I’m sure the courts that have left know this and will only agree to pay the same $49 as those who stayed. Will be a nice budget shortfall for the FCO then…
Moreover, the FCO’s actions are likely illegal on many levels. By doing this, the non-profit FCO would essentially be making a profit for its members by charging non-members more than its expenses! Maybe the courts that have left should just start their own nonprofit L-FCO and hire their own roaming security company and PAY NOTHING TO FCO and demand that FCO pay them. What cost savings it will be!
Furthermore, there is no written agreement between the FCO and the courts that have left, but the verbal agreement was that all would pay the same. If the FCO charges more, they would be violating this contractual agreement and the established 3-year precedent, which could bring in an expensive lawsuit, and they may end up with nothing at all. The FCO seems to forget that they have ZERO authority over the courts that have left, just like they have none over Concert Golf, which is why FCO can’t get Concert to pay for anything at all.
Cathy and Scott may think FCO can charge whatever they want, but we can pay whatever we want, too! The courts that have left have continued paying because we want to contribute to the community we live in, but we will not be BLACKMAILED into being overcharged TO SUBSIDIZE FCO’s incompetence and profligate spending. Do we really want to start this war, especially in the middle of your “non-negotiations” with Concert?
Fountains Community
Welcome to attend the 10:00 A.M meeting of the FCO BOD tomorrow morning, Tuesday October 2, 2024.
Here is the Agenda. Note Discuss & Adopt the 2025 Budget & “Suspension of Reserve Contributions in 2025.
TO: FCO Board of Directors
FROM: Bernard Ciancanelli, President, F.C.O.
The following is the agenda for the Regular Meeting of the F.C.O. Board of Directors to be held on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. in Poulette Hall and via Zoom.
The agenda of the Meeting will be as follows:
1. Roll call
2. Manager’s Report ……………………. Brian Flores
3. President’s Report…………………… Bernard Ciancanelli
A. Vote to Suspend Reserve Contributions for 2025.
B. Discuss & Adopt the 2025 FCO Budget.
4. Treasurer’s Report ………………….. Alan Gardner
5. Committee Reports:
–1. Security/Grievance ……………………Ben Geller
–2. Landscaping………………….. Suzi Poll, Tracy Siemsen
–3. Maintenance ………………………… Scott Harris
–4. Gate Committee………………………..Richard Heyman
–5. POA ……………………………….. Richard Heyman
–6. Hurricane Preparedness……………….. Robert Lipp
6. Old Business
7. New Business
8. Good and Welfare
9. Adjournment
Unit Owners are welcome to attend.
The Fountains Reporter
Fountains Residents
“Early to bed and early to rise”
The Tuesday, October 1,2024, FCO meeting at 10:00 a.m. (Unit Owners welcome to attend) scheduled so that Cathy Widdoes, FCO Secretary & President of Luxemburg Court could attend, (she was nowhere to be found) again proved the inability of the remaining eleven (11) member representatives of governing board to face the reality that by passing the FCO budget that subjects Associations who have opted out of their 2025 PM Agreements to higher fees than Associations that have remained “Loyal” to the FCO, who are being rewarded with lower fees, is a “formula for disaster.”
Steve Jordan, FCO representative for the Atriums, speaking as part of an eight (8) Member Association Coalition, sent a clear message that a reaction to the BOD approving the proposed budget could be the Partnership without the benefit of any agreement with the FCO after January 1, 2025, may suspend any and all payments to the FCO and independently obtain security, and Bar code entry access.
After stating this possibility, Brian Flores, FCO ED/CAM considered this a threat of losing over $ 728,213.91 dollars in annual revenue to the FCO.
Jordan replied that “to the contrary “this was a response to losing bar codes and security if not accepting the FCO take it or leave it.
Jordan also stated that the 932- unit coalition leadership wanted to do their fair share in maintaining the character of the Fountains Community but they would not be coerced into paying a higher fee.
Bernard Ciancanelli, President of the FCO, chastised the five Associations opting out for 2025 for not waiting another year for Brian Flores to right the ship.
He stated that by them leaving, they were placing a burden on the remaining loyal member associations to fund FCO operations.
Jordan & Flores jousted back & forth about essential reductions in the FCO operating budget and State & Federal legal points of subjecting customers to excessive pricing.
Other than Flores stating that three (3) unspecified FCO staff members will be cut in 2025, no other specifics than outsourcing payroll and reducing banking fees was discussed.
However, the FCO, in conjunction with a new agreement with the Concert/FCC, notified them (60-day notice per Terms & Conditions of the current Agreement) they would no longer rent Craft Hall. This is projected as a $20,000-dollar per year savings.
Interestingly, the FCO did not poll the Fountains Community prior to notifying Concert/FCC of this action.
But Concert’s willingness to “raze” the structure, remove the debris and transfer ownership to Luxemburg has long been on the table as part of the Proposed Parcel E Cooperative Agreement.
Luxemburg gains vacant common property and the Community loses Craft Hall.
Oh! FCO will be sending out a notice to the community asking if anyone wants any of the contents. If not, off to the dump.
Again, accepting no responsibility for the current state of affairs, other than it was a mistake for the FCO to not recognize the shortfalls of Debbie Poulette.
Some discussion of fees being collected from Parcel D, Lennar Agreement occurred and how fees for security and road maintenance would be impacted by the amount FCO is charging non-member Associations who have opted out. Ben Geller, Previous FCO President, who was part of the initial agreement struck with Zimmerman and assumed by Lennar, I understand the agreement stated that they will only pay the same amount as FCO Association Members. The current prorated amount they pay will only changed at the point they sell out 91% ( projected to be 05.2024) at which they go to 100% of the Associations fees..
Brian Flores repeatedly trashed the Fountains Network Blog as posting lies for those wanting to eliminate the FCO.
FCO approved proposed 2025 budget.
FCO suspend Small Claims & Deductibles Contribution 2025, $ 20.000-Dollars.
Current balance $ 61,603.00 can be transferred at the pleasure of the FCO.
The Fountains Reporter
The new FCO manager, Brian, was visibly upset with the multiple posts on this blog during today’s FCO budget meeting. He claims that it’s filled with misinformation, yet he hasn’t offered any alternative explanations. It seems they would rather have no information out there at all—controlling the narrative becomes easier that way. Brian is welcome to post any corrections here and engage in an open dialogue.
– How do you tell who’s telling the truth?
– The one who tries to silence the other is usually the one lying.
Brian took offense at Susan’s basic math regarding the 33% difference between $49 for courts that stayed and $65 for those that left. Somehow, he seems to believe this is only a 2% difference.
Moreover, he failed to provide any coherent explanation for this massive surcharge, further underscoring the predatory, unfair, and retaliatory practices of the FCO – just as Susan was saying.
Welcome to the new boss—worse than the old one.
The Fountains Reporter,
Thank you for your summary—your notes are far more timely and informative than the official FCO minutes. Contrary to Brian’s claims, no misinformation was found in your detailed report!
However, I believe Brian may have misinformed the community when he said that the Lennar Parcel D residents will be paying more, just like the courts that have left, unless they join the FCO. Perhaps he is simply misinformed himself? Has anyone confirmed this with Concert or Ridgewood? I doubt they would appreciate this, especially as they look to develop and sell Parcel E, knowing that future costs could be randomly decided by Brian or the FCO.
Perhaps Brian can share the part of the agreement with Parcel D where it states that FCO can charge any amount they want? My understanding is that the formula ensures everyone pays the same per door. The formula I’ve seen looks rather simple:
(Security + Access Road Maintenance expenses in the current FCO budget / (existing number of units + new completed homes conveyed to homeowners)). In 2021, this equated to $44.00 per unit.
If this isn’t correct, perhaps someone from the FCO could share the correct agreement and the formula?
So my question is does the stand your ground statute apply to a out of control Tivoli Court President that takes a chain saw out of the hands of a landscaper and moves forward towards a female resident in a threatening manner?
A disturbing the peace notice was sent out by the Palm Beach County Crime notification service about a disturbance on Tivoli Court near the 4100 building.
The rumor going around is that the president of Tivoli Court lost his balance tripping into the vice president while holding a heavy chain saw which he admitted he didn’t know how to use.
In the almost two years of the present Tivoli Court Board they have they been harassing multiple residents resulting in multiple calls to security and frequent calls to the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s office.
Many elderly Tivoli residents are fearful of speaking out against the actions of the present Tivoli terroristic board.
One resident has a pending civil lawsuit against the present Tivoli Board members that has been in litigation for more than one year.
Very sad.
Hannibal on Tivoli
There is video of what transpired. The president was given the chainsaw to cut the bush. Her and husband pushed him to the ground. There was no disturbing the peace notice sent out. The rumor going around about him losing his balance is false. He was pushed. The board is not harassing residents. Obviously the person that wrote this has been misinformed and they are more than welcome to contact a board member and the view he video.
As everyone knows, the President of Tivoli is not a landscaper and lacks both the right and the experience to be operating a chainsaw. It’s a long, heavy and dangerous piece of machinery that should only be used by licensed professionals with proper experience. It also requires significant physical strength to handle safely, which few 80-year-olds possess. This is common knowledge.
From your account, it sounds like you were present during the incident. Can you clarify a few things for the record so everyone understands the situation clearly?
Are you saying that the landscapers insisted Dennis take over their job?
Who were the multiple people you mentioned defending themselves, who you stated pushed him to the ground?
Are you saying the police were not called, and no arrests were made? Why?
Thank you for providing clarity on these points.
Number one names our no being used. Number two who ever is giving you information is. incorrect. The couple that lives in the townhouse have been blocking the landscapers for a year from trimming bushes on common property. They again blocked our landscapers from doing their job. Our president knows how to operate that machinery and was given to him by the landscapers that are fed up these people. Watch the video. It speaks volumes.
The police were called and no arrests were made. Please don’t ever call me a liar withour knowing the facts.
How do you know the facts? Were you present during the incident?
If you weren’t there, you can’t know what truly happened. Why are you presenting as fact something you have no direct knowledge of?
I observed it all. You did not
Courtney, only four people were present during this incident: myself—Yelena Sennett, my husband Henry, Dennis (the President of Tivoli), and Robin (the VP of Tivoli). Based on your account, if you claim you were present, you must be Robin. Otherwise, you couldn’t have been there.
and I absolutely didnt’ push anybody to the ground.
Fountains Community
The good news is that FCO ED/CAM, Brian Flores, has found the Fountains Community Blog to be a source that a significant number of the Community depend on.
The bad news is that he, as well as legacy FCO BOD members, publicly denounce the publication as being a platform for dissidents, especially when posts run contrary to the FCO narratives.
Remarkably the FCO has itself, on occasion, used this messaging platform.
Moving on!
This reporter makes every reasonable attempt to confirm information by using reliable sources.
Conveniently Mr. Flores continually refers to e-mails he has uncovered from Debbie Poulette, Previous FCO ED/CAM/Controller/Agent to support a direction or position yet has openly stated that because it was done wrong in the past doesn’t mean that it should not be corrected now.
Kudos Brian!
To be fair, this reporter, also has access to retired FCO ED Poulette e-mails and other FCO documents should the need arise.
Is it wrong for Associations to question a surcharge when the FCO accounting staff is being paid a regular salary? What additional cost to the FCO justifies the additional charge?
Is it wrong for Associations to question why the FCO Maintenance LLC contract for $ 110,000-dollars (Flores’ Company) is not being renegotiated down with the reduction of 464 more units, bring the total managed units down to 835?
I believe that only three (3) of the remaining eleven (11) FCO Member Associations voted against the 2025 budget, understanding the divisive implications that were exposed during the meeting. Note beginning January 1, 2025, seven (7) Southern Courts will control all votes of the FCO
It took guts to go against the flow after FCO President Bernard Ciancanelli twice angularly chastising the Associations who have opted out.
So much for, I hold no animosity against those leaving the FCO and wish them well. What a difference since the September 18th FCO meeting.
Basically, the same old FCO approach, only a different day.
It has been reported that change in FCO legacy governance is long over do and should happen sooner than later. Possibly before 2025?
Thank you, to those who contribute to the solutions not to the problems.
Happy New Year “5785” to our Jewish Community Membership
The Fountains Reporter
To The Fountains Reporter, Please note that Brian Flores’ company is:
Thank you!
Lady MacBeth,
Thank you. This reporter makes best efforts to report truthfully.
I have found spell check can be the best friend or worst enemy.
Timely messaging may lead to unintentional errors.
In this case the substance is the most important to deliver.
Your readership is most rewarding.
The Fountains Reporter
This post was a result of “The Fountains Reporter” responding to a question posed by the Fountains Network Administrator
Good afternoon.
The Financial Institution that will be handling the Operating Cash Accounts ( already being used by the first three Courts that went with GRS) will provide to date financial information to any resident with a click of a button at no additional cost.
This has been available for years but never used by the FCO just like leaving A million+-dollars in separate savings accounts when higher yielding CD’s were readily available.
Persons made themselves indispensable by keeping leadership in the dark on numerous operational and insurance efficiencies.
Provide Monthly Financial Statements in a form acceptable to the Association(s), i.e.
Balance Sheet
-Equity Report
-Income and Expense Statement
-Aged Owner Balances
-Prepaid Owner Assessments
-Aged Accounts Payable Cash Disbursements
-General Ledger
– Bank Reconciliation
-Bank Statements
-Supporting Schedules
Electronic voting is another example of savings, i.e. staff time, postage, office supplies, etc., again never adopted by the FCO.
Outsourcing payroll alone (previously done by hand) will see significant operational savings.
Fountains Community
The coalition of eight Associations representing 932 units within the confines of what was once the Fountains Gated Community, came into being as a result of what has been repeatedly described as dysfunctional, unresponsive, and “Lost” in the past, FCO practices.
The common need, setting aside personnel interests and identifying a spokesperson who could convey their position, this coalition has become a force to be reckoned with not only by the FCO but CGP and the Joint Venture of Concert/Ridgewood.
Setting aside the financial implications for the FCO, no longer being perceived as the “Master Negotiators” for the Community, provides the coalition a significant opportunity
to influence the future of the entire community.
For 1,
460+ days the combined intellect of the FCO BOD, well paid legal counsel, Executive Director(s), Community Association Manager(s) (LCAM), and now a company, FCO Management LLC., It has unable to “Pen” a written Agreement with the first three Associations who resigned.
Conversely, over the course of seventeen days, between June 11th and 28th,1775, in between meetings and other governmental affairs, Thomas Jefferson penned the Declaration of Independence under the advisement of Adams and Franklin who only made some minor changes.
Now, without any agreement and relying on legally enforcing the doctrine of Estoppel, five more Associations are faced with “you pay, you get” are subject to the whims of the FCO in what they will be assessed for the same service package, i.e. adopted 2025 Budget.
Rest assured the FCO governance is undoubtedly forced into rethinking how they will be dealing with the coalition.
The good news is the coalition structure will require the FCO to approach the unified group differently.
My educated guess would be to quickly send a softer message back through the spokesperson, that they are prepared to revisit the approved 2025 budget.
The question remains what compelling reason is there for the Associations that already approved the 2025 budget, to Amend it when their “Loyalty” payment was going to be less?
Fountains “News Content” is being created every day.
The Fountains Reporter
Thank you for bringing up payroll outsourcing. This was actually suggested around three years ago by another CAM who was hired to replace Debbie. However, the Board of Directors of the FCO—or perhaps just the President and/or the Executive Committee, without consulting the full Board—didn’t want to implement it. I don’t recall this being brought up for discussion by the Board.
The suggestion to streamline maintenance was also raised with the FCO three years ago when the three courts wanted to leave, but it was similarly ignored.
Now, FCO is heralding these cost savings, but it’s too little, too late. FCO had 3 years to change but didn’t even try. It seems that additional courts have since recognized the FCO’s resistance to change and felt that leaving was the best option under the circumstances.
The FCO has cycled through four or five CAMs by now, and it appears they only took action when they were forced to, as more courts left, leaving them no choice but to take a hard look at their expenses.
It wasn’t really warranted for FCO President Bernard Ciancanelli to twice angularly chastise the associations that have opted out, as The Fountains Reporter stated, given FCO’s history and inability to change.
The job of each court’s board, their legal fiduciary obligation, is to act in the best interests of their residents—not FCO and its staff, however much they may be appreciated. And they are.
The Fountains Community
The new coalition has accomplished what the FCO has considered unattainable and now fears as a threat to their “control” and possibly existence (October 1, 2024 FCO BOD Meeting).
The coalition of 932 units, consisting of approx..2,000 residents, representing between $ 600K and $ 723K of annual revenue, is solidified.
The coalition will experience enhanced PM services, from day one, January 1, 2025, that the FCO does not provide.
The “Loyal Eleven (11) Member Associations” apparently will be patient for another year as the FCO attempts to implement a fully undisclosed business strategy.
Reported from reliable sources is that rather than concentrating on the reason for their existence, Property Management, the FCO has become intoxicated with the power they exerted over the Associations, keeping them hostage to a failing enterprise.
FCO Governance pronounced themselves “The Fountains Power Brokers and Master Negotiators”.
Some say, in this role they have failed miserably.
The Fountains Reporter
Fountains Community
Much talk about the revenue coming into the FCO Coffers from the Agreement originally struck between Concert Fountains Properties LLC., Lynx Zuckerman LLC. and the Fountains Condominium Operations, Inc.
In Witness thereof, on October 4, 2021, signed: Ben Geller, President
The parties have executed this agreement. (now thereafter assumed by Lennar, Page 9. Item 14, Successors and Assigns).
Fantastic, but!
Lynx Zuckerman LLC. and Concert Fountains Properties LLC. were led to believe, by the FCO, Representing and Warranted that “All Associations and Additional Association had ‘Ratified and Agreed to the terms of the Agreement, page 9. Ratification, Item 13, both parties executed the Agreement.
For those unfamiliar with the term Ratification. The action of signing or giving formal consent to a treaty, contract, or agreement, making it officially valid.
To date, the Fountains Reporter and the reputable confidential sources, have been unable to confirm Ratification by any of the Associations listed on Exhibit B, page 14 of the Agreement.
Knowing that the FCO monitors the Fountains Residents Network Blog, i.e. Brian Flores, FCO ED/CAM, et al, hopefully they be able to confirm that nineteen (19+1) BOD’ ratified this agreement prior to execution.
To prematurely suggest what the potential consequences could be, minus ratifications, would be only conjecture at this point, least of which may be this FCO revenue stream evaporating if and when Lennar should choose.
More News to come!
The Fountains Reporter
To our Fountains Reporter:
To clarify, if I am reading your last post correctly, Lynx Zuckerman originally purchased then resold the parcel to Lennar?
And the agreement you refer to might be the Agreement that would have made Lakeshore the “20th Court”? Meaning that Lakeshore would contribute their proportional share of annual expenses?
Do I sense correctly that something was misrepresented by the FCO?
I eagerly await your reply …
Many thanks!
Oh, one more thing: what exactly were the Presidents of the Courts “ratifying” in the referenced “Agreement”?
Mrs. Columbo
Sorry if my reporting was somewhat confusing but understand this was not a straight forward “Purchase & Sale”.
I’ll try again.
Your sensation that something was misrepresented by the FCO is shared with other interested parties.
Should Lennar itself, or a future Lakeshore Condo/HOA, Fountains Member Associations at the time, or even possibly the “New Fountains Coalition” contest this agreement, it will be up to the FCO to respond.
Back to the Transaction:
Lynx Zuckerman technically never completed the purchased the Property.
They had a Purchase & Sales Contract and only had a deposit on the property pending Concert Fountains Property LLC. obtaining the building permits, which never happened while Lynx Zuckerman was a party of the contract.
Lynx Zuckerman LLC. then assigned the P&S contract to Lennar for a cash payment and future payments on each DU hat they sold. This transaction was Reported by PB Post (Parcel C and Parcel D under contract to Lynx Zuckerman).
A second, three (3) party Agreement, between Concert-Zuckerman-FCO is what ultimately has produced the revenue stream to the FCO. This agreement was also assignable by Lynx Zuckerman who Assigned it to Lennar as part of the cash payout future DU sales.
Lennar then assumed fulfilling the T&C of this agreement.
Neither the original Sales and Purchase Contract or the Side Agreement between Zuckerman (now Lennar), Concert, and the FCO required Lakeshore to become “Court 20 of the FCO. The number (“20”) was applied to Lakeshore by the FCO for issuance of the “Bar Codes” but apparently opportunistically misleading Fountains Residents and Associations that Lakeshore was bound by Agreements to become a member of the FCO.
Lastly, the FCO Associations and Additional Associations BOD’s must approve if “Ratification” was required by the other parties’ entering the agreement.
The Fountains Reporter
Mrs. Columbo & Fountains Residents
Here is what was reported by the Business Journal
This all happened following the permitting by PBC Commission.
Portion of Fountains CC Changes Hands Twice in One Day
By C&RB Staff | May 6, 2022
Concert Fountains Properties sold the land for $9.27 million to Lynx Zuckerman at Palm Beach I LLC, then the land was sold for $13.44 million to Lennar Homes. In 2021, Concert sold 62.6 acres of the course for $2.66 million to Lynx Zuckerman, which immediately sold it to Lennar for $4.6 million.
Lennar Homes acquired part of the Fountains Country Club in Lake Worth, Fla., the South Florida Business Journal reported. The 96.6-acre golf course actually changed hands twice on the same day.
First, Concert Fountains Properties, sold the property for $9.27 million to Lynx Zuckerman at Palm Beach I LLC, the Business Journal reported. Then the land was sold for $13.44 million to Lennar Homes, part of Miami-based homebuilder Lennar Corp.
The deal also gave Lynx Zuckerman the right to receive a contingent fee from every home Lennar sells on the property in the future, the Business Journal reported. The property last traded for $4 million in 2018.
C+RB reported in 2019 that approval was granted by county commissioners for development of 318 apartments on the 63-acre site that was used for nine holes of the northern golf course. The other nine holes of that course remained open, along with a separate 18-hole course.
This is the second purchase for Lennar at Fountain Country Club, the Business Journal reported. In 2021, Concert Fountains Properties sold 62.6 acres of the course for $2.66 million to Lynx Zuckerman, which immediately sold it to Lennar for $4.6 million.
With home prices rapidly increasing in Palm Beach County, developers are willing to pay more for land, the Business Journal reported. There’s been a trend of golf course redevelopment across South Florida as more developers seek land to build homes on, since there is little vacant land left in the region.
Lennar has yet to reveal its development plans for the site, the Business Journal reported.
The Fountains Reporter
Fountains Coalition and Concerned Residents
Speak softly but carry a big stick.
Reliable sources report the Fountains Coalitions Core Delegates are showing “Iron Clad” unity as well as unwavering commitment to the success of their mission. The word Capitulation reportedly has been removed from their vocabulary!
Pondering recent FCO surrogates attempts, to lure the Coalition into a false sense of security, last Tuesday, the full Delegation spent hours meeting, off site, and “confirmed” their decision to part ways with the FCO.
Simply, the aggregate resources available to the Coalition are allowing them to negotiate on their own behalf, while at the same time concentrate on what is best for them.
The Coalition has begun to value the benefits of “sticking together” and all the possibilities that are now (3) or soon (5) will be open to all (8) of them.
Some say, January 1, 2025, cannot arrive fast enough.
The Fountain Reporter
As budget season approaches for all associations in the Fountains, I think it would be helpful for residents to be aware that we still have the option to waive reserve collections for this year. The new law mandating mandatory reserve collections does not apply to the 2025 budget, provided it is approved this year.
Currently, any budget adopted on or after January 1, 2025, must adhere to the Structural Integrity Reserve Study (SIRS) requirements for funding structural reserves. Generally, this will apply to the budgets voted on in 2025 for the 2026 fiscal year.
Looking ahead, there is a chance that amendments may be passed in Tallahassee next year to address this issue for all associations, especially 55+ communities, given the significant burden it places on residents with fixed incomes. This concern has generated numerous complaints. Additionally, the law includes a provision that allows associations to forgo reserve collections if they can demonstrate the ability to secure a loan for repairs. This exemption could also apply to budgets in 2026.
Considering that full reserve collection in line with the Structural Integrity Reserve Study (SIRS) could lead to an increase of approximately $200 or more for the average condo unit, on top of regular increases due to inflation, it may be in the best interest of the boards to waive reserve collections for this year and explore alternative options next year.
Furthermore, it seems unfair to require current residents—many of whom have recently purchased their units—to be responsible for past, present, and future reserves. Many associations have not collected full reserves in prior years, if ever, and instead have relied on loans or special assessments to cover what should have been accrued previously. Now, with the requirement to collect reserves for future repairs, these new residents are asked to contribute to both past shortfalls and future reserves, which may not be needed for a long time and could potentially be funded through future loans instead, as it has been in the past.
I hope the board of Tivoli Court reads this. I may have to sell my home if the HOA keeps increasing,
Well Grace.. Something to think about..
I’ve heard from a friend in Tivoli that many residents are extremely concerned about the impending fee increase and are worried that they may not be able to afford it.
Dear Fountains Reporter:
Your timely dispatches are appreciated.
Lots to unravel and surely all will be coming to light in the days and weeks ahead.
As the saying goes, “sunlight is the best disinfectant.”
Fountains Residents
Update FCO Meeting, Monday October 28, 2024
Following the reading (some non material changes) and acceptance of the October 1, 2024 Board meeting minutes, agenda Item 1, Item 2. Budget Amendment (2025) was brought to the floor.
Bernard Ciancanelli, FCO President, presented an overview of the twelve(12) page Budget Recap, specifically focusing on page eleven (11).
This page represented the 2025 Total Per Court Shared Expense- Security & Roads showing both member and non member per unit costs to be the same, i.e. $ 55.73.
The total budget was reduced to $ 1,181,709.01 in order to make this work. Income from Lake Shore and resignation of three FCO staff contributed to lowering the total.
Following nearly an hour of frosty debate, some “loyal FCO members rejected the equal treatment”.
He remains perplexed that five more associations opted out and did not give the FCO another year to demonstrate improvements in 2025 after all the hard work they did engaging Brian Flores, LCAM (FCO Management LLC.).
Cathy Widdoes, President of Luxemburg admonished the associations who opted out and announced she would be voting against the equal application,” and did”, along with Roberta Monahan, President of San Remo.
Ivan Menschel, President of Marseilles, denounced the Associations who opted out, doing so without any concern for FCO employees losing their jobs.
Brian Flores was quick to correct Ivan, stating that the employees were not being terminated but resigned.
Bernard Ciancanelli, unintentionally stated “they saw the writing on the wall”.
Brian Flores also stated , flatly, that the FCO would not provide any maintenance to Associations who opted out and will be moving to GRS, or any other company based on insurance issues. Paraphrasing, maintenance is their problem now.
Bernard asked the Associations to set aside any biases and vote in favor of the budget.
Additional issues were raised should the costs to the FCO for Security & Road Maintenance be more than budgeted and who will pay for the shortfall.
They were told expenses would be closely monitored and adjustments made, members and non members will share equally in covering the additional cost.
Brian Flores indicated that a written agreement (un-signed by any non member) provided for cost contribution adjustments.
(Steve has informed me no such agreement has been offered to the coalition to even consider) and should one contain an inflation clause it may not be accepted.
The question was put to the floor about the Coalition not signing an agreement, and withholding payments going forward.
Ken Kures, President of Parisian Way, aggressively stated that the violating Associations Bar Codes would be deactivated immediately.
Ultimately a vote on the budget was taken and passed nine (9) “yes” and two (2) “no”.
After discussion about funding, maintenance, warrantees, etc., a vote was taken on the purchase of Fountain entrance “Holiday Lighting “ which would be paid for over the next three years (the annual purchase cost equaled the annual lighting rental cost). Being satisfied, the BOD approved by a vote of fifteen (15) to one (1).
Lastly, Ken Kures, raised the issue of Recreational Vehicles being allowed to park in the Plaza Courts parking lot in front of the FCO Office claiming this practice was a safety issue.
Stanley Schoenfeld, Plaza Court President , took exception to the inquiry which lead to a rather heated exchange reminiscent of past lack of decorum.
Bernard Ciancanelli, FCO President, called for a motion to end the meeting, so done and seconded, and approved unanimously.
Should this update include any errors, including representations of individuals comments, they are unintentional, and ask that any corrections be likewise posted.
Richard B. Ward, Fountains Resident Attendee
To those who didn’t attend the Versailles Court/Ridgewood Partners meeting Tuesday Night 11/12/24:
IMHO this was the jist:
OK, us, (Ridgewood Partners) to build 349 2 story homes on Parcel E. We will give you 60+-ft from your property line to the new homes back property line OR ELSE We will build 199 homes 10 feet from your back property line.
There were also a lot of “I’m not sures”, “I don’t know yet”, “it hasn’t been decided yet”, “I can’t promise”, and a lot of giggles, ha-has etc.
There is also the discussion of the roads that Concert owns and will be responsible for. The roads are not our problem. Concert owns them and MUST maintain them.
Versailles Now Stands Alone
A seemingly dejected Scott Harris sat uncharacteristically quiet, at the FCO BOD meeting Wednesday afternoon while failing to report the results of his meeting on Tuesday night, November 12th, 2024 as accurately reported by eBrehne, so need to report again.
President Scott Harris has done a disservice to his Association as well as the Fountains Community by attempting to negotiate favorable deal alone, when as President of the FCO, being able to muster any resident support in attending PBC Public Hearings on residential development that failed miserably.
Yet before his very eyes Coalition 932 was born out of common interests and has displayed that it has become an effective unified force that is now recognized by the FCO, Concert/Ridgewood and FS POA (Atriums, Milan 1, Milan 2 being members).
Is additional residential development of the Fountains a common interest to all residents of the Fountains?
Absolutely yes!!
Impacts on Security, Traffic, Population alone are of significant common interest.
It has been reported that coalition 932 can now generate signed petitions with over two (2) thousand resident signatures at a moment’s notice.
They seem motivated.
Should Scott Harris and others reach out to the Coalition 932 on common interests? Only they can answer that question.
Have a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving!
The Fountains Reporter
Fountains Residents
It has been reported that faced with a strong unified Coalition 932 leadership, the FCO stands susceptible to litigation in order to subverting their ability to cause any further irreversible damage to the Community.
Talks are currently underway for solidifying a “Legal Defense Fund”.
Paraphrasing the source, following years of mismanagement and unsound Board actions, within four years FCO Inc. has managed to lose around 53% of its contracted business, further divide the Community, expose the remaining membership to costly time-consuming litigation, contract with non-members, and continue negotiations to acquire CGP/FCC property assets containing huge liabilities.
More to follow.
The Fountains Reporter
Fountains Residents
It has been reported by reliable sources that Gefion, 18 Residential Units of the 932 Coalition, yesterday, once again recognized its value by rejecting the FCO’ attempt to have them return to the fold by a “one time” offer to eliminate the $ 100k reinstatement penalty.
You may recall the $100k penalty was used by the FCO as a deterrent for any association considering opting out of the property management agreements three years ago.
Gefion is also remaining contracted with GRS Community Management and appreciating (although it has its own individual contract) the benefits of associated with GRS “Portfolio” pricing.
This reporter understands that the leadership of the 932 is pleased to see that Gefion rejected the “Carrot” and reaffirmed the value unity.
The Fountains Reporter
Fountains Residents
Apparently the FCO supports FCO Management LLC, in its position of not providing “maintenance services to any of the eight (8) associations who have opted out of property Management agreements, after being solicited to do so.
Paraphrasing Brian Flores, you are on our own!
Is this just another bad decision by leadership or Flores flexing his mussels?
On the flip side Flores has been directed to pursue property management of Lake Shore next year following them meeting the criteria for establishing HOA/CONDO Associations and hiring their own Property Management Company.
Are you as confused as I am?
Rejecting low hanging fruit “maintenance business revenue “in your own back yard, because they have opted out of your PM agreement is baffling. Whose business decision was this?
However, let’s compete against numerous professional Management Companies next year for business, convince Lake Shore getting a Board Seat on the FCO Inc. has real value while providing a plausible explanation why eight Associations numbering 932 units walked away from your not-for-profit company over the last three years.
Good Luck!
Let’s do it again expecting a different result!
The FCO is depending on an indispensable source they created, (Contracting with FCO Management LLC.) for remaining viable .
Unlike other Community Management Companies who have backup resources to step in to the CAM role at a moment’s notice, the FCO remains exposed.
Another good business decision?
More to follow.
The Fountains Reporter
Thank you, Fountains Reporter… I’ve missed your field reporting, welcome back!
A couple of thoughts:
I am not a lawyer but the way I see it, the Coalition courts have a valid management agreement with the FCO which expires 12/31/2024 – if FCO/Flores does not want to honor that agreement, they may in breach of contract.
Part of our monthly HOA dues include Maintenance Services as budgeted for 2024. If FCO/Flores wants to breach the contract, they may be obligated to prorate those fees and refund the Coalition courts.
Rumor has it that Brian has “unofficially” informed the maintenance workers that if they are seen working for any of the departed courts on their own personal time they will face dismissal.
This can’t be legal, of course not. But the seed has been planted and these poor guys are now afraid that making a few extra bucks on the side, on their days off, will cost them their job with the FCO. Yet another sad day in pulling our community further apart.
Mrs Columbo & Mrs. Jones
Pursuing breach of contract against the FCO has been avoided because in essence you were litigating against yourself. You were paying for attorneys as an association and paying FCO attorneys from their budget that you funded. Win and pay a settlement to yourself.
This conundrum has always been the shield that protected the FCO from any real accountability.
This reporter has been advised by reliable sources that the rumor about the FCO CAM threatening maintenance staff of loss of employment if they perform work on their own time for any association member whose association has opted out of the FCO PM is factual.
The Fountains Reporter
Thanks for the clarification, Fountains Reporter … your enlightening response is greatly appreciated.
Is Coalition 932 Legitimatized by FS POA Relationship?
This Fountains Reporter has interviewed reliable sources supportive of the FS POA.
Here are the questions and answers from (“burner”) phone call interviews from discussion notes.
Should this report incorrectly reflect statements, please use this blog platform to clarify.
Reporter: Are Participators in the 932 Coalition also members of the FS POA?
Respondent: Yes. The Atriums, Milan 1 and Milan 2.
These Associations represent 22% of the membership.
Reporter: This being the case, how does the FS POA foresee dealing with the newly formed coalition?
Respondent: My understanding is that the FS POA, not by design but by a “Direct Relationship” and Tenants of its “Master Declaration”, is now an interested party in the initiatives being undertaken by Coalition 932. These initiatives appear to have implications for the entire Fountains Community including the FS POA. So, the POA is taking them very seriously.
Reporter: Does the POA really assess the coalition as a credible entity?
Respondent: From what has been reported and the results they have accomplished so far, makes them credible.
The fact that they are unified and have managed to enter into beneficial portfolio Community Management Agreements with GRS shows a willingness to set aside personal interests for the good of the coalition.
Being an informal entity, they have tremendous flexibility and latitude in approaching any number of issues.
Informal as they may be, they unquestionably represent what could be considered a “Class” with standing.
Reporter: The POA now being an interested party in the 932 Coalition, albeit 110 units, how does the POA envision interacting with them?
Respondent: First I understand that the coalition recognizes the benefits of being associated with a not-for-profit corporate entity being the FS POA. This is a two-way street.
Second, I understand cooperative efforts will be addressed on a case by case basis.
The FS POA recognizes that although the Atriums, Milan No.1 and Milan No 2 will no longer contract for Property Management with the FCO, the 110 resident owners, nevertheless, remain members of the FS POA family and are afforded all the rights and privileges as its other members. So where and when appropriate, the FS POA will be bound to extend a helping hand to them, which the POA acknowledges may directly benefit the other constituents of the 932 Coalition.
I also understand that should the other five associations representing 822 units seek a more formal relationship with the POA, it would be viewed favorably.
Reporter: The FS POA includes seven other associations representing 398 of its members. How will the POA attempt to keep a fair balance in representing the best interests of everyone?
Respondent: Recognize that seven “loyal” associations (398 units) remaining in the FCO will control all votes, some now, and all after January 1, 2025, even though the four other “North” remaining “loyal associations number 437 units. So it would be foolish to dismiss their potential role in addressing future FS POA initiatives and as in the past the FS POA desire to work cooperatively remains consistent.
Potentially FCO votes may have negative impacts on the other 110 resident members of the POA. The FS POA Master Declaration requires it to protect their interests.
Understand that the FCO is an independent PM company with an independent BOD, on which the POA does not have voting privileges.
Hypothetically speaking, at a point where a conflict should arise, the FS POA will cross that bridge.
Phone Interviews are adjourned pending future 932 coalition and Association meetings.
The Fountains Reporter
More to follow
Fountains Community
“Hope Springs Eternal”
The FS POA 2024 Gate Committee, before proceeding with any further initiatives to regentrify the Jog Road Gate, identified the need to complete a traffic study and in doing so approached the FCO BOD, who in turn tasked them to commission a study.
The FS POA Gate Committee consisted of Richard “Dick” Heyman, Chair, Anthony Rongione, and Richard Ward.
The FCO Traffic Study Committee appointed by Bernard Caincanelli, FCO President, reflected the composition of the FS POA Gate Committee.
The FS POA prepared a Request for Proposal “RFP” and solicited Traffic Study Engineering Firms.
Simmons and White Inc., Professional Engineering, responding proposal, was approved by the FCO, including $ 12,500.00 funding.
The Committee met numerous times on site, with Simmons and Whites engineering staff and their subcontractors.
Besides providing Palm Beach County Sheriffs Jog Road Traffic Study, property surveys, site plans, utility plans, etc., an additional entrance lane concept drawing by Anthony Rongione was made available to the firm.
The completed Traffic Study was presented to the FCO BOD at their Wednesday November 13, 2024, meeting by Dick Heyman. The members present were given copies to share with their Boards, and requested any questions after review of the study be directed to him, at the earliest convenience.
A thankless job. It appears so, as no recognition from the FCO leadership was forthcoming for the many volunteer hours spent on this project.
FCO Leadership recognizes their own contributions to the Community, even praise being lavished on the contracted LCAM for performing his duties and responsibilities during this transition period.
Be that as it may!
Completion of the traffic Study positions the FS POA Gate Committee, to proceed with next steps, requiring Architectural Building Plans and Specifications, Site Civil Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Construction Management, General Contracting, Professional Land Surveyor, and Contract Administration.
All requiring Scopes of Service and RFP process.
The study also supports adding an additional resident entry lane requiring road surface expansion.
This portion of the project may provide the opportunity to bundle resurfacing of Fountains Circle and Fountains Drive South at one time saving time and money.
This reporter recognizes and praises the FS POA teams service to the Fountains Community and moving this long-awaited project forward.
I also understand that a copy of the study is available at the FCO Administration office.
The Fountains Reporter
Happy Anniversary Fountains Residents Blog
2024 marked the ten (10) year anniversary of the establishment of the Blog, by a group of concerned citizens.
This platform created a means for the community to interact and communicate with each other where the FCO, intentionally or not, failed.
The Blog’s commitment remains steadfast and once again during a critical period of the Community’s transition, residents need to make informed decisions.
Excerpts from the November 6, 2021 Blog Post
Why this blog”:
Serve as a forum to discuss issues of interest to the community.
Serve as a forum to discuss ways to improve the Fountains for the future.
Serve as a forum through which we can discuss our differences openly and respectfully.
Serve as a place where residents can inform the community about real, emerging, and potential issues that may affect us.
Serve as a place for residents to keep the community informed about upcoming local events.
Serve as a place for residents to notify the community about items of interest to other residents, e.g., new neighbors, the passing of relatives and neighbors, etc.
Serve as a place where residents can ask neighbors for advice or assistance on any issue, e.g., name of a contractor, borrow a tool, help with a project, etc.
Serve as a place to communicate any other issue, topic, request, or offer related to the community.
The need for open and readily accessible civil dialogue and information is always useful to the Fountains Residents
This platform is acknowledged as being priceless to the Health and Welfare of the Fountains Community.
A simple thank you, seems insufficient for the time and treasure you have spent in sustaining the Fountains Residents Blog.
Subsequently, our readership and contributions are the best we can offer in return.
Wishing you a Happy and Healthy Holiday season!
The Fountains Reporter
Thank you for acknowledging the 10-year contribution of the blog in providing a platform for timely news and a place for the resident’s perspective on current events.
After many years of the same-old same-old, things are now changing fast and the blog will continue to present the latest information to our readership as our contributors continue to inform us and owners continue to send in their comments.
Everyone have a happy holiday season!
2025 Loyal FCO Member Associations and Fountains Residents
FCO Management LLC. LCAM Brian Flores Replicates GRS Community Management Business Model.
At the Wednesday November 13th, FCO BOD meeting, Brian Flores expounded on the savings and efficiencies he will be introducing during the next year’s restructuring.
He specifically noted his previous, I believe 8 (eight) years, of employment with GRS and without saying so, implied that experience will help him replicate cost savings measures they regularly employ, even using the same financial institution.
Wonderful news! Why try to reinvent the wheel?
Apparently, Coalition 932 assessment of GRS aligns with Flores and further justifies their decisions to contract with GRS for their Community Management.
GRS professes we provide “Great Reliable Service Since 1989”.
One of the reasons GRS can make the claim of reliability is the ratio of LCAM’s to units managed.
The Fountains Citizens Committee that investigated “Professional Property Management” discovered that for approximately every 450 units, an LCAM is assigned.
Compare this to the original number of Fountains units, one thousand seven hundred and sixty-seven (1767), managed by the FCO. Four (4) CAMS would have been required.
I recall the FCO had one CAM, along with being the same person fulfilling three other roles, Executive Director, Controller, and Registered Agent for all Associations.
Currently FCO Management LLC. under contract, is providing a single LCAM and Executive Director for the FCO One thousand two hundred and ninety-nine (1299) units, until midnight December 31st, 2024.
How, you may ask, is a single person able to accomplish this while at the same time undertaking reinventing the FCO? Reasonable question!
In 2025 the FCO will be providing PM for 835 units (8 Associations) which by industry standards requires nearly two LCAMS.
Furthermore, changes in Florida statutes for 2025 place even more emphasis on CAMS supporting Association Boards.
Apparently the FCO leadership is gambling that Brian Flores, although being spread extremely thin, is capable of filling his role as ED and CAM, engaging coalition 932, dealing with the FCC, pursuing Lake Shore’ CONDO/HOA Association by mid 2025 as new business, phasing out five more associations by December 31st 2024, while launching the FCO into 21st century operations.
Being an old poker player, seems like placing all our chips on the table, on a single bet.
Happy Holidays and glad to be back!
Thanks for doing the math on how professional property management should work and how many LCAM’s there should be. I’m also given to understand that PM services include “walking the court” to assess maintenance needed on the common areas, whether urgent or routine, whereas the FCO does not do this.
Wiseman. & Fountains Residents
Welcome Back!!
Your insights have been missed.
Now, “your points” are well taken.
These points would lead you to believe that the lack of CAM support and real property management over such an extended period contributed to more extensive repairs and replacements, that the Associations are now facing.
How about Original Equipment Manufacturers “OEM” maintenance schedules, Regular scheduled inspections, spot checks, service contract administration, etc.
Ignored was “pay for maintenance now, or pay way more later for emergency repairs or replacements.”
A perfect example today is an Associations large and unanticipated Capital improvement Assessments that are into unit owner collections for non payment.
Couple this with the resale market value of those units plummeting.
This is a product of years of negligent of Property Management.
I am aware of an owner being forced to rent out a unit, move to another location, because they are unable to sell the property. Not even a reverse mortgage works with equity diminished. How sad, after years of payments and trusting others!
The BOD being ill informed about the condition of the common property and correction steps that need to be taken, by LCAM’s, has taken its toll on Associations throughout the Fountains Community.
Association Bankruptcies’ are imminent, but can still be avoided with minimal financial pain, by seeking competent professional community management for guidance.
Best Wishes for a Safe and Happy Holiday Season
The Fountains Reporter
Plagiarism, the Sincerest form of Flattery
The next meeting of coalition 932 delegation representatives, will be on December 3, 2024, and will certainly be made easier in the decision-making process.
Coalition 932 and FS POA no longer have to speculate on the intention of the FCO to use Associations Reserve Funds for future G&A Operations.
Building Community
By The Numbers
“$1 million + In Reserves”
It has been reported that FCO MANAGEMENT LLC. “Brian Flores” as having plagiarized his previous employers, GRS’ marketing materials, while “presenting” to the remaining 11 FCO Association members.
Question: What is the need for a presentation to the 11 Associations now, when the deal has already been sealed?
Why the need for the FCO Logo being prominently displayed on the presentation?
Was this presentation submitted to the FCO BOD for approval?
Oh! These are measurable and deliverable commitments the FCO must now meet.
It appears that the 932 Coalition and FS POA can say their suspicions were well founded and their years of reserve contributions will be reallocated, should this presentation represent the FCO Boards position.
In 2025, the FCO/FCO Management LLC, will use the Associations Assessed Reserve Funds as a “Piggy Bank” for G&A operations.
The Flores/FCO presentation does lack some significant material details.
• How long has FCO Management LLC. provided these services to Communities impacting four key areas, Financial Management, Association Management, Board Communications, and Homeowner Engagement as listed in the presentation?
• What backup do you have for providing a single CAM should an unanticipated event create a LCAM vacancy, serving 835 Homes?
• How does an Associations BOD choosing to be a part of a team of highly qualified and dedicated people who are passionate about community association living, help them directly?
• When will the latest technology, best tools and proactive management services, become available?
The Presentation could be described as a wish list for the 11 remaining Associations.
The controlling FCO Seven “South Associations” finally know what Flores intends in 2025, after already committing to the FCO PM Agreement last August. Better late than never!
Should this update report include any errors or misrepresentations, they are unintentional and request that corrections be likewise posted on the Fountains Residents Network by those interested parties.
Happy Holidays!
The Fountains Reporter
This Guest Opinion appeared in the Palm Beach Post a couple of days ago. The landscape is changing and everyone should pay attention.
“New Florida Condo Rules Force Owner Decisions”
Your Turn
Joseph Hernandez | Guest columnist
The deadline for associations to receive their completed structural reserve studies is Dec. 31. Across the state, condo owners and their associations are going to soon be waking up to the reality that their financial situation is more tenuous than previously believed. The condo market in Florida is set to shift dramatically and condo owners need to act quickly to ensure the tides don’t turn too far against them.
Changes to the condominium laws have been looming over Florida’s condo market for several years. In 2022, the Florida legislature enacted changes to the Condo Act that would require all structures above three stories to have structural reserve studies done, and, starting in January 2026, associations shall be required to hold the capital needed for any repairs or maintenance required.
These reserves aren’t chump change; we’re talking about multimillion-dollar repairs – and that’s because the money needs to cover repairs that need to be made immediately plus repairs that are required within the next 10 years.
The associations can raise funds for repairs, by either passing special assessments or by increasing the monthly maintenance fees, either of which will be costly to the unit owners. Many condos will experience both at the same time.
It’s a recipe for financial disaster that’s going to impact more vulnerable families first. People on fixed incomes and middle class families – a group that makes up a large percentage of Florida’s condo owners – are going to find themselves with assessments that they can’t afford. Moreover, for many older projects the increasing cost to repair and maintain are not justified by the market value of the units, which for many projects are decreasing.
Florida condo owners, hear this bluntly: the window to sell has probably closed. Existing condo sales are down significantly when compared to last year and the median price of a condo over 30 years old has decreased.
Even if buyers were looking for condos with sky-high COA fees (which they’re not), banks are going to be hard-pressed to consider lending on a building with such upside down economics as some of these units face. More sellers are coming to the market but buyers simply aren’t interested.
Many condo unit owners have been able to get out by doing a bulk sale of their units to a developer. This makes sense because the land under an existing building is typically very valuable because it can be developed into a much more expensive project.
Some savvy condo associations were already anticipating this likelihood months ago; 2023 was a banner year for condo owners selling to developers. Bulk condo unit acquisitions, though difficult to pull off, are likely going to be well worth it for the condo owners that can get it done. Because of the value of the underlying land, in many cases, developers can actually offer unit owners significantly more than the market price of the unit. It’s time condo owners stop seeing themselves as property owners, and start seeing themselves for what they are: landowners.
Increasingly, however, 100% alignment of a building’s owners – or as close to it as is required by the condo’s original termination provision – is going to be necessary for condo owners looking to get a deal done.
With sellers in a tight spot and developers hardly better off, the Florida real estate market is teetering on the edge. The promise of a brighter tomorrow still exists – but it may take a few months or even years for the legislature to fully enact the needed Condo Act reforms.
Condo owners need to be smart with how they bring their properties to market. Buildings need to be putting together leadership committees with trusted neighbors who are keyed-in to the concerns and desires of the community. This leadership committee needs to prioritize transparent communication; conversations they’re having with lawyers and potential buyers need to be communicated effectively and honestly to fellow owners.
It’s do or die time for condo owners, who need to come together to stave off financial collapse. For many condo owners, united you stand and divided you fall – and the time to stand is now.
— Joseph Hernandez is a real estate partner at Miami-based Bilzin Sumberg.”
Value of the “FRNB” to The Fountains Community
The powers that be, in the Fountains of Palm Beach County, have always relied on their closed personal network to control the flow of selective information throughout the community.
Ten years ago, the Fountains Residents Network Blog was born and introduced into the Community a new platform for all residents to express concerns, opinions, and share “talk on the street”.
The Platform allows Postings, E-mail Address required, and only after “Administrative Moderation” will the post be added for public consumption.
Moderation by Administration may include a request for clarification or supporting references prior to publication.
The powers that be have perused a campaign to cast a negative stigma on both the contributors and the platform itself.
Fortunately, and unbeknownst to the detractors, the FRNB has thrived and become a point of information for residents throughout the year.
Even Snow Birds wanting to stay in touch with the goings-on in the community during periods of absences,the blog is here for them.
Does the Blog Administration need encouragement to sustain operations?
Gladly no!
The network has maintained an active data base and can boast, during the month of November, 2024, the platform had 28,152 hits.
Statistically, over the last few months daily hits have even reached 1,542. This is fulfilling encouragement!
Individuals are contributing and sharing more than ever before.
Now more than ever the Blog will play a crucial role in keeping the community up to date.
Have a Safe and Happy Holiday Season
The Fountains Reporter
Forging Ahead
December 7, 2024
Each year, thousands gather on the shores of Pearl Harbor to remember the events of December 7, 1941, reflecting on the lasting impact of that “Day of Infamy” and honoring the members of the Greatest Generation for their sacrifice, courage, and indomitable perseverance. The 83rd anniversary of Pearl Harbor invites us to focus on the theme of “Forging Ahead,” emphasizing not only the historical significance but also the vital role of the younger generation in preserving and honoring this legacy.
The attack on Pearl Harbor marked a pivotal moment in history, awakening America to a new reality of hardship and the specter of protracted war. The American people, both on the battlefields and the home front, rose to this challenge with resilience and determination. The adversity faced by those who served not only forged stronger individuals but also united the nation with a collective resolve. This anniversary is a tribute to their unyielding spirit and the powerful sense of duty that propelled them to face and overcome insurmountable odds.
As we commemorate this day, we must also look to the future and the role of the younger generation in carrying forward the legacy of the Greatest Generation. It is essential for today’s youth to understand and appreciate the sacrifices made during World War II, particularly in the Pacific theater, which began with the attack on Pearl Harbor. By doing so, they can draw inspiration from the courage and determination of those who came before them, understanding that the pursuit of peace requires the same resolute spirit that was needed to fight and win the war.
The annual Pearl Harbor Remembrance ceremony serves not only as a moment of reflection and gratitude but also as a call to action for the younger generation. It is a reminder to build on the solid foundation left by the Greatest Generation, adapting to new challenges with the same fortitude and commitment. As we honor the past, we forge ahead, ensuring that the lessons of history continue to guide us in creating a future that upholds the values of courage, resilience, and peace.
A contributor to the blog sent in this link of interest.
It links to a CNBC article on the effect of mandatory condo inspections which have resulted from the Surfside collapse in Miami.
Surfside Collapse Fallout
Thank you, subscriber!!!
In an effort to keep the news flowing, this Reporter has been remiss in ensuring that readers understand all the entities that I have continually referred to by their acronyms.
The leadership of the Fountains Condominium Operations, Inc. “FCO”, have most recently carried out a campaign to intentionally deceived Fountains Residents by identifying Lake Shore development as number 20, making it appear they are a member.
Also, essential to meet their Florida Statutory requirement to have a Licensed Community Association Manager, (“LCAM”) colluded with a potential candidate to create another entity, even using the same Principal Address, that by the untrained eye would appear to be owned and operated by the “FCO”.
This maneuver is typical of the efforts of the “FCO” leadership to avoid transparency and lure the residents into a false sense of security.
The residents, feeling secure, have over time abdicated their personal responsibility and control over the “FCO” Property Management Company that has, without restriction, overstepped its intended purpose as stated in their Articles of Incorporation.
Future postings will focus on the period from 2011, when the “FCO” ten (10) year Master Property Management Agreement was introduced and changes in its Declaration that provided the basis for an Executive Director to become indispensable, and for them to secede their oversight responsibilities.
Acronym Clarifications
“FCO Management LLC.” –
Florida Limited Liability Company
Filing Information
Document NumberL24000215783
Date Filed 05/08/2024
Effective Date 05/08/2024
State FL
Principal Address ( “FCO” Offices)?
Mailing Address
2876 N BIGHT
Registered Agent Name & Address
2876 N BIGHT
Authorized Person(s) Detail
Name & Address
Title MGR
2876 N BIGHT
Annual Reports
No Annual Reports Filed
“FCO”- Fountains Condominium Operations, Inc.
Filing Information
Document Number731853
FEI/EIN Number59-1570954
Date Filed02/10/1975
State FL
Event Date Filed10/24/2011
Event Effective Date NONE
Principal Address
Changed: 01/16/2009
Mailing Address
Changed: 01/16/2009
Registered Agent Name & Address
FCO Management LLC (Flores Company)
Name Changed: 06/21/2024
Address Changed: 01/12/2006
Officer/Director Detail
Name & Address
Title President, Director
Ciancanelli, Bernard
5760 Fountains Drive South
Title Director, VP
Harris, Scott
4702 Fountains Drive South
Apt. 101
Lake Worth, FL 33467
Title Director, Secretary
Widdoes, Mary
4547 Luxemburg Court
Lake Worth, FL 33467
Title Director, Treasurer
Gardner, Alan
5257 Fountains Drive South
Apt. 204
Lake Worth, FL 33467
Filing Information
Document Number 768023
FEI/EIN Number 59-2340750
Date Filed
State FL
Principal Address
Changed: 02/01/2005
Mailing Address
Changed: 02/01/2005
Registered Agent Name & Address
Name Changed: 06/21/2022
Address Changed: 06/21/2022
Officer/Director Detail
Name & Address
Title D, Treasurer
McBeth, Nancy
6764 Palermo Way
Title Director, President
Heyman, Richard
5713 Fountains Drive South
Title Director, VP
Ward, Richard
Title Director
Jordan, Steve
6717 Palermo Way
Title Director
Witterman, Bruce
5301 Fountains Drive South
Lake Worth, FL 33467
Happy Holidays!
The Fountains Reporter
Did the FCO Leadership Missed the Mark Again?
It has been reported that Brian Flores, Fountains Condominium Operations Inc. (” FCO”) a Florida Licensed Community Association Manager “LCAM”, publicly admits plagiarizing GRS Community Management Marketing Materials during the December 11, 2024, “FCO” Board of Directors (“BOD”) Meeting, while the “BOD” sits idly by.
Flores proudly displays his CMAC affiliation Logo and FCO Corporate Logos along with his titles, and contact information on his correspondence:
Brian Flores
Executive Director, LCAM | CMCA
Fountains Condominium Operations, Inc.
4615 Fountains Drive, Suite B
Lake Worth, FL 33467
(561)964-3600 Ext 111
Flores comes to the Fountains as a result of a contract between our “FCO, Inc.” not for profit and “FCO Management, LLC. for profit, formed May 8th 2024, owned by Flores. Does this contract include duties and responsibilities of an Executive Director which was never approved by the “FCO” BOD? The contract has not been made available to Fountains Resident at large to review.
Understanding the gravity of engaging a single LCAM as well as an Executive Director in a contract, you would expect that an ethics and moral clause would be included in an annual $110,000.00-dollar agreement.
Regardless of unknown contractual terms and conditions, certain Florida Administrative Code “Ethical” Requirements, prevail.
In Florida, a Community Association Manager (CAM) is ethically required to: comply with all relevant state laws and regulations, act in the best interests of the community association, maintain financial transparency, disclose conflicts of interest, uphold confidentiality, provide professional competence, and refrain from engaging in any practices that could be considered fraudulent or misleading, all as outlined in the Florida Administrative Code, specifically Rule 61-20.503, which governs the Standards of Professional Conduct for CAMs.
It has also been reported that Flores has failed to recognize that he remains bound to fulfill his ethical requirements to Tivoli, Atriums, Milan 1, Milan 2, and Esedra, Associations who are not officially opted out of “FCO” “PM” Agreements until midnight, December 31st, 2024. But to the contrary, has hindered a seamless transition befitting their status.
It has been suggested that the Fountains Community demand from “FCO” Leadership that the contract with “FCO Management LLC.”, now knowing that the LCAM has committed, as a minimum, ethical violations of Florida Administrative Code, they take all necessary actions to terminate the contract and shield the Community and themselves from potential litigation.
The Fountains Reporter
What does 2025 Hold for the Fountains?
Undeniably, 2024 has been a tumultuous year for the Fountains Condominium Operations, Inc. (” FCO”)
The reasons are numerous, but some more than others have had devastating impacts on their ability to sustain operations, while reinventing themselves as a Property Management Company going forward.
• Failing to recognize growing dissatisfaction with their service performance!
• Demonstrating the historically arrogant approach to customer relations
• Inability to timely craft a New 2024 Property Management Agreement.
• Loss of admired legacy hourly administrative staff
• Erroneously injecting themselves into negotiations with property developers, i.e. Concert Golf Partners and Ridgewood R.E. Partners.
• Supporting Selective Association Members while abandoning others.
• Collapsing service operations to 835 units.
• Allowing dominate Associations personalities to set direction and policy.
The list could go on, but in as much as the water has passed over the dam, nothing more need be said.
However, “FCO” actions or lack thereof in 2024 will have far reaching consequences in 2025.
• No formal written Agreement with nonmember Associations funding Road maintenance and Security
• Coalition 932 being isolated from joint talks on development of Parcel E
• Identifying Reserve Funds in a proposal as being available for operations
• Closing a blind eye to “FOC Management LLC” practices. For an ex-employee of “GRS Community Inc.” to shoplift marketing materials for self-enrichment is beyond the pale!
Then to use the materials and insert the Logo of, (in this case) a competing business, “FCO, Inc” is intolerable
(Copyright 2024 GRS Community Management. All Rights Reserved.)
The Plagiarized Corporate Intellectual Property also appears with Fountains Condominium Operations, Inc. logo.
GRS Community Management, has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars and thousands of hours of staff time to develop their copyrighted market materials that are recognized in the industry, as their brand.
Interested parties are joining together, of which the majority have committed to funding an escrow account “The Empowerment Fund”, to aid in their initiatives.
Preparations are also underway that will limit the ability of the Fountains Condominium Operations, Inc. to syphon off Association Assessed Reserve monies for operations.
Court ordered injunctions will be among tools employed in the process.
Best wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year
The Fountains Reporter
Need a title here
The Oakmont Board of Directors sent the following two letters expressing their dissatisfaction with the FSPOA to Oakmont residents.
From: Info
Subject: Oakmont Letters from your President
Date: January 17, 2025 at 4:57:10 PM EST
To Oakmont Residents,
Attached are important letters from Bernard Ciancanelli, President, Oakmont Board of Directors.
Oakmont Dissatisfaction with FSPOA
Oakmont Petition and Condemnation of FSPOA
The condemnation format of the second link has been sent to the 7 FSPOA Association Presidents for them to replicate the initiative.
Mail Donations to :
GRS Community Management, Inc.
3900 Wood Lake Boulevard, suite 309
Lake Worth Fl. 33463
Mark on your check For: 932 EMPOWERMENT FUN
Should this update report contain errors, omissions or misrepresentation, they are unintentional and request that corrections be likewise posted on the Fountains Residents Network by those interested parties.
The Fountains Reporter
Happy and Healthy New Year to all the Fountains Residents Network Blog Contributors, Reliable Sources and Loyal Subscribers who share meaningful news with others throughout the Fountains Community.
Next reported news posting, January 1, 2025.
The Fountains Reporter
Coalition 932 Associations now devoid of Property Management Agreement limitations, on exercising their “Lawful Rights,” are free to use all means necessary to fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities to members.
This reporter was just made aware that a first draft of the “EMPOWERMENT FUND” “Escrow Agent” Agreement is under review, as fund contributors are anxious to quickly launch several initiatives that require funding.
Next: The Fountains Reporter has been advised that “top secret” negotiations related to the Development of Parcel E, between the joint venture of Concert/Ridgewood, Fountains Condominium Operations, Inc., Plaza Court, Luxemburg Court and Versailles Court has been concluded.
Sorry to report that coalition 932 and I understand the FS POA representatives were simply excluded.
I suspect that this to be a priority initiative for the coalition?
Will the details of terms and conditions be forthcoming at the annual January 2025 FCO BOD Meeting?
Once again, the ‘FCO” Leadership and its BOD is assuming the function of a Property Owners Association and after forty-one years (41) of never owning real estate, is attempting to acquire land, structures, a bridge and private roads.
Reported on best authority, the Fountains Country Club, prior to selling its property assets to Concert Golf Partners, offered to transfer the same property assets in this recent negotiation to the FCO as Concert Golf Partners did not want these assets.
“FCO leadership rejected that offer!”
Now, this pro quid pro transaction relieves Concert of all past and future liabilities associated with ownership of these real property assets for a reported a cash payment to the FCO.
Question: Why payment to the “FCO” as Property Managers and not the Community?
Question: How much more will these acquired property assets add to the insurance premiums that will continue indefinitely?
Questions: Why is Craft Hall land being transferred to Luxemburg after the building is demolished? What benefit is this to the Community?
Apparently, the Joint Venture of Concert /Ridgewood feels confident that the remaining eleven (11) member Associations of the FCO, via the FCO Board of Directors, can commit and bind each of the Associations 835 residential units as well as influence the 932 coalition to sign an Agreement effecting the development of parcel E.
Should this update report contain errors, omissions or misrepresentation, they are unintentional and request that corrections be likewise posted on the Fountains Residents Network by those interested parties.
More news to follow.
The Fountains Reporter
So our overpaid, underperforming FCO manager issues a FCO meeting notice but fails to include a Zoom link for those unable to attend in person. ☹
Another great job Brian
Fountains Watchman
REVISED NOTICE December 31, 2024
TO: FCO Board of Directors
FROM: Bernard Ciancanelli, President, F.C.O.
The following is the agenda for the Annual Meeting of the F.C.O. Board of Directors to be held on Wednesday, January 8, 2025 at 6:00 3:30 p.m. in Poulette Hall.
1 Roll call
2 Reading and acceptance of the Minutes of the F.C.O. Regular Board Meeting held on December 11, 2024.
3 Manager’s Report……………. Brian Flores
4 President’…………………. Bernard Ciancanelli
5 Treasurer’s Report………….. Alan Gardner
6 Committee Reports:
7 Security/Grievance …………..Ben Geller
8 Landscaping ……………….. Suzi Poll, Tracy Siemsen
9 Maintenance ……………….. Scott Harris
10 Gate Committee ………………..Richard Heyman
11 POA ………………………… Richard Heyman
12 Hurricane Preparedness ……….. Robert Lipp
13 Old Business
14 New Business
A. Election of Officers
B. Appointment of Committee Chairpeople
1. Good and Welfare
2. Adjournment
Unit Owners are welcome to attend.
Fountains Watchman & Concerned Residents
Your comments are well founded.
Reported yesterday, was that Versailles Association Meeting last week was also absent of a Zoom link “because the FCO did not have the trained staff available to do so”.
Eight months into the FCO Management LLC. contract with Brain Flores, LCAM, and the simple task of conducting an Associations meeting to include a Zoom link could not happen.
Realistically Flores has his hands full transitioning the last five Associations who opted out of FCO Property Management to GRS.
News for another day!
Should this update report contain errors, omissions or misrepresentation, they are unintentional and request that corrections be likewise posted on the Fountains Residents Network Blog by those interested parties.
The Fountains Reporter
News of the day!
This reporters January 2, 2025, Independence Day Post has exposed even more about Secret Negotiations that will have far reaching impacts on the “ENTIRE” Fountains Community.
Some participants involved in the negotiations have ” Broken Ranks,” recognizing future disastrous pitfalls should this deal be consummated and are “leaking” information.
Apparently both the FCO Bernard Ciancanelli, President Scott Harris, Vice President and Cathy Widdoes, Secretary are representing the FCO as well as their respective Associations, Oakmont, Versailles and Luxemburg in these negotiations.
I was given reliable information regarding the “top secret” negotiations among Concert/Ridgewood (Jonathan Grebow), FCO, Plaza, Luxemburg, and Versailles.
Concessions by Concert/Ridgewood, to this “Pact” include real property transfer(s), and a cash settlement of a reported $4 million-dollars to the FCO.
Also reported is that the FCO will somehow attempt to reallocate the settlement money to the 11 Courts remaining under property management.
An individual attending this meeting did report that FCO leadership was intent on punishing the 8 courts that left, by excluding them from any portion of the settlement, but believe that they will find themselves faced with lawsuits should this happen.
On Wednesday January 8, 2025, 3:30 P.M, Poulette Hall the FCO will have its annual meeting.
Hopefully reports on the agenda by the LCAM/ED Brian Flores and/or Bernard Ciancanelli, FCO President, will provide answesr to many questions surrounding the negotiated “Deal”?
Also reported is the coalition leadership is meeting sometime in January. No date set as they are waiting to hear what will be reported at the FCO annual meeting.
Should this update report contain errors, omissions or misrepresentation, they are unintentional and request that corrections be likewise posted on the Fountains Residents Network by those interested parties.
The Fountains Reporter
Money Talks
Anonymous Pledge to 932 Coalition Empowerment Fund
It has just been reported that the first funding to the 932 Coalition Empowerment Fund has been pledged by an anonymous benefactor.
Upon confirmation of completion of the Escrow Agent Agreement, acceptable to the donor, funds will be deposited for the benefit of (“FBO”) the 932 Coalition in the Agents Account.
The Escrowed Funds can be applied to initiatives benefiting the coalition in its efforts to recover reserve funds from the Property Managers, Fountains Condominium Operations, Inc., address impacts of additional residential development of Parcel A & Parcel E, fund alternative vehicle access, fund alternative security and to secure portions of a $4 million-Dollar settlement negotiated between the FCO and Concert/Ridgewood.
Should this update report contain errors, omissions or misrepresentation, they are unintentional and request that corrections be likewise posted on the Fountains Residents Network by those interested parties.
The Fountains Reporter
There is a rumor that the Board of Directors for Tivoli Court voted to kick one of their directors off the Board.
If this is true, it’s illegal. The Directors are elected by the Tivoli homeowners and can only be removed by the homeowners. The homeowners could be asked to vote on a recall, but the Board cannot kick off one of its members.
Well, it’s not true
Kick JONH OFF THE BOARD. What a bully.
Dennis, thank you for setting the record straight, but what actually happened? Because what residents of Tivoli are saying is that multiple people got phone calls that she said she was told by you that she is off the board and that the board has voted to remove her. So it’s best you stop these rumors by clarifying the situation.
Peter, what’s going on in Tivoli? Why are they removing healthy trees and protecting dead ones? It’s unbelievable. There is a history of bullying and nastiness by certain board members toward residents, and multiple board members have even called the police on residents for no reason, like him, for simply taking pictures of a building’s painting job! It seems that they are only interested in showing their power.
It is out of control. Does this board really want another lawsuit? This has to stop. More residents need to speak up against this.
FCO Minions Power Play Continues
The Fountains Reporter has received copies two letters from the Oakmont BOD President that were e-mailed by the FCO, to its residents.
Copies have been sent to the FRNB administrator for moderation and Posting.
Apparently under the guise of a brief but very important update, at 4:58 P.M. Friday, January 17th 2025, the letters were sent to Oakmont residents by the FCO.
They are self-explanatory but reportedly only to a point.
Reported by two reputable sources notification was given to the FCO that because 26% of the FS-POA membership, 110 units, were opting out of FCO PM Agreements, the FS-POA would need insight on how their relationship with GRS Community Management would affect the organizations.
During the same time frame it became clear that signing onto the exclusive FCO agreement would still leave the FS-POA lacking an annual budget, Accounting Functions, Banking, etc. These had been requested since 2021, but never provided while under the previous FCO Agreement.
I have also received a copy of a response to the allegations by Bernard Ciancanelli, President Oakmont BOD, by Richard B. Ward, current V.P. FS-POA
It reads as follows:
“Oakmont BOD
You all have been copied on the FS-POA request for information from the 7 Court Presidents (FRNB Subscribers document to Follow).
Your condemnation and distribution of the FS-POA current Board of Directors perceived actions based upon a single source of misinformation Is not only appalling but I assert slanderous to the individuals who have worked diligently, myself over 4 years fulfilling my fiduciary responsibility under the Master Declaration to do “Anything Reasonably Necessary to Promote, Common Health, Safety, or Welfare of the unit owners of the Fountains South”.
I never asked for or received a thank you, but rather a condemnation from Board Members with whom I served for almost four years even being depicted by Ben Geller, then President (e-mail records available) in an unsavory fashion.
I personally attended the Oakmont, January 2025, Annual BOD meeting as a resident as well as the current V.P. of the FS-POA.
The minutes of the meeting will reflect that the Oakmont BOD did not recognize me as the FS-POA representative being present or asked any questions pertaining to the activities of the FS-POA.
Had this happened in my opinion it could have alleviated the need for Bernard Ciancanelli, President of Oakmont to carry out what, in my opinion, is a “SMEAR” campaign.
The FS-POA Presidents January 9, 2025 report to the FCO BOD was removed from the agenda by the FCO President Bernard Ciancanelli, that, in my opinion, would have also removed the need for the FCO to meet with the seven Southern Courts under the Jurisdiction of the FS-POA, once the FCO BOD had been privileged to the content.
Written portion of the FS-POA Report available upon request.
However, Richard “Dick” Heyman, FS-POA President was reluctantly recognized to speak at which time, Dick, addressed Brian Flores about needing to join together for the benefit of the entire community inclusive of the previous FCO members who opted out of FCO PM agreements.
Brian recognized the possibility but cited the FS-POA letter indicating the FS-POA would not sign the “exclusive” FCO PM agreement.
Note Not signing off on the FCO PM agreement is the basis for this new campaign against the FS-POA.
Article 4. of the FCO Articles of Incorporation, i.e.
4.1 . Each Member(except The Fountains South Property Owners Association. Inc.) as a condition of membership, must execute a property management agreement with the Corporation in a form approved by the Corporation.
4.2 All of the Members shall have voting rights except the Fountains South Property Owners Association, Inc. It shall not have any voting rights or voting privileges, but its representatives shall attend meetings and have all of the other rights and privileges afforded any other member.
The FS-POA in 2021 did sign-off on the FCO PM agreement but I assert did not under that agreement or following requests provide budgetary, accounting, or collection of FS-POA assessment support.
Ironically without the support of Bernard Ciancanelli, (who withdrew his request to be interviewed by the FS-POA nominating committee in 2023) being President of the FCO and Oakmont, contributed directly to insufficient proxies being received to change the FS-POA By-Laws (same being Co-authored by the FCO & FS-POA) by publicly supporting the initiative, the FS-POA Board election process in 2025 would have been open to any of the 508 members and anyone receiving sufficient votes becoming Board Members.
To the best of my knowledge, as of yesterday, 4 of the five FS-POA board members were considering not standing for re-election in 2025.
Today may be somewhat different???
FCO Nomination Committee Chair will be chosen shortly. Information on how to request an interview will also be distributed.
I request your immediate consideration in retraction of the condemnation.”,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
The Fountains Reporter
Is the challenge of the FS-POA to return to prominence coming to a close?
“FS-POA documented attempt for revival”
The Fountains reported has obtained the following documentation.
Good afternoon.
Once again, I am relying on your expertise to guide me along the correct path.
The role of the FSPOA is now subject to change as Concert/Ridgewood move forward with Master Land Asset Disposal and Master Business Development initiatives.
Leadership of both FSPOA and the FCO could not have anticipated where we are today in dealing with entities whose interests may not align with the best interests of the Fountains Community.
We have spoken in the past about proactive initiatives which may benefit all parties even if their interests remain self-serving.
The role FSPOA, by design has been diminished, to an “Asset Holding” vehicle while the FCO has grown into a “full service” property management entity for the 19 Fountains Courts as well as providing administrative support for the FSPOA.
Consensus of the FSPOA Board is that it must reconstitute its position in order to effectively respond to the responsibilities contained within the Master Declaration that requires the Board of Directors to do “Anything Reasonably Necessary to Promote, Common Health, Safety, or Welfare of the unit owners of the Fountains South”.
Now some points that need to be investigated.
The FSPOA Board is considering changes to extend the Board Member terms of service.
The FSPOA Board is considering modification of how the slate of candidates for Board positions is selected.
The FSPOA Board is considering increasing the number of regular meetings during the year.
The FSPOA Board is considering, if necessary, assessments to the residents and how the funds once collected will remain under the control of the FSPOA. For the benefit of the residents.
The FSPOA is considering re-establishing an annual budget as stipulated in the Master Declaration regardless of the fact that at some time in the past a decision was made by Board Members of the FCO, that a budget was unnecessary.
The FSPOA is considering possible Amendments to the Master Declaration to address the items such as those stated above.
The FSPOA has historically mailed annual proxies to the residents to allow the FSPOA President (unless otherwise assigning to another person) to vote for items on the annual agenda and any other items properly brought before the Board to be voted upon.
Can you clarify procedurally how the Proxy process can be employed to address Amendments /Changes to the Master Declaration?
Thanks as always for your assistance!
Richard B. Ward, V.P. FSPOA, 2021”
The Fountains Reporter
Fountains Residents and Subscribers
Unsolicited Private Donation Funds 932 Coalition Empowerment Fund
Reported by reliable sources, is that a private cash Donation has provided the initial funding for the Empowerment Fund.
The donor understood that the donation will not be Federal Tax Deductible.
So, now not only can the Coalition Associations easily contribute, but any interested party wanting to have a voice in what the future of the Fountains of Palm Beach County will look like, can add money to support all or specific initiatives, one of which is your “Property Ownership Rights”.
Realistically, Empowerment is a combination of participating interested parties (now thousands of residents) and the ability to fund initiatives that have been recognized by the Community that will enhance the experience of living in the Fountains.
The 932 Coalition leadership has “Empowered” Steve Jordan, Atriums BOD as its trusted Spokesperson. Sources will provide details to the Fountains Reporter for future postings on how to contribute to the 932 Coalition Empowerment Fund.
Should this update report contain errors, omissions or misrepresentation, they are unintentional and request that corrections be likewise posted on the Fountains Residents Network Blog by those interested parties
The Fountains Reporter
Loyal subscribers and interested parties.
Seamless Transition Goes Amuck
Remember, January 4, 2025 The Fountains Reporters post?
“Realistically Flores has his hands full transitioning the last five Associations who opted out of FCO Property Management to GRS.
News for another day!”
Well here it is!!! Fresh off the press.
FCO, Inc. & FCO Management LLC. fail to meet Florida Statutory requirements for transitioning documentation for the last five courts that opted out of Property Management Agreements and moved to GRS Community Management, as of 12:01 a.m., January 1, 2025.
Reported by multiple reputable sources involved with process, Brian Flores, FCO ED and LCAM, has continually placed obstacles in the way of the seamless transition process “over promised” by Bernard Ciancanelli, FCO President, in praising the professionalism of Flores.
Reports indicate that contact with Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation, that oversees professional licensing, has been made, on behalf of the transitioning Associations.
Per authorities, Florida Statute also requires GRS Community Management to report the failure and obstructionism after the 20th of January 2025.
Reported is that some associations are also directing their Treasurers to move their remaining FCO Inc. operating account funds to GRS immediately.
Another failure, the FCO Inc./ Flores guaranteed to at the Annual Meeting, to provide all Associations with a copy of the FCO financial audit the next day. This audit report is also required to be provided to the Atriums, Milan 1 and Milan 2 , as they were under FCO PM agreement in 2024. Apparently, another failure as this has not happened as of this posting.
Once tightly held information is leaking like a sieve as even the tightknit group sees disaster on the horizon.
Should this update report contain errors, omissions or misrepresentation, they are unintentional and request that corrections be likewise posted on the Fountains Residents Network Blog by those interested parties
The Fountains Reporter
Fountains Reporter
Is there any truth to the rumor that the 2025 Fountains Resident Directory will be a double sided single page with the removal of all residents living on the courts that now have migrated to GRS?
Longtime Resident
Long time resident
Thank you for the question.You are aware that the FCO Inc. did not publish a directory in 2023 citing cutting expenses and minimal resident turn over.
This reporter looks to “reputable sources” for posting “news” on the Blog.
I have not had any specifics reported on what a “2025 Fountains Of Palm Beach Directory” will look like or contain.
Should the title remain, I would think all Fountains Residents should be included who ever their Property Management or Community Management provider may be.
I understand that the FCO Inc. monitors this publication so lets just ask Brian Flores FCO Inc. Licensed Community Association Manager (LCAM”) although he may be to busy responding the Florida DBPR, see January 25th Post, as well as responding to the 5 Courts and GRS.
Should this update report contain errors, omissions or misrepresentation, they are unintentional and request that corrections be likewise posted on the Fountains Residents Network Blog by those interested parties
The Fountains Reporter
Cabal Weaponizes FCO Inc. to do their bidding
It has been reported that Bernard Ciancanelli President of FCO Inc. deliberately removed FS-POA report from the January 9, 2025 Annual Meeting Agenda, silencing FS-POA President Richard “Dick” Heyman from reporting.
Then attacks!
Two reliable sources say Dick Heyman was prepared to report the following:
First: A verbal reporting status on a FS-POA 2025 Property Management or Community Management Agreement for the single largest Fountains Association, “508” residential units.
Second: A written Proposed Memorandum of Mutual Understanding between the FS-POA and the FCO Inc. to embark on creation of an overarching Fountains Property Owners Association “FPOA” aligning the interests of all Fountain Associations while creating a path to add new Not-for-Profit Associations resulting from the residential Development of Lake Shore and Parcel E.
“FS POA” – “FCO”
Workshop Establishing
“Fountains Property Owners Association” Commission
POA Report January 8, 2025
(The full Document was provided that included a road map for the year 2025)
Moving on:
Near the conclusion, of the meeting, forcefully addressing the FCO President to speak, Dick Heyman directly address Brian Flores, FCO LCAM /FCO Management LLC Principle, about working together (FCO Inc. Minutes will reflect.)
Thereafter, leaked to this reporter, a short-heated encounter between Ciancanelli, Flores, and Heyman followed the Annual meeting in the FCO administrative offices, being unproductive. Reported, Ciancanelli and Flores pressed Heyman to sign the 2025 FCO PM agreement. Heyman expressed the consensus of the FS-POA BOD was to enter a modified (which he had in hand) agreement and he would need a vote of the BOD to sign-off on anything else.
Frustrated with the inability to have Heyman sign-off on the FCO PM Agreement the FCO then along with the FCO attorney, Rodney L Tennyson conducted a secret meeting
with 7 South Court Presidents remaining members.
Upon discovery of the meeting the FS-POA responded in writing, in part, “We have been advised that the FCO and its attorney Rodney L. Tennyson secretly met with seven “South Association Presidents” who represent 398 of the 508 residential units in the FS-POA.
Unfortunately, the FS-POA BOD did not received a notice of this meeting thus did not attend.
It would have been an excellent opportunity for the FS-POA to address questions or concerns from all South Association Presidents. Be that as it may.”
The secret meeting resulted in a letter to GRS Community Management who they believed had entered into a Community Management Agreement similar to the eight Fountains Courts who opted out of FCO Property Management. Most likely this assumption was the result of a clerical error by a GRS employee who had requested documentation on the remaining 7 southern courts from Brian Flores.
The letter resulting from the secret meeting requested FS-POA documentation from GRS.
Upon notification from GRS the FS-POA responded by e-mail to the 7 court Presidents and Brian Flores, FCO LCAM, cited above, (Copy Available upon request) from Richard B. Ward V.P. FS-POA.
On Sunday afternoon, January 19, 2025, an emergency meeting was called by two FS-POA Directors following the actions of the FCO Inc. and FCO Management LLC. owned by Brian Flores, FCO Inc. LCAM.
Friday, January 10th, 2025 3:15 P.M., “if we do not have the signed FCO agreement in our office before close of business today the POA will be removed from the FCO D&O insurance policy which, per section 3.1.10 of the POA Declaration, is a requirement.
We would be obligated to notify your management company that you have been removed from the policy.”
Blatant extortion?
The FS-POA BOD voted 4 yes, 1 abstaining, to approve Under duress, the FCO Inc. contract that was provided by the FCO to Richard “Dick” Heyman, President FS-POA. He then signed the Agreement.
The signed agreement was handed to the non-board member secretary, Dennis Krasner, to deliver to the FCO along with the written resignations of Rich “Dick” Heyman and Richard B. Ward, V.P. FS-POA.
Upon notice from Dennis Krasner, the signed unaltered FCO agreement and resignations were retrieved from his residence, by Bernard Caincanelli, FCO President, who accepted them that same day, January 19, 2025.
On January 21, 2025 the forwarded a notification from FS-POA secretary, Dennis Krasner (Heyman appointed Chair FS-POA Nominating Committee) to all FS-POA residents detailing the process to be interviewed by committee for inclusion on the recommended slate in keeping with services provided under the agreement signed on January 19, 2025.
Subsequently the remaining members FS-POA B.O.D. have been notified that the signed agreement of, January 19, 2025, is null and void and a New Agreement must now be signed.
Upon review the New Agreement basically abdicates the responsibilities of the FS-POA BOD, to Brian Flores, FCO Inc. LCAM.
Thankfully the Fountains Resident Network “Site Monitor” has graciously agreed to publish documents related to Blog posts that otherwise would not be available to the readers or interested general public.
OH! Talk about interest! It has been recently reported the Palm Beach Post has taken an interested in the developments at the Fountains, especially Coalition 932.
Should this update report contain errors, omissions or misrepresentation, they are unintentional and request that corrections be likewise posted on the Fountains Residents Network Blog by those interested parties
More News to follow!
The Fountains Reporter
Long Time Resident et al.
Should my response to you seemed disingenuous, my apologies. It is never the intent of this reporter to be disrespectful to a contributor.
Past FCO Inc. excuses for not publishing a directory were foremost on my mind rather than the suggestion that should the FCO Inc. continue losing Association business, it would only necessitate a single page printed on both sides to supply a directory.
Thank you for your understanding!
The Fountains reporter